
潘忠奔,男,1986年2月出生,工学博士,山东大学齐鲁青年,山东省泰山学者青年专家,研究员,本硕博就读于山东大学,2013年6月获材料学博士学位,同年7月入职中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所,并入选所人才工程青年英才后备人选,2017-2018年在德国马克斯伯恩研究所开展为期一年的访学工作。2022年03月入职山东大学信息科学与工程学院,目前主要从事激光与非线性功能晶体材料的设计、制备与激光性能研究工作。近年来,主持国家自然基金面上、青年基金、中物院院长基金、中物院化材所授权基金、攻关项目、中物院高能激光重点实验室基金、中物院重大专项子课题等项目多项。在Optics LettersOptics ExpressPhotonics Research等期刊上发表SCI论文60余篇,其中一作及通讯作者30余篇,以第一申请人申请国家发明专利10项,已授权3项。并长期担任Optics LettersOptics ExpressOptical Materials Express等期刊的审稿人。

  • 2004/09/01-2008/06/30
  • 2008/09/01-2013/06/30
Professional Experience
  • 2017-08 — 2018-09
  • 2013-07 — 2022-02
Research direction

(1)潘瀚. Few-Layered Violet Phosphorene Nanostructures as Saturable Absorbers for Stable Soliton Mode-Locking Operations in an Ultrafast Fiber Laser .ACS Applied Nano Materials .2023 ,6 (6):4726-4733

(2)潘瀚. Violet phosphorene as a saturable absorber for controllable soliton molecule generation in a mode-locked fiber laser .Journal of Materials Chemistry C .2024

(3)王子殊. Ultrafast nonlinear optical response of layered violet phosphorus for femtosecond noise-like pulse generation .Optics Express .2024 ,32 (9):15472-15482

(4)李宗晟. Optoelectronic and mechanical properties of monolayer bismuthene under strain modulation: Insight from ?rst-principles calculations .Physical review B .2024 ,110 (12):125429

(5) Tunable optical nonlinearities and surface plasmon resonance in Fe3O4 nanoparticles-decorated Ti3C2 MXene composite for ultrafast fiber lasers .Materials Today Nano .2023 ,23

(6) Bismuthene quantum dots integrated D-shaped fiber as saturable absorber for multi-type soliton fiber lasers .Journal of Materiomics .2023 ,9 (1):183

(7)潘瀚. Nonlinear optical properties of carboxyl-functionalized graphene oxide for dissipative soliton resonance pulse generation .Journal of Materiomics .2023 ,9 (4)

(8)姜宁. One-Step Fabrication of 0D Cs4PbBr6 Perovskite with Nonlinear Optical Properties for Ultrafast Pulse Generation .Advanced Science .2024

(9) Enhanced Interband Transition in FeCoNiAlTi High-Entropy Alloy for Ultrafast Nonlinear Optical Applications .Adv optical Mater .2023

(10)路大治. Exploration of Yb3+: ScBO3- a novel laser crystal in the rare-earth ion doped orthoborate system .Optical Materials Express .2015 ,5 (8):1822-1833

(11)Yu, Xiaoxu. Diode-pumped efficient high-power cascade Tm:GdVO4 laser simultaneously operating at-2 & mu;m and-2.3 & mu;m .Optics Express .2023 ,31 (16):26368-26377

(12)张聪. Single crystalline BiOCl nanosheets with oxygen vacancies for ultrafast mode-locking operation .Optics & Laser Technology .2023 ,159

(13)张聪. Third-order optical nonlinearity and passively Q-switching operation with BiOCl nanosheets at 1.3 μm .Optics Express .2023 ,31 (4):6704

(14)徐明洁. Nonlinear optical features in core-shell ZIF-8@ZIF-67 for ultrashort pulse generation in Yb- and Er-doped fiber lasers .Optics & Laser Technology .2023 ,164

(15)刘翔. Reverse saturable absorption in Ti3C2 MXene nanosheets for dissipative soliton resonance mode-locking operation in Er-doped fiber laser .OPTICAL MATERIALS .2023 ,136

(16)龚佳琪. Passively Q-switched Nd:GdVO4 lasers with core-shell ZIF-8@ZIF-67 saturable absorber at 1 and 1.34 μm .Infrared Physics & Technology .2023 ,133

(17)潘忠奔. Tm,Ho:Ca(Gd,Lu)AlO4 crystals: Polarized spectroscopy and laser operation .Journal of Luminescence .2023 (11)

(18)于晓旭. Cascade lasing at ~2 μm and ~2.3 μm in a diode-pumped Tm:YVO4 laser .Optics Express .2023 (9)

(19)于晓旭. Diode-pumped efficient high-power cascade Tm:GdVO4 laser simultaneously operating at ~2 μm and ~2.3 μm .Optics Express .2023 (16)

(20)李倩文. Diode-pumped mid-infrared Tm:YGG laser at 2.0 and 2.3 μm .Optics & Laser Technology .2023 (168):109961

(21)张聪. Single crystalline BiOCl nanosheets with oxygen vacancies for ultrafast mode-locking operation .OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY Journal .2023 (159)

(22)张聪. Third-order optical nonlinearity and passively Q-switching operation with BiOCl nanosheets at 1.3 μm .Optics Express .2023 (4)

(23)刘翔. Reverse saturable absorption in Ti3C2 MXene nanosheets for dissipative soliton resonance mode-locking operation in Er-doped fiber laser .OPTICAL MATERIALS .2023 (1)

(24) Bismuthene quantum dots integrated D-shaped fiber as saturable absorber for multi-type soliton fiber lasers .Journal of Materiomics .2023 (2)

(25)张聪. Nonlinear optical properties of porous monoclinic BiVO4 at 2.3 μm for the passively Q-switching laser .Optics and Laser Technology .2023 (1)

(26)徐明洁. Nonlinear optical features in core–shell ZIF-8@ZIF-67 for ultrashort pulse generation in Yb- and Er-doped fiber lasers .Optics and Laser Technology .2023 (1)

(27)曹利华. Broadband saturable absorption responses of few-layered MoSe2 nanosheets for all-solid-state Q-switched lasers .OPTICAL MATERIALS .2023 (136)

(28)徐明洁. Polyhedron ZIF-67 nanoparticles deposited on a D-shape fibre for stable soliton operation in an ultrashort fibre laser .MATERIALS CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS .2022 ,6 (18):2729

(29)董丽. Synthesis of core-shell polyhedron ZIF-8@ZIF-67 as saturable absorber for passive Q-switching operation in Tm:YAP laser at 3H4→3H5 transition .OPTICAL MATERIALS .2022 ,131 (1):112724

(30)孔令豪. Oxygen vacancy engineering of MOF-derived ZnO/Co3O4 nanocomposites for high harmonic mode-locking operation .Journal of Materials Chemistry C .2022 ,10 (1):16564

(31)潘忠奔. Watt-level diode-pumped Tm:YVO4 laser at 2.3 μm .OPTICS LETTERS .2022 (47)

(32)潘忠奔. Compact diode-pumped continuous wave and passively Q switched Tm:YAG laser at 2.33μm .OPTICS LETTERS .2022 (47)

(33)潘忠奔. Tm,Ho:Ca(Gd,Lu)AlO4 crystals: Crystal growth, structure refinement and Judd-Ofelt analysis .JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE Journal .2022 ,246

(34)查方圆. Large-scale few-layered MoS2 as a saturable absorber for Q-switching operation at 2.3 μm .OPTICS LETTERS .2022 ,47 (13):3271

(35)潘忠奔. 67-fs pulse generation from a mode-locked Tm,Ho:CLNGG laser at 2083 nm .Optics Express .2019 (3)

(36)潘忠奔. Mixed" Tm:Ca(Gd,Lu)AlO4-a novel crystal for tunable and mode-locked 2μm lasers .Optics Express .2019 (7)

(37)潘忠奔. Sub-80 fs mode-locked Tm,Ho-codoped disordered garnet crystal oscillator operating at 2081 nm .optics letters .2018 (20)

(38)潘忠奔. 78-fs pulses from a SWCNT-SA mode-locked Tm:CLNGG disordered garnet crystal laser at 2017 nm .OPTICS LETTERS .2018 (17)

(39)潘忠奔. Sub-50 fs pulse generation from a SESAM mode-locked Tm,Ho-codoped calcium aluminate laser .Optics Letters .2021 (11)

(40)潘忠奔. Generation of 84-fs pulses from a mode-locked Tm:CNNGG disordered garnet crystal laser .Photonics research .2018 (6)

(41)潘忠奔. SWCNT-SA mode-locked Tm,Ho:LCLNGG laser .Optics Express .2021 (29)

(42)褚宏伟. Passively Q-switched Tm:YAP laser with a zeolitic imidalate framework-67 saturable absorber operating at H-3(4)-> H-3(5) transition .Optics and Laser Technology .2022 ,147

(43)Zhongben Pan. Disordered Tm3+,Ho3+-codoped CNGG garnet crystal: Towards efficient laser materials for ultrashort pulse generation at ~2μm .J. Alloy. Compd. .2021 ,853 :157100

(44)Zhongben Pan. Polarized spectroscopy and diode-pumped laser operation of disordered Yb:Ca3Gd2(BO3)4 crystal .Opt. Mat. Express .2021 ,12 :673-683

(45)Zhongben Pan. SWCNT-SA mode-locked Tm,Ho:LCLNGG laser .Optics Express .2021 ,29 :40323-40332

(46) Sub-50 fs pulse generation from a SESAM mode-locked Tm,Ho-codoped calcium aluminate laser .Opt. Lett. .2021 ,46 :2642-2645

(47) Passively Q-switched Tm:CaLu0.1Gd0.9AlO4 laser at 2μm with hematite nanosheets as the saturable absorber .Optics Express .2020 ,28 :16893-16899

(48)Zhongben Pan. "Mixed" Tm:Ca(Gd,Lu)AlO4-a novel crystal for tunable and mode-locked 2μm lasers .Optics Express .2019 ,27 :9987-9995

(49) 67-fs pulse generation from a mode-locked Tm,Ho:CLNGG laser at 2083 nm .Optics Express .2019 ,27 :1922-1928

(50) Graphene mode-locked Tm,Ho-codoped crystalline garnet laser producing 70-fs pulses near 2.1 µm .OSA Continuum .2019 ,2 :2593-2600

(51)Zhongben Pan. Generation of 84-fs pulses from a mode-locked Tm:CNNGG disordered garnet crystal laser .Photonics Res. .2018 ,6 :800-804

(52) 78-fs pulses from a SWCNT-SA mode-locked Tm:CLNGG disordered garnet crystal laser at 2017 nm .Opt. Lett. .2018 ,43 :4268-4271

(53)Zhongben Pan. Comparative study of spectroscopic and laser properties of Tm3+, Na+(Li+)-codoped Ca3Nb1.5Ga3.5O12-type disordered garnet crystals for mode-locked lasers .Opt. Mat. Express .2018 ,8 :2287-2299

(54) Sub-80 fs mode-locked Tm,Ho-codoped disordered garnet crystal oscillator operating at 2081 nm .Opt. Lett. .2018 ,43 :5154-5157

(55)Jie Ma,Zhongben Pan. Sub-80 fs pulses generation from a diode-pumped mode-locked Nd:Ca3La2(BO3)4 disordered crystal laser .Opt. Lett. .2016 ,41 :1384-1387

(56)Zhongben Pan. Growth, thermal properties and laser operation of a new disordered crystal: Nd-doped Sr3La2(BO3)4 .J. Alloy. Compd. .2014 ,607 :16-22

(57)Zhongben Pan. Growth, thermal properties and laser operation of Nd3+-doped Ca3La2(BO3)4: A new disordered laser crystal .Opt. Express .2013 ,21 :6091-6100

(58)Zhongben Pan. Growth and characterization of self-Q-switched Nd:Cr:YVO4 crystal .Opt. Express .2012 ,20 :2178-2183

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  • 孙庆松  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
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