所属院部: 齐鲁交通学院
  • 教师英文名称:
    Yong Li
  • 教师拼音名称:
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  • 毕业院校:
    Shandong University
  • 博士生导师
  • 硕士生导师

2018    中国岩石力学与工程学会科技进步一等奖;
2016    山东大学青年教师讲课比赛三等奖;
2010    中国岩石力学与工程学会优秀博士论文提名奖;

李勇, 湖北天门人, 山东大学齐鲁交通学院教授, 博士生导师, 荣获齐鲁交通学院第二届“我心目中的好导师”称号。主要从事岩石力学及地下工程相关的教学与研究工作。主持国家及省部级项目10项,重大工程委托项目近20项;科研成果荣获中国岩石力学与工程学会科技进步一等奖1项,技术发明二等奖1项,获国际隧道协会(ITA)2018年技术创新提名奖,2019年ITA安全创新提名奖和ITA2020年技术创新年度大奖;发表学术论文70余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者发表SCI收录30余篇,撰写中文专著1部(科学出版社出版),英文专著1部(CRC出版社出版);授权发明专利及实用新型专利10余项。现为International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences,Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,岩土工程学报,岩土力学和岩石力学与工程学报等20多个SCI/EI收录期刊的独立审稿人,国家自然科学基金及多个省基金的通讯评审专家,教育部学位论文通讯评审专家。2010年1月至今,在山东大学土建学院/齐鲁交通学院城市地下空间与工程系工作,任职期间在多所海外知名高校访问交流:如日本同志社大学(Doshisha University)和早稻田大学(Waseda University) (2011年1-2月),英国南安普顿大学(The University of Southampton)、杜伦大学(Durham University)和邓迪大学(The University of Dundee) (2014年2-3月),美国奥克拉荷马大学(The University of Oklahoma) (2015年7-8月),日本东京大学(The University of Tokyo) (2016年9月),韩国成均馆大学(Sungkyunkwan University) (2017年1-2月)以及美国明尼苏达大学双城校区(The University of Minnesota at Twin Cities)访问学者(2017年8月-2018年8月)。

  • 2006-12 — 2009-12
  • 2003-9 — 2006-6
  • 1999-9 — 2003-6
  • 1996-9 — 1999-6
  • 2010-01-至今
  • 2017-07 — 2018-08
  • 2014-02 — 2014-03
  • 2011-01 — 2011-02
  • 2007-10 — 2008-10

1.  蒋鹏. Deep Learning Based Optimization Framework for Full-waveform Inversion in Tunnels.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING,  2024. 

2.  刘斌. 面向新工科人才培养的智能城市地下空间工程教学改革与探索.  高教学刊,  7,  149-152+157, 2021. 

3.  殷付通. Mechanical behaviors and failure mechanism of flawed sandstone containing infillings under freeze-thaw cycles and uniaxial compression.  THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS Journal,  2023. 

4.  李勇. Experimental investigation on mechanical properties and failure mechanism of rock-like specimens containing an arc-shaped ice-filled flaw under uniaxial compression.  Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics,  119,  2022. 

5.  李勇. Crack propagation mechanism of rock-like specimens containing non-parallel flaws subjected to internal hydraulic pressure and shear loading.  Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics,  119,  2022. 

6.  李勇. Experimental and numerical investigations on crack propagation characteristics of rock-like specimens with preexisting flaws subjected to combined actions of internal hydraulic pressure and shear force.  ARCHIVE OF APPLIED MECHANICS,  92,  221, 2022. 

7.  李勇. Crack propagation mechanism in rock-like specimens containing intermittent flaws under shear loading.  THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS Journal,  117,  2022. 

8.  汪志恒. Crack propagation process and acoustic emission characteristics of rock-like specimens with double parallel flaws under uniaxial compression.  THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS Journal,  114,  2021. 

9.  刘众众. A new test method and system for the circumferential deformation of cylindrical standard specimens in geotechnical mechanics and its application.  Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation,  149,  2020. 

10.  李勇. The Microscopic Mechanism of Crack Evolution in Brittle Material Containing 3-D Embedded Flaw.  Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,  53,  5239, 2020. 

11.  李勇. The crack coalescence mode and physical field evolutionary characteristics of a brittle material containing two 3-D parallel embedded flaws.  THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS Journal,  110,  1, 2020. 

12.  李勇. 水压作用含贯穿裂隙类岩石试件力学性能研究.  地下空间与工程学报,  16,  64, 2020. 

13.  李勇. Experimental observation and numerical investigation on propagation and coalescence process of multiple flaws in rock-like materials subjected to hydraulic pressure and far-field stress.  Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics,  108,  1, 2020. 

14.  魏超. Experimental observation and numerical investigation on propagation and coalescence process of multiple flaws in rock-like materials subjected to hydraulic pressure and far-field stress.  THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS Journal,  108,  2020. 

15.  李勇. Stability monitoring of surrounding rock mass on a forked tunnel using both strain gauges and FBG sensors.  Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation,  153,  2020. 

16.  李勇. Stability monitoring of surrounding rock mass on a forked tunnel using both strain gauges and FBG sensors.  Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation,  153,  1, 2020. 

17.  李勇. 单轴压缩下三维裂纹扩展机理试验与离散元分析.  长江科学院院报,  37,  96, 2020. 

18.  李勇. 水力耦合作用下裂纹扩展演化机理的试验和颗粒流分析.  工程科学与技术,  52,  21, 2020. 

19.  刘众众. A new test method and system for the circumferential deformation of cylindrical standard specimens in geotechnical mechanics and its application.  Measurement,  149,  2020. 

20.  李勇 , 朱维申  and 张强勇. 单轴压缩条件下平行双裂隙演化机理的颗粒流分析.  中南大学学报(自然科学版),  2019. 

21.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 张强勇  and 王书刚. Experimental and DEM Analysis on Secondary Crack Types of Rock-Like Material Containing Multiple Flaws Under Uniaxial Compression.  Applied Sciences-Basel,  2019. 

22.  李勇 , 朱维申  and 王书刚. 岩石倾斜裂隙与水平裂隙扩展贯通试验及数值模拟研究.  《岩土力学》,  2019. 

23.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 李术才  and 王书刚. Numerical investigations on stability evaluation of a jointed rock slope during excavation using an optimized DDARF method.  Geomechanics and Engineering,  59,  271, 2018. 

24.  朱维申 , 李勇 , 李术才 , 张强勇  and 王汉鹏. 静态电阻与光纤应变测试技术在岩土地质力学模型试验中的应用 .  山东大学学报(工学版),  0,  500, 2009. 

25.  王汉鹏 , 刘健 , 李术才 , 张庆松  and 李勇. An elasto-plastic damage constitutive model for jointed rock mass with an application.  Geomechanics and Engineering: an International Journal,  11,  77, 2016. 

26.  朱维申 , 李勇  and 李术才. Design and manufacture of a new large-scale three-dimensional geomechanics model test system.  Advanced Materials research,  97-101,  2770, 2010. 

27.  李勇 , 李术才  and 王汉鹏. A new mini-grating absolute displacement measuring system for static and dynamic geomechanical model tests.  Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation,  2017. 

28.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 李术才  and 刘健. An experimental investigation on mechanical property and anchorage effect of bolted jointed rock mass.  Geosciences Journal,  2017. 

29.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 薛翊国  and 江贝. Field monitoring of splitting failure for surrounding rock masses and applications of energy dissipation model.  Geomechanics and Engineering,  2017. 

30.  李勇  and 贾超. Jointed Surrounding Rock Mass Stability Analysis on an Underground Cavern in a Hydropower Station Based on the Extended Key Block Theory.  Energies,  2017. 

31.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 李术才  and 刘健. Experimental and numerical investigations on mechanical property and reinforcement effect of bolted jointed rock mass.  CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS,  2016. 

32.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 薛翊国  and 虞松. Splitting failure in side walls of a large-scale underground cavern group: a numerical modelling and a field study.  Springerplus,  2016. 

33.  李勇 , 朱维申  and 王知深. 开挖顺序对高边墙地下洞室围岩稳定性影响研究.  价值工程,  2018. 

34.  李勇  and 朱维申. Impact of In Situ Stress Distribution Characteristics on Jointed Surrounding Rock Mass Stability of an Underground Cavern near a Hillslope Surface.  Shock and vibration,  2017. 

35.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 李术才  and 王书刚. Numerical investigations on stability evaluation of a jointed rock slope during excavation using an optimized DDARF method.  Geomechanics and Engineering,  2018. 

36.  王旌 , 李勇 , 朱维申 , 薛翊国 , 虞松 , 王知深 高地应力地区围岩劈裂破坏现场监测和能量耗散模型及应用.  工程科学与技术,  2018. 

37.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 李术才  and 王书刚. Numerical investigations on stability evaluation of a jointed rock slope during excavation using an optimized DDARF method.  Geomechanics and Engineering,  14,  271, 2018. 

38.  李术才 , 王汉鹏  and 李勇. A new mini-grating absolute displacement measuring system for static and dynamic geomechanical model tests.  Measurement,  105,  25, 2017. 

39.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 薛翊国 , 江贝  and 王知深. Field monitoring of splitting failure for surrounding rock masses and applications of energy dissipation model.  Geomechanics and Engineering,  12,  595, 2017. 

40.  贾超  and 李勇. Jointed Surrounding Rock Mass Stability Analysis on an Underground Cavern in a Hydropower Station Based on the Extended Key Block Theory.  Energies,  10,  2017. 

41.  李勇 , 朱维申  and 李邦翔. Impact of In Situ Stress Distribution Characteristics on Jointed Surrounding Rock Mass Stability of an Underground Cavern near a Hillslope Surface.  Shock and vibration,  0,  2017. 

42.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 李术才  and 刘健. An experimental investigation on mechanical property and anchorage effect of bolted jointed rock mass.  Geosciences Journal,  21,  253, 2017. 

43.  王琦 , 江贝 , 李勇  and 李术才. Mechanical behaviors analysis on a square-steel-confined-concrete arch centering and its engineering application in a mining project.  European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering,  21,  389, 2017. 

44.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 薛翊国  and 虞松. Splitting failure in side walls of a large-scale underground cavern group: a numerical modelling and a field study.  Springerplus,  5,  1, 2016. 

45.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 李术才  and 刘健. Experimental and numerical investigations on the shear behavior of a jointed rock mass.  Geosciences Journal,  20,  371, 2016. 

46.  李勇 , 朱维申  and 李术才. Identification of Nonlinear Rheological Parameters of Medium-strength Marble Rock.  Material Sciences and Manufacturing Technology,  629,  423, 2013. 

47.  李勇 , 朱维申  and 李术才. Quasi-three-dimensional physical model tests on a cavern complex under high in-situ stresses.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES,  48,  199, 2011. 

48.  李勇  and 贾超. Progressive Failure Research on Foundation Surface of Concrete Gravity Dam.  Advanced Materials research,  163-167,  1038, 2012. 

49.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 李术才  and 刘健. Numerical investigations on slope stability using an elasto-brittle model considering fissure water pressure.  Arabian Journal of Geosciences,  8,  10277, 2015. 

50.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 李术才  and 刘健. Numerical Study on Crack Propagation in Brittle Jointed Rock Mass Influenced by Fracture Water Pressure.  Materials,  8,  3364, 2015. 

51.  李勇  and 朱维申. Numerical analyses and elasto-plastic behavior study on surrounding rock mass of the underground caverns in a hydropower station during deep excavations.  Geotechnical special publication,  2010,  176, 2010. 

52.  李勇 , 李术才 , 张强勇 , 王汉鹏  and 朱维申. 静态电阻与光纤应变测试技术在岩土地质力学模型试验中的应用 .  山东大学学报(工学版),  0,  500, 2009. 

53.  李勇 , 朱维申  and 李术才. A modified initial in-situ Stress Inversion Method based on FLAC3D with an engineering application.  Open Geosciences,  7,  824, 2015. 

54.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 李术才  and 刘健. 节理岩体剪切试验的破坏研究.  《中国科技论文在线》,  2015. 

55.  王琦 , 李勇 , 江贝  and 李术才. Mechanical behaviors analysis on a square-steel-confined-concrete arch centering and its engineering application in a mining project.  European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering,  2015. 

56.  刘健 , 李术才 , 张庆松 , 李勇  and 王汉鹏. An elasto-plastic damage constitutive model for jointed rock mass with an application.  Geomechanics and Engineering: an International Journal,  11,  77, 2016. 

57.  王琦 , 李术才 , 张波  and 李勇. Model test study on surrounding rock deformation and failure mechanisms of deep roadways with thick top coal.  Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,  2015. 

58.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 李术才  and 刘健. Experimental and numerical investigations on mechanical property and reinforcement effect of bolted jointed rock mass.  CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS,  126,  843, 2016. 

59.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 李术才  and 刘峂. A Creep Constitutive Model Considering Geometric Damage of Fractured Rock Mass and its Application.  49th U.S. Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium,  1,  1, 2015. 

60.  李勇 , 朱维申  and 李术才. Experimental Investigation on Creep Deformation Behavior of Medium-Strength Marble Rock.  Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology,  7,  311, 2014. 

61.  李勇  and 王汉鹏. Inversion of initial In-situ stress field by the method of Multivariate analysis and engineering application.  Applied mechanics and materials,  44-47,  1203, 2011. 

62.  李勇  and 朱维申. DDARF Analysis on Shear Tests of Jointed Rock Mass.  Applied mechanics and materials,  353-356,  507, 2013. 

63.  李术才 , 李勇  and 朱维申. Design and manufacture of a new large-scale three-dimensional geomechanics model test system.  Advanced Materials research,  97-101,  2770, 2010. 

64.  李勇  and 朱维申. Development of large-scale geomechanical model test system under true triaxial loading and its applications .  岩石力学与工程学报,  29,  1, 2010. 

65.  李勇 , 李术才  and 朱维申. Quasi-three-dimensional physical model tests on a cavern complex under high in-situ stresses.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES,  48,  199, 2011. 

66.  李勇. Study on the optimum support of large underground caverns using elasto-plastic damage FEM during excavations.  45th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium,  1,  1, 2011. 

67.  李勇  and 朱维申. A damage rheology model applied to analysis of splitting failure in underground caverns of Jinping I hydropower station.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES,  71,  224, 2014. 

68.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 李术才  and 刘健. 关于裂隙水压影响下节理岩体的破坏研究.  《中国科技论文在线》,  2015. 

69.  朱维申 , 薛翊国 , 江贝  and 李勇. Field monitoring of splitting failure for surrounding rock masses and applications of energy dissipation model.  Geomechanics and Engineering,  2017. 

70.  朱维申 , 薛翊国 , 虞松  and 李勇. Splitting failure in side walls of a large-scale underground cavern group: a numerical modelling and a field study.  Springerplus,  2016. 

71.  朱维申  and 李勇. Impact of In Situ Stress Distribution Characteristics on Jointed Surrounding Rock Mass Stability of an Underground Cavern near a Hillslope Surface.  Shock and vibration,  2017. 

72.  江贝 , 李术才 , 李勇  and 王琦. Mechanical behaviors analysis on a square-steel-confined-concrete arch centering and its engineering application in a mining project.  European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering,  2015. 

73.  李术才 , 张波 , 李勇  and 王琦. Model test study on surrounding rock deformation and failure mechanisms of deep roadways with thick top coal.  Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,  2015. 

74.  李术才 , 李勇  and 朱维申. Design and manufacture of a new large-scale three-dimensional geomechanics model test system.  Advanced Materials research,  97-101,  2770, 2010. 

75.  李术才 , 张波 , 李勇  and 王琦. Model test study on surrounding rock deformation and failure mechanisms of deep roadways with thick top coal.  Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,  2015. 

76.  江贝 , 李术才 , 李勇  and 王琦. Mechanical behaviors analysis on a square-steel-confined-concrete arch centering and its engineering application in a mining project.  European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering,  2015. 

77.  李术才 , 张庆松 , 刘健 , 李勇  and 王汉鹏. An elasto-plastic damage constitutive model for jointed rock mass with an application.  Geomechanics and Engineering: an International Journal,  11,  77, 2016. 

78.  李术才 , 李勇  and 朱维申. Design and manufacture of a new large-scale three-dimensional geomechanics model test system.  Advanced Materials research,  97-101,  2770, 2010. 

79.  王汉鹏 , 李勇  and 李术才. A new mini-grating absolute displacement measuring system for static and dynamic geomechanical model tests.  Measurement,  105,  25, 2017. 

80.  江贝 , 李勇 , 李术才  and 王琦. Mechanical behaviors analysis on a square-steel-confined-concrete arch centering and its engineering application in a mining project.  European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering,  21,  389, 2017. 

81.  李勇 , 李术才 , 张强勇 , 王汉鹏  and 朱维申. 静态电阻与光纤应变测试技术在岩土地质力学模型试验中的应用 .  山东大学学报(工学版),  0,  500, 2009. 

82.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 薛翊国 , 江贝  and 王知深. Field monitoring of splitting failure for surrounding rock masses and applications of energy dissipation model.  Geomechanics and Engineering,  12,  595, 2017. 

83.  李勇 , 朱维申  and 王知深. 开挖顺序对高边墙地下洞室围岩稳定性影响研究.  价值工程,  2018. 

84.  李勇 , 朱维申 , 薛翊国 , 虞松 , 王旌  and 王知深. 高地应力地区围岩劈裂破坏现场监测和能量耗散模型及应用.  工程科学与技术,  2018. 

85.  李勇  and 贾超. Jointed Surrounding Rock Mass Stability Analysis on an Underground Cavern in a Hydropower Station Based on the Extended Key Block Theory.  Energies,  10,  2017. 

86.  李勇 , 朱维申  and 李邦翔. Impact of In Situ Stress Distribution Characteristics on Jointed Surrounding Rock Mass Stability of an Underground Cavern near a Hillslope Surface.  Shock and vibration,  0,  2017. 

87.  朱维申 , 李术才 , 刘健  and 李勇. Experimental and numerical investigations on mechanical property and reinforcement effect of bolted jointed rock mass.  Construction and building materials,  126,  843, 2016. 

88.  朱维申 , 薛翊国 , 虞松  and 李勇. Splitting failure in side walls of a large-scale underground cavern group: a numerical modelling and a field study.  Springerplus,  5,  1, 2016. 

89.  朱维申 , 李术才 , 刘健  and 李勇. 关于裂隙水压影响下节理岩体的破坏研究.  《中国科技论文在线》,  2015. 

90.  朱维申 , 李术才 , 刘健  and 李勇. 节理岩体剪切试验的破坏研究.  《中国科技论文在线》,  2015. 

91.  朱维申 , 李术才 , 刘健  and 李勇. Experimental and numerical investigations on the shear behavior of a jointed rock mass.  Geosciences Journal,  20,  371, 2016. 

92.  朱维申 , 李术才  and 李勇. A modified initial in-situ Stress Inversion Method based on FLAC3D with an engineering application.  Open Geosciences,  7,  824, 2015. 

93.  朱维申 , 李术才 , 刘峂  and 李勇. A Creep Constitutive Model Considering Geometric Damage of Fractured Rock Mass and its Application.  49th U.S. Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium,  1,  1, 2015. 

94.  朱维申 , 李术才 , 刘健  and 李勇. Numerical investigations on slope stability using an elasto-brittle model considering fissure water pressure.  Arabian Journal of Geosciences,  8,  10277, 2015. 

95.  王汉鹏 , 朱维申 , 李术才 , 刘健  and 李勇. Structural Stability Monitoring of a Physical Model Test on an Underground Cavern Group during Deep Excavations Using FBG Sensors.  Sensors,  15,  2015. 

96.  朱维申 , 李术才 , 刘健  and 李勇. Numerical Study on Crack Propagation in Brittle Jointed Rock Mass Influenced by Fracture Water Pressure.  Materials,  8,  3364, 2015. 

97.  朱维申  and 李勇. A damage rheology model applied to analysis of splitting failure in underground caverns of Jinping I hydropower station.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES,  71,  224, 2014. 

98.  朱维申 , 李术才  and 李勇. Experimental Investigation on Creep Deformation Behavior of Medium-Strength Marble Rock.  Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology,  7,  311, 2014. 

99.  王汉鹏  and 李勇. Inversion of initial In-situ stress field by the method of Multivariate analysis and engineering application.  Applied mechanics and materials,  44-47,  1203, 2011. 

100.  朱维申 , 李术才  and 李勇. Quasi-three-dimensional physical model tests on a cavern complex under high in-situ stresses.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES,  48,  199, 2011. 

101.  贾超  and 李勇. Progressive Failure Research on Foundation Surface of Concrete Gravity Dam.  Advanced Materials research,  163-167,  1038, 2012. 

102.  朱维申  and 李勇. DDARF Analysis on Shear Tests of Jointed Rock Mass.  Applied mechanics and materials,  353-356,  507, 2013. 

103.  朱维申 , 李术才  and 李勇. Identification of Nonlinear Rheological Parameters of Medium-strength Marble Rock.  Material Sciences and Manufacturing Technology,  629,  423, 2013. 

104.  李勇. Study on the optimum support of large underground caverns using elasto-plastic damage FEM during excavations.  45th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium,  1,  1, 2011. 

105.  朱维申  and 李勇. Numerical analyses and elasto-plastic behavior study on surrounding rock mass of the underground caverns in a hydropower station during deep excavations.  Geotechnical special publication,  2010,  176, 2010. 

106.  朱维申  and 李勇. Development of large-scale geomechanical model test system under true triaxial loading and its applications .  岩石力学与工程学报,  29,  1, 2010. 

107.  朱维申 , 李术才 , 王书刚  and 李勇. Numerical investigations on stability evaluation of a jointed rock slope during excavation using an optimized DDARF method.  Geomechanics and Engineering,  2018. 

108.  朱维申 , 李术才 , 刘健  and 李勇. An experimental investigation on mechanical property and anchorage effect of bolted jointed rock mass.  Geosciences Journal,  2017. 

109.  朱维申 , 李术才 , 刘健  and 李勇. Experimental and numerical investigations on mechanical property and reinforcement effect of bolted jointed rock mass.  Construction and building materials,  2016. 


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2. (包干项目)水力耦合作用下裂隙岩体裂纹扩展及声发射特征研究, 2024/01/01-2026/12/31

3. 隧道损伤加固机制及效果评价, 2023/12/01-2026/11/30

4. 硬岩隧道防水型单层衬砌设计方法、材料研发与施工关键技术, 2022/09/01-2025/02/28

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8. 考虑非达西流影响的水压致裂非连续变形分析研究, 2018/09/01-2020/09/01

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24. 裂隙岩体裂纹扩展及水力压裂机理的试验研究, 2017/01/01-2018/12/31

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26. 复杂页岩气储层中节理岩体水压致裂机理的试验及数值模拟研究, 2016/10/29-2019/06/30

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31. 复杂地质条件下大型地下洞群围岩的加卸荷流变试验及数值模拟研究, 2012/01/01-2014/12/31

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