研究方向为对称密码算法的分析与设计、机器学习在密码分析中的应用。近五年在对称密码算法的分析与设计领域公开发表CCF期刊/会议论文20余篇,国际密码学会主办的五大国际顶级密码会议发表论文8篇。获国家密码科技进步一等奖(2017年、省部级、排名5)、中国密码学会优秀博士论文奖、ACM SIGSAC China优秀博士论文奖。
主持或参与国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目、青年基金项目多项。多次受邀在中国密码学会年会及专委会、战略支援部队信息工程大学邀请做学术报告。担任INSCRYPT 2021程序委员会委员; 担任EUROCRYPT 2022、ASIACRYPT 2021等多个国际会议的External Reviewer; 担任 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory、Designs, Codes and Cryptography、SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences等多个国际期刊审稿人。
(1)林韵雪. Related-Tweak and Related-Key Differential Attacks on HALFLOOP-48 .2024
(2)刘锦鹏. Distinguisher and Related-Key Attack on HALFLOOP-96 .2023
(3)孙玲. Improved Attacks on?GIFT-64 .2022 ,13203 LNCS :246-265
(4)常程程. Improved Truncated Differential Distinguishers of AES with Concrete S-box .2023
(6)孙玲. Key-Recovery Attacks on CRAFT and WARP .2022
(7)孙玲. A Greater GIFT: Strengthening GIFT against Statistical Cryptanalysis .2022
(8)孙玲. Addendum to Linear Cryptanalyses of Three AEADs with GIFT-128 as Underlying Primitives .2022
(9)孙玲. NeuroGIFT: Using a Machine Learning Based Sat Solver for Cryptanalysis .2020
(10)孙玲. Improved Attacks on GIFT-64 .2021
(11)孙玲. Linear Cryptanalyses of Three AEADs with GIFT-128 as Underlying Primitives .2022
(13)孙玲. Accelerating the search of differential and linear characteristics with the SAT method .2022