Prof. Huo received his B.Sc. degree (2008) at Tianjin University, China. He obtained his M.Sc. degree (2010) and PhD degree (2014) at Saarland University, Germany, under the supervision of Prof. Rolf Müller. Then he joined Prof. Wilfred A. van der Donk's lab for three-year postdoctoral research at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA. In 2017 he returned to China as a“Qilu”Youth Scholar Professor at Shandong University. His research interests focus on genome mining and genetic engineering of microbial natural products, as well as biochemical studies on interesting biosynthetic tailoring enzymes.
1. 黏细菌中羊毛硫肽的基因组挖掘与生物合成机制研究, 2024/08/23-2028/12/31
2. 微生物技术国家重点实验室科普宣讲团, 2024/01/01-2024/10/30
3. 微生物活性多肽的定向挖掘与合成生物学改造, 2024/01/01-2026/12/30
4. 新型抗菌肽darobactin的生产工艺开发, 2023/12/16-2024/12/16
5. 转录因子新靶标确证和新靶向分子发现, 2023/01/01-2025/12/31
6. 新型抗菌多肽的开发, 2022/10/13-2023/12/30
7. 超级基因簇介导的次级代谢互作机制, 2022/09/02-2024/07/18
8. 微生物次级代谢混合能力挖掘:细菌杂合萜烯类天然产物生物合成, 2021/12/01-2024/12/31
9. 多肽类人工产物的理性设计、生物合成与功能表征 -2024/12/31
10. 新天然与人工产物的定向挖掘和高效合成的平台技术, 2020/01/01-2024/12/31
11. 高效基因编辑与异源表达技术开发, 2019/07/01-2024/06/30
12. 一种新型双组分羊毛硫肽抗生素bicereucin的结构与活性关系研究, 2019/04/26-2022/06/30
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