郭海洋,研究员、博士生导师、国家高层次青年人才、山东省泰山学者青年专家。近年来的研究主要集中于肿瘤表观基因组学,致力于解析遗传变异、基因组表观修饰以及染色质三维构象在前列腺癌等肿瘤发生发展中的作用机制,以第一作者及通讯作者身份在Nature Genetics、Nature Communications、Science Advances、Journal of Experimental Medicine、Cell Reports、Science Signaling等国际高水平期刊发表系列研究性文章。获得科技部重点研发项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、山东省优秀青年科学基金等项目的资助。
本课题组将深度整合实验生物学和计算生物学手段,通过ChIP-Seq、HiChIP、Hi-C、CRISPR-Cas9功能筛选以及单细胞测序等技术解析恶性肿瘤基因组的表观修饰和三维互作。课题组已配备国际一流的表观基因组学实验和计算平台,包括高性能生物信息计算集群、Bioruptor Pico超声仪、Pippin Prep 自动化DNA片段回收系统、Agilent 4200 TapeStation 系统等。
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5503-6922
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=zh-CN&user=yC66x60AAAAJ
代表性研究论文(* 共同通讯作者; # 共同第一作者):
1. Li Z#, Su P#, Yu M#, Zhang X#, Xu Y#, Jia T#, Yang P, Zhang C, Sun Y, Li X, Yang H, Ding Y*, Zhuang T*, Guo H*, Zhu J*. YAP represses the TEAD-NF-κB complex and inhibits the growth of clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Science Signaling. 2024 Jul 2;17(843):eadk0231. (Cover Article)
2. Loe AKH#, Rao-Bhatia A#, Wei Z#, Kim JE, Guan B, Qin Y, Hong M, Kwak H, Liu X, Zhang L, Wrana JL, Guo H*, Kim TH*. YAP targetome reveals activation of SPEM in gastric pre-neoplastic progression and regeneration. Cell Reports 2023, Nov 30;42(12):113497.
3. Wei Z#, Wang S#, Xu Y, Wang W, Soares F, Ahmed M, Su P, Wang T, Orouji E, Xu X, Zeng Y, Chen S, Liu X, Jia T, Liu Z, Du L, Wang Y, Chen SY, Wang C, He HH*, Guo H*. MYC reshapes CTCF-mediated chromatin architecture in prostate cancer. Nature Communications 2023, Mar 30;14(1):1787.
4. Guo H#, Wu Y#, Nouri M, Sandor Spisak S, Russo JW, Sowalsky AG, Pomerantz MM, Wei Z, Korthauer K, Seo JH, Wang L, Arai S, Freedman ML, He HH*, Chen S*, Balk SP*. Androgen receptor and MYC equilibration centralizes on developmental super-enhancer. Nature Communications 2021, Dec 15;12(1):7308.
5. Loe AKH#, Francis R#, Seo J, Du L, Wang Y, Kim JE, Hakim SW, Kim JE, He HH, Guo H*, Kim TH*: Uncovering the dosage-dependent roles of Arid1a in gastric tumorigenesis for combinatorial drug therapy. Journal of Experimental Medicine 2021, Jun 7;218(6):e20200219.
6. Francis R#, Guo H#, Streutker C, Ahmed M, Yung T, Dirks P, He HH*, Kim T-H*: Gastrointestinal transcription factors drive lineage-specific developmental programs in organ specification and cancer. Science Advances 2019, Dec 11.
7. Guo H#*, Ci X#, Ahmed M, Hua JT, Soares F, Lin D, Puca L, Vosoughi A, Xue H, Li E, Su P, Chen S, Nguyen T, Liang Y, Zhang Y, Xu X, Xu J, Sheahan AV, Ba-Alawi W, Zhang S, Mahamud O, Vellanki RN, Gleave M, Bristow RG, Haibe-Kains B, Poirier JT, Rudin CM, Tsao MS, Wouters BG, Fazli L, Feng FY, Ellis L, van der Kwast T, Berlin A, Koritzinsky M, Boutros PC, Zoubeidi A, Beltran H, Wang Y*, He HH*. ONECUT2 is a Driver of Neuroendocrine Prostate Cancer. Nature Communications 2019, 10(1):278.
8. Wei Z, Guo H*, Qin J, Lu S, Liu Q, Zhang X, Zou Y, Gong Y, Shao C*. Pan-senescence transcriptome analysis identified RRAD as a marker and negative regulator of cellular senescence. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2019, 130:267-277.
9. Guo H#, Ahmed M#, Zhang F, Yao CQ, Li S, Liang Y, Hua J, Soares F, Sun Y, Langstein J, Li Y, Poon C, Bailey SD, Desai K, Fei T, Li Q, Sendorek DH, Fraser M, Prensner JR, Pugh TJ, Pomerantz M, Bristow RG, Lupien M, Feng FY, Boutros PC, Freedman ML, Walsh MJ, He HH. Modulation of long noncoding RNAs by risk SNPs underlying genetic predispositions to prostate cancer. Nature genetics 2016, 48(10):1142-50
10. Guo H#, Ahmed M#, Hua J, Soares F, He HH. Crucial role of noncoding RNA in driving prostate cancer development and progression. Epigenomics 2017, 9(1):1-3. (Editorial)
11. Guo H, Liu Z, Xu B, Hu H, Wei Z, Liu Q, Zhang X, Ding X, Wang Y, Zhao M, Gong Y, Shao C. Chemokine receptor CXCR2 is transactivated by p53 and induces p38-mediated cellular senescence in response to DNA damage. Aging cell 2013, 12(6):1110-1121.
12. Chen S, Huang V, Xu X, Livingstone J, Soares F, Jeon J, Zeng Y, Hua JT, Petricca J, Guo H, Wang M, Yousif F, Zhang Y, Donmez N, Ahmed M, Volik S, Lapuk A, Chua MLK, Heisler LE, Foucal A, Fox NS, Fraser M, Bhandari V, Shiah YJ, Guan J, Li J, Orain M, Picard V, Hovington H, Bergeron A, Lacombe L, Fradet Y, Têtu B, Liu S, Feng F, Wu X, Shao YW, Komor MA, Sahinalp C, Collins C, Hoogstrate Y, de Jong M, Fijneman RJA, Fei T, Jenster G, van der Kwast T, Bristow RG, Boutros PC, He HH. Widespread and Functional RNA Circularization in Localized Prostate Cancer. Cell. 2019 Feb 7;176(4):831-843.e22.
13. Hua J, Ahmed M, Guo H, Zhang Y, Chen S, Soares F, Lu J, Zhou S, Wang M, Li H, Larson N, McDonnell S, Patel P, Liang Y, Yao CQ, Kwast T, Lupien M, Feng F, Zoubeidi A, Tsao M, Thibodeau SN, Boutros P, He H#. Risk SNPs mediated promoter-enhancer switching promotes prostate cancer development and progression through lncRNA PCAT19. Cell. 2018 Jul 26;174(3):564-575.