1. 电子器件高效散热及强化传热机理
2. 极低温制冷技术及机理
3. 热力系统多尺度仿真与优化
1. 李子睿. Nanoscale investigation of surface wettability distribution on bubble nucleation with variable temperature boundary condition. NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART B-FUNDAMENTALS, 83, 433-444, 2023.
2. 高赫. CO2 Adsorption Performance of Activated Coke Prepared from Biomass and Coal. energies, 16, 2023.
3. 王振宇. Investigation of bubble nucleation on inhomogeneous wettability surfaces. Molecular Simulation, 49, 608, 2023.
4. 孟源. Numerical Simulation of the Heat Transfer and Flow Characteristics of Pulse Tube Refrigerators. ENERGIES, 16, 2023.
5. 王硕. Operation optimization of a refrigeration ventilation system for the deep metal mine. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 44, 2023.
6. 邵卫. Experiment and Simulation on a Refrigeration Ventilation System for Deep Metal Mines. SUSTAINABILITY, 15, 2023.
7. 刘君玲. Experiment and simulation on a thermal management scheme of intermediate circulation based on heat current method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 206, 2023.
8. 商学硕. Mathematical modeling and multi-objective optimization on the rectangular micro-channel heat sink. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 184, 2023.
9. 王硕. Operation optimization of a refrigeration ventilation system for the deep metal mine. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 44, 2023.
10. 孟源. Numerical Simulation of the Heat Transfer and Flow Characteristics of Pulse Tube Refrigerators. energies, 16, 2023.
11. 刘君玲. Experiment and simulation on a thermal management scheme of intermediate circulation based on heat current method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 206, 2023.
12. 王振宇. Investigation of bubble nucleation on inhomogeneous wettability surfaces. Molecular Simulation, 2023.
13. 邵卫. Experiment and Simulation on a Refrigeration Ventilation System for Deep Metal Mines. sustainability, 15, 2023.
14. 龚晗. Investigation of a novel surface inlay composite nanoparticle based on local surface plasmon resonance-enhanced solar absorption. Renewable Energy , 2022.
15. 马晓腾. Numerical and experimental studies of packed bed thermal energy storage system based on a novel transient energy model. ENERGY SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, 2022.
16. 吴灵. Atomistic Insight into the Effects of Depositional Nanoparticle on Nanoscale Liquid Film Evaporation. LANGMUIR, 37, 5202, 2021.
17. 商学硕. Modeling on cryogenic heat exchangers considering variable properties, axial heat conduction and viscous heating. 《INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION-REVUE INTERNATIONALE DU FROID》, 381, 2022.
18. 邵卫. Operation Optimization of Liquid Cooling Systems in Data Centers by the Heat Current Method and Artificial Neural Network. JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE, 29, 1063-1075, 2020.
19. 邵卫. Mathematical modeling and multi-objective optimization on the rectangular micro-channel heat sink. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 184, 2022.
20. 邵卫. Operation Optimization of Liquid Cooling Systems in Data Centers by the Heat Current Method and Artificial Neural Network. JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE, 29, 1063, 2020.
21. 邵卫. Experimental analysis on dynamic performance of refrigeration systems in a deep gold mine. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, 217, 2022.
22. 邵卫. Simulation and optimization of the waste heat recovery system of the ship power system based on the heat current method. ENERGY SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, 1, 2022.
23. 邵卫. 乳品行业低温余热回收系统性能分析. 工程热物理学报, 2022.
24. 王冰成. Effects of vacancy defects on the interfacial thermal resistance of partially overlapped bilayer graphene. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys。, 24, 5546, 2022.
25. 王冰成. Effect of vacancy defects on the heat transfer coefficient of partially stacked graphene sheets. ADVANCES IN WEB-AGE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, PROCEEDINGS, 57, 8167, 2022.
26. Zhang, Yingxin. Feasible Distributed Energy Supply Options for Household Energy Use in China from a Carbon Neutral Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 2021.
27. 邵卫. Atomistic Insight into the Effects of Depositional Nanoparticle on Nanoscale Liquid Film Evaporation. LANGMUIR, 37, 2021.
28. 李斌. Increasing Efficiency of a Finned Heat Sink Using Orthogonal Analysis. ENERGIES, 14, 2021.
29. 陈帆. An optimization method for uniform flow distribution in the manifold of server cabinet. Energy Science and Engineering, 2020.
30. 曹群. Optimization Method for Grooved Surface Structures Regarding the Evaporation Heat Transfer of Ultrathin Liquid Films at the Nanoscale. LANGMUIR, 36, 2802, 2020.
31. Cao, Qun. The effect of foreign particles on liquid film evaporation at the nanoscale: A molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 319, 2020.
32. 曹群. Molecular dynamics simulations and mathematical optimization method for surface structures regarding evaporation heat transfer enhancement at the nanoscale. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 153, 2020.
33. Cao, Qun. Molecular dynamics simulations of the liquid film evaporation heat transfer on different wettability hybrid surfaces at the nanoscale. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 314, 2020.
34. 刘昱. Molecular dynamics simulations of the liquid film evaporation heat transfer on different wettability hybrid surfaces at the nanoscale. Journal of Molecular Liquids , 2020.
35. 邵卫. Heat current model of solid granule cooling processes in moving packed beds and its applications. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN, 156, 384, 2020.
36. 邵卫. Experiment researches on the cement grate cooler system and numerical simulation on its clinker cooling process. Applied thermal engineering, 181, 2020.
37. 邵卫. Temperature prediction of the main radiators of Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-02 by the artificial neural network method. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, 982, 2020.
38. 邵卫. 换热器动态特性分析的热量流模型. 《工程热物理学报》, 41, 2020.
39. 邵卫. Experimental research on cement grate cooler system and numerical simulation of its clinker cooling process. Applied Thermal , 181, 2020.
40. 陈帆. An optimization method ofr uniform flow distribution in the manifold of server cabinet. ENERGY SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, 1, 2020.
41. 刘昱 , 任霄汉 and 崔峥. Molecular dynamics simulations of the liquid film evaporation heat transfer on different wettability hybrid surfaces at the nanoscale. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020.
42. 刘昱 and 崔峥. The effect of foreign particles on liquid film evaporation at the nanoscale: A molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020.
43. 刘昱 , 崔峥 and 邵卫. Temperature prediction of the main radiators of Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-02 by the artificial neural network method. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, 982, 2020.
44. 崔峥 and 邵卫. Experiment researches on the cement grate cooler system and numerical simulation on its clinker cooling process. Applied thermal engineering, 181, 2020.
45. 程林 and 崔峥. Mathematical model and numerical solutions for the coupled gas–solid heat transfer process in moving packed beds. Applied energy, 2017.
46. 崔峥. Optimization Method for Grooved Surface Structures Regarding the Evaporation Heat Transfer of Ultrathin Liquid Films at the Nanoscale. LANGMUIR, 2020.
47. 崔峥. Molecular dynamics simulations and mathematical optimization method for surface structures regarding evaporation heat transfer enhancement at the nanoscale. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 2020.
48. 邵卫. Heat Current Model of Solid Granule Cooling Processes in Moving Packed Beds and its Applications. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2020.
49. 邵卫 , 崔峥 and 刘昱. Multi-objective optimization on clinker layer thickness of a grate cooler based on entropy generation. Energy Procedia , 158, 2019.
50. 邵卫 , 崔峥 , 程林 , 刘昱 , 任霄汉 and 罗峰. Experimental researches on the convective heat transfer in a channel packed with disordered particles. Energy Procedia , 158, 2019.
51. 邵卫 , 崔峥 , 刘昱 , 任霄汉 and 罗峰. Experimental and numerical measurements of the channel packed with disordered cement granules regarding the heat transfer performance. Applied energy, 251, 2019.
52. 崔峥 , 程林 , 刘昱 , 任霄汉 , 罗峰 and 邵卫. Experimental researches on the convective heat transfer in a channel packed with disordered particles. 2018.
53. 崔峥 , 刘昱 and 邵卫. Multi-objective optimization on clinker layer thickness of a grate cooler based on entropy generation. 2018.
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2. 发动机热控制系统仿真分析与优化, 2022/08/01-2023/12/31
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4. 基于热量流法的船舶动力系统多尺度仿真技术研究, 2020/12/01-2022/11/30
5. 乙二醇罐式集装箱蒸汽加热系统数值模拟与计算, 2020/05/28-2020/12/31
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7. 深部金属矿智能化开采关键技术及装备集成研究和工程示范-1, 2020/01/15-2022/12/31
1. 计算思维
2. 热工学Ⅰ(工程热力学+传热学)
3. 热工学Ⅰ(工程热力学+传热学)
4. 热工学Ⅱ(工程热力学)
5. 热工学Ⅱ(传热学)
6. 热工学Ⅰ(工程热力学+传热学)