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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师













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通讯/办公地址 : 山东大学青岛校区K5-211/213/209  qq:378799585

移动电话 : 15054187386

邮箱 : chunguangliu2013@sdu.edu.cn


个人简介Personal Profile

刘春光,1985年生,工学博士,教授,博士生导师,副院长,山东省海洋生态环境实验室主任,山东省环境过程与健康危害重点实验室副主任,山东省中美环境健康技术研究中心副主任,青岛市海洋污染物防治重点实验室主任,环境化学与工程技术研究所副所长,清洁生产审核师,日本生物工学会会员,中国光催化协会会员,中国毒理学学会会员;Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Carbon Research,iMeta 和生态环境学报核心期刊等的青年编委。Water Research,Bioresource Technology,Chemical Engineering Journal,Fuel,Journal of Hazardous Materials等国际著名期刊的特约审稿人。





2022.01 至今   山东大学环境科学与工程学院 副院长

2021.09 至今    山东大学环境科学与工程学院 教授

2022.09 至今    山东省海洋生态环境实验室主任

2022.09 至今    青岛市海洋污染物防治重点实验室主任

2014.01 至今    山东省中美环境健康技术研究中心副主任

2014.01-2021.08  山东大学环境科学与工程学院 副研究员

2017.08-2018.08  济南市市中区山东大学国家大学科技园  副主任

2016.08-2017.08  巨野县人民政府  巨野县科技副县长

2017.10-2019.09  江苏宝华环保科技有限公司  科技副总

2010.12-2013.11  筑波大学(日本),博士


1.国家自然科学面上基金, 2024/01-2027/12,主持,在研。


3.国家自然科学面上基金, 2021/01-2024/12,主持,在研。




7.山东省自然科学基金,ZR2019BB049, 2019/7-2021/6结题,主持。

8.国家博士后第64批面上基金2018M6406312018.11-2020.10 结题,主持。

9.山东大学交叉学科重点培育专项2018JC059,2018/10-2020/09 结题主持。

10.教育部教研项目, 201802240018,2019.01-2020.12,结题,主持。

11.广东省环境污染与健康重点室开放基金GDKLEEH2018052018.09-2020.08 结题主持。


13. 国家博士后第57批面上基金2014M560555,2012/6-2014/10,结题主持.




17. 国家博士后第8批特别资助基金2015T80720, 2014/1-2016/12,结题,主持。




(39)Min Dong, Na Sun, Chunguang Liu*, Bromide ion enhancing the phytodegradation of emerging phenolic pollutants and its mechanisms mediating wheat resistance to phenolic pollutants stress, Journal of Cleaner Production,2023,137295.
(38) Zheng Qi, Na Sun, Chunguang Liu*,Glyoxylate cycle maintains the metabolic homeostasis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in viable but nonculturable state induced by chlorine stress, Microbiological Research,Volume 270,2023,127341.
(37) Zheng Qi, Zaihui Huang, Chunguang Liu*, Metabolism differences of biofilm and planktonic Pseudomonas aeruginosa in viable but nonculturable state induced by chlorine stress, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 821, 2022,153374.
(36) Zheng Qi, Chunguang Liu*, Metabolic characteristics and markers in viable but nonculturable state of Pseudomonas aeruginosa induced by chlorine stress, Environmental Research,Volume 214, Part 3,2022, 114111.

(35) Jiali Wang, Zhao Shu, Zhennan Chen, Jixin Su, Chunguang Liu*, Iodide ions enhancing sulfamerazine degradation by horseradish peroxidase/H2O2: Degradation products, degradation mechanism and toxicity assessment, Journal of Cleaner Production,Volume 337,2022,130489.

(34) Zhao Shu, Jiali Wang, Hong Liu, Chunguang Liu, Improvement of bromide ions on the degradation of sulfamerazine by horseradish peroxidase-H2O2 system and its interaction mechanisms, Chemical Engineering Journal, 428,2022,131132.

33Tongtong Zheng, Jie Li, Chunguang Liu*. Improvement of α-amylase to the metabolism adaptions of soil bacteria against PFOS exposure, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Volume 208, 15 January 2021, 111770.

32Jie Li, Tongtong Zheng, Chunguang Liu*. Soil acidification enhancing the growth and metabolism inhibition of PFOS and Cr(VI) to bacteria involving oxidative stress and cell permeability, Environmental Pollution, Volume 275, 15 April 2021, 116650.

31Hong Liu, Zheng Qi, Chunguang Liu*. Inhibition mechanisms of humic acid and protein on the degradation of sulfamethazine by horseradish peroxidase, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Volume 629, 20 November 2021, 127473.

30Zhao Shu, Jiali Wang, Hong Liu, Chunguang Liu*. Improvement of bromide ions on the degradation of sulfamerazine by horseradish peroxidase-H2O2 system and its interaction mechanisms, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 428, 15 January 2022, 131132. 本科生论文

29Liu, H., Huang, Z., Chunguang Liu*.  Development of a horseradish peroxidase-Fenton-like system for the degradation of sulfamethazine under weak acid condition. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-16681-6.

28Xin Zheng, Bo Zhao  and  Chunguang Liu*. Bio-reduction mechanism of V(V) by thermophilic hydrogen-producing bacteria under acidic conditionsEnviron. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2021, 7, 1657-1665.

27W. Chen, D. Yuan, M. Shan, Z. Yang, Chunguang Liu*. Single and combined effects of amino polystyrene and perfluorooctane sulfonate on hydrogen-producing thermophilic bacteria and the interaction mechanisms, Science of The Total Environment, 703 (2020) 135015.

26J. Li, T. Zheng, D. Yuan, C. Gao, Chunguang Liu*. Probing the single and combined toxicity of PFOS and Cr (VI) to soil bacteria and the interaction mechanisms, Chemosphere, (2020) 126039.

25Xin Zheng, Dong Yuan,Youxuan Li, Chunguang Liu*. Exploration of the reduction mechanism of Cr(VI) in anaerobic hydrogen fermenter, Environmental Pollution 2019, 254, 113042.

(24) Tongtong Zheng, Dong Yuan, Chunguang Liu*. Molecular toxicity of nanoplastics involving in oxidative stress and desoxyribonucleic acid damage. Journal of Molecular Recognition, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1002/jmr.2804

 (23) X. Hao, L. Zhang, X. Zheng, W. Zong, Chunguang Liu*, Molecular mechanism of composite nanoparticles TiO2/WO3/GO-induced activity changes of catalase and superoxide dismutase, Chemico-Biological Interactions, 292 (2018) 30-36.

(22) H. Yang, L. Zhang, G. Hou, Chunguang Liu*, Insights into the effect and interaction mechanism of bisphenol S on lipids hydrolysis in sludge through multi-spectra, thermodynamics, and molecule docking analysis, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25 (2018) 7834-7843. 本科生论文

(21) G. Hou, R. Zhang, X. Hao, Chunguang Liu*, An exploration of the effect and interaction mechanism of bisphenol A on waste sludge hydrolysis with multi-spectra, isothermal titration microcalorimetry and molecule docking, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 333 (2017) 32-41.

(20) R. Zhou, H. Chunguang Liu*, Multi-spectral and thermodynamic analysis of the interaction mechanism between Cu2+ and α-amylase and impact on sludge hydrolysis, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24 (2017) 9428-9436.本科生论文

(19) X. Zhang, H. Liu, L. Ju, Chunguang Liu*, Exploring the Effect of Cu2+ on Sludge Hydrolysis and Interaction Mechanism between Cu2+ and Xylanase by Multispectral and Thermodynamic Methods, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 228 (2017) 99. 本科生论文

(18) X. Hao, M. Li, L. Zhang, K. Wang, Chunguang Liu*, Photocatalyst TiO2/WO3/GO nano-composite with high efficient photocatalytic performance for BPA degradation under visible light and solar light illumination, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 55 (2017) 140-148.

(17) H. Yang, G. Hou, L. Zhang, L. Ju, Chunguang Liu*, Exploring the effect of bisphenol S on sludge hydrolysis and mechanism of the interaction between bisphenol S and α-Amylase through spectrophotometric methods, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 167 (2017)128-135. 本科生论文
(16) Xiaoyan Hao, Guangying Hou, Peixue Zheng, Rutao Liu and Chunguang Liu# (2016) H2S in-situ removal from biogas using a tubular zeolite/TiO2 photocatalytic reactor and the improvement on methane production. Chemical Engineering Journal 294, 105-110.
(15) Guangying Hou, Xiaoyan Hao, Rui Zhang, Jing Wang, Rutao Liu and Chunguang Liu# (2016) Tetracycline removal and effect on the formation and degradation of extracellular polymeric substances and volatile fatty acids in the process of hydrogen fermentation. Bioresource Technology 212, 20-25.
(14)Chunguang Liu*, Rui Zhang, Song Wei, Jing Wang, Yang Liu, Man Li, Rutao Liu*, Selective removal of H2S from biogas using a regenerable hybrid TiO2/zeolite composite, Fuel, 2015,157, (1)183-190.
(13)Haoyu Sun, Xudan Yang, Meng Li, Songlin Han, Yingxue Liu, Xuejie Tan, Chunguang Liu*, Rutao Liu, Insights into the effect of N-acetyl-L-cysteine-capped CdTe quantum dots on the structure and activity of human serum albumin by spectroscopic techniques, Journal of Luminescence, 2015,167, 1-7.

(12)Chunguang Liu, Wansheng Shi, Huifang Li, Zhongfang Lei, Leilei He, Zhenya Zhang*,Improvement of methane production from waste activated sludge by on-site photocatalytic pretreatment in a photocatalytic anaerobic fermenter, Bioresource Technology, 2014, 155, 198-203.
11Chunguang Liu, Zhongfang Lei, Yingnan Yang, Zhenya Zhang*, Preliminary trial on degradation of waste activated sludge and simultaneous hydrogen production in a newly-developed solarphotocatalytic reactor with AgX/TiO2-coated glass tubes, Water Research, 2013, 47 (14-15), 4986-4992
(10)Chunguang Liu, Wansheng Shi, Mijung Kim, Yingnan Yang, Zhongfang Lei, Zhenya Zhang*, Photocatalytic pretreatment for the redox conversion of waste activated sludge to enhance biohydrogen production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38, (18) 7246-7252
(9)Chunguang Liu, Zhongfang Lei, Yingnan Yang, Haifeng Wang, Zhenya Zhang*, Improvement in settleability and dewaterability of waste activated sludge by solar photocatalytic treatment in Ag/TiO2-coated glass tubular reactor, Bioresource Technology, 2013,137, 57-62
(8)Chunguang Liu, Yingnan Yang, Qinghong Wang, Mijung Kim, Qingrong Zhu, Dawei Li, Zhenya Zhang*, Photocatalytic degradation of waste activated sludge using a circulating bed photocatalytic reactor for improving biohydrogen production, Bioresource Technology, 2012, 125, 30-36.
(7)Huifang Li, Zhongfang Lei, Chunguang Liu, Zhenya Zhang, Baowang Lu, Photocatalytic degradation of lignin on synthesized Ag–AgCl/ZnO nanorods under solar light and preliminary trials for methane fermentation, Bioresource Technology, 2015,175, 494-501.
(6)Xiaojing Sun, Wansong Zong, Chunguang Liu, Yang Chunguang Liuanzhu Gao, Rutao Liu, Investigation on the toxic interaction of typical plasticizers with calf thymus DNA, Journal of Luminescence, 2015,161, 71-75.
(5)Rui Zhang, Tao Sun, Chunguang Liu, Wei Song, Zhaozhen Cao, Rutao Liu*. New Insights into the Toxicity of n-Butanol to Trypsin: Spectroscopic and Molecular Docking Descriptions, Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, 2015, 29, (9), 418–425.
(4)Hao Zhang, Yang Liu, Rutao Liu*, Chunguang Liu, Yadong Chen, "Molecular Mechanism of Lead-induced Superoxide Dismutase Inactivation in Zebrafish Livers", The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Part B, 2014, 118 (51), 14820–14826.
(3)Mijung Kim, Chunguang Liu, Jin-Won Noh, Yingnan Yang, Sechang Oh, Kazuya Shimizu, Dong-Yeol Lee, Zhenya Zhang*, Hydrogen and methane production from untreated rice straw and raw sewage sludge under thermophilic anaerobic conditions. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38, 8648–8656.
(2)Wansheng Shi, Chunguang Liu, Dahu Ding, Zhongfang Lei, Yingnan Yang, Chuanping Feng, Zhenya Zhang*, Immobilization of heavy metals in sewage sludge by using subcritical water technology. Bioresource Technology, 2013,137, 18-24.
(1)Wansheng Shi, Chunguang Liu, Youju Shu, Chuanping Feng, Zhongfang Lei, Zhenya Zhang*, Synergistic effect of rice husk addition on hydrothermal treatment of sewage sludge: Fate and environmental risk of heavy metals. Bioresource Technology, 2013,237, 16-24.
(1)Chunguang Liu, Hao X., Hou G., Effects of tetracycline on bio-hydrogen production and its degradation during anaerobic digestion, The Society for Biotechnology, Kagoshima, Japan, 2015.10.25-10.28.
(2)Chunguang Liu, Yang Y., Lei Z., Zhang Z.. Improvement of methane production from waste activated sludge by on-site photocatalytic pretreatment in a photocatalytic anaerobic fermenter. The 6th Japan-China-Korea Graduate Student Forum, Chungnam, Korea, 2013.9.25-9.28.
(3)Chunguang Liu, Wang Q., Kim M., Li D., Yang Y., Lei Z., Zhang Z.. 2012. Impacts of photocatalytic pretreatment on biohydrogen production from waste activated sludge via anaerobic digestion. Journal of Bioscience and Bio-engineering, Kobe, Japan, 2012. 10.24-10.26.
(4)Chunguang Liu., Zhang, Z. Yang, Y., Wang, Q., Li, D.,Chen j. 2012. Waste activatied sludge degradation by TiO2 photocatalytsis. The 5th Japan-China-Korea Graduate Student Forum, Tsukuba, Japan, 2012. 9.21-9.24.
(5)Chunguang Liu., Zhang, Z. Yang, Y., Wang, Q., Li, D.,Chen j. 2012. Waste Activated Sludge Pretreatment by TiO2 Photocatalysis.The 4th Energy and Environmental Workshop, the Association of East Asian Research Universities (AEARU) Taiwan, China, 28-31 March, 2012. 3.28-3.31.
(6)Chunguang Liu., Zhang, Z. Yang, Y., Wang, Q., Li, D.,Chen j. 2012. A semi-continue photocatalysis process using TiO2 nanoparticles for the degradation of raw activated sludge. The 4th China-Japan Graduate Student Forum. Beijing, P.R. China, 2011.9.24-9.27.


1.刘春光,翟璐秋,一种两轮驱动自走式高秆作物喷雾机,2010.05.13,中国, ZL201020188744.8

4. 刘春光,郑彤彤,张惠玲,一种超声耦合亚临界提取石材加工锯泥中钾的方法, CN109930005A中国,   2019.04.16


2023.09, 中国墙体屋面材料行业科学技术奖 二等奖, 中国砖瓦工业协会

2022.12, 中国分析测试协会科学奖 一等奖, 中国分析协会







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QQ: 378799585


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