Date of Employment:1993-07-01
Business Address:中心校区生命北楼411
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Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Alma Mater:德国Saarland大学
张斌,山东大学化学与化工学院教授,分析化学教研室主任,硕士生导师。从事分析化学的教学和科研工作,研究兴趣为纳米分析化学、光谱分析和电化学发光分析,在JACS、Nano Lett、ACS Nano、Trends in Anal Chem、Anal Chem等学术期刊上发表七十余篇论文、合作出版专著一部、授权专利5项。先后参与国家“973”纳米重大专项子课题、国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划重点项目和面上项目的研究,承担四项山东省自然科学基金面上项目、一项山东省优秀中青年科学家奖励基金项目的研究。学习及工作经历1986.09 - 1990.07:山东大学化学系,理学学士1990.09 - 1993.07:山东大学化学院,理学硕士1999.04 - 2003.03:德国Saarland大学,博士1993.07 - 1999.03:山东大学化学院,助教、讲师2003.04 - 2004.11:德国Saarland大学,博士后2004.12 - 2009.11:山东大学化学与化工学院,副教授2007.08 - 2007.11:德国Saarland大学,访问学者2009.12 -至今 山东大学化学与化工学院,教授主讲课程本科生课程:分析化学(泰山学堂24级化学取向)、化学分析(化学强基24级)(2024/25第二学期)研究生课程:生物分析化学(2024/25第二学期)研究领域纳米分析化学,电分析化学,光谱分析主要论著Shi MY, Su KL, Lu QM, Zhang B, Xu XW. Determination of Potassium Content in Tobacco Stem Ash by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. University Chemistry(大学化学) 2024, 39(10), 255-260.Li MW, Gao XW, Ren XX, Ai YJ, Zhang B, Zou GZ. Potential-Selective Electrochemiluminescence of AgInS2/ZnS Nanocrystals and Its Immunoassay Application. Chemical Communications 2024, 60(17), 4958-4961.Wang XY, Zhang JP, Zhao LR, Xu XW, Zou GZ, Zhang B. Theoretical Calculation on the Structure and Stability of Copper Ammonia Coordination Ions. University Chemistry (大学化学), 2024, 39(3), 384-389.Lu CL, Zhao ZH, Wang GA, Lu QM, Zhang B, Xu XW. Determination of Zinc/Sodium/Potassium Ion Contents in Commercial Energy Drinks Using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry: Basic Design Experiment for Instrumental Analysis. University Chemistry (大学化学), 2023, 38(12), 186-192.Liang YF, Zheng XY, Xu XW, Zou GZ, Zhang B. Investigation on Curricula Contents and Teaching Methods of Instrumental Analysis Overseas. University Chemistry(大学化学), 2023, 38(2), 283-288.Wang XY, Sun SZ, Xu XW, Zou GZ, Zhang B. Mathematical and Chemical Analyses of Acid-Base Titration Curve. University Chemistry(大学化学) 2023, 38(2), 243-252.Gao XW, Ren XX, Ai YJ, Li MW, Zhang B, Zou GZ. Dual-Potential Encoded Electrochemiluminescence for Multiplexed Gene Assay with One Luminophore as Tag. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2023, 236, 115418.Fu L, Liu XC, Zeng Y, Zhang QQ, Zhang B, Gao XW, Zou GZ. Coreactant-Free and Near-Infrared Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay with n-Type Au Nanocrystals as Luminophores. Analytical Chemistry 2022, 94(34), 11934-11939.Fu L, Zhang B, Gao XW, Dong ST, Wang DY, Zou GZ. A General Route for Chemiluminescence of n-Type Au Nanocrystals. Analytical Chemistry 2022, 94(24), 8811-8817.Zou GZ, Sun SZ, Xu XW, Huang XR, Yang GS, Wu B, Zhang B. Investigation into Reforming the Curricula Content and Teaching Methods of Instrumental Analysis. University Chemistry(大学化学) 2022, 37(4), 2108084.Xu JR, Xu XW, Zou GZ, Zhang B. Derivation of ProtonBalance Equations for Complex System in Acid-Base Solution: Taking FeCl3 as an Example. University Chemistry(大学化学) 2021, 36(9), 2105013.Sun SZ, Zhang ZH, Zhang B. Mathematical Interpretation of Initial Curve of Acid-Base Titration between Strong Base and Weak Acid: Taking NaOH and HAcas an Example. University Chemistry(大学化学) 2021, 36(6), 2008008.Gao XW, Dong ST, Fu L, Zhang B, Hsu H-Y, Zou GZ. Use of Triangular Silver Nanoplates as Low Potential Redox Mediators for Electrochemical Sensing. Analytical Chemistry 2021, 93(6), 3295-3300.Fu L, Fu KN, Gao XW, Dong ST, Zhang B, Fu SJ, Hsu H-Y, Zou GZ. Enhanced Near-Infrared Electrochemiluminescence from Trinary Ag−In−S to Multinary Ag−Ga−In−S Nanocrystals via Doping-in-Growth and Its Immunosensing Applications. Analytical Chemistry 2021, 93(4), 2160-2165.Yu L, Zhang Q, Kang Q, Zhang B, Shen DZ, Zou GZ. Near-infrared Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay with Bio-compatible Au Nano...
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