Minghui Xu is an Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science and Technology at Shandong University, where he co-leads the Blockchain and Distributed Security Lab with Prof. Xiuzhen Cheng. Prior to joining Shandong University, he completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science from The George Washington University in 2021 and his B.S. degree in Physics from Beijing Normal University in 2018. He has been an academic guest of ETH Zurich. Dr. Xu’s research focuses on blockchain, distributed computing, and applied cryptography. He has published papers on pretigious conferences and journals, including USENIX Security, IEEE INFOCOM, ICDCS, TMC, TC, JSAC, TPDS, TWC. He also served as the editorial board member of Elsevier High-Confidence Computing, and the session chair of several conferences including IEEE IPCCC, IEEE FNWF, IEEE MASS and IEEE ICMC. Homepage: https://www.minghuixu.com/.
(1)国益豪. zkCross: A Novel Architecture for Cross-Chain Privacy-Preserving Auditing .2024
(3)徐明辉. FileDES: A Secure, Scalable and Succinct Decentralized Encrypted Storage Network .2024
1. “元计算研究院”关于面向QID的可信数据空间技术研究及应用项目, 2024/03/31-2025/12/31
2. “网-信-安”一体共识微观组件优化方法测试与验证研究, 2023/11/01-2024/11/01
3. (包干项目)融合无线自组网的区块链协议研究, 2023/08/24-2026/12/31
4. 基于区块链的数据全生命周期安全防护关键技术研究-1, 2024/01/01-2027/12/31
5. 适配多层级物联网的高可信自适应区块链体系架构, 2023/12/01-2026/11/30
6. (包干项目)面向物联网的区块链关键技术研究, 2023/01/01-2025/12/31
7. 泛在智能物联可信组网与协同计算关键理论与技术研究, 2023/01/01-2025/12/31
8. “浪潮—山大元计算实验室”共建协议-1, 2023/01/18-2026/01/17
9. 存算传融合的自主计算支撑环境, 2023/03/01-2026/02/28