Personal Information:
  • Name (Pinyin):
    Han Jiying
  • E-Mail:
  • Date of Employment:
  • School/Department:
    School of Foreign Languages and Literature
  • Administrative Position:
    Professor, PhD Supervisor
  • Education Level:
    With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
  • Business Address:
  • Gender:
  • Contact Information:
  • Degree:
  • Status:
  • Alma Mater:
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics;
Honors and Titles:

2019-12-31    山东省高等学校人文社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖(首位);
2018    山东省高等学校人文社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖(首位);
2017    山东省高等学校人文社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖(首位);
2016    山东省高等学校人文社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖(首位);
2014    山东软科学优秀成果奖三等奖;

      Professor Jiying Han has got her PhD in Education at the Faculty of Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master in Applied Linguistics at the School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, and Bachelor of Arts at the School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Shandong University. She was honored as the Highly Cited Chinese Researcher by Elsevier twice. Her research interests include teacher development, teacher motivation, teacher well-being, curriculum reform and implementation, foreign language teaching theory and practice. She has been the principal investigator (PI) for over 20 research projects either funded by government or university. Her publications have appeared in several international journals, including Higher Education, Higher Education Research & Development, Studies in Higher Education, Educational Psychology, Teaching in Higher Education, International Journal of Educational Research, Asia Pacific Education Review etc. and domestic journals such as Modern Foreign Languages, Foreign Language World, Studies in Foreign Education etc. The undergraduate and postgraduate courses she has taught include Second Language Acquisition, Thesis Writing, Writing and Publication of Journal Articles, Linguistics, Practical Writing, Introduction of Research Methods in Social Science Studies, Advanced English for Academic Purposes etc..

  • 2012-9 — 2015-12
    Doctoral Degree in Philosophy
  • 2004-9 — 2006-4
  • 1997-9 — 2001-7
    Bachelor's Degree in Literature

Teacher development

Curriculum reform and implementation

EFL teaching and learning


1. 韩佶颖. A Systematic Review of Graduate Students' Research Motivation: Themes, Theories, and Methodologies .Educational Psychology Review.2024,36 (3)

2. 韩佶颖. Bifurcating and balancing: Language teachers' emotion regulation motives and professional identity construction in cross-cultural contexts .International Journal of Applied Linguistics.2024 (Early Access)

3. 李羡. What Motivates Korean Language Learners to Learn? Motivational Characteristics and their Relationships with Learning Engagement .Asia-Pacific Education Researcher .2024,33 (2):273

4. 韩佶颖. Supervisors' emotion regulation in research supervision: navigating dilemmas in an accountability-based context .Higher Education.2024 (Early Access)

5. 韩佶颖. Learning environment matters for university EFL learners' emotions and approaches to online learning technologies: A Chinese perspective .International Journal of Applied Linguistics.2024 (Early Access)

6. 王飞飞. Chinese university EFL learners’ English for General Academic Purposes: Relationships between target needs and self-efficacy .Humanities & Social Sciences Communications.2024 (1)

7. 韩佶颖. Exploring graduate students’ research characteristics, emotional exhaustion, mastery approach, and research career commitment: insights from the JD-R theory .Studies in Higher Education.2024 (2336117)

8. 郑琨鹏. 学术英语自我效能感与思辨能力关系的个案研究 .中国ESP研究.2022 (01):37-44+123

9. Yin, Hongbiao. Chinese undergraduates' perceptions of teaching quality and the effects on approaches to studying and course satisfaction .Higher Education.2016,71 (1):39-57

10. 王钦香. 在线学习环境与俄语学习动机和学习成效的特征及关系 .中国俄语教学.2023 (2023.4)

11. 韩佶颖. University teachers' well-being in ICT-enhanced teaching: The roles of teacher self-efficacy and teaching support .Australian Journal of Educational Technology.2023 (39):89

12. 韩佶颖. 大学英语教师课程思政建设的矛盾分析与化解策略——基于活动理论的质性研究 .《外语界》.2023 (5):81

13. 韩佶颖. Mapping the research on language teacher emotion: A systematic literature review .SYSTEM.2023 (118)

14. 韩佶颖. Towards Sustainability: A Quantitative Inquiry into Chinese University Students’ Perceived Learner Empowerment and Innovative Behaviour .SUSTAINABILITY.2023 (18)

15. 韩佶颖. Teachers' achievement goal orientations: A systematic review of 15 Years of published empirical research .Teaching and Teacher Education.2023 (128)

16. 李羡. What Motivates Korean Language Learners to Learn? Motivational Characteristics and their Relationships with Learning Engagement .Asia-Pacific Education Researcher .2023 (-)

17. 韩佶颖. University students’ approaches to online learning technologies: The roles of perceived support, affect/emotion and self-efficacy in technology-enhanced learning .COMPUTERS & EDUCATION.2023 (194)

18. 韩佶颖. Job demands and resources as antecedents of university teachers' exhaustion, engagement and job satisfaction .Educational Psychology.2020,40 (3):318-335

19. 王俊菊. 反馈方式对二语写作语言复杂度的影响 .外语教学理论与实践.2022 (1)

20. 韩佶颖. 从通用英语到学术英语:教师改变的案例研究 .北京第二外国语学院学报.2021 (5):118

21. 韩佶颖. The development of college English teachers’pedagogical content knowledge (PCK): from General English to English for Academic Purposes .Asia Pacific Education Review.2021 (22):609

22. 韩佶颖. Chinese tertiary teachers' goal orientations for teaching and teaching approaches: the mediation of teacher engagement .Teaching in Higher Education.2017,22 (7):766

23. 韩佶颖. Why are Chinese university teachers (not) confident in their competence to teach? The relationships between faculty-perceived stress and self-efficacy .International Journal of Educational Research.2020 (100)

24. 韩佶颖. Job demands and resources as antecedents of university teachers’ exhaustion, engagement and job satisfaction .Educational Psychology.2020,40 (3):318

25. 韩佶颖. Challenge job demands and job resources to university teacher well-being: the mediation of teacher efficacy .Studies in Higher Education.2020,45 (8):1771

26. Han Jiying. Faculty stressors and their relations to teacher efficacy, engagement and teaching satisfaction .Higher Education Research & Development.2020 (4)

27. wangjunju , baiyun  and Han Jiying. Challenge job demands and job resources to university teacher well-being: the mediation of teacher efficacy .Studies in Higher Education.2020,45 (8):1771

28. zhangjing  and Han Jiying. 新大学英语教学体系下优秀教师实践性知识发展的个案研究——以通用英语教师为例 .山东外语教学.2020,41 (1):55

29. Han Jiying. Why are Chinese university teachers (not) confident in their competence to teach? The relationships between faculty-perceived stress and self-efficacy .International Journal of Educational Research.2020 (100)

30. wangjunju , zhangjing  and Han Jiying. Job demands and resources as antecedents of university teachers’ exhaustion, engagement and job satisfaction .Educational Psychology.2020,40 (3):318

31. Han Jiying , wangjunju A case study of faculty perceptions of teaching support and teaching efficacy in China: characteristics and relationships .Higher Education.2018,76 (3):519

32. Han Jiying , wangjunju 大学英语教师教学目标取向与教学方式的特征及关系探究 .《现代外语》.2017,40060 (第6期):825

33. Han Jiying. Chinese tertiary teachers’ goal orientations for teaching and teaching approaches: the mediation of teacher engagement .Teaching in Higher Education.2017,22 (7):766

34. Han Jiying. Teacher motivation: Definition, research development and implications for teachers .Cogent Education.2016

35. Han Jiying. The effect of tertiary teachers’ goal orientations for teaching on their commitment: the mediating role of teacher engagement .Educational Psychology.2016

36. Han Jiying. College English Curriculum Reform in Mainland China: Contexts, Contents and Changes .Asian Education Studies.2016

37. Han Jiying. Book Review:English Language Education and Assessment – Recent Developments in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland .The Journal of Asia TEFL.2016

38. Han Jiying. Exploring the relationship between goal orientations for teaching of tertiary teachers and their teaching approaches in China .Asia Pacific Education Review.2015

39. Han Jiying. 大学英语教师的教学目标取向:问卷修订及特征描述 .当代教育与文化.2015

40. Han Jiying. 教师动机:教师专业发展新议题 .《外国教育研究》.2014,41 (292):88

41. Han Jiying. 教师动机:理论基础与研究进展 .《外国教育研究》.2014,41 (286):21

42. Han Jiying , yushulin 大学英语分课型教学模式的反馈与评价 .当代教育与文化.2013

43. Han Jiying , yushulin , chenwei 国内英语听力研究十年整合:回顾与展望 .北京第二外国语学院学报.2012 (6):60

44. Han Jiying , yushulin 外语专业研究生科研能力发展现状分析及培养建议 .《大学英语教学与研究》.2012,58 (3)

45. yushulin , Han Jiying  and wangjunju. 对大学外语课堂环境的探索性研究 .《外语界》.2012

Research project

1. 国际视域下中小学教师(高中)教学与专业发展决策咨询研究, 2024/05/01-2024/10/31

2. 2023年山东省中小学幼儿园教师培训第三方绩效评价, 2023/06/15-2024/12/31

3. 国际中文教育志愿者文化传播胜任力评估体系的构建研究, 2022/11/01-2023/12/31

4. 2022年度山东省省级教师培训第三方绩效评价, 2022/11/07-2023/12/31

5. 山东省义务教育学校教师专业发展, 2022/10/26-2024/06/30

6. 2022年度山东省中小学幼儿园教师短期培训第三方绩效评价, 2022/11/07-2023/12/31

7. 国际中文教师情绪劳动研究, 2022/11/01-2023/12/31

8. (包干项目)国际中文教师文化传播胜任力的构成、发展与评测研究, 2022/08/31-2025/06/30

9. “一带一路”对外传播中的话语权构建及其国际影响力研究, 2021/12/28-2024/12/31

10. 山东省教育厅2021年度教师培训工作综合服务保障项目, 2021/11/12-2022/07/31

11. 山东省教育厅2021年度教师培训工作综合服务保障项目, 2021/11/12-2023/07/31

12. 中国大学生表达性英语写作育人机制研究, 2021/09/24-2026/09/01

13. 云虚拟在线学习环境下教师教学策略与大学生学习成效研究, 2021/08/19-2023/12/01

14. 山东省中小学幼儿园教师省级培训绩效评价, 2020/11/26-2021/12/31

15. 评估情境干预下大学英语学业求助的行为研究, 2020/03/20-2023/12/01

16. 中国高校教师压力、效能感与身心康宁:基于工作需求-资源模式的分析, 2018/05/13-2020/08/31

17. 新大学英语教学体系下学术英语教师发展研究, 2018/06/25-2021/12/31

18. 以培养学术语言应用能力为目标的高级学术英语课程建设与实践, 教育部基础学科拔尖人才培养计划项目

19. 高校教师教学动机对专业发展的影响路径研究, 2017/07/27-2020/02/29

20. 学术英语教师实践性知识发展研究, 2018/10/11-2020/08/31

21. 中国内地高校教师专业发展研究, 山东大学青年学者未来计划项目

22. 多元视角下中国内地大学生学习投入的历时研究, 2018/07/01

23. 基于“工作要求-资源”模型的中国内地高校教师职业压力、教学效能及身心康宁研究, 2018/05/28

24. 中国大学生课程经历、投入与学习成果之间的关系:连接两条本科教育品质的研究路径, 2016/06/23-2017/08/31

25. 高校青年教师成长调研, 2015/11/27-2016/12/31

26. 项目依托式二语写作教学理论模型构建与应用研究, 2012/01/01-2013/06/30

27. 基于动态系统理论的大学英语课堂环境探索性研究, 2011/12/26-2013/12/30

28. 大学英语作文自动评分系统的构建, 2011/12/27-2013/12/30

Research Group
Description of Research Group:
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