主持国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(优青)、青年项目。研究成果发表于Economic Journal(3篇)、Management Science、Games and Economic Behavior(2篇)、Production and Operations Management等经济学与管理学领域国际顶级期刊。
[17] “Born to Wait? A Study of Allocation Rules in Booking Systems” (with Tracy Xiao Liu and Jun Zhang), Production and Operations Management, forthcoming
[16] “They Never Had a Chance: Unequal Opportunities and Fair Redistribution” (with Lu Dong and Jaimie Lien), Economic Journal, forthcoming
[15] “How Alliances Form and Conflict Ensues?” (with Lu Dong, Jaimie Lien and Jie Zheng), Games and Economic Behavior, 146, July 2024, 255-276
[14] “Preventive Wars” (with Lu Dong and Klaus Abbink), Games and Economic Behavior, 142, November 2023, 552-569
[13] “Persuadable or Dissuadable Altruists? Impact of Recipient Characteristics on Giving” (with Lata Gangadharan, Phil Grossman, Matthew Leister and Erte Xiao), Economic Journal, 133, November 2023, 2925-2948 [Featured Article]
[12] “Talking Behind Your Back: Communication and Team Cooperation” (with Klaus Abbink and Lu Dong), Management Science, 68(7), July 2022, 5187-5200
[11] “Arms Races and Conflict: Experimental Evidence” (with Klaus Abbink and Lu Dong), Economic Journal, 131, July 2021, 1883-1904
[10] “Tax Liability Side Equivalence and Time Delayed Externalities” (with Silvia Tiezzi and Erte Xiao), European Journal of Political Economy, 72, March 2022, 102110
[9] “Pulling for the Team: Competition Between Political Partisans” (with Peter DeScioli and Zahra Murad), Evolutionary Psychological Science, 7(2), June 2021, 97-105
[8] “Peer Effects in Public Support for Pigouvian Taxation” (with Erte Xiao), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 187, July 2021, 192-204
[7] “Fighting Alone versus Fighting for a Team: An Experiment on Multiple Pairwise Contests” (with Zahra Murad), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 183, March 2021, 616-631
[6] “Feedback Spillover Effect on Competitiveness across Unrelated Tasks” (with Zahra Murad), Behavioral Research in Accounting: A Journal of the American Accounting Association, 32(1), March 2020, 69-85
[5] “Is There No ‘I’ in Team? Strategic Effects in Multi-Battle Team Competition” (with Lu Dong), Journal of Economic Psychology, 75(Part B), December 2019, 102070
[4] “Favoritism and Fairness in Teams” (with Lu Dong), Games, 9(3), September 2018, Article 65
[3] “Disappointment Aversion and Social Comparisons in a Real-Effort Competition” (with Simon Gaechter and Martin Sefton), Economic Inquiry, 56(3), July 2018, 1512-1525
[2] “Combining ‘Real Effort’ with Induced Effort Costs: The Ball-Catching Task” (with Simon Gaechter and Martin Sefton), Experimental Economics, 19(4), December 2016, 687-712 [Lead Article]
[1] “Prize and Incentives in Double Elimination Tournaments”, Economics Letters, 147, October 2016, 116-120
“Reproducibility in Management Science” (Note: As a Member of the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration), Management Science, 70(3), March 2024, 1343-1356
“Optimal Contests with Negative Prize: Theory and Experiment” (with Jingjing Zhang and Jun Zhang) R&R Management Science
“It Is Not Just About the Price: Matching Subsidies Fail When the Ask Can Be Avoided” (with Lata Gangadharan, Phil Grossman and Erte Xiao) R&R Economic Journal
“Curtailed Ambition: Endogenous Power Shift and Preventive War” (with Lu Dong)
“Bundled School Choice” (with Jun Zhang)
“Making School Choice Lotteries Transparent” (with Jun Zhang)
“Who Stand up to Persuade? Voluntary Influencers in Public Support for Pigouvian Taxation” (with Erte Xiao and Silvia Tiezzi) R&R Economic Inquiry
“Assessing Private Solutions to Collective Action Problems in a 34-Nation Study” (with Eugene Malthouse and 71 other coauthors)