Wu Shuyao

Doctoral Degree in Science

Postgraduate (Doctoral)


Personal Information:

Date of Employment:2021-09-01



I am an Assistant Professor at the Center for Yellow River Ecosystem Products of Shandong University in Qingdao, China. I received  Ph.D. in physical geography from Peking University in 2019. I received an honorary bachelor’s degree in natural resource conservation science from UBC in 2013 and a master’s degree in forestry and biological sciences from UBC and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in 2015. 

My recent research focus centered around ecosystem services, particularly on topics such as biodiversity’s effects on the supply of ecosystem services, the spatiotemporal dynamics of different ecosystem services under disturbances, and the creation of ES-based management plans to promote sustainable development.

2015.9  to  2019.7
Peking University | Physical Geography | Postgraduate (Doctoral) | Doctoral Degree in Science
2019.8  to  2021.8
Duke Kunshan University | Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)
2017.12  to  2018.6
Yale University | Visiting Assistant in Research
2013.9  to  2015.5
The University of British Columbia | Forestry | Master's degree completion | Master of Forestry
2013.9  to  2015.5
Swedish University of Agricultural Science | Biology | Master's degree completion | Master of Science
2009.9  to  2013.5
The University of British Columbia | Natural Resources Conservation | University graduated | Bachelor's Degree in Science

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