
山东大学助理研究员, 研究方向为应用计量经济学和产业经济学。

  • 2023-08 — 至今

Working Papers: 

Identification of Gross Output Production Functions with a Nonseparable Productivity Shock(Under Review)

Nonparametric Identification Using Timing and Information Set Assumptions with an Application to Non-Hicks Neutral Productivity Shockswith Daniel Ackerberg and Jinyong Hahn  (Under Review)

The Identification Power of μ-Strong Concavity Assumptions and Sensitivity Analyses"

Work in Progress:

“Nonparametric Estimation of Production Functions under Shape Restrictions with an Application to Allocative Efficiency” with Daniel Ackerberg

 “Markups or Returns to Scale: Can Combining a Demand System with a Production Function Resolve the Identification Problem in Production Function Estimation Using Only Revenue Data?”

 “Estimating Production Functions from Revenue Data: A New Approach”

“Production Function Estimation with Quality Adjustment”


“Tracking Down the Unobserved Prices: A  Constrained GMM Approach to Production Function Estimation” with Daniel Ackerberg

Referee Services:

RAND Journal of Economics (x2)

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