Professor Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):孙晓莉
Name (Pinyin):sunxiaoli
Date of Employment:2022-10-17
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science
Alma Mater:山东大学
Whether on the job:1
Academic Honor:
Honors and Titles:
Sun Xiaoli, Ph.D., is a researcher and master's supervisor. She was selected for a project of Future Plan for Young Scholars of Shandong University in 2023. Her research mainly focuses on ion beam modification, novel micro-nano integrated optoelectronic devices (such as ultrafast lasers, nonlinear photonics devices, and photodetectors), and waveguide vortex lasers. In recent years, she has published more than 20 SCI-indexed papers as the first author or corresponding author in journals such as ACS Nano, Small, Advanced Optical Materials, and Applied Physics Letters. She was awarded the Excellent Postdoctoral First Prize at Shandong University in 2021.
2011.9 -- 2015.6
山东师范大学  物理学  Bachelor's Degree in Science
2015.9 -- 2020.6
山东大学  凝聚态物理  Doctoral Degree in Science
2022.10 -- Now
山东大学 物理学院 研究员
2020.07 -- 2022.10
山东大学 物理学院 博士后