  • 2012-9 — 2016-6
  • 2009-9 — 2012-6
  • 2005-9 — 2009-6
  • 2024-10 — 2024-10
  • 2019-09 — 至今
  • 2018-09 — 2019-10
     University of Washington 
  • 2016-08 — 2019-09








(1) 李广鑫.Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network With Adversarial Learning for Skeleton-Based Action Prediction.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COGNITIVE AND DEVELOPMENTAL SYSTEMS.2022,14 (3):1258-1269

(2) 刘春生.基于移动平台的模拟电子实验教学.电气电子教学学报.2023,45 (1):166-170

(3) 王德鑫.On-Policy and Pixel-Level Grasping Across the Gap Between Simulation and Reality.ieee .2024

(4) JHPFA-Net: Joint Head Pose and Facial Action Network for Driver Yawning Detection Across Arbitrary Poses in Videos.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.2023

(5) 王德鑫.On-Policy and Pixel-Level Grasping Across the Gap Between Simulation and Reality.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.2023 (Early Access)

(6) JHPFA-Net: Joint Head Pose and Facial Action Network for Driver Yawning Detection Across Arbitrary Poses in Videos.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.2023 (Early Access)

(7) 李南君.Human-related anomalous event detection via memory-augmented Wasserstein generative adversarial network with gradient penalty. Pattern Recognition.2023 (138)

(8) 刘春生.Rapid Multiclass Traffic Sign Detection in High-Resolution Images.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.2014 (15)

(9) 刘春生.Fast Traffic Sign Recognition via High-Contrast Region Extraction and Extended Sparse Representation.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.2016 (17)

(10) 王文倩.Magi-Net: Meta Negative Network for Early Activity Prediction.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING.2023 (32)

(11) 王文倩.GA-Net: A Guidance Aware Network for Skeleton-Based Early Activity Recognition.IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.2023 (25)

(12) DSS-Net: Dynamic Self-Supervised Network for Video Anomaly Detection.IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.2023 (Early Access)

(13) AE-Net:Adjoint Enhancement Network for Efficient Action Recognition in Video Understanding.IEEE transactions on multimedia.2022

(14) 李南君.A Self-trained Spatial Graph Convolutional Network for Unsupervised Human-related Anomalous Event Detection in Complex Scenes.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COGNITIVE AND DEVELOPMENTAL SYSTEMS.2022

(15) 刘洪彬.Anti-occlusion multi-target tracking with progressive spatio-temporal feature model.Kongzhi yu Juece/Control and Decision.2019,34 (10):2171-2177

(16) 刘冬梅.Salient object detection fusing global and local information based on nonsubsampled contourlet transform.Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision.2016,33 (8):1430-1441

(17) 刘洪彬.Multitarget tracking using multifeature model with acceleration feature.Optical Engineering.2018,57 (7)

(18) 王文倩.Mutuality-oriented reconstruction and prediction hybrid network for video anomaly detection.Signal Image and Video Processing.2022

(19) 李爽.Time-Spatial Multiscale Net for Vehicle Counting and Traffic Volume Estimation.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COGNITIVE AND DEVELOPMENTAL SYSTEMS.2022,14 (2):740-751

(20) 王德鑫.High-performance Pixel-level Grasp Detection based on Adaptive Grasping and Grasp-aware Network.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.2021,69 (11):11611-11621

(21) Adaptive Short-Temporal Induced Aware Fusion Network for Predicting Attention Regions Like a Driver.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.2022

(22) Li, Nanjun.Human-related anomalous event detection via spatial-temporal graph convolutional autoencoder with embedded long short-term memory network.Neurocomputing.2022,490 :482-494

(23) 刘春生.Occlusion-robust traffic sign detection via cascaded colour cubic feature.IET Intelligent Transport Systems.2016,10 (5):354-360

(24) 刘春生.Posture Calibration Based Cross-View & Hard-Sensitive Metric Learning for UAV-Based Vehicle Re-Identification.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.2022

(25) 刘春生.Posture Calibration Based Cross-View & Hard-Sensitive Metric Learning for UAV-Based Vehicle Re-Identification.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.2022

(26) 张旺.Multi-Scale and Occlusion Aware Network for Vehicle Detection and Segmentation on UAV Aerial Images.REMOTE SENSING.2020,12 (11)

(27) 李爽.Vehicle counting and traffic flow parameter estimation for dense traffic scenes.IET INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS.2020,14 (12):1517

(28) 杨易蓉.Driver Gaze Zone Estimation via Head Pose Fusion Assisted Supervision and Eye Region Weighted Encoding.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS Journal.2021,67 (4):275

(29) 陈路昌.Adaptive multi-level feature fusion and attention-based network for arbitrary-oriented object detection in remote sensing imagery.Neurocomputing.2021,451 :67

(30) 刘春生.Temporal Shift and Spatial Attention-Based Two-Stream Network for Traffic Risk Assessment.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.2021

(31) Dong, Wenhui.Unsupervised Horizontal Pyramid Similarity Learning for Cross-Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification.IEEE Access .2021,9 :92901

(32) 李爽.Bi-Directional Dense Traffic Counting Based on Spatio-Temporal Counting Feature and Counting-LSTM Network.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.2021,22 (12):7395

(33) 李南君.Spatial-Temporal Cascade Autoencoder for Video Anomaly Detection in Crowded Scenes. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.2021,23 :203

(34) 蒋沁宇.A Spectrogram Based Local Fluctuation Feature for Fault Diagnosis with Application to Rotating Machines.Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology.2021

(35) 刘洪彬.Multi-target tracking with hierarchical data association using main-parts and spatial-temporal feature models.MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS.2019,78 (20):29161

(36) 刘洪彬.基于时空渐进特征模型的抗遮挡多目标跟踪.控制与决策.2018

(37) 常发亮.High-performance Chinese multiclass traffic sign detection via coarse-to-fine cascade and parallel support vector machine detectors.Journal of Electronic Imaging.2017, 26 (5)

(38) 刘春生.Supplemental Boosting and Cascaded ConvNet Based Transfer Learning Structure for Fast Traffic Sign Detection in Unknown Application Scenes.Sensors.2018,18 (7)

(39) 刘春生.Fast and Robust Region of Interest Extraction for Chinese Road Signs.2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC).2017 :2877

(40) 刘春生.Hybrid Cascade Structure for License Plate Detection in Large Visual Surveillance Scenes.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.2019,20 (6):2122

(41) 刘春生.Machine Vision Based Traffic Sign Detection Methods: Review, Analyses and Perspectives.IEEE ACCESS.2019,7 :86578

(42) 刘春生.ACF Based Region Proposal Extraction for YOLOv3 Network Towards High-Performance Cyclist Detection in High Resolution Images.Sensors.2019,19 (2671):1

(43) 刘洪彬.基于时空渐进特征模型的抗遮挡多目标跟踪.控制与决策.2018

(44) 常发亮.High-performance Chinese multiclass traffic sign detection via coarse-to-fine cascade and parallel support vector machine detectors.Journal of Electronic Imaging.2017, 26 (5)

(45) 刘春生.Hybrid Cascade Structure for License Plate Detection in Large Visual Surveillance Scenes.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.2019,20 (6):2122

(46) 刘春生.Machine Vision Based Traffic Sign Detection Methods: Review, Analyses and Perspectives.IEEE ACCESS.2019,7 :86578

(47) 刘春生.ACF Based Region Proposal Extraction for YOLOv3 Network Towards High-Performance Cyclist Detection in High Resolution Images.Sensors.2019,19 (2671):1

(48) 刘春生.Supplemental Boosting and Cascaded ConvNet Based Transfer Learning Structure for Fast Traffic Sign Detection in Unknown Application Scenes.Sensors.2018,18 (7)

(49) 刘春生.Fast and Robust Region of Interest Extraction for Chinese Road Signs.2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC).2017 :2877

(50) 刘洪彬.Multi-target tracking with hierarchical data association using main-parts and spatial-temporal feature models.MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS.2019,78 (20):29161

(51) 刘春生.Machine Vision Based Traffic Sign Detection Methods: Review, Analyses and Perspectives.IEEE ACCESS.2019,7 :86578

(52) 刘春生.ACF Based Region Proposal Extraction for YOLOv3 Network Towards High-Performance Cyclist Detection in High Resolution Images.Sensors.2019,19 (2671):1

(53) 刘春生.Hybrid Cascade Structure for License Plate Detection in Large Visual Surveillance Scenes.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.2019,20 (6):2122

(54) 刘春生.Supplemental Boosting and Cascaded ConvNet Based Transfer Learning Structure for Fast Traffic Sign Detection in Unknown Application Scenes.Sensors.2018,18 (7)

(55) 刘春生.Supplemental Boosting and Cascaded ConvNet Based Transfer Learning Structure for Fast Traffic Sign Detection in Unknown Application Scenes.Sensors.2018,18 (7)

(56) 刘洪彬.基于时空渐进特征模型的抗遮挡多目标跟踪.控制与决策.2018

(57) 常发亮.High-performance Chinese multiclass traffic sign detection via coarse-to-fine cascade and parallel support vector machine detectors.Journal of Electronic Imaging.2017, 26 (5)

(58) 刘春生.Fast and Robust Region of Interest Extraction for Chinese Road Signs.2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC).2017 :2877

(59) 刘春生.Multiview road sign detection via self-adaptive color model and shape context matching.Journal of Electronic Imaging.2016,25 (5)

(60) 刘春生.Occlusion-Robust Traffic Sign Detection via Cascaded Color Cubic Feature.IET Intelligent Transport Systems.2016,10 (5):354

(61) 刘春生.Fast Traffic Sign Recognition via High-Contrast Region Extraction and Extended Sparse Representation.IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems.2016,17 (1):79

(62) 刘春生.Cascaded split-level colour Haar-like features for object detection.IET Electronic letters.2015,51 (25):2106

(63) 刘春生.Rapid Multiclass Traffic Sign Detection in High-Resolution Images.IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems.2014,15 (6):2394

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