
秦智,男,山西大同人,博士,副研究员,入选山东大学青年学者未来计划。1991年生,2010-2019年于哈尔滨工业大学获得热能与动力工程专业学士学位、动力工程专业硕士学位及工程热物理专业博士学位;后在山东大学光学工程专业从事博士后研究;2022年5月加入山东大学从事科研教学工作。目前围绕高超声速飞行器周围高温气体中存在的光谱辐射、化学反应及传输特性等现象进行研究,致力于构建高温气体基础光谱辐射特性、反应速率、热导率及粘性系数等传输特性相关的基础数据库,为高超声速飞行器的发展提供基础数据支撑;构建的数据也可用于各种工业生产中,比如燃烧系统反应模拟、工业热等离子体光谱建模等。近几年在Astrophysical Journal, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Chemical Physics Letters, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Molecular Physics, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy上发表SCI论文20余篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,中国博士后基金第70批面上项目,山东省自然科学基金青年项目,山东省博士后创新项目,青岛市博士后应用研究项目等。

招生: 每年招收2~3人(硕士),欢迎报名。邮箱:z.qin@sdu.edu.cn

相关个人网址:        Github                Researchgate                  ORCID                    Google

课题组文章:    Publications

  • 2016-9 — 2019-10
  • 2014-9 — 2016-7
  • 2010-9 — 2014-7
  • 2022-05 — 至今
  • 2020-05 — 2022-05

(1) 分子高精度光谱模型构建

(2) 分子量子态分辨的缔合及光解动力学

(3) 分子碰撞理论及计算

(4) 高温气体传输特性


(1) 丁子.Scattering cross sections and collision integrals for N(4S)-N+(3P) and N(4S)-N+(1D) interactions.PHYSICS OF FLUIDS.2023,35 (8)

(2) 秦智.Radiative association of P+(3P) and O(3P) for the PO+ formation.MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY.2023,523 (2):2684

(3) 后振鲁.Formation of SiO+ through radiative association of Si+(3s23p 2Pu) and O(2s22p4 3Pg).ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS.2023,672 (none)

(4) 后振鲁.Transport collision integrals for C(5S)-H(2S), C(1S)-H(2S), C(1D)-H(2S), and C(3P)-H(2S) interactions.PHYSICS OF FLUIDS.2023,35 (8)

(5) 白甜瑞.Ultraviolet spectroscopy of AlO from first principle.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.2023,302

(6) 丁子.Collision integrals for N(4S)-N(4S), N(4S)-N(2D), and N(4S)-N(2P) interactions.PHYSICS OF FLUIDS.2023,35 (2)

(7) 陈广安.An accurate NH2(X2A′′) CHIPR potential energy surface via extrapolation to the complete basis set limit and dynamics of the N(2D) + H2(X1σ+g) reaction.Physical chemistry chemical physics.2022,24 (43):26564

(8) 李希铭.Reaction dynamics of C(3P) + Si2(X 3 Σ-g) → Si(3P) + SiC(X 3Π) on a global CHIPR potential energy surface of the ground state Si2C(X 1A1).MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY.2023,522 (2):3049

(9) Ximing Li,Zhi Qin,Jing Li*,Linhua Liu*.An accurate NH2(X2A′′) CHIPR potential energy surface via extrapolation to the complete basis set limit and dynamics of the N(2D) + H2(X1Σ+g) reaction.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.2022,24 :26564

(10) Zhi Qin, Tianrui Bai, Linhua Liu*.An ab initio study for the photodissociation of HCl and HF.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.2022,516 (1):550

(11) Han Meng, Zhi Qin*, Linhua Liu*.Formation of CO through C (2s (2)2p (2) P-3) and O (2s (2)2p (4) P-3) Radiative Association.Astrophysical Journal.2022,935 (2)

(12) Shuai Zhang, Zhi Qin*, Linhua Liu*.A quantum mechanical calculation of the CN radiative association.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.2022,515 (4):6066

(13) Guangan Chen, Zhi Qin*, Jing Li, Linhua Liu*.A global CHIPR potential energy surface of PH2(X2B1) via extrapolation to the complete basis set limit and the dynamics of P(2D) + H2(X1Σ+g) → PH(X3Σ-) + H(2S)..Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.2022,24 :19371

(14) Zhi Qin, Tianrui Bai, Linhua Liu*.Destruction of AIF: a quantum study of its ground -state photodissociation.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.2022,510 (2):3011

(15) Tianrui Bai, Zhi Qin*, Linhua Liu*.Rate coefficients of the aluminium monoxide formation by radiative association.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.2022,510 (2):1649

(16) Zhi Qin, Tianrui Bai, Linhua Liu*.Temperature-dependent direct photodissociation cross sections and rates of AlCl.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.2021,508 :2848-2854

(17) Zhi Qin, Tianrui Bai, Linhua Liu*.Radiative association of atomic and ionic nitrogen.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.2021,507 :2930-2936

(18) Zhi Qin, Tianrui Bai, Linhua Liu*.Spectral transition properties of the A1Π-X1Σ+ system for PN.Chemical Physics Letters.2021,982 :139028

(19) Zhi Qin, Tianrui Bai, Linhua Liu*.Rovibrationally resolved photodissociation of AlH via excited electronic states.Astrophysical Journal.2021,917 :87(12pp)

(20) Tianrui Bai, Zhi Qin*, Linhua Liu*.Thermodynamic and radiative properties of TiO in local thermal equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions.Molecular Physics.2021,505 (2177-2185)

(21) Zhi Qin, Tianrui Bai, Linhua Liu*.Line lists for the X2Σ+-X2Σ+, A2Π-A2Π and A2Π-X2Σ+ transitions of CP.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.2021,258 :107352

(22) Tianrui Bai, Zhi Qin*, Linhua Liu*.Rovibrationally resolved direct photodissociation of MgO.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.2021,505 (2177-2185)

(23) Tianrui Bai, Zhi Qin*, Linhua Liu*.Radiative association for the formation of MgO.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.2021,500 (2496-2502)

(24) Tianrui Bai, Zhi Qin, Linhua Liu*.Spin-forbidden electronic transition properties of MgO.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.2020,254 :107086

(25) Zhi Qin, Tianrui Bai, Junming Zhao, Linhua Liu*.Transition properties between low-lying electronic states of SiO+.Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy.2020,370 :111298

(26) Zhi Qin, Junming Zhao, Linhua Liu*.Radiative transition probabilities between low-lying electronic states of N2.Molecular Physics.2019,117 :2418-2433

(27) Zhi Qin, Junming Zhao, Linhua Liu*.Spectroscopic investigations of transition properties for the electronic states of PN+ correlating to two lowest dissociation limits.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.2019,233 :110-118

(28) Zhi Qin, Junming Zhao, Linhua Liu*.Theoretical study on low-lying electronic states of CP radical: Energy levels, Einstein coefficients, Franck-Condon factors and radiative lifetimes.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.2019,230 :36-47

(29) Zhi Qin, Junming Zhao, Linhua Liu*.Energy levels, transition dipole moment, transition probabilities and radiative lifetimes for low-lying electronic states of PN.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.2019,227 :47-56

(30) Zhi Qin, Junming Zhao, Linhua Liu*.High-temperature partition functions, specific heats and spectral radiative properties of diatomic molecules with an improved calculation of energy levels.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.2018,210 :1-18

(31) Zhi Qin, Junming Zhao, Linhua Liu*.Radiative transition probabilities for the main diatomic electronic systems of N2, N2+, NO, O2, CO, CO+, CN, C2 and H2 produced in plasma of atmospheric entry.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.2017,202 :286-301

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