Associate Professor
Personal Information:
  • Name (Pinyin):
    Leng Anli
  • Date of Employment:
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  • Education Level:
    With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
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  • Degree:
  • Status:
  • Alma Mater:

冷安丽,山东大学政治学与公共管理学院副研究员,山东大学公共卫生学院博士,美国斯坦福大学联合培养博士。研究方向为健康经济与政策、应急管理健康养老决策偏好与行为。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后科学基金面上项目、青岛市社会科学基金项目、青岛市博士后应用项目等多项科研项目。在JAMA Network Open、Vaccine、Journal of Pain and Symptom Management、Frontiers in Public Health、BMC Palliative Care、《中国卫生经济》、《社会学评论》、等中英文期刊上发表论文三十余篇。翻译出版《行为经济学与公众健康》一书,担任《不同支付方式情境下医生决策行为的实验研究》副主编、《中国卫生经济》期刊青年编委,担任海南省真实世界数据医保应用专家咨询委员会专家(经济价值组)、青岛市长期照护协会专家委员会专家等。

  • 2014-9 — 2019-6
    Doctoral Degree in Management
  • 2017-9 — 2018-9
  • 2010-9 — 2014-6
    Bachelor's Degree in Economics

1. Yang, Fei. Ecology of End-of-life Medical Care for Advanced Cancer Patients in China .AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE MEDICINE.2023

2. Li, Lu. Will COVID-19 Vaccinations End Discrimination against COVID-19 Patients in China? New Evidence on Recovered COVID-19 Patients. .Vaccines.2021,9 (5)

3. Yang, Fei. Association Between Primary Decision-Maker and Care Intensity Among Patients With Advanced Cancer in Mainland China .AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE MEDICINE.2023

4. 叶紫蒙. Structuring healthcare advance directives: Evidence from Chinese end-of-life cancer patients' treatment preferences .HEALTH EXPECTATIONS.2023,26 (4):1648-1657

5. Jia, Zhimeng. Association Between Primary Decision-Maker and Care Intensity for Patients with Advanced Cancer in Mainland China .2022 :858-858

6. 冷安丽. Quality of life in caregivers of a family member with serious mental illness: Evidence from China .Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.2019,33 (1):23-29

7. 冷安丽. Catastrophic health expenditure of cancer patients at the end-of-life: a retrospective observational study in China .BMC PALLIATIVE CARE.2019,18 (1):43

8. Li, Lu. The Intention to Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine in China: Insights from Protection Motivation Theory. .Vaccines.2021,9 (5)

9. 刘汝刚. 中国农村居民乙肝疫苗知晓和信任情况及其影响因素分析 .中国卫生 事业管理.2017,0 (4):284-287

10. 王健. 武汉市中、西医治疗新型冠状病毒肺炎的成本收益比较分析 .中西医结合研究.2020,12 (3):204-207

11. 郝红英. Productivity Losses Due to Diabetes in Urban Rural China .InternationalJournalofEnvironmentalResearchandPublicHealth.2022,19 (10)

12. 叶紫蒙. Structuring healthcare advance directives: Evidence from Chinese end‐of‐life cancer patients' treatment preferences .Health Expectations.2023 (10)

13. Wang, Siyuan. Individual Preferences for COVID-19 Vaccination under the China’s 2021 National Vaccination Policy: A Discrete Choice Experiment Study .2022,10 (4)

14. 冷安丽. Student COVID-19 vaccination preferences in China: A discrete choice experiment .Frontiers in Public Health.2022 (10)

15. 冷安丽. Confucian Familism and Shared Decision Making in End-of-Life Care for Patients with Advanced Cancers .International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022 (16)

16. 冷安丽. The Economic Burden of Hospital Costs on Families with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Children: the Role of Medical Insurance in Shandong Province, China .Frontiers in Public Health.2022 (10)

17. 冷安丽. Preferences for End-of-Life Care Among Patients With Terminal Cancer in China .JAMA Network Open.2022 (5)

18. 冷安丽. Individual Preferences for COVID-19 Vaccination under the China's 2021 National Vaccination Policy: A Discrete Choice Experiment Study .VACCINES.2022 (10)

19. The Economic Burden of Hospital Costs on Families With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Children: The Role of Medical Insurance in Shandong Province, China .Frontiers in Public Health.2022

20. Individual Preferences for COVID-19 Vaccination under the China's 2021 National Vaccination Policy:A Discrete Choice Experiment Study .Vaccines.2022

21. Preferences for End-of-Life Care Among Patients With Terminal Cancer in China .JAMA Network Open.2022

22. 行为经济学对公共卫生应急管理的启示 .《中国卫生经济》.2021 (7)

23. Liu, Rugang , Stephen Nicholas , Elizabeth Maitland , Yuxun Zhang , Anli Leng  and Jian Wang. COVID-19 Vaccination Willingness among Chinese Adults under the Free Vaccination Policy .2021,9 (3)

24. Anli Leng , Elizabeth Maitland , Siyuan Wang , Stephen Nicholas , Rugang Liu  and Jian Wang. Individual preferences for COVID-19 vaccination in China .vaccine.2021 (2)

25. Qinfeng Zhao , Jian Wang , Stephen Nicholas , Jingjie Sun , Elizabeth Maitland , Chen Jiao , Lizheng Xu  and Anli Leng. Health-Related Quality of Life and Health Service Use among Multimorbid Middle-Aged and Older-Aged Adults in China: A Cross-Sectional Study in Shandong Province .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH.2020,17 (24)

26. Chen Jiao  and Leng Anli,. Multimorbidity and Mental Health: The Role of Gender among Disease-Causing Poverty, Rural, Aged Households in China .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH.2020,17 (23)

27. 景军 , 王健  and 冷安丽. 生命代价之重与优逝善终之难——一项有关晚期癌症患者调查研究的启示 .社会学评论.2020

28. Anli Leng , Caifen Xu , Stephen Nicholas  and Jian Wang. Quality of Life in Caregivers of a Family Member with Serious Mental Illness: Evidence from China .Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.2019

29. Anli Leng , Jun Jing , Stephen Nicholas  and Jian Wang. Catastrophic Health Expenditure of Cancer Patients at the End-of-Life: a Retrospective Observational Study in China .BMC Palliative Care.2019

30. Anli Leng , Jun Jing , Stephen Nicholas  and Jian Wang. Geographical Disparities in Treatment and Health Care Costs for End-of-life Cancer Patients : A Retrospective Study .BMC Cancer.2019

31. 冷安丽 , 唐彬  and 王健. 断点回归设计在卫生经济领域的应用与进展 .中国卫生经济.2018

32. 冷安丽 , 王镇 , 朱大伟 , 刘汝刚  and 王目君. 山东农村地区成年人对乙肝患者歧视状况分析 .中国公共卫生.2018

33. Anli Leng , Youwei Li , Knut Reidar Wangen , Stephen Nicholas , Elizabeth Maitland,  and Jian Wang. Hepatitis B Discrimination in Everyday Life by Rural Migrant Workers in Beijing .Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics.2016

Research project

1. 实体纪念空间的多元化研究, 2024/03/24-2024/12/31

2. “智库”课题研究(2023年度), 2024/01/01-2024/12/31

3. 枣庄市国家智能社会治理实验综合基地基层社会治理智能化研究(2023-2024) , 2023/12/01-2024/12/31

4. 山东省公立医院高质量发展评估研究, 2023/11/27-2024/03/31

5. (数字政府治理创新团队)数字政府转型的基础理论与实践模式, 2022/12/28-2025/12/31

6. 中国医疗保险和普惠健康险的发展趋势及肥胖症创新支付方式研究, 2023/04/07-2024/02/28

7. 安宁疗护经济学研究, 2022/06/16-2022/12/31

8. 枣庄市国家智能社会治理实验综合基地基层社会治理智能化研究, 2022/08/31-2023/12/31

9. 高血压慢病管理的健康行为实验研究, 2022/07/01-2024/02/28

10. 山东省健康扶贫的经验、效果与精准防贫对策研究, 2021/12/27-2022/12/31

11. 胶州湾第二隧道黄岛端施工社会风险治理课题研究, 2021/11/22-2026/11/23

12. 医保支付方式改革进展追踪项目合作协议, 2021/09/20-2022/09/30

13. 中国医疗保险和普惠健康险的发展趋势及肥胖症创新支付方式研究合作协议(2), 2021/09/23-2022/11/30

14. 青岛市乡村转型与振兴模式优化研究, 2020/08/01-2021/08/31

15. 中国医疗保险和普惠健康险的发展趋势及肥胖症创新支付方式研究合作协议, 2021/07/01-2022/11/30

16. 湖北省基本医疗保险和商业保险 融合研究合作协议, 2021/07/01-2022/06/30

17. 利益相关者视角下孤儿药医保准入标准的偏好研究, 2021/10/12-2025/12/31

18. 互联网医疗重塑城乡医疗健康不平等的效应、机制与助推策略研究, 2021/08/19-2024/03/01

19. 山东省卫生服务调查分析报告, 2020/05/31-2020/12/30

20. 山东省安全生产责任保险事故预防委托项目, 2020/08/06-2021/09/30

21. 生活垃圾分类处理收费研究合作协议, 2020/09/28-2020/12/31

22. 失独老年人对长期照护的偏好研究:基于离散选择实验, 2020/09/18-2023/12/31

23. 晚期癌症患者及其家属对临终关怀的决策偏好研究, 2019/10/20

24. 失独老年人对长期照护的偏好研究:基于离散选择实验, 2020/09/20

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