
王兵,山东大学机械工程学院教授、博士生导师,国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目首席、中国科协青年人才托举工程获得者、山东省泰山学者青年专家、山东大学杰出中青年学者和齐鲁青年学者,美国佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology)博士后,兼任中国刀协可转位刀具专委会副秘书长、中国图学学会智能工厂专委会委员、山东省高层次人才发展促进会先进制造专委会委员、美国机械工程师学会(ASME)会员、中国机械工程学会高级会员和中国航空学会会员,担任J. Adv. Manuf. Sci. Tech.国际期刊青年编委会副主任委员、《极端制造》国际期刊青年编委、Ann. Eng.和 J. Prod. Syst. Manuf. Sci.编委、Symmetry和J. Manuf. Mater. Process.客座编辑。主要从事难加工材料高质高效切削加工、先进刀具技术、智能制造和材料动态性能等方面的研究工作,曾获上银优秀机械博士论文奖和山东省优秀博士学位论文,入选国家博士后国际交流计划派出项目和山东省高等学校优秀青年创新团队,主持国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目、国家自然基金面上/青年项目等国家及省部级项目多项。

近年来在Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf.、CIRP. Ann.、J. Manuf. Sci. Eng.-Trans. ASME等机械制造领域权威期刊发表SCI论文100余篇(ESI高被引论文2篇、封面文章2篇),h指数33,另有多篇论文入选期刊年度高被引、研究热点和最高下载排行榜单,且研究成果获得多家科技媒体专题报道;获得授权国家发明专利40项(包括美国专利1项、PCT专利2项)和软件著作权登记5项;主要研究成果获得中国振动工程学会科学技术二等奖、山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖等奖励,入选斯坦福大学2023年度“全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单”(World's Top 2% Scientists 2023)。

  • 2011/09/01-2016/12/20
    With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
  • 2015/08/29-2016/08/30
  • 2007/09/01-2011/06/30
    University graduated
Professional Experience
  • 2020-12 — Now
  • 2018-11 — 2020-11
    制造工程系佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology)
  • 2017-02 — 2018-11
Research direction

(1)于锡潼. Surface integrity analysis of Si3N4 under cryogenic assisted femtosecond laser ablation .Ceramics International .2024

(2)凌晨. Dynamic Mechanical Properties and Modified Johnson-Cook Model Considering Recrystallization Softening for Nickel-Based Powder Metallurgy Superalloys .Materials .2024 ,17 (3)

(3)任小平. Study on the Formation Mechanism of Serrated Chips in the Cutting Process of Powder Metallurgy Superalloys Based on a Modified J-C Constitutive Relation Simulation Model .coatings .2024 ,14 (8)

(4)赵金富. Comparison of Surface Morphology and Tool Wear in the Machining of Ti-6Al-4V Alloys with Uncoated and TiAlN Tools under Dry, Minimum Quantity Lubrication, Flood Cooling, and Low-Temperature Spray Jet Cooling Conditions .MICROMACHINES .2023 ,1263 (14)

(5)李振民. Chatter suppression mechanism and parameters configuration of the spindle speed variation with piecewise characteristics .international Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology .2022 ,122 (7-8):3041-3055

(6)李振民. Response prediction of cantilever plates via mode superposition method and combination method of beam functions .Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing .2023 ,200

(7)李星. Gallium-based liquid metal hybridizing MoS<sub>2</sub> nanosheets with reversible rheological characteristics and enhanced lubrication properties .RSC ADVANCES .2023 ,13 (29):20365

(8)李星. Gallium-based liquid metal hybridizing MoS2 nanosheets with reversible rheological characteristics and enhanced lubrication properties .RSC advances .2023 (卷13期29):20365

(9)赵金富. Cutting temperature measurement using an improved two-color infrared thermometer in turning Inconel 718 with whisker-reinforced ceramic tools .Ceramics International .2018 (44):19002

(10)赵金富. Tool coating effects on cutting temperature during metal cutting processes: Comprehensive review and future research directions .Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing .2021 (150)

(11)赵金富. Investigation of Cutting Temperature during Turning Inconel 718 with (Ti,Al)N PVD Coated Cemented Carbide Tools .材料(materials) .2018 (11)

(12)赵金富. Analytical prediction of transient and steady cutting temperature distributions in coated tools under time-varied heat sources .international Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology .2021 (117)

(13)赵金富. Effects of Al content in TiAlN coatings on tool wear and cutting temperature during dry machining IN718 .Tribology International .2022 (0301-679X)

(14)赵金富. A comprehensive review of generating, monitoring, evaluating, and controlling particle emissions during machining process .JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS .2023 (70)

(15)赵金富. Coating-thickness-dependent physical properties and cutting temperature for cutting Inconel 718 with TiAlN coated tools .JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH .2022 (38)

(16)赵金富. PVD AlTiN coating effects on tool-chip heat partition coefficient and cutting temperature rise in orthogonal cutting Inconel 718 .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER .2020 (163)

(17)陈庆辉. Mechanism of laser-chemical process to remove of oxide layer and formation of periodic microstructures for drag reduction .SURFACES AND INTERFACES .2022 (35)

(18)唐一平. Fabrication of superhydrophobic stainless steel via hybrid femtosecond laser-chemical method with wear-resistance and anti-corrosion properties .Optics and Laser Technology .2023 (164)

(19)陈庆辉. Periodically oriented superhydrophobic microstructures prepared by laser ablation-chemical etching process for drag reduction .Applied surface science .2023 (615)

(20)王兵. Effects of tool angles and uncut chip thickness on consumption of plastic deformation energy during machining process .Journal of Manufacturing Processes .2023 (87):123

(21)王红. Microstructure and mechanical properties of NiTi nanoporous structures fabricated with dealloying process .JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS .2023 (933)

(22)王兵. A rate-dependent damage model to characterize dynamic fracture behavior of Ti6Al4V under high strain rate loading .Engineering fracture mechanics .2022 ,274 (1):108781

(23)解振威. Optimizing amplitude to improve machined surface quality in longitudinal ultrasonic vibration-assisted side milling 2.5D C/SiC composites .composite structures .2022 ,297 (1):115963

(24)赵金富. Investigation of Cutting Temperature during Turning Inconel 718 with (Ti,Al)N PVD Coated Cemented Carbide Tools .材料(materials) .2018 ,11 (1281):1

(25)赵金富. Cutting temperature measurement using an improved two-color infrared thermometer in turning Inconel 718 with whisker-reinforced ceramic tools .Ceramics International .2018 ,44 (0):19002

(26)赵金富. PVD AlTiN coating effects on tool-chip heat partition coefficient and cutting temperature rise in orthogonal cutting Inconel 718 .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER .2020 ,163 (0)

(27)赵金富. Analytical prediction of transient and steady cutting temperature distributions in coated tools under time-varied heat sources .The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. .2021 ,117 (3-4):1117

(28)赵金富. Effects of Al content in TiAlN coatings on tool wear and cutting temperature during dry machining IN718 .Tribology International. .2022 ,171 (0)

(29)赵金富. Coating-thickness-dependent physical properties and cutting temperature for cutting Inconel 718 with TiAlN coated tools .JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH .2021 ,38 (0):191

(30)朱平忠. Effects of Sequential Operation with Heat Treatment and Mechanical Milling on Work Hardening for Superalloy GH4169 .METALS .2021 ,11 (9)

(31)张世波. Phase transition and dynamic recrystallization mechanisms of white layer formation during turning superalloy Inconel 718 .Journal of Materials Research and Technology .2021 ,15 :5288

(32)王鑫. Vortices degradation and periodical variation in spiral micromixers with various spiral structures .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER .2022 ,183

(33)赵金富. Tool coating effects on cutting temperature during metal cutting processes: Comprehensive review and future research directions .Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing .2021 ,150

(34)李国英. Intermetallic compounds Cr3Te4/NiNbTe2 formation during infiltrating Te into Inconel 718 .MATERIALS LETTERS Journal .2022 ,310

(35)姚共厚. Numerical prediction and experimental investigation of residual stresses in sequential milling of GH4169 considering initial stress effect .international Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology .2022 ,119 (11-12):7215

(36)殷庆安. Heat transfer enhancement with surface-active thermal conductive media coating during orthogonal cutting Inconel 718 .international Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology .2022

(37)解振威. Longitudinal amplitude effect on material removal mechanism of ultrasonic vibration-assisted milling 2.5D C/SiC composites .Ceramics International .2021 ,47 (22):32144

(38)梁晓亮. Prediction of residual stress with multi-physics model for orthogonal cutting Ti-6Al-4V under various tool wear morphologies .JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY Journal .2021 ,288

(39)张志成. The Fabrication of Porous Metal-Bonded Diamond Coatings Based on Low-Pressure Cold Spraying and Ni-Al Diffusion-Reaction .MATERIALS .2022 ,15 (6)

(40)胡健睿. Theoretical Modeling and Analysis of Directional Spectrum Emissivity and Its Pattern for Random Rough Surfaces with a Matrix Method .SYMMETRY-BASEL .2021 ,13 (9)

(41)蔡玉奎. Formation mechanism of superhydrophobicity of stainless steel by laser-assisted decomposition of stearic acid and its corrosion resistance .Optics & Laser Technology .2022 (153)

(42)殷庆安. Machinability improvement of Inconel 718 through mechanochemical and heat transfer effects of coated surface-active thermal conductive mediums .JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS .2021 ,876

(43)赵建. Surface texture and friction property of Ti-6Al-4V processed by rotary ultrasonic rolling .international Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology .2021 ,115 (1-2):463

(44)李国英. Effect of oxygen on Te infiltration into superalloy Inconel 718 at elevated temperature .Surface& Coatings Technology .2021 ,415

(45)赵金福. Analytical prediction of transient and steady cutting temperature distributions in coated tools under time-varied heat sources .international Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology .2021

(46)殷庆安. Machinability improvement of Inconel 718 through mechanochemical and heat transfer effects of coated surface-active thermal conductive mediums .JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS .2021 ,876

(47)李国英. Effect of element Te on alterations of microstructure and mechanical property of nickel-based superalloy Inconel 718 through alloy infiltration .Applied Surface Science .2021 ,544

(48)柳月. Optimisation of Planning Parameters for Machining Blade Electrode Micro-Fillet with Scallop Height Modelling .MICROMACHINES .2021 ,12 (3)

(49)王鑫. A cost-effective serpentine micromixer utilizing ellipse curve .ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA Journal .2021 ,1155

(50)赵建. Analytical Prediction and Experimental Investigation of Burnishing Force in Rotary Ultrasonic Roller Burnishing Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V .JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME .2020 ,142 (3)

(51)赵金富. PVD AlTiN coating effects on tool-chip heat partition coefficient and cutting temperature rise in orthogonal cutting Inconel 718 .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER .2020 ,163

(52)梁晓亮. Multi-pattern failure modes and wear mechanisms of WC-Co tools in dry turning Ti-6Al-4V .Ceramics International .2020 ,46 (15):24512

(53)殷庆安. Recent progress of machinability and surface integrity for mechanical machining Inconel 718: a review .international Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology .2020 ,109 (1-2):215

(54)王鑫. Investigations into planar splitting and recombining micromixers with asymmetric structures .Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering .2020 ,30 (1)

(55)王兵. An Approach for Reducing Cutting Energy Consumption with Ultra-High Speed Machining of Super Alloy Inconel 718 .International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology .2020 ,7 (1):35

(56)王兵. Evaluation on fracture locus of serrated chip generation with stress triaxiality in high speed machining of Ti6Al4V .Materials & Design .2016 (98)

(57)王兵. Cutting performance of solid ceramic end milling tools in machining hardened AISI H13 steel .International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials .2016 (55)

(58)王兵. Proper selection of cutting parameters and cutting tool angle to lower the specific cutting energy during high speed machining of 7050-T7451 aluminum alloy .Journal of Cleaner Production .2016 (129)

(59)王兵. Acoustic emission signal analysis during chip formation process in high speed machining of 7050-T7451 aluminum alloy and Inconel 718 superalloy .Journal of Manufacturing Processes .2017 (27)

(60)王兵. Effect of scratching speed on phase transformations in high-speed scratching of monocrystalline silicon .Materials Science and Engineering: A .2020 (772)

(61)王兵. Effect of speed on material removal behavior in scribing of monocrystalline silicon .PRECISION ENGINEERING-JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES FOR PRECISIONENGINEERING AND NANOTECHNOLOGY .2020 (66)

(62)王兵. Modeling and simulation of phase transformation and crack formation during scribing of mono-crystalline silicon .International Journal of Mechanical Sciences .2020 (175)

(63)王兵. A hybrid post-processing method for improving the surface quality of additively manufactured metal parts .Annals of CIRP .2021 (70)

(64)王兵. Investigations on deformation and fracture behavior of workpiece material during high speed machining of 7050-T7451 aluminum alloy .CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology .2016 (14)

(65)王兵. Influences of Cutting Speed and Material Mechanical Properties on Chip Deformation and Fracture during High-Speed Cutting of Inconel 718 .Materials .2018 (11)

(66)王兵. Influences of tool structure, tool material and tool wear on machined surface integrity during turning and milling of titanium and nickel alloys: a review .International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology .2018 (98)

(67)王兵. The effects of stress triaxiality and strain rate on the fracture strain of Ti6Al4V .Engineering fracture mechanics .2019 (219)

(68)王兵. A Modified Johnson–Cook Constitutive Model and Its Application to High Speed Machining of 7050-T7451 Aluminum Alloy .Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME .2019 (141)

(69)王兵. Electrochemical corrosion behavior of a magnesium calcium alloy in simulated body fluids with different glucose concentrations .Journal of Materials Research and Technology .2020 (9)

(70)王兵. A quantitative analysis of the transition of fracture mechanisms of Ti6Al4V over a wide range of stress triaxiality and strain rate .Engineering fracture mechanics .2020 (231)

(71)王兵. Advancements in material removal mechanism and surface integrity of high speed metal cutting: A review .International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture .2021 (166)

(72) An approach for reducing cutting energy consumption with ultra-high speed machining of Super Alloy Inconel 718 .Int. J. Precis. Eng. Manuf.-Green Tech. .2020 ,7 (1):35-51

(73) Effect of scratching speed on phase transformations in high-speed scratching of monocrystalline silicon .Mater. Sci. Eng. A .2020 ,772 :138836

(74) Modeling and simulation of phase transformation and crack formation during scribing of mono-crystalline silicon .Int. J. Mech. Sci. .2020 ,175 :105527

(75) Effect of speed on material removal behavior in scribing of monocrystalline silicon .Precis. Eng. .2020 ,66 :315-323

(76) The effects of stress triaxiality and strain rate on the fracture strain of Ti6Al4V .Eng. Fract. Mech. .2019 ,219 :106627

(77) A modified Johnson-Cook constitutive model and its application to high speed machining of 7050-T7451 aluminum alloy .ASME J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. .2019 ,141 (1):011012

(78) Acoustic emission signal analysis during chip formation process in high speed machining of 7050-T7451 aluminum alloy and Inconel 718 superalloy .J. Manuf. Process. .2017 ,27 :114-125

(79) Proper selection of cutting parameters and cutting tool angle to lower the specific cutting energy during high speed machining of 7050-T7451 aluminum alloy .J. Clean. Prod. .2016 ,129 :292-304

(80) Evaluation on fracture locus of serrated chip generation with stress triaxiality in high speed machining of Ti6Al4V .Mater. Des. .2016 ,98 :68-78

(81) Investigations on deformation and fracture behavior of workpiece material during high speed machining of 7050-T7451 aluminum alloy .CIRP J. Manuf. Sci. Tech. .2016 ,14 :43-54


1. 一种弱刚性薄壁件装夹及变形校正装置及方法

2. 一种弱刚性结构件加工变形校正及颤振抑制的工装及方法

3. 一种带有内冷射流结构的刀具

4. 一种自适应主动控制热传导切削刀片、刀具及制备方法

5. 基于荧光追踪样点的材料表层去除原位测量装置及方法

6. 一种NiTi合金表面切削工艺及粗糙度调节方法

7. 一种飞行器薄壁工件切边轨迹校正系统及方法

8. 一种基于迁移学习的跨域刀具破损监测方法及系统

9. 一种涡轮盘类零件加工工艺的验证方法

10. 一种机翼除冰装置及飞行器

11. 一种NiTi合金表面切削工艺及粗糙度调节方法

12. 一种自锐性金属结合剂金刚石磨料层制备工艺

13. 一种确定脉冲激光焦点位置的方法及装置

14. 一种多孔NiTi/凝胶复合材料、功能合金及应用

15. 一种用于不粘锅内表面处理的加工装置及方法

16. 一种用于深腔加工的嵌入式阻尼减振车刀杆及方法

17. 用于增材制造的石榴状黑色陶瓷颗粒及其制备方法和应用

18. 风电叶片除冰装置的移动机构、风电叶片除冰装置及方法

19. 深度生成网络辅助的功能性全冠修复体形态生成方法

20. Surface layer alloying weakening treatment and auxiliary processing method for efficient cutting of difficult-to-process material

21. 一种用于难加工材料高效切削的表层合金化弱化处理辅助加工方法

22. 一种用于蜂窝及复合材料加工的内吸式铣削刀具

23. 一种基于机械加工方式制备纤锌矿型硅晶体的方法

24. 一种气压辅助式超声振动可适配表面强化装置及方法

25. 测试拉伸/剪切复合加载下材料动态力学性能的装置及方法

26. 用正交切削法测定材料断裂韧性的方法

27. 一种用于航空发动机叶片加工和检测的夹具

28. 一种去除复杂零件表面振纹的方法

29. 一种提高脆性材料机械加工表面完整性的方法

Research Projects

1. GFJG-***轻质结构件高效低损伤制造技术KM20240063, 2023/11/01-2025/11/30

2. 超快激光精密加工及装备研发, 2024/01/01-2026/12/31

3. 超精密切削加工力温自体感知原理与技术, 2023/12/01-2026/11/30

4. 整体陶瓷刀具研发与切削性能测试技术, 2023/11/01-2025/10/31

5. 加工表面高低温力学性能测试与评价技术, 2023/03/15-2025/03/31

6. V型柔性切边夹具关键技术研究, 2023/04/01-2024/03/31

7. 大切削量部品机械加工效率提高, 2023/01/01-2023/12/31

8. 2021-2023中国科协青年人才托举工程(第三年), 2023/02/01-2023/12/31

9. 高体分SiCp/Al和CFRP超声辅助水射流加工系统研究与实验, 2023/03/25-2023/10/01

10. 宏微耦合系统智能控制理论与技术研究, 2023/01/01-2025/12/31

11. (包干项目)高质高效切削机理与工艺, 2022/03/30-2025/03/31

12. 石英纤维复合材料高效精密加工工艺与刀具技术, 2022/08/25-2023/07/30

13. 2021-2023中国科协青年人才托举工程(第二年), 2022/04/01-2023/12/31

14. GFJG-KM20220017, 2022/01/01-2023/12/31

15. 2021-2023 中国科协青年人才托举工程, 2021/12/01-2022/06/30

16. 镍钛系难加工材料去合金化辅助加工机理及其切削工艺基础, 2021/10/12-2025/12/31

17. 大切削量部品机械加工效率提高, 2021/07/01-2022/06/30

18. 吸波蜂窝高效加工技术, 2021/12/20-2022/07/10

19. 镍钛系难加工材料去合金化辅助加工机理及其切削工艺基础, 2021/08/18-2025/12/31

20. 切削刀具优化及蠕墨铸铁高效切削的研究, 2021/08/01-2023/07/31

21. 山东大学齐鲁青年学者启动基金, 2020/12/07

22. 难加工材料被切除表面层合金添加晶界弱化机理及其应用基础研究, 2018/01/01

23. 脆性晶体材料表面改性脆延转变机制及其高效精密加工基础研究-2020/11/23

24. 钛合金TC4高应变率断裂行为及其切削变形微观机理研究-2019/02/09

25. 面向航空发动机高温合金盘件长疲劳寿命的加工表面状态与性质演化及调控机制-2022/12/31

26. 高速干切工艺使能关键技术及基础数据库, 2020/01/01

27. 基于长服役寿命的航空发动机典型难加工材料零件高性能切削技术-2017/12/31

28. Diamond Wire Slicing of Crystalline Silicon Materials with Application to Manufacturing of High Quality Solar Cell Substrates-2019/06/30

29. 激光熔覆粉末不锈钢的切削机理与工艺基础研究, National Natural Science Foundation-2017/12/31

Student Information
  • MUHAMMAD AHMED KHAN  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 赵旺  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 李英豪  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 宋建  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 夏承超  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 任冠辉  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 解振威  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 张瑞豪  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 王红  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 刘浩  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 乔广通  2023/09/22 Hits:[] Times
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