After graduating in 1997, I have been working at Shandong University, primarily engaging in research and teaching in the fields of internet software, audio/video, and artificial intelligence. I have designed and developed systems such as audio/video live streaming, video conferencing, network remote access, and library automation management systems. I have also participated in the design and development of large-scale systems, including a local network freight platform, WMS, and TMS. Additionally, I have served as a software consultant in several major vertical projects at the School of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong University, responsible for software architecture design and analysis, as well as student guidance. I am also a member of the Medical Informatics Subcommittee of the Shandong Medical Education Association.
1. 李洪文. 以知识应用和能力培养为目的的项目驱动式综合实训教学课程体系设计 .教育现代化.2021,8 (94):173-176
2. 李洪文. 基于Ajax的整合检索技术实现新思路 .情报理论与实践.2008,31 (5):799-800
3. 李洪文. 基于URL重写技术的电子资源统一授权访问系统的原理和实现 .大学图书馆学报.2008,26 (4):68-71
4. 李洪文. 以知识应用和能力培养为目的的项目驱动式综合实训教学课程体系设计 .《 教育现代化》.2021 (94)
5. 李洪文. 基于Ajax的整合检索技术实现新思路 .《情报理论与实践》.2008,5
6. 李洪文. 基于URL重写技术的电子资源统一授权访问系统的原理和实现 .《大学图书馆学报》.2008
7. Hongwen Li. 基于跨域名Cookie技术实现电子资源校外访问系统的设计与应用 .《现代图书情报技术》.2006 (8):69