办公室 (Office):知新楼B座428,中心校区,山大南路27号,济南,山东,250100
电子邮箱(Email):mingzhetang at sdu dot edu dot cn
My research interest focuses on the empirical analysis of applied microeconomics. So far I have researched in the areas of empirical industrial organization, antitrust economics and real estate economics. In addition, I also regularly provide economic analysis on particular antitrust economic issues concerned by the government antitrust agencies.
山东大学,济南中心校区 2010-至今 Shandong University, Jinan, China, Since 2010
山东大学经济学院 副教授 Associate Professor of Economics, School of Economics
山东大学竞争政策研究中心 研究员 Research Fellow, Competition Policy Research Center
山东大学经济学院 助理教授 Assistant Professor of Economics, School of Economics
访问教授 Visiting Professor of Economics
国家社科基金重大项目“反垄断分析中相关市场界定的原则与方法”(王晓晔教授主持),子课题 “相关市场界定的经济学理论与方法”, 核心参与人,已结题,总项目金额80万
Economic theories and empirical methods for relevant market definition. with Ping Lin (Hong Kong Linnan), Zhiyong Liu (Indiana State), and Yue Qiao (Shandong). A subproject in the Key Research Project “The Delineation Principles and Methods in Relevant Market Definition in Antitrust Analysis” funded by the National Social Science Foundation of China, 2013-2017. Grant Amount: 800,000 RMB
教育部人文社科面上规划项目 “城市土地价值与面积非线性关系的测算及其政策意义”,项目负责人,在研,项目金额10万元
Estimation of the nonlinearity in land value and land size and its policy implications in China. Funded by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China Social Science Research Grant (P.I.), 2015-2018.Grant Amount: 100,000 RMB
Impact of housing provident fund on urban households housing affordability inChina. Funded by the Shandong Provincial Research Granton Finance (P.I.), 2013-2017.Grant Amount: 20,000 RMB
Consumer heterogeneity, behaviorial measure and efficient matching. Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of the People’s Republic of China(Co-PI), 2017-2021.Grant Amount: 560,000 RMB
国家市场监督管理总局反垄断局 The Antitrust Division of The State Administration of Market Regulation
机动车检测行业市场竞争状况分析,负责人与主要参与者, 2019
Assessment of the market competitiveness of vehicle inspection service industry in China.(P.I.) Aug.-Oct.2019.
国家商务部反垄断局 The Merger Division of The Ministry of Commerce
惠普收购三星打印机业务案,经济学分析主要参与者, 2017
Merger assessment for HP and Samsung printer business (Co-P.I.). 2017.
中国家庭的子女数量与质量:住房财富的作用, 合作者: Ed Coulson, 已投稿
在2021年亚洲房地产学会、全球华人房地产大会和美国房地产与城镇经济学协会联合举办的房地产全球峰会上获GSSI IRER最佳论文奖 (2021年7月)
The Child Quality-Quantity Trade-off in China: the Role of Housing Weal. with Ed.Coulson. (Submitted.)
This paper has won the 2021 GSSI IRER Best Paper Award by AsRES, GCREC and AREUEA in The 2021 Virtual Joint Real Estate Conference, July, 2021
Heterogeneity in the value-size relationship for undeveloped land in China. with Dianlan Zhang
The impact of China’s housing provident fund on homeownership, housing consumption and housing investment. with Ed Coulson, Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol.63,p.25-37, 2017.
Institutional and Demographic Influences on the Presence, Scale and Geographic Scope of Individual Chinese Real Estate Investment. with Ed Coulson, Regional Science and Urban Economics(lead article) vol.43(2), p.187-196, 2013.
Diversification of Cable Television firms into broadband products. Telecommunications Policy, vol.35, p.951-969,2012.
美国风险投资业发展-产权经济学视角, 合作者:曾健,《世界经济文汇》,2001年2月
Statistics(Lehigh University), Principles for Microeconomics(Penn State)
山东大学经济学院 Shandong University--School of Economics
(研究生) 高级微观经济学、实证产业组织经济学、管理经济学(国际MBA), 产业组织经济学前沿
(Graduate) Advanced Microeconomics, Empirical IO, Frontier in Empirical IO, Managerial Economics(International MBA),
(本科生,全英文教学) 计量经济学,法与经济学,产业组织经济学
(Undergraduate, full-English) Econometrics, Law and Economics, Industrial Organization
2021年7月 亚洲房地产学会、全球华人房地产大会和美国房地产与城镇经济学协会联合举办的房地产全球峰会上获GSSI IRER最佳论文奖
2021 GSSI IRER Best Paper Award by The 2021 Virtual Joint Real Estate Conference held by AsRES, GCREC and AREUEA--Singapore
First Prize Teaching Award for Young Lecturers in Shandong University in 2016
第八届山东大学 “青年教学能手”(2016)
First Prize Winner in the Student Paper Competition in the 36th Telecommunications Policy Research Conference(TPRC)
Best 200 Student Essays in the 30th St. Gallen Symposium, St.Gallen, Switzerland, 2000
本科生 至今已经指导超过50名本科毕业生论文,超过20名进入海内外名校深造
Undergraduate Supervised over 50 students altogether, about 20 continued for advanced study in top schools domestically or aboard
研究生 已经指导毕业产业经济学专业方向四名硕士研究生; 目前指导西方经济学专业方向硕士以及金融MBA
Graduate Six master graduate students by far, including two international students in International MBA program.
No contents
1. 基于网络效应视角的数字经济产业的实证研究, 2024/08/23-2028/12/31
2. 平台领域反垄断监管域外经验研究, 2024/05/31-2024/12/31
3. (包干项目)数字平台纵向限制的竞争效应研究, 2024/01/01-2026/12/31
4. 纵向垄断协议竞争效果抗辩认定问题反垄断执法咨询项目, 2023/04/30-2023/07/31
5. 音乐竞争****, 2021/01/01-2021/12/31
6. 反垄断课题研究项目, 2020/05/29-2020/11/30
7. 一带一路”相关国家反垄断法汇编, 2019/09/01-2020/11/30
8. 供给侧结构性改革、异质性消费者行为与经济增长内生动力研究, 2017/11/15-2021/12/31
9. 机动车检测行业竞争问题研究, 2019/08/12-2019/11/30
10. 法律经济学的实证方法研究, 2015/09/10-2017/12/01
11. 垄断认定过程中的相关市场边界划分原则与技术研究之子课题:相关市场边界划分的经济学分析, 2012/12/01-2015/12/31
12. 中国特色社会主义经济中不动产权益对居民家庭消费以及教育投资行为的影响, 2018/04/19-2021/12/31
13. 中国反垄断的国际战略, 2016/04/21-2018/06/30
14. 中国城市地价与面积非线性关系的测算及其政策意义, 2015/09/10-2018/12/01