Chunying Lu, Xinfeng Wang*, Jun Zhang, Zhiyi Liu, Yiheng Liang, Shuwei Dong, Min Li, Jing Chen, Haibiao Chen, Huijun Xie, Likun Xue, Wenxing Wang. Substantial emissions of nitrated aromatic compounds in the particle and gas phases in the waste gases from eight industries. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 283: 117132
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上一条:Optical properties and molecular composition of wintertime atmospheric water-soluble organic carbon in different coastal cities of eastern China

下一条:Y. Jiang, E.H. Hoffmann, A. Tilgner, M.B.E. Aiyuk, S.T. Andersen, L. Wen, M. van Pinxteren, H. Shen, L. Xue, W. Wang, H. Herrmann, Insights Into NOx and HONO Chemistry in the Tropical Marine Boundary Layer at Cape Verde During the MarParCloud Campaign, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128 .

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