E-Mail: ningyafei@sdu.edu.cn
Undergraduate Course Name | Semester | Credit | Course Number |
GNSS原理及应用 |
Spring Term |
2.0 |
0230057 |
嵌入式与DSP系统设计 |
Spring Term |
2.0 |
0230051 |
微处理器原理与应用 |
Spring Term |
2.0 |
sd04031240 |
嵌入式系统实现-北斗微系统终端 |
Spring Term |
2.0 |
sd0401007V |
通信原理 |
Autumn Term |
3.0 |
sd04030720 |
案例教学与课程设计II |
Autumn Term |
2.0 |
sd04030490 |
RFID与物联网 |
Spring Term |
2.0 |
sd04030130 |
Name | Introduction |
物联网软硬件系统定制化设计及研发 |
基于单片机、PCB、FPGA、RFID等传感器设计并制造定制化物联网软硬件系统。 |
RISC-V 芯片集成电路设计与应用 |
研究基于RISC-V 架构的服务器芯片设计及在人工智能等领域高性能处理计算中的应用。 |
北斗/GNSS空天信号处理及集成电路研发 |
高精度解算北斗/GNSS卫星导航系统研究PNT(导航、定位、授时)信号,并研究与之相适应的集成电路传感器。 |
Project Name | Project Cycle |
GFJG-GF2024多体***研发KM20240086 |
2024/04/01,2024/12/31 |
自主可控高性能服务器CPU的设计及产业化(子课题2) |
2023/12/01,2026/12/31 |
交通基础设施北斗高精度智慧监测系统测试验证技术服务项目 |
2024/08/22,2026/08/22 |
钻爆法隧道开挖数字化控制技术研究 |
2024/05/15,2025/08/31 |
山东省自主可控服务器CPU发展战略研究 |
2024/01/26,2024/12/31 |
公路隧道钻爆法施工谱系化全工序机械化智能装备技术及集成应用 |
2022/10/01,2025/09/30 |
光纤通信系统超高速集成电路设计及验证应用 |
2023/03/01,2026/04/01 |
基于北斗B2b实时精密定位技术的无人机制导软硬件研发 |
2022/09/28,2024/12/30 |
隧道三维探测器软硬件系统研发 |
2022/07/01,2024/12/31 |
公路隧道智能安全建造及其关键技术研究 |
2022/07/01,2024/12/31 |
基于电磁法的铝包钢测量系统嵌入式研发 |
2022/09/28,2024/12/30 |
基于单频BDS非差非组合网解模式的电离层TEC计算方法研究 |
2019/08/16,2022/12/31 |
北斗卫星毫米级暴雨预警实时泄洪协同调控新技术及应用 |
2019/07/08,2021/12/31 |
基于毫米波雷达技术的运管系统软硬件研发 |
2021/12/08,2022/08/30 |
北斗/GNSS增强软件研发 |
2019/05/24,2020/12/31 |
Award Time | Award Name |
山东省物联网创造力大赛优秀指导教师 |
山东省大学生科技竞赛优秀指导教师 |
全国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛优秀指导教师 |
全国“挑战杯”大学生创业计划竞赛优秀指导教师 |
2019 |
卫星导航定位科学技术奖 |
【1】叶晓玲.High performance self-powered photodetectors based on graphene nanoribbons/Al2O3/InGaZnO heterojunctionsIEEE Photonics Journal,2024.
【2】刘文成.Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Oxide Nanoribbon Supported Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles as High-Performance Bifunctional Catalysts for Zinc–Air BatteryADVANCED ENERGY AND SUSTAINABILITY RESEARCH,2024.
【3】叶晓玲.Graphene nanoribbons/Ru as efficient cathodic catalysts for high-performance rechargeable Li–CO2 batteriesJournal of Materials Chemistry A,2024.
【4】王名扬.High-Performance Photodetectors Based on Semiconducting Graphene NanoribbonsNano Letters,2023.
【5】刘文成.High-Performance Flexible Zinc-Air Batteries Enabled by a Sodium Polyacrylate-Based Gel Electrolyte Containing Graphene Oxide and Cellulose NanofibersEnergy & Fules,2023.
【6】刘自正.High-Q metamaterials based on cavity mode resonance for THz sensing applicationsAIP Advances,2020.
【7】刘笑宇.Tunable Terahertz Metamaterials Based on Anapole Excitation with Graphene for Reconfigurable SensorsACS Applied Nano Materials:2129,2020.
【8】杜怡凝.Advances in the Field of Graphene-Based Composites for Energy–Storage ApplicationsCrystals,2023.
【9】时彦朋.Manipulating Optical Absorption of Indium Selenide Using Plasmonic NanoparticlesACS Omega:3000,2020.
【10】花明.Electromagnetically induced transparency analog in terahertz hybrid metal-dielectric metamaterials. AIP ADVANCES, 11,2021.
【11】贾茹尚.An improved method using adaptive smoothing for GNSS tomographic imaging of ionosphere. Plos One, 16,2021.
【12】花明.Electromagnetically induced transparency analog in terahertz hybrid metal–dielectric metamaterials. AIP Advances, 11,2021.
【13】宁亚飞.A space hurricane over the Earth’s polar ionosphereNATURE COMMUNICATIONS,2021.
【14】刘自正.High-Q metamaterials based on cavity mode resonance for THz sensing applications10,2020.
【15】刘笑宇.Tunable Terahertz Metamaterials Based on Anapole Excitation with Graphene for Reconfigurable Sensors. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 3:2129,2020.
【16】刘笑宇.Manipulating Optical Absorption of Indium Selenide Using Plasmonic Nanoparticles. ACS Omega, 5:3000,2020.
【17】贾茹尚.An improved method using adaptive smoothing for GNSS tomographic imaging of ionospherePlos One,2021.
Patent Name | Introduction | Date |
一种北斗视觉融合精准车道辨识与定位方法及其实现装置 |
2023/04/25 |
一种导航信号接收机及其时钟分配方法 |
2023/07/14 |
Title of Work | Introduction | Date |
嵌入式创新工程设计—基于北斗+交通智能端网云融合应用 |
2022/08/01 |