Guo Wu


Postgraduate (Doctoral)

香港中文大学(The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Personal Information:

Date of Employment:2020-11-01
Business Address:山东大学(中心校区)知新楼A座1718室




1966年出生于云南耿马,1988年毕业于北京大学哲学系宗教学专业,1991年毕业于四川大学宗教学研究所,2002年毕业于香港中文大学宗教研究系,哲学博士。曾任四川大学道教与宗教文化研究所、云南大学历史系教授、博士生导师,国家985工程四川大学宗教与社会研究创新基地学术带头人(道教学与道教史方向),美国哈佛大学燕京学社(2007-2008)、芝加哥大学宗教研究中心(2008)、加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学亚洲研究中心(2023)访问学者,英国牛津大学中国研究中心高级研究学者(2010;2013)。现为山东大学二级教授/特聘教授,哲学与社会发展学院宗教学系、犹太教与跨宗教研究中心博士生导师,饶宗颐宗教与中国文化研究所执行所长,兼任全国性一级学会老子道学文化研究会副会长暨文化交流与传播委员会主任、二级学会丹道与养生文化研究会副会长,中国社会科学评价研究院期刊评价专家委员会宗教学学科委员、《宗教学研究》学术委员、香港《弘道》季刊主编、A&HCI源刊(Q1区)Religions 编委会委员暨道教专号特约编辑。研究领域为道教思想、道教历史、道教典籍,著有《〈净明忠孝全书〉研究——以宋元社会为背景的考察》《道教与云南文化——道教在云南的传播、演变及影响》《王重阳学案》《丘处机学案》等,主编《中国近代思想家文库·陈撄宁卷》《道教教义与现代社会国际学术研讨会论文集》《弘道文选》等。


Born in 1966, Guo Wu graduated from the Department of Philosophy/Religious Studies of Peking University in 1988 (B.Phil.), from the Institute for Studies on Taoism and Religious Culture of Sichuan University in 1991 (M.Phil.), from the Department of Religious Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2002 (Ph.D.). He was a fomer professor and Ph.D. supervisor of the Institute for Studies on Taoism and Religious Culture of Sichuan University (2004-2015), and the Department of History of Yunnan University (2015-2020). Meanwhile, he was the academic leader of the "National 985 Project" named "Innovation Base for Researching on Religions and Societies" established at Sichuan University (2004-2015), a visiting scholar of the Harvard-Yenching Institute (2007-2008), the Martin Marty Center for the Advanced Study of Religion of the University of Chicago (2008), and the Institute for Asian Research of UBC(2023), a senior research fellow of the China Center of the University of Oxford (2010; 2013). His current position is a distinguished professor of the Department of Religious Studies of Shandong University, and is the Ph.D. supervisor of the Center for Judaic and Inter-Religious Studies, the Executive Director of the Jao Tsung-I Institute for Studies on Religions and Chinese Culture. His main additional posts are as follows:

•The Vice-Chairman of the Association for Research on Laozi and Taoist Culture(National-level) & The Director of Its Committee for Cultural Exchange and Communication;

•The Vice-Chairman of the Association for Research on Inner Cultivating and Nourishing of Life(National second level);

•A Discipline Committee Member (Subject of Religious Studies) of the Chinese Expert Committee on Evaluating of Journals in Humanities and Social Sciences;

•An Academic Committee Member of the journal STUDIES ON RELIGIONS published in Sichuan

•The Chief Editor of the journal HONG-DAO published in Hong Kong.

•An Editorial Board Member & Guest Editor of the open access journal RELIGIONS  (A&HCI-Q1) published in Swizterland.


His research interests are Taoist Ideology, Taoist History, and Taoist Scriptures, with some representative publications as folllows:

Studies on the JINGMING ZHONGXIAO QUANSHU: An Exploration in the Context of Song and Yuan Societies (Monograph,《〈净明忠孝全书〉研究——以宋元社会为背景的考察》, 中国社会科学出版社,2005);

Taoism and the Culture of Yunnan: the Spread, Development and Influence of Taoism in Yunnan (Monograph,《道教与云南文化——道教在云南的传播、演变及影响》, 云南大学出版社/云南人民出版社,2000/2011);

Studies on Qiu Chuji (Monograph,《丘处机学案》, 齐鲁书社,2011);

Studies on Wang Chongyang (Monograph,《王重阳学案》, 齐鲁书社,2016);

Articles of the International Conference on “Taoist Doctrines and Modern Societies” (Compilation, 《道教教义与现代社会国际学术研讨会论文集》,上海古籍出版社, 2003);

Anthology of Chen Yinning in the “Series Books of Modern Chinese Ideologists” (Compilation, 《中国近代思想家文库·陈撄宁卷》, 中国人民大学出版社,2015);

Anthology of Promoting the Tao (Compilation,《弘道文选》,宗教文化出版社,2023).


Some important works of him as co-authors are as follows:

•The Great Dictionary of Taoism (edited by the China Taoist Association, 《道教大辞典》,华夏出版社,1994);

Chinese Taoist Canon (edited by Zhang Jiyu, 《中华道藏》, 华夏出版社,2004);

History of Chinese Taoist Ideology (edited by Qing Xitai, 《中国道教思想史》, 人民出版社,2009);

Introduction to the Taoist Canon (edited by Zhu Yueli, 《道藏说略》, 燕山出版社,2009);

Companion to The Essentials of the Taoist Canon (edited by Lai Chi Tim,《道藏辑要提要》,香港中文大学出版社,2021);

The Essential Classics of Chinese Taoism (edited by Li Guangfu, 《中华道经精要》,东方出版社,2021).

1998.9  to  2002.8
香港中文大学(The Chinese University of Hong Kong) | 道教研究 | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study | Doctor | 香港中文大学宗教研究系(Department of Religious Studies,The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
1988.9  to  1991.8
四川大学(Sichuan University) | 道教思想史 | With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates | Master | 四川大学道教与宗教文化研究所(Institute for Studies on Taoism and Religious Culture, Sichuan University)
1984.9  to  1988.8
北京大学(Peking University) | 宗教学 | Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) | Bachelor | 北京大学哲学系/宗教学系(Department of Philosophy/Religions, Peking University)

2020.11  to  Now
 哲学与社会发展学院宗教学系,犹太教与跨宗教研究中心,饶宗颐宗教与中国文化研究所(Department of Religious Studies, School of Philosophy and Social Development;Center For Judaic and Inter-Religious Studies;Jao Tsung-I Institute for Studies on Religions and Chinese Culture) | 山东大学(Shandong University)  | 执行所长(Executive Director of Jao Tsung-I Institute) 
2015.09  to  2020.10
 人文学院/历史与档案学院(School of Humanities/ School of History and Archives) | 云南大学(Yunnan University)  | 无 
2004.09  to  2015.08
 道教与宗教文化研究所(Institute for Studies on Taoism and Religious Culture) | 四川大学(Sichuan University)  | 无 
1996.09  to  2004.08
 历史系(Department of History) | 云南大学(Yunnan University)  | 无 
1991.09  to  1996.08
 宗教研究所(Institute for Studies on Religions) | 云南省社会科学院(Academy of Social Sciences in Yunnan Province)  | 无 

2019.10  to  Now
全国性一级学会“老子道学文化研究会”副会长(Vice Chairman of the Association for Research on Laozi and Taoist Culture)兼文化交流与传播委员会主任 (Director of Its Committee for Cultural Exchange and Communication)
2016.10  to  Now
全国性二级学会“丹道与养生文化研究会”副会长(Vice Chairman of the Association for Research on Inner Cultivating and Nourishing of Life)
2018.10  to  Now
中国人文社会科学期刊评价专家委员会“宗教学”学科委员(Discipline Committee Member of the Chinese Expert Committee on Evaluating of Journals in Humanities and Social Sciences)
2004.8  to  Now
香港《弘道》季刊主编(Chief Editor of the journal HONG-DAO published in Hong Kong)
2005.10  to  Now
《宗教学研究》学术委员(Academic Committee Member of the journal STUDIES ON RELIGIONS published in Sichuan)
2022.1  to  Now
马来西亚《韩江学刊》国际学术顾问(International Academic Advisor of the JOURNAL OF HAN CHIANG published in Malaysia)
2022.8  to  Now
A&HCI来源期刊(Q1区)Religions 编委会委员暨“道教专号”客座编辑(Editorial Board Member & Guest Editor of the journal RELIGIONS[A&HCI-Q1]published in Switzerland)
2023.9  to  Now
美国“东方文艺复兴联盟”常务理事 (Executive member of the council of The Oriental Renaissance Alliance in USA)
2023.9  to  Now
美国“老子生命健康研究中心”高级顾问 (Senior Advisor of the Laozi Life and Health Research Center in USA)