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2016    山东大学青年教师课堂教学比赛优秀奖;
2009    山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果奖;


  • 2004-9 — 2009-6
  • 1999-9 — 2003-6
  • 2009-09 — 2013-08
  • 2013-09 — 2023-08
  • 2023-09-至今

1.  张斌. Noise-like pulse generation in an Nd-doped single-mode all-fiber mode-locked Raman laser operating at 0.93 μm.  Optics Express,  30,  2022. 

2.  胡琼宇. Passively Q-switched Yb-doped dual-wavelength fiber laser based on a gold-nanocage saturable absorber.  Applied optics,  57,  2018. 

3.  胡琼宇. Passively Mode-Locked Er-Doped Fiber Laser Based on Sb2S3-PVA Saturable Absorber.  Molecules,  27,  2022. 

4.  徐利伟. All-fiber all-normal-dispersion passively mode-locked neodymium-doped fiber laser operation at 1064 nm.  LASER PHYSICS,  32,  2022. 

5.  白金玺. Diode-pumped passively Q-switched Nd:YAG ceramic laser with a gold nanotriangles saturable absorber at 1 um.  Applied Physics Express,  10,  2017. 

6.  秦琦. Passively Q-Switched Nd:YVO4 Laser Using a Gold Nanotriangle Saturable Absorber.  chinese physics letters,  35,  2018. 

7.  张斌. Generation of 12th order harmonic mode-locking in a Nd-doped single-mode all-fiber laser operating at 0.9 μm.  Chinese Optics Letters,  21,  2023. 

8.  李平. Research of multi-pulses emission in passively Q-switched Nd3+:YAG microchip laser.  OPTIK,  132,  2017. 

9.  陈晓寒. Nanosecond-pulsed Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at 1064 nm with a gold nanotriangle saturable absorber.  APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS,  124,  2018. 

10.  张斌. Unusual evolutions of pulses and spectra in an Yb-doped intra-cavity cascaded Raman fiber laser.  Infrared Physics and Technology,  120,  2022. 

11.  刘靖. Generation of pulse bursts in an Yb-doped all-normal dispersion passively mode-locked fiber laser with Raman scatting.  OPTIK,  251,  2022. 

12.  胡琼宇. High-order harmonic mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser based on a SnSe2 saturable absorber.  Optics and Laser Technology,  119,  2019. 

13.  刘靖. Generation of dissipative soliton resonance and pulse burst in an Nd-doped all-fiber mode-locked laser operating at 910 nm.  Infrared Physics and Technology,  125,  2022. 

14.  赵浩旭. Stable and high energy ytterbium-doped mode-locked fiber laser based on a franckeite-polymer film modulator.  Optical Materials Express,  12,  2022. 

15.  李明. 21.8 W CW second-Stokes CVD-diamond Raman laser at 1516 nm.  APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS,  124,  2018. 

16.  白金玺. Au nanocage/SiO2 saturable absorber for passive Q-switching Yb-doped fiber laser.  LASER PHYSICS,  28,  2018. 

17.  高亮. Actively Controllable Terahertz Metal–Graphene Metamaterial Based on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Effect.  Nanomaterials ,  12,  2022. 

18.  张斌. Single- and dual-wavelength noise-like pulses generation in a Nd-doped all-fiber ring laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation.  Infrared Physics and Technology,  116,  2021. 

19.  胡琼宇. High-order harmonic mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser based on a SnSe2 saturable absorber.  Optics and Laser Technology,  119,  2019. 

20.  张斌. Generation of 12th order harmonic mode-locking in a Nd-doped single-mode all-fiber laser operating at 0.9 μm.  Chinese Optics Letters,  2023. 

21.  刘靖. Generation of dissipative soliton resonance and pulse burst in an Nd-doped all-fiber mode-locked laser operating at 910 nm.  Infrared Physics & Technology,  125,  2022. 

22.  徐利伟. All-fiber all-normal-dispersion passively mode-locked neodymium-doped fiber laser operation at 1064 nm.  LASER PHYSICS,  2022. 

23.  张斌. Noise-like pulse generation in an Nd-doped single-mode all-fiber mode-locked Raman laser operating at 0.93 μm.  Optics Express,  30,  2022. 

24.  赵浩旭. Stable and high energy ytterbium-doped mode-locked fiber laser based on a franckeite-polymer film modulator.  Optical Materials Express,  12,  2844-2854, 2022. 

25.  刘靖. Generation of pulse bursts in an Yb-doped all-normal dispersion passively mode-locked fiber laser with Raman scatting.  Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics,  251,  2022. 

26.  胡琼宇. Passively Mode-Locked Er-Doped Fiber Laser Based on Sb2S3-PVA Saturable Absorber.  Molecules,  27,  2022. 

27.  李明. All-fiber all-normal-dispersion passively mode-locked neodymium-doped fiber laser operation at 1064 nm(2人共同通讯作者).  Laser Physics Letters,  2022. 

28.  李明. Single- and dual-wavelength noise-like pulses generation in a Nd-doped all-fiber ring laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation(2人共同通讯作者).  Infrared Physics and Technology,  2021. 

29.  李明. Unusual evolutions of pulses and spectra in an Yb-doped intra-cavity cascaded Raman fiber laser(2人共同通讯作者).  Infrared Physics and Technology,  2022. 

30.  李明. Single- and dual-wavelength noise-like pulses generation in a Nd-doped all-fiber ring laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation.  Infrared Physics and Technology,  2021. 

31.  李明. Unusual evolutions of pulses and spectra in an Yb-doped intra-cavity cascaded Raman fiber laser.  Infrared Physics and Technology,  2022. 

32.  张斌. Unusual evolutions of pulses and spectra in an Yb-doped intra-cavity cascaded Raman fiber laser.  120,  2022. 

33.  徐利伟. All-fiber all-normal-dispersion passively mode-locked neodymium-doped fiber laser operation at 1064 nm.  LASER PHYSICS,  32,  2022. 

34.  邵贤彬. 915 nm 单频Nd∶YAG 晶体衍生光纤激光器.  光学学报,  41,  2021. 

35.  冯怡文. Application of TDM and FDM methods in TDLAS based multi-gas detection.  量子光学,  53,  2021. 

36.  张斌. Single- and dual-wavelength noise-like pulses generation in a Nd-doped all-fiber ring laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation.  Infrared Physics and Technology,  116,  2021. 

37.  丛振华. Injection-Seeded Terahertz Parametric Oscillator with a Ring-Cavity Configuration.  CRYSTALS,  10,  2020. 

38.  贾晨阳. Theoretical and experimental study on a large energy potassium titanyl phosphate terahertz parametric source.  光学和激光技术,  121,  2020. 

39.  高飞龙. High Average Power Diode-Side-Pumped Intracavity Terahertz Parametric Source Based on Stimulated Polariton Scattering in RbTiOPO4 Crystal.  IEEE Photonics Journey,  12,  2020. 

40.  王鹏. Modeling of ntracavity-pumped Q-switched terahertz parametric oscillators based on stimulated polariton scattering.  光学特快,  28,  6966, 2020. 

41.  王泽城. Tunable Stokes Laser Based on KTiOPO4 Crystal.  CRYSTALS,  10,  2020. 

42.  高飞龙. Tunable Stokes laser based on the cascaded stimulated polariton scattering and stimulated Raman scattering in RbTiOPO4 crystal.  OPTICS LETTERS Journal,  45,  861, 2020. 

43.  张行愚 , 丛振华 , 刘兆军 , 陈晓寒  and 秦增光. Enhancement of Intracavity-Pumped Terahertz Parametric Oscillator Power by Adopting Diode-Side Pumped Configuration Based on KTiOPO4 Crystal.  CRYSTALS,  2019. 

44.  常军 , 陈晓寒  and 解宇磊. A DFB-LD Internal Temperature Fluctuation Analysis in a TDLAS System for Gas Detection.  IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL,  2019. 

45.  张行愚 , 张少军 , 丛振华 , 秦增光 , 刘兆军  and 陈晓寒. 大能量磷酸钛氧钾太赫兹参量源.  《中国激光》,  2019. 

46.  刘兆军 , 张行愚 , 陈晓寒 , 丛振华  and 焦月. Diode-Pumped Actively Q-Switched Nd:YVO4/RTP Intracavity Raman Laser at 1.49 mu m.  Crystals,  9,  2019. 

47.  刘兆军 , 张飒飒 , 张行愚 , 谭巍 , 丛振华 , 赵智刚 , 秦增光 , 陈晓寒 , 杨忠明  and 饶瀚. 4.4 W, Continuous-Wave, Narrow Linewidth Optical Parametric Oscillator at 3.77 μm.  IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,  31,  1131, 2019. 

48.  李平 , 陈晓寒 , 张行愚  and 王青圃. Eye-Safe Raman Laser at 1532 nm with BaWO4 Crystal under Direct 880 nm Pumping.  Laser Physics Letters,  22,  60, 2012. 

49.  张行愚 , 陈晓寒 , 李平 , 张怀金 , 王青圃 , 丛振华  and 刘兆军. Extracavity pumped BaWO4 anti-Stokes Raman laser.  Optics Express,  21,  26014, 2013. 

50.  李平 , 张百涛 , 陈晓寒  and 胡琼宇. Passively Q-switched Yb-doped dual-wavelength fiber laser based on a gold-nanocage saturable absorber.  APPLIED OPTICS Journal,  2018. 

51.  张行愚 , 刘兆军 , 李平 , 李明 , 丛振华 , 秦增光 , 陈晓寒  and 胡琼宇. High-order harmonic mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser based on a SnSe2 saturable absorber.  Optics and laser technology,  2019. 

52.  张少军 , 张行愚 , 丛振华 , 秦增光 , 陈晓寒 , 刘兆军 , 李平  and 臧婕. The Investigation on the Beam Spatial Intensity Distributions in the Injection-Seeded Terahertz Parametric Generator.  IEEE Photonics Journey,  11,  2019. 

53.  李平 , 张百涛 , 陈晓寒  and 白金玺. Au nanocage/SiO2 saturable absorber for passive Q-switching Yb-doped fiber laser.  Laser Physics,  28,  2018. 

54.  李明 , 李平 , 张行愚  and 陈晓寒. 21.8 W CW second-Stokes CVD-diamond Raman laser at 1516 nm.  APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS,  124,  2018. 

55.  李平  and 陈晓寒. Research of multi-pulses emission in passively Q-switched Nd3+:YAG microchip laser.  Optik,  132,  39, 2017. 

56.  李平 , 陈晓寒  and 白金玺. Diode-pumped passively Q-switched Nd: YAG ceramic laser with a gold nanotriangles saturable absorber at 1 mu m.  Applied Physics Express,  10,  2017. 

57.  马宝民 , 李平  and 陈晓寒. Gold nano-triangles as saturable absorbers for a dual-wavelength passively Q-switched Nd:GYSGG laser.  LASER PHYSICS,  28,  2018. 

58.  李平  and 陈晓寒. Q-switched Nd:GdVO4 laser based on gold nanotriangles saturable absorbers.  Opt Quant Electron,  2018. 

59.  李平  and 陈晓寒. Au nanocages/SiO2 as saturable absorbers for passively Q-switched allsolid-state laser.  Materials Research Express,  2018. 

60.  李平 , 陈晓寒  and 秦琦. Passively Q-Switched Nd:YVO4 Laser Using a Gold Nanotriangle Saturable Absorber.  chinese physics letters,  35,  2018. 

61.  陈晓寒  and 马宝民. Nanosecond-pulsed Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at 1064 nm with a gold nanotriangle saturable absorber.  APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS,  124,  2018. 

62.  陈晓寒 , 李平 , 王青圃  and 张行愚. Compact and efficient Kerr-lens mode-locked diode-pumped actively Q-switched YVO4-Nd YVO4 laser.  Optics communications,  283,  5139, 2010. 

63.  冯超 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 李平  and 宋腾. Gold nanorods as a saturable absorber for passively Q-switching Nd: YAG lasers at 1064.3 and 1112 nm.  Laser Physics Letters,  14,  2017. 

64.  冯超 , 陈晓寒 , 李平 , 王青圃  and 敦洋洋. Gold nanorods based passively Q-switched solid-state laser at 1111.4 nm wavelength.  Optik,  147,  360, 2017. 

65.  李平  and 陈晓寒. Passively Q-switched Nd:GYSGG laser operating at 1.3 mu m with V:YAG as saturable absorber.  Optik,  127,  10621, 2016. 

66.  李平 , 陈晓寒  and 王青圃. Efficient Diode-Pumped Actively Q-Switched Ceramic Nd:YAG/YVO4 Raman Laser.  CHIN. PHYS. LETT.,  32,  2015. 

67.  张行愚 , 王青圃 , 丛振华 , 陈晓寒  and 刘兆军. Multiple-beam output of a surface-emitted terahertz-wave parametric oscillator by using a slab MgO:LiNbO3 crystal.  Optics Letters,  39,  754, 2014. 

68.  李平 , 王青圃  and 陈晓寒. LD-Pumped Passively Q-Switched Nd:GGG Laser at 1062 nm with a GaAs Saturable Absorber.  Laser Physics,  21,  1867, 2011. 

69.  张行愚 , 陈晓寒 , 丛振华 , 秦增光  and 刘兆军. Tunable Stokes laser generation based on the stimulated polariton scattering in KTiOPO4 crystal.  Optics Express,  23,  20187, 2015. 

70.  李平 , 陈晓寒 , 马宝民  and 王青圃. Diode-Pumped Passively Q-Switched Nd:YAG Ceramic Laser At 1123 nm.  Applied Physics Express,  4,  2011. 

71.  李平  and 陈晓寒. High-Power Passively Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser at 1112nm with a Cr4+:YAG Saturable Absorber.  CHIN. PHYS. LETT.,  33,  2016. 

72.  张行愚 , 丛振华 , 陈晓寒 , 秦增光 , 刘兆军  and 卢景琦. Tunable KTA Stokes laser based on stimulated polariton scattering and its intracavity frequency doubling.  Optics Express,  2016. 

73.  李平 , 陈晓寒  and 马宝民. High-Power Passively Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser at 1112nm with a Cr4+:YAG.  CHIN. PHYS. LETT.,  2015. 

74.  李平 , 陈晓寒  and 王青圃. Dual-wavelength actively Q-switched diode-end-pumped ceramic Nd:YAG/BaWO4 Raman laser operating at 1240 and 1376 nm.  Laser Phys. Lett,  11,  105806, 2014. 

75.  李平  and 陈晓寒. Research of multi-pulses emission in passively Q-switched Nd3+:YAG microchip laser.  Optik,  132,  39, 2016. 

76.  李平 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃  and 张行愚. Raman operation around 1.2 μm within a diode-pumped actively Q-switched ceramic Nd:YAG/SrWO4 laser.  Applied Optics,  53,  4039, 2014. 

77.  张行愚 , 丛振华 , 陈晓寒  and 秦增光. Terahertz parametric oscillator based on KTiOPO4 crystal.  Optics Letters,  39,  3706, 2014. 

78.  张行愚 , 王青圃 , 丛振华 , 陈晓寒  and 刘兆军. Theoretical and experimental study on intracavity pumped SrWO4 anti-Stokes Raman laser.  APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS,  116,  561, 2014. 

79.  陈晓寒 , 张行愚 , 王青圃  and 李平. Eye-Safe Raman Laser at 1532 nm with BaWO4 Crystal under Direct 880 nm Pumping.  Laser Physics,  22,  60, 2012. 

80.  李平 , 陈晓寒  and 王青圃. Diode-pumped passively Q-switched Nd: YAG ceramic laser at 1319 nm with Co2+: LaMgAl11O19 crystal as the saturable absorber.  Laser Physics,  22,  418, 2012. 

81.  李平 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 张行愚  and 常军. High-efficiency diode-pumped actively Q-switched ceramic Nd:YAG/BaWO4 Raman laser operating at 1666 nm.  Optics Letters,  2014. 

82.  李平 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃  and 常军. Efficient diode-pumped actively Q-switched Nd:YAG/SrWO4 Raman laser operating at 1252.4 nm.  Opt. Commun,  2015. 

83.  李平 , 王青圃 , 马宝民  and 陈晓寒. A Continuous Wave (CW) Ceramic Nd: YAG Laser Emitting at 1112 nm Wavelength.  Lasers in Engineering,  27,  127, 2014. 

84.  李平 , 陈晓寒  and 王青圃. Graphene based passively Q-switched Nd:YAG eye-safe laser.  Chin. Phys. Lett,  2014. 

85.  李平 , 王青圃 , 陈晓寒  and 张行愚. High-power dual-wavelength eye-safe ceramic Nd:YAG/SrWO4 Raman laser.  Applied Optics,  2014. 

86.  李平 , 丛振华 , 刘兆军 , 张怀金 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 张行愚  and 常军. Graphene-based passively Q-switched Nd:KLu(WO4)2 eye-safe laser operating at 1,425 nm.  APPLIED PHYSICS B,  DOI 10.1007/s00340-013-5733-6,  2014. 

87.  李平 , 马宝民 , 陈晓寒  and 陶绪堂. Passively Q-switched performance of a Nd:Gd3Ga5O12 eye-safe laser .  Applied Optics,  52,  8576, 2013. 

88.  李平 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 张行愚 , 连洁 , 常军  and 刘兆军. Compact and efficient Kerr-lens mode-locked diode-pumped actively Q-switched YVO4–Nd:YVO4 laser.  Optics communications,  2010. 

89.  陈晓寒 , 李平 , 王青圃 , 张行愚  and 连洁. Directly LD-Pumped Passively Q-Switched YVO4-Nd:YVO4 Laser at 1.34 μm with a V3+:YAG Saturable Absorber.  Laser Physics Letters,  2010. 

90.  李平 , 王青圃 , 张行愚 , 王玉荣  and 陈晓寒. Compact and Efficient Diode-Pumped Actively Q-Switched 1319 nm Nd:YAG Ceramic Laser.  Laser Physics,  2010. 

91.  李平 , 陈晓寒  and 王青圃. Continuous-Wave Dual-Wavelength Nd:YAG Ceramic Laser at 1112 and 1116 nm.  CHIN. PHYS. LETT.,  10,  104202, 2013. 

92.  李平 , 丛振华 , 刘兆军 , 陶绪堂 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 张行愚  and 常军. High efficiency Nd:YAG ceramic eye-safe laser operating at 1442.8 nm.  Optics Letters,  16,  3075, 2013. 

93.  张行愚 , 丛振华 , 陈晓寒  and 王青圃. Passively Q-switched 1097 nm c-cut Nd:YVO4 self-Raman laser with Cr:YAG saturable absorber.  Optics & Laser Technology,  54,  137, 2013. 

94.  陈晓寒 , 李平 , 张怀金 , 王青圃 , 丛振华 , 刘兆军  and 张行愚. Extracavity pumped BaWO4 anti-Stokes Raman laser.  Optics Express,  21,  26014, 2013. 

95.  张行愚 , 李静 , 张怀金 , 王青圃 , 丛振华  and 陈晓寒. Diode-pumped passively mode-locked Nd:KLu(WO4)2 laser.  Optics & Laser Technology,  47,  171, 2013. 

96.  陈晓寒 , 李平 , 王青圃 , 张行愚  and 王玉荣. Compact and Efficient Diode-Pumped Actively Q-Switched 1319 nm Nd:YAG Ceramic Laser.  Laser Physics Letters,  20,  1603, 2010. 

97.  李平 , 陈晓寒  and 王青圃. 激光二极管抽运主动调Q陶瓷Nd:YAG 1319nm激光器特性研究.  《光学学报》,  10,  2963, 2010. 

98.  李平 , 陈晓寒  and 王青圃. Diode-pumped Nd:YAG ceramic laser at 946 nm passively Q-switched with a Cr4:YAG saturable absorber.  Opt. Lser Technology,  44,  578, 2012. 

99.  李平 , 陈晓寒  and 王青圃. Diode-end-pumped passively Q-switched 1319 nm Nd:YAG ceramic laser with a V3+:YAG saturable absorber.  Laser Physics Letters,  21,  1708, 2011. 

100.  李平 , 丛振华 , 刘兆军 , 陶绪堂 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 张行愚  and 常军. High-efficiency continuous-wave Nd:Gd3Ga5O12 eye-safe laser operating at 1423.4 nm.  Applied Optics,  22,  5076, 2013. 

101.  李平 , 陈晓寒 , 刘兆军  and 王青圃. Stable Actively Q-Switched and Mode-Locked YVO4-Nd:YVO4 Laser.  Photonics and Optoelectronics 2011,  2011. 

102.  陈晓寒  and 李平. Q-switched Nd:GdVO4 laser based on gold nanotriangles saturable absorbers.  Opt Quant Electron,  2018. 

103.  陈晓寒  and 李平. Au nanocages/SiO2 as saturable absorbers for passively Q-switched allsolid-state laser.  Materials Research Express,  2018. 

104.  陈晓寒  and 李平. Passively Q-switched Nd:GYSGG laser operating at 1.3 mu m with V:YAG as saturable absorber.  Optik,  127,  10621, 2016. 

105.  王青圃 , 丛振华 , 陈晓寒 , 刘兆军  and 张行愚. Multiple-beam output of a surface-emitted terahertz-wave parametric oscillator by using a slab MgO:LiNbO3 crystal.  39,  754, 2014. 

106.  王青圃 , 陈晓寒  and 李平. LD-Pumped Passively Q-Switched Nd:GGG Laser at 1062 nm with a GaAs Saturable Absorber.  Laser Physics,  21,  1867, 2011. 

107.  陈晓寒  and 李平. High-Power Passively Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser at 1112nm with a Cr4+:YAG Saturable Absorber.  CHIN. PHYS. LETT.,  33,  2016. 

108.  陈晓寒 , 马宝民  and 李平. High-Power Passively Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser at 1112nm with a Cr4+:YAG.  CHIN. PHYS. LETT.,  2015. 

109.  陈晓寒  and 李平. Research of multi-pulses emission in passively Q-switched Nd3+:YAG microchip laser.  Optik,  132,  39, 2016. 

110.  王青圃 , 丛振华 , 陈晓寒 , 刘兆军  and 张行愚. Theoretical and experimental study on intracavity pumped SrWO4 anti-Stokes Raman laser.  APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS,  116,  561, 2014. 

111.  陈晓寒 , 王青圃  and 李平. Diode-pumped passively Q-switched Nd: YAG ceramic laser at 1319 nm with Co2+: LaMgAl11O19 crystal as the saturable absorber.  Laser Physics,  22,  418, 2012. 

112.  王青圃 , 马宝民 , 陈晓寒  and 李平. A Continuous Wave (CW) Ceramic Nd: YAG Laser Emitting at 1112 nm Wavelength.  Lasers in Engineering,  27,  127, 2014. 

113.  王青圃 , 陈晓寒 , 张行愚  and 李平. High-power dual-wavelength eye-safe ceramic Nd:YAG/SrWO4 Raman laser.  Applied Optics,  2014. 

114.  陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 张行愚 , 连洁 , 常军 , 刘兆军  and 李平. Compact and efficient Kerr-lens mode-locked diode-pumped actively Q-switched YVO4–Nd:YVO4 laser.  Optics communications,  2010. 

115.  王青圃 , 张行愚 , 王玉荣 , 陈晓寒  and 李平. Compact and Efficient Diode-Pumped Actively Q-Switched 1319 nm Nd:YAG Ceramic Laser.  Laser Physics,  2010. 

116.  李静 , 张怀金 , 王青圃 , 丛振华 , 陈晓寒  and 张行愚. Diode-pumped passively mode-locked Nd:KLu(WO4)2 laser.  Optics & Laser Technology,  47,  171, 2013. 

117.  陈晓寒 , 王青圃  and 李平. 激光二极管抽运主动调Q陶瓷Nd:YAG 1319nm激光器特性研究.  《光学学报》,  10,  2963, 2010. 

118.  陈晓寒 , 王青圃  and 李平. Diode-pumped Nd:YAG ceramic laser at 946 nm passively Q-switched with a Cr4:YAG saturable absorber.  Opt. Lser Technology,  44,  578, 2012. 

119.  陈晓寒 , 王青圃  and 李平. Diode-end-pumped passively Q-switched 1319 nm Nd:YAG ceramic laser with a V3+:YAG saturable absorber.  Laser Physics,  21,  1708, 2011. 

120.  陈晓寒  and 李平. Q-switched Nd:GdVO4 laser based on gold nanotriangles saturable absorbers.  Opt Quant Electron,  2018. 

121.  陈晓寒  and 李平. Au nanocages/SiO2 as saturable absorbers for passively Q-switched allsolid-state laser.  Materials Research Express,  2018. 

122.  李平 , 陈晓寒  and 马宝民. Gold nano-triangles as saturable absorbers for a dual-wavelength passively Q-switched Nd:GYSGG laser.  LASER PHYSICS,  28,  2018. 

123.  张少军 , 张行愚 , 丛振华 , 秦增光 , 陈晓寒 , 刘兆军 , 李平  and 臧婕. The Investigation on the Beam Spatial Intensity Distributions in the Injection-Seeded Terahertz Parametric Generator.  IEEE Photonics Journey,  11,  2019. 

124.  李平 , 张百涛 , 陈晓寒  and 胡琼宇. Passively Q-switched Yb-doped dual-wavelength fiber laser based on a gold-nanocage saturable absorber.  APPLIED OPTICS Journal,  2018. 

125.  张行愚 , 刘兆军 , 李平 , 李明 , 丛振华 , 秦增光 , 陈晓寒  and 胡琼宇. High-order harmonic mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser based on a SnSe2 saturable absorber.  Optics and laser technology,  2019. 

126.  李平 , 张百涛 , 陈晓寒  and 白金玺. Au nanocage/SiO2 saturable absorber for passive Q-switching Yb-doped fiber laser.  Laser Physics,  28,  2018. 

127.  李平 , 张行愚 , 陈晓寒  and 李明. 21.8 W CW second-Stokes CVD-diamond Raman laser at 1516 nm.  APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS,  124,  2018. 

128.  陈晓寒  and 李平. Research of multi-pulses emission in passively Q-switched Nd3+:YAG microchip laser.  Optik,  132,  39, 2017. 

129.  李平 , 陈晓寒  and 白金玺. Diode-pumped passively Q-switched Nd: YAG ceramic laser with a gold nanotriangles saturable absorber at 1 mu m.  APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS,  10,  2017. 

130.  李平 , 陈晓寒  and 秦琦. Passively Q-Switched Nd:YVO4 Laser Using a Gold Nanotriangle Saturable Absorber.  chinese physics letters,  35,  2018. 

131.  陈晓寒. Nanosecond-pulsed Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at 1064 nm with a gold nanotriangle saturable absorber.  APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS,  124,  2018. 

132.  王青圃 , 张行愚 , 连洁 , 常军 , 刘兆军 , 陈晓寒  and 李平. Compact and efficient Kerr-lens mode-locked diode-pumped actively Q-switched YVO4–Nd:YVO4 laser.  Optics communications,  2010. 

133.  王青圃 , 丛振华 , 陈晓寒 , 刘兆军  and 张行愚. Theoretical and experimental study on intracavity pumped SrWO4 anti-Stokes Raman laser.  APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS,  116,  561, 2014. 

134.  王青圃 , 丛振华 , 陈晓寒 , 刘兆军  and 张行愚. Multiple-beam output of a surface-emitted terahertz-wave parametric oscillator by using a slab MgO:LiNbO3 crystal.  39,  754, 2014. 

135.  王青圃 , 马宝民 , 陈晓寒  and 李平. A Continuous Wave (CW) Ceramic Nd: YAG Laser Emitting at 1112 nm Wavelength.  Lasers in Engineering,  27,  127, 2014. 

136.  李静 , 张怀金 , 王青圃 , 丛振华 , 陈晓寒  and 张行愚. Diode-pumped passively mode-locked Nd:KLu(WO4)2 laser.  Optics & Laser Technology,  47,  171, 2013. 

137.  王青圃 , 张行愚 , 王玉荣 , 陈晓寒  and 李平. Compact and Efficient Diode-Pumped Actively Q-Switched 1319 nm Nd:YAG Ceramic Laser.  Laser Physics,  2010. 

138.  陈晓寒  and 李平. Research of multi-pulses emission in passively Q-switched Nd3+:YAG microchip laser.  Optik,  132,  39, 2016. 

139.  丛振华 , 陈晓寒 , 秦增光  and 张行愚. Terahertz parametric oscillator based on KTiOPO4 crystal.  Optics Letters,  39,  3706, 2014. 

140.  陈晓寒 , 王青圃  and 李平. Graphene based passively Q-switched Nd:YAG eye-safe laser.  Chin. Phys. Lett,  2014. 

141.  王青圃 , 陈晓寒 , 张行愚  and 李平. High-power dual-wavelength eye-safe ceramic Nd:YAG/SrWO4 Raman laser.  Applied Optics,  2014. 

142.  马宝民 , 陈晓寒 , 陶绪堂  and 李平. Passively Q-switched performance of a Nd:Gd3Ga5O12 eye-safe laser .  Applied Optics,  52,  8576, 2013. 

143.  丛振华 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃  and 张行愚. Passively Q-switched 1097 nm c-cut Nd:YVO4 self-Raman laser with Cr:YAG saturable absorber.  Optics & Laser Technology,  54,  137, 2013. 

144.  王青圃 , 陈晓寒  and 李平. LD-Pumped Passively Q-Switched Nd:GGG Laser at 1062 nm with a GaAs Saturable Absorber.  Laser Physics,  21,  1867, 2011. 

145.  陈晓寒  and 李平. Passively Q-switched Nd:GYSGG laser operating at 1.3 mu m with V:YAG as saturable absorber.  Optik,  127,  10621, 2016. 

146.  陈晓寒  and 李平. High-Power Passively Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser at 1112nm with a Cr4+:YAG Saturable Absorber.  CHIN. PHYS. LETT.,  33,  2016. 

147.  丛振华 , 陈晓寒 , 秦增光 , 刘兆军 , 卢景琦  and 张行愚. Tunable KTA Stokes laser based on stimulated polariton scattering and its intracavity frequency doubling.  Optics Express,  2016. 

148.  陈晓寒 , 马宝民  and 李平. High-Power Passively Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser at 1112nm with a Cr4+:YAG.  CHIN. PHYS. LETT.,  2015. 

149.  陈晓寒 , 王青圃  and 李平. Efficient Diode-Pumped Actively Q-Switched Ceramic Nd:YAG/YVO4 Raman Laser.  CHIN. PHYS. LETT.,  32,  2015. 

150.  陈晓寒 , 丛振华 , 秦增光 , 刘兆军  and 张行愚. Tunable Stokes laser generation based on the stimulated polariton scattering in KTiOPO4 crystal.  Optics Express,  23,  20187, 2015. 

151.  陈晓寒 , 王青圃  and 李平. Diode-pumped passively Q-switched Nd: YAG ceramic laser at 1319 nm with Co2+: LaMgAl11O19 crystal as the saturable absorber.  Laser Physics,  22,  418, 2012. 

152.  陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 张行愚 , 常军  and 李平. High-efficiency diode-pumped actively Q-switched ceramic Nd:YAG/BaWO4 Raman laser operating at 1666 nm.  Optics Letters,  2014. 

153.  陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 常军  and 李平. Efficient diode-pumped actively Q-switched Nd:YAG/SrWO4 Raman laser operating at 1252.4 nm.  Opt. Commun,  2015. 

154.  陈晓寒 , 王青圃  and 李平. Dual-wavelength actively Q-switched diode-end-pumped ceramic Nd:YAG/BaWO4 Raman laser operating at 1240 and 1376 nm.  Laser Phys. Lett,  11,  105806, 2014. 

155.  陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 张行愚  and 李平. Raman operation around 1.2 μm within a diode-pumped actively Q-switched ceramic Nd:YAG/SrWO4 laser.  Applied Optics,  53,  4039, 2014. 

156.  刘兆军 , 张怀金 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 张行愚 , 常军 , 丛振华  and 李平. Graphene-based passively Q-switched Nd:KLu(WO4)2 eye-safe laser operating at 1,425 nm.  APPLIED PHYSICS B,  DOI 10.1007/s00340-013-5733-6,  2014. 

157.  陈晓寒 , 王青圃  and 李平. Continuous-Wave Dual-Wavelength Nd:YAG Ceramic Laser at 1112 and 1116 nm.  CHIN. PHYS. LETT.,  10,  104202, 2013. 

158.  刘兆军 , 陶绪堂 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 张行愚 , 常军 , 丛振华  and 李平. High-efficiency continuous-wave Nd:Gd3Ga5O12 eye-safe laser operating at 1423.4 nm.  Applied Optics,  22,  5076, 2013. 

159.  刘兆军 , 陶绪堂 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 张行愚 , 常军 , 丛振华  and 李平. High efficiency Nd:YAG ceramic eye-safe laser operating at 1442.8 nm.  Optics Letters,  16,  3075, 2013. 

160.  陈晓寒 , 王青圃  and 李平. Diode-pumped Nd:YAG ceramic laser at 946 nm passively Q-switched with a Cr4:YAG saturable absorber.  Opt. Lser Technology,  44,  578, 2012. 

161.  冯超 , 陈晓寒 , 李平 , 王青圃  and 敦洋洋. Gold nanorods based passively Q-switched solid-state laser at 1111.4 nm wavelength.  Optik,  147,  360, 2017. 

162.  冯超 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 李平  and 宋腾. Gold nanorods as a saturable absorber for passively Q-switching Nd: YAG lasers at 1064.3 and 1112 nm.  laser physics letters,  14,  2017. 

163.  陈晓寒 , 张行愚 , 王青圃  and 李平. Eye-Safe Raman Laser at 1532 nm with BaWO4 Crystal under Direct 880 nm Pumping.  Laser Physics,  22,  60, 2012. 

164.  陈晓寒 , 王青圃  and 李平. 激光二极管抽运主动调Q陶瓷Nd:YAG 1319nm激光器特性研究.  《光学学报》,  10,  2963, 2010. 

165.  陈晓寒 , 刘兆军 , 王青圃  and 李平. Stable Actively Q-Switched and Mode-Locked YVO4-Nd:YVO4 Laser.  Photonics and Optoelectronics 2011,  2011. 

166.  陈晓寒 , 马宝民 , 王青圃  and 李平. Diode-Pumped Passively Q-Switched Nd:YAG Ceramic Laser At 1123 nm.  APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS,  4,  2011. 

167.  陈晓寒 , 王青圃  and 李平. Diode-end-pumped passively Q-switched 1319 nm Nd:YAG ceramic laser with a V3+:YAG saturable absorber.  Laser Physics,  21,  1708, 2011. 

168.  李平 , 王青圃 , 张行愚  and 陈晓寒. Compact and efficient Kerr-lens mode-locked diode-pumped actively Q-switched YVO4-Nd YVO4 laser.  Optics communications,  283,  5139, 2010. 

169.  李平 , 王青圃 , 张行愚 , 王玉荣  and 陈晓寒. Compact and Efficient Diode-Pumped Actively Q-Switched 1319 nm Nd:YAG Ceramic Laser.  Laser Physics,  20,  1603, 2010. 

170.  李平 , 王青圃 , 张行愚 , 连洁  and 陈晓寒. Directly LD-Pumped Passively Q-Switched YVO4-Nd:YVO4 Laser at 1.34 μm with a V3+:YAG Saturable Absorber.  Laser Physics,  2010. 

171.  陈晓寒 , 李平 , 张怀金 , 王青圃 , 丛振华 , 刘兆军  and 张行愚. Extracavity pumped BaWO4 anti-Stokes Raman laser.  Optics Express,  21,  26014, 2013. 


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