
山东大学 研究员,山东大学齐鲁青年学者、山东省“泰山学者”青年专家、中国科学院青年创新促进会会员,入选广东省“珠江人才计划-海外青年人才引进计划。

长期从事俯冲带壳幔物质循环过程与大陆地壳生长与演化机制方向的研究,主要利用岩石学与地球化学手段揭示大洋板片消亡过程中元素化学分异机制与物质循环过程,探究不同构造环境下壳幔物质循环过程及其资源环境效应。发表学术论文30多篇,以第一作者身份在GCA、AM、CG 等期刊发表论文12篇,总引用次数超800余次主持并参与国家重点研发计划、自然科学基金重大项目、面上项目及省部级项目10余项。


  • 2006/09/01-2010/07/01
  • 2010/09/01-2013/05/22
  • 2013/09/01-2017/11/25
Professional Experience
  • 2022-01 — 2024-02
  • 2017-10 — 2021-12
  • 2024-02 — Now
  • 2022-01 — 2024-02
Research direction

(1)Yang Yu. Melting and melt segregation processes controlling granitic melt composition .American Mineralogist .2024 ,109 :35–50

(2)Yang Yu. Different B-Mo isotopic fractionation processes controlled by redox conditions in the subduction zone .Chemical Geology .2023 ,636 :121646

(3)Yang Yu. Molybdenum isotopic constraint from Java on slab inputs to subduction zone magmatism .Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta .2022 ,332 :1–18

(4)Yang Yu. Early Paleozoic granodiorites and gabbros related to asthenosphere upwelling in the eastern Wuyi-Yunkai Orogen, South China .Journal of Asian Earth Sciences .2022 ,226 :105055

(5)Yang Yu. High-Mg andesitic rocks formed through crustal magmatic differentiation .Lithos .2021 ,388–389 :106069

(6)Yang Yu. B isotopic constraints on the role of H2O in mantle wedge melting .Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta .2021 ,303 :92–109

(7)Yang Yu. Missing Sr-Nd isotopic decoupling in subduction zone: Decoding the multi-stage dehydration and melting of subducted slab in the Chinese Altai .Lithos .2020 ,362–363 :105465

(8)Yang Yu. Evolution of the middle Paleozoic magmatism in the Chinese Altai: constraints on the crustal differentiation at shallow depth in the accretionary orogen .Journal of Asian Earth Sciences .2019 ,175 :230–246

(9)Yang Yu. Petrogenesis of early Paleozoic granitoids and associated xenoliths in the Baoxu and Enping plutons, South China: Implications for the evolution of the Wuyi-Yunkai intracontinental orogeny .Journal of Asian Earth Sciences .2018 ,156 :59–74

(10)Yang Yu. Whole-rock Nd-Hf isotopic study of I-type and peraluminous granitic rocks from the Chinese Altai: Constraints on the nature of the lower crust and tectonic setting .Gondwana Research .2017 ,47 :131–141

(11)Yang Yu. Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotopic evidence for modification of the Devonian lithospheric mantle beneath the Chinese Altai .Lithos .2017 ,284–285 :207–221

(12)Yang Yu. I-type granitoids associated with the early Paleozoic intracontinental orogenic collapse along pre-existing block boundary in South China .Lithos .2017 ,248–251 :353–365

(13)Bo Yan. An anomalous rollback process of Mesozoic flat-slab subduction in South China .Tectonophysics .2024 ,874 (230252)

(14)Zhen-Min Ge. Metasomatized mantle source of nascent oceanic crust in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California .Chemical Geology .2024 ,643 (121836)

(15)Jing Mo. Water-in-zircon: a discriminant between S- and I-type granitoid .Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology .2023 ,178 (1):5

(16)Sheng-Zhu Zhu. Enrichment of incompatible elements in alkaline syenites in large igneous provinces due to magma replenishment and reactive porous flow in a mush reservoir .Journal of Petrology .2023 ,64 (2):egad002

(17)Yu-Xin Cai. Contribution of recycled oceanic crust to the extremely light molybdenum isotopic compositions of mid-ocean ridge basalts from the South China Sea .Chemical Geology .2023 ,646 (121916)

(18)Tan Shu. Structure, geochronology, and petrogenesis of Permian peraluminous granite dykes in the southern Chinese Altai as indicators of Altai-East Junggar convergence .GSA Bulletin .2022 ,In press

(19)黄小龙. 华南早古生代穿时岩浆活动成因与驱动机制 .大地构造与成矿学 .2022 ,46 (3):435–454

(20)Xiu-Quan Miao. Two episodes of Mesozoic mafic magmatism in the Nansha Block: Tectonic transition from continental arc to back-arc basin .Lithos .2021 ,404–405 (106502)

(21)Xiu-Quan Miao. Late Triassic dacites from Well NK-1 in the Nansha Block: Constraints on the Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the southern South China Sea margin .Lithos .2021 ,398–399 (106337)

(22)马万伟. 栗木花岗岩中云母的特征: 对锡成矿热液作用过程的指示 .大地构造与成矿学 .2020 ,44 (6):1143–1159

(23)Yan-Qiong Huang. Nd-Hf Isotopic Decoupling of the Silurian-Devonian Granitoids in the Chinese Altai: A Consequence of Crustal Recycling of the Ordovician Accretionary Wedge? .Journal of Asian Earth Sciences .2020 ,31 :102–114

(24)Arnaud Broussolle. Constraints of zircon Hf isotopes on ancient crustal reworking in the Early Paleozoic Altai accretionary wedge, Central Asian Orogenic Belt .Journal of Asian Earth Sciences .2020 ,203 (104538)

(25)Arnaud Broussolle. Are the Chinese Altai "terranes" the result of juxtaposition of different crustal levels during Late Devonian and Permian orogenesis? .Gondwana Research .2019 ,66 :183–206

(26)Arnaud Broussolle. Polycyclic Palaeozoic evolution of accretionary orogenic wedge in the southern Chinese Altai: Evidence from structural relationships and U-Pb geochronology .Lithos .2019 ,314–315 :400–424

(27)Qiong Chen. Provenance study for the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks from the west Yangtze Block: Constraint on possible link of South China to the Gondwana supercontinent reconstruction .Precambrian Research .2018 ,309 :271–289

(28)Qiong Chen. Origin of the mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) and their host granitoids from the Tagong pluton in Songpan-Ganze terrane: An igneous response to the closure of the Paleo-Tethys ocean .Lithos .2017 ,290–291 :1–17

(29)Jie Li. In situ analyses of micas in the Yashan granite, South China: Constraints on magmatic and hydrothermal evolution of W and Ta-Nb bearing granites .Ore Geology Reviews .2015 ,65 :793–810

(30)Peng-Fei Li. Structural evolution of the Irtysh Shear Zone (northwestern China) and implications for the amalgamation of arc systems in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt .Journal of Structural Geology .2015 ,80 :142–156

(31)黄小龙. 福建明溪麻粒岩包体的年代学和矿物学特征:地温曲线及其华南中生代壳-幔相互作用意义 .矿物岩石地球化学通报 .2013 ,32 (2):212–221

(32)Peng-Li He. Mechanism of Fe-Ti enrichment in the Haladala gabbros: Implication for the tectonic evolution of the western Tianshan orogenic belt .Acta Petrologica Sinica .2013 ,29 (10):3457–3472

(33)Xiao-Long Huang. Geochronology and petrogenesis of the early Paleozoic I-type granite in the Taishan area, South China: Middle-lower crustal melting during orogenic collapse .Lithos .2013 ,177 :268–284

(34)李洁. 赣南西华山花岗岩的云母成分特征及对岩浆演化与成矿过程的指示 .地球化学 .2013 ,42 (5):393–404

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