Ning Liu


I’m Ning Liu, an assistant professor in School of Software, Shandong University(Jinan Campus). Before that, I received my Ph.D. degree from Department of Computer Science and Technology(Database Lab), Tsinghua University in 2021, advised by Professor Jianyong Wang (IEEE Fellow). In 2016, I received my bachelor’s degree from Taishan Honors College, Shandong University, majoring in computer science and technology. For more details, please refer to my CV(My dblp page: Ning Liu 0014). For more details, please refer to About me - Ning Liu (


* We have two papers accepted in CIKM 2024.

We have 6 conference papers accepted in 2024, 2 in DASFAA 2024, 1 in IEEE ICDE, 1 in ICME, 1 in ICLR, 1 in IJCAI.

We have 3 journal papers published in 2024, 1 in IEEE TPAMI, 1 in IEEE TCCN and 1 in Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud.

Research Interest

Medical data mining; Knowledge Enhanced Applications; Knowledge Graphs; Interpretable Machine Learning; Large Models;

Email or


2012.9 -- 2016.7

Shandong University       Computer Science and Technology       Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)       Bachelor

2016.9 -- 2021.7

Tsinghua University       Computer Science and Technology       Postgraduate (Doctoral)       Doctor

Social Affiliations

2024.1 -- Now


2024.1 -- Now
