

在IEEE汇刊等顶级期刊发表SCI论文70余篇;成果得到了国内外多名院士,顶级期刊主编和IEEE Fellow的正面评价与应用推广。

  • 2012-9 — 2016-12
  • 2019-04 — 至今
  • 2017-07 — 2019-04

(1) 王志祯.Simultaneous Switching Loss Reduction and Neutral-Point Voltage Balance Scheme for Single-Phase Three-Level T-Type Inverter.IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.2020,56 (6):6687-6700

(2) 刘畅.An Improved Model Predictive Control Method Using Optimized Voltage Vectors for Vienna Rectifier With Fixed Switching Frequency. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.2023,38 (1):358-371

(3) 邢相洋.An Adaptive Model Predictive Control for Reduced Switch Count Three-Level Inverter.IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics .2022,11 (1):453-464

(4) 景萌萌.The switching decomposition pulse width modulation with reduced common mode voltage for reduced switch counts neutral point clamped inverter.IET Power Electronics.2022,16 (4):612-630

(5) 李晓艳.Neutral-Point Voltage Oscillation Mitigation Scheme for Transformerless Three-Level PV Inverter in LVRT Operation With Selective Space Vector Modulation.IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics .2022,10 (3):2776-2789

(6) 邢相洋.Improved Space Vector Modulation Technique for Neutral-Point Voltage Oscillation and Common-Mode Voltage Reduction in Three-Level Inverter.IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics.2019,34 (9):8697

(7) 王伟胜.基于简化SVPWM的Z源三电平逆变器中点电位控制方法. 电工技术学报.2018,33 (8):1835-1843

(8) 钟昭文.An Improved DPWM Method for Single-Phase Five-Level ANPC Converters with Switching Loss Reduction and Capacitor Voltage Balance.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION.2022

(9) 刘畅.Leakage Current Suppression of Transformerless 5L-ANPC Inverter With Lower Ripple Model Predictive Control.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS Journal.2022,58 (5):6297

(10) 邢相洋.Improved Space Vector Modulation Technique for Neutral-Point Voltage Oscillation and Common-Mode Voltage Reduction in Three-Level Inverter.ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING PLASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, PTS 1 AND 2.2019,34 (9):8697

(11) 杜春水.Leakage Current Suppression of Transformerless 5L-ANPC Inverter With Lower Ripples Model Predictive Control.IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.2022 (5)

(12) 张博学.Novel Three-Layer Discontinuous PWM Method for Mitigating Resonant Current and Zero-Crossing Distortion in Vienna Rectifier With an LCL Filter.ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING PLASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, PTS 1 AND 2.2021,36 (12):14478

(13) 张博学.Novel Three-Layer Discontinuous PWM Method for Mitigating Resonant Current and Zero-Crossing Distortion in Vienna Rectifier With an LCL Filter.ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING PLASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, PTS 1 AND 2.2021,36 (12):14478

(14) 张承慧.Modeling and Mitigation of Resonance Current for Modified LCL-Type Parallel Inverters With Inverter-Side Current Control.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS.2022,18 (2):932

(15) 刘玺.Optimal Current Ripple PWM for Three-Level Inverter With Common Mode Voltage Reduction. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.2022,69 (5):4890

(16) 邢相洋.A Fast-Processing Predictive Control Strategy for Common-Mode Voltage Reduction in Parallel Three-Level Inverters.IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS.2021,9 (1):316

(17) 刘玺.Circulating Current Suppression for Paralleled Three-Level T-Type Inverters With Online Inductance Identification.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS Journal.2021,57 (5):5052

(18) Zhang, Qinghao.Space Vector Modulation Method for Simultaneous Common Mode Voltage and Circulating Current Reduction in Parallel Three-Level Inverters.ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING PLASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, PTS 1 AND 2.2019,34 (4):3053

(19) 秦昌伟.Simultaneous Common-Mode Voltage Reduction and Neutral-Point Voltage Balance Scheme for the Quasi-Z-Source Three-Level T-Type Inverter. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.2020,67 (3):1956

(20) 邢相洋.Deadbeat Control Strategy for Circulating Current Suppression in Multiparalleled Three-Level Inverters.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.2018,38 (8):6239

(21) 陈阿莲.Modeling and Suppression of Circulating Currents for Multi-Paralleled Three-Level T-Type Inverters.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS Journal.2019,55 (4):3978

(22) 陈阿莲.基于简化SVPWM 的Z 源三电平逆变器中点电位控制方法.电工技术学报.2018,33 (8)

(23) 丁文龙.A Novel Segmented Component Injection Scheme to Minimize the Oscillation of DC-Link Voltage Under Balanced and Unbalanced Conditions for Vienna Rectifier.ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING PLASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, PTS 1 AND 2.2019,34 (10):9536

(24) 陈杰.A Carrier-Based Fault-Tolerant Control Strategy for T-Type Rectifier With Neutral-Point Voltage Oscillations Suppression.ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING PLASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, PTS 1 AND 2.2019,34 (11):10988

(25) 秦昌伟.Circulating Current Suppression for Parallel Three-Level Inverters Under Unbalanced Operating Conditions.IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS.2019,7 (1):480

(26) 陈杰.Fault-Tolerant Control Strategies for T-Type Three-Level Inverters Considering Neutral-Point Voltage Oscillations.COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS - ICCSA 2005, PT 3.2019,66 (4):2837

(27) 邢相洋.Improved Space Vector Modulation Technique for Neutral-Point Voltage Oscillation and Common-Mode Voltage Reduction in Three-Level Inverter.ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING PLASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, PTS 1 AND 2.2019,34 (9):8697

(28) 秦昌伟.A Space Vector Modulation Scheme of the Quasi-Z-Source Three-Level T-Type Inverter for Common-Mode Voltage Reduction.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.2018,32 (10):8340

(29) 邢相洋.Model predictive control for parallel three-level T-type grid-connected inverters in renewable power generations.IET RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION .2017

(30) 邢相洋.基于改进型零序环流抑制方法的 T 型三电平并联并网系统.《中国电机工程学报》.2017

(31) 邢相洋.并联T 型三电平逆变器环流抑制和中点平衡研究.《中国电机工程学报》.2016

(32) 李晓艳.Simultaneous Common-Mode Resonance Circulating Current and Leakage Current Suppression for Transformerless Three-Level T-Type PV Inverter System.COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS - ICCSA 2005, PT 3.2019,66 (6):4457

(33) Chen, Hua.Circulating Current Analysis and Suppression for Module Grid-Connected Inverters Under Unbalanced Conditions.IEEE Access.2018,6 :69120

(34) 邢相洋.Space-Vector-Modulated Method for Boosting and Neutral Voltage Balancing in Z-Source Three-Level T-Type Inverter.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS Journal.2016,52 (2):1621

(35) 邢相洋.Deadbeat Control Strategy for Circulating Current Suppression in Multiparalleled Three-Level Inverters.IEEE Trans. on Industrial electronics.2018

(36) 邢相洋.Space Vector Modulation for Circulating Current Suppression Using Deadbeat Control Strategy in Parallel Three-Level Neutral-Clamped Inverters.IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics.2017,64 (2)

(37) 邢相洋.Model predictive control for parallel three-level T-type grid-connected inverters in renewable power generations.IET RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION .2017

(38) 邢相洋.基于改进型零序环流抑制方法的 T 型三电平并联并网系统.《中国电机工程学报》.2017

(39) 邢相洋.并联T 型三电平逆变器环流抑制和中点平衡研究.《中国电机工程学报》.2016

(40) 邢相洋.Space-Vector-Modulated Method for Boosting and Neutral Voltage Balancing in Z-Source Three-Level T-Type Inverter.IEEE transactions on industry applications .2016

(41) 邢相洋.Deadbeat Control Strategy for Circulating Current Suppression in Multiparalleled Three-Level Inverters.IEEE Trans. on Industrial electronics.2018

(42) 邢相洋.Space Vector Modulation for Circulating Current Suppression Using Deadbeat Control Strategy in Parallel Three-Level Neutral-Clamped Inverters.IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics.2017

(43) 李晓艳.Simultaneous Common-Mode Resonance Circulating Current and Leakage Current Suppression for Transformerless Three-Level T-Type PV Inverter System.COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS - ICCSA 2005, PT 3.2019,66 (6):4457

(44) Chen, Hua.Circulating Current Analysis and Suppression for Module Grid-Connected Inverters Under Unbalanced Conditions.IEEE Access.2018,6 :69120


1. 高压大功率电池智能测试与模拟装备研发及 产业化, 2025/01/01-2027/12/31

2. 高压大容量智慧储能系统关键技术开发与应用, 2024/09/25-2027/08/31

3. 兼顾构网型跟网型机组的电化学储能电站并网运行控制技术研究, 2024/06/06-2025/12/31

4. 大规模储能系统关键控制技术与核心装备研发, 2023/07/01-2026/06/30

5. 光伏并网系统的高阶全驱预测控制方法 , 2023/12/01-2026/10/31

6. 储能双向变流器性能提升及关键技术攻关, 2023/09/01-2025/09/01

7. (包干项目)面向安全高效的高可靠SiC储充系统关键技术研究, 2022/03/30-2025/03/31

8. (包干项目)光伏发电系统高性能调控技术及应用, 2022/11/01-2025/12/30

9. (包干项目)光伏发电系统功率变换与控制, 2022/08/05-2025/12/31

10. 面向安全高效稳定的中压光伏-储能并网系统运行控制研究, 2021/10/12-2025/12/31

11. 面向安全高效稳定的中压光伏-储能并网系统运行控制研究, 2021/08/18-2025/12/31

12. (包干项目)新能源电力电子功率变换与控制方法, 2020/12/12-2023/12/30

13. 多变换器模块串并联智能化微电网系统关键控制技术研究, 2021/01/01-2023/12/31

14. 新能源技术与智能装备协同创新中心, 2020/01/01-2022/12/31

15. 新能源技术与智能装备协同创新中心, 2020/01/01-2022/03/31

16. 面向快速安全高效的智能化SiC充电系统关键技术研究, 2019/12/02-2023/12/31

17. 面向能源互联网的能源路由器关键技术研发, 2019/11/21-2021/12/31

18. 并联T型三电平光伏并网逆变器控制策略研究, 2017/08/17-2020/12/31

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