
Ning Qin, PhD

Qilu Young Scholar, Professor

School of Energy and Power Engineering, Shandong University

17923 Jingshi Road, Jinan, Shandong, China 250061

  • 2018/05/01-2019/05/03
    美国哈佛大学医学院 (Harvard Medical School)
    Biomedical Engineering
    Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)
  • 2012/09/01-2017/05/31
    University of Waterloo
    Mechanical Engineering
    With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
  • 2009/09/01-2012/06/30
    Chinese Academy of Sciences-TIPC
    Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering
    With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates
  • 2005/09/01-2009/06/30
    Shandong University
    Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
    University graduated
Professional Experience
  • 2022-03 — Now
    School of Energy and Power Engineering, Shandong University
  • 2021-06 — 2022-02
    Centre for Ocular Research & Education, University of Waterloo, Canada
    Postdoctoral fellow
  • 2020-02 — 2021-05
    School of Optometry & Vision Science, University of Waterloo, Canada
    Research associate
  • 2019-06 — 2020-02
    Waterloo Microfluidics Laboratory, University of Waterloo, Canada
    Research associate
  • 2018-05 — 2019-04
    Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital
    Postdoctoral fellow
Research direction

(1)Zhennan He. Pore-scale study of fluid displacement in parallel-layered porous media and implications of associated distinct flow dynamics .Langmuir .2025 ,41 (2):1446–1458

(2)Yue Ren. Development and performance study of a radiation-enhanced heat pipe radiator for cooling high-power IGBT modules .Applied Thermal Engineering .2024 ,262

(3)何振楠. Strong effect of often-overlooked initial spilled oil distribution on subsequent soil remediation: A pore-scale perspective .Journal of Cleaner Production .2024 ,478

(4)张颖龙. Comprehensive correlation analysis enabled neural network prediction of heat and mass transfer during gas hydrate decomposition .Fuel .2025 ,382

(5)张颖龙. Microscopic insights into interface characteristics of methane hydrate dissociation under external stimulations and molecular defects .Colloids and Surfaces A .2024 ,703

(6)周东方. Study on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Silicon-based LHP Evaporator 硅基 LHP 蒸发器传热特性研究 .Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics .2024 ,45 (1):241-245

(7)Ullah, Ikram. Recent advances in inorganic oxide semiconductor-based S-scheme heterojunctions for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution .Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers .2024

(8)Ullah, Ikram. Improved charge separation and transport with l-aspartic acid derived carbon-doped g-C3N4 for efficient visible-light photocatalytic H2 production .Sustainable Energy & Fuels .2024

(9)Ullah, Ikram. Emerging Trends in CdS-Based Nanoheterostructures: From Type-II and Z-Scheme toward S-Scheme Photocatalytic H2 Production .CHEMICAL RECORD .2024

(10)刘波. Continuous production of bimetallic nanoparticles on carbon nanotubes based on 3D-printed microfluidics .Nanoscale .2024 ,16 (5)

(11)Ramasamy, Megala. Inexpensive and rapid fabrication of PDMS microfluidic devices for biological testing applications using low cost commercially available 3D printers .Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering .2023 ,33 (10)

(12)Yinglong Zhang. Mass transfer of CO2 bubbles in water and properties of their two-phase flows in vertical pipes .The 2nd National Conference on Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Technology .2024

(13)张颖龙. CO2-on-a-Chip:二氧化碳微流控技术研究现状及展望 .《制冷学报》 .2023 :1-9

(14)Sahil Kashyap. Effects of surfactant size and concentration on the internal flow fields of moving slug and Disk-like droplets via μ-PIV .Chemical Engineering Science .2022 ,255 :117668

(15)Weijia Cui,Pei Zhao. Reagent free detection of SARS-CoV-2 using an antibody-based microwave sensor in a microfluidic platform .Lab on a Chip .2022 ,22 (12):2307-2314

(16)Wasim Kapadia,Ning Qin. Shear-thinning and Temperature-dependent Viscosity Relationships of Contemporary Ocular Lubricants .Translational Vision Science & Technology .2022 ,11 (3):1

(17)Ning Qin. Microfluidic technology for antibacterial resistance study and antibiotic susceptibility tests: review and perspective .ACS Sensors .2020 ,6 (1):3-21

(18)Pei Zhao,Ning Qin. Surface modification of polyamide meshes and nonwoven fabrics by plasma etching and a PDA/cellulose coating for oil/water separation .Applied Surface Science .2019 ,481 :883-891

(19) Surface modification of polymer filters by etching and a PDA coating for oil-water separation .Abstract reviewed for 2018 Materials Research Study Fall Meeting & Exhibit .2018

(20)Pei Zhao,Ning Qin. Polyamide 6.6 separates oil/water due to its dual underwater oleophobicity/underoil hydrophobicity: Role of 2D and 3D porous structures .Applied Surface Science .2018 ,466 :282-288

(21)Ning Qin. On nonequilirium shrinkage of supercritical CO2 droplets in a water-carrier microflow .Applied Physics Letters .2018 ,113

(22)Ning Qin. Numerical study on single flowing liquid and supercritical CO2 drop in microchannel .Inventions .2018 ,3 (2)

(23)Ning Qin. Hydrodynamic shrinkage of liquid CO2 Taylor drops in a straight microchannel .Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter .2018 ,30

(24)Ning Qin. Highly pressurized partially miscible liquid-liquid flow in a micro T-junction. II. theoretical justifications and modelling .Physical Review E .2017 ,95

(25)Ning Qin. Highly pressurized partially miscible liquid-liquid flow in a micro T-junction. I. experimental observations .Physical Review E .2017 ,95

(26)Pei Zhao. Photocatalytic performances of ZnO nanoparticle film and vertically aligned nanorods in chamber-based microfluidic reactors: reaction kinetics and flow effects .Applied Catalysis B: Environmental .2017 ,209 :468-475

(27) A planar micro-to-mili-photoreactor for photodegradation of organic matters in water .Abstract reviewed for 2016 European Molecular Biology Laboratory Conference: Microfluidics .2016

(28) Application of laser triangulation in piston displacement and PV work measurements of linear compressor in a pulse tube refrigerator .Proceedings of 24th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference .2013

(29)Ning Qin. New method for piston displacement and PV power measurements of linear compressor .Cryogenics .2012 (2):5-10

Research Group
Name of Research Group:
Lab for Microfluidic Systems and Transport Phenomena (MSTP Lab)
Description of Research Group:
Student Information
  • Zhennan He  2024/10/19 Hits:[] Times
  • 张颖龙  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 胡杰  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 陈庆霖  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 袁颖颖  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 吴闻多  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • Wenjie Luo  2024/10/19 Hits:[] Times
  • Zheng Zhong  2024/10/19 Hits:[] Times
  • 张滨  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 孟醒  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • Copyright All Rights Reserved Shandong University Address: No. 27 Shanda South Road, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China: 250100
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