

山东大学软件学院 --> 人工智能研究中心 --> 组合优化与算法实验室(COPTA Lab)

Peng ZHANG (Professor)

Laboratory of Combinatorial Optimization and Algorithms (COPTA Lab), Shandong University.

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*** 博士硕士招生 ***


2025年可招收 1 名专业学位硕士


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承办C&A 2023会议:

*** 若干代表研究工作 ***



(·)标签s-t割问题是来自系统安全、计算机网络等领域的一个优化问题,是经典的最小s-t割问题的推广。给一个图,边上有标签,该问题询问最小数目的标签,使得在图上去掉具有这些标签的边之后,能够断开给定的(s, t)顶点对。


(·)论文[TZ12]使用线性规划舍入的技术,对该问题给出了近似比为m^{1/2} / OPT^{1/2}的近似算法和近似比为n^{2/3} / OPT^{1/3}的近似算法。

(·)论文[ZFT18]使用纯组合的技术,对该问题给出了近似比为m^{1/2} / OPT^{1/2}的近似算法和近似比为n^{2/3} / OPT^{1/3}的近似算法。





(·)设施选址(Facility Location)是运筹学和组合优化中的一个经典的基础研究问题,和它密切相关的是k-Median问题。k-设施选择问题是设施选择问题和k-Median问题的综合和推广。

(·)论文[Z07a]使用局部搜索的方法,对经典的k-设施位置问题(k-Facility Location)给出了近似比为3.7321的近似算法,该结果改进了Kamal Jain等人(JACM)的近似比4。论文[Z07a]被组合优化领域的流行专著《Combinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms》(Korte, Vygen著,Springer出版社,第5版,2012)引用。根据谷歌学术和百度学术的统计,截至2015年12月5日,论文[Z07a]已被引用50次。







(·)非平衡最小s-t割问题询问s一侧顶点数目不超过k的最小s-t割。论文[LZ10]对该问题给出了近似比为O(log n)的近似算法,论文[Z16]对该问题给出了近似比为O(k)的近似算法。

(·)非平衡最稀疏割(Sparsest Cut)问题询问一侧顶点数目不超过k的稀疏度最小的割。非平衡最小传导率(Min Conductance)问题询问一侧顶点数目不超过k的传导率最小的割。这两个问题来自于对社会网络的研究。论文[LZ13]对这两个问题给出了首个双准则近似算法。




(·)若只要求完成优化问题总体目标的一部分,则该类问题称为部分优化问题。论文[ZZL12]设计了一种通用的近似算法,能够求解一类部分优化问题。特别地,使用该方法,对著名的k-施坦纳森林(k-Steiner Forest)问题给出了近似比为q^{1/2}的近似算法。该方法在论文[Z22]中进行了提炼和总结。

*** 若干代表论文 ***

[Z24a] Peng Zhang.

Combining capacity and length: finding bottleneck connectivity in a layered network.

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 32(6):5430-5439, 2024.

[ZT20] Peng Zhang, Linqing Tang. 

Minimum label s-t cut has large integrality gaps. 

Information and Computation, 275:104543:1-104543:15, 2020.



[ZXJ+18] Peng Zhang, Yao Xu, Tao Jiang, Angsheng Li, Guohui Lin, Eiji Miyano.

Improved approximation algorithms for the maximum happy vertices and edges problems.

Algorithmica, 80(5):1412-1438, 2018.

[ZFT18] Peng Zhang, Bin Fu, Linqing Tang.

Simpler and better approximation algorithms for the unweighted label s-t cut problem.

Algorithmica, 80(1):398-409, 2018.

[Z16] Peng Zhang.

A new approximation algorithm for the unbalanced min s-t cut problem.

Theoretical Computer Science, 609:658-665, 2016.

[LZ13] Angsheng Li, Peng Zhang(*).

Unbalanced graph partitioning.

Theory of Computing Systems, 53(3):454-466, 2013.

(alphabet order)

[ZZL12] Peng Zhang, Daming Zhu, Junfeng Luan.

An approximation algorithm for the generalized k-multicut problem.

Discrete Applied Mathematics, 160(7-8):1240-1247, 2012.

[ZCTZ11] Peng Zhang, Jin-Yi Cai, Linqing Tang, Wenbo Zhao.

Approximation and hardness results for Label Cut and related problems.

Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 21(2):192-208, 2011.

[Z07] Peng Zhang.

A new approximation algorithm for the k-facility location problem.

Theoretical Computer Science, 384(1):126-135, 2007.

*** 学习、工作经历 ***













*** 个人主页 & 兴趣爱好 ***




*** 发表论文列表 ***


[Z24a] Peng Zhang.

Combining capacity and length: finding connectivity bottleneck in a layered network.

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 32(6):5430-5439, 2024.

[Z24b] Peng Zhang.
A short proof and experimental study of the approximation algorithm for label s-t cut.

COCOA 2024.


[ZYZ23] Xueyang Zhang, Binghao Yan, Peng Zhang.
New algorithms for a simple measure of network partitioning.
Theoretical Computer Science, 957:113846:1-15, 2023.

[LZ23] Jiangkun Li, Peng Zhang.

New approximation algorithms for the rooted Budgeted Cycle Cover problem. 

Theoretical Computer Science, 940:283-295, 2023.

[ZZ23] Jiang Zhou, Peng Zhang:

Simple Heuristics for the Rooted Max Tree Coverage Problem. 

COCOA 2023: 252-264.


[YCLZ22] 袁森, 陈开奇, 李江坤, 张鹏. 


中国科学: 信息科学, 52(6):960-970, 2022.

[Z22] Peng Zhang. 

The LP-rounding plus greed approach for partial optimization revisited. 

Frontiers of Computer Science, 16(1): 161402:1-161402:9, 2022.

[ZYZ22] Xueyang Zhao, Binghao Yan, Peng Zhang.

New algorithms for a simple measure of network partitioning.

TAMC 2022:67-78.


[ZL21] Peng Zhang, Zhendong Liu. 

Approximating Max k-Uncut via LP-rounding plus greed, with applications to Densest k-Subgraph. 

Theoretical Computer Science, 849:173-183, 2021.

[LZ21] Jiangkun Li, Peng Zhang.

New Approximation Algorithms for the Rooted Budgeted Cycle Cover Problem. 

COCOA 2021:167-179.


[ZT20] Peng Zhang, Linqing Tang. 

Minimum label s-t cut has large integrality gaps. 

Information and Computation, 275:104543:1-104543:15, 2020.

[LXY+20] Min Li, Dachuan Xu, Jun Yue, Dongmei Zhang, Peng Zhang.

The seeding algorithm for k-means problem with penalties. 

Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 39(1):15-32, 2020.

[CLL+20] Yong Chen, Guohui Lin, Tian Liu, Taibo Luo, Bing Su, Yao Xu, Peng Zhang.

A (1.4 + epsilon)-approximation algorithm for the 2-Max-Duo problem. 

Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 40(3):806-824, 2020.

[ZL20] Peng Zhang, Zhendong Liu.

Approximating Max k-Uncut via LP-rounding Plus Greed, with Applications to Densest k-Subgraph. 

AAIM 2020:161-172.

[Z20] Peng Zhang.

Approximating the Weighted Minimum Label s-t Cut Problem.

arXiv:2011.06204,  2020.


[ZZZ+19] Shanshan Zhai, Peng Zhang, Daming Zhu, Weitian Tong, Yao Xu, Guohui Lin. 

An approximation algorithm for genome sorting by reversals to recover all adjacencies. 

Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 37(4):1170-1190, 2019.

[ZXW+19] Dongmei Zhang, Dachuan Xu, Yishui Wang, Peng Zhang, Zhenning Zhang. 

Local search approximation algorithms for the sum of squares facility location problems. 

Journal of Global Optimization, 74(4):909-932, 2019.

[XCZG19] Yao Xu, Yong Chen, Peng Zhang, Randy Goebel.

Approximation algorithms for vertex happiness.

Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, 7:429-448, 2019.


[ZXJ+18] Peng Zhang, Yao Xu, Tao Jiang, Angsheng Li, Guohui Lin, Eiji Miyano. 

Improved approximation algorithms for the maximum happy vertices and edges problems. 

Algorithmica, 80(5):1412-1438, 2018.

[ZFT18] Peng Zhang, Bin Fu, Linqing Tang. 

Simpler and better approximation algorithms for the unweighted label s-t cut problem. 

Algorithmica, 80(1):398-409, 2018.

[ZWX18] Peng Zhang, Chenchen Wu, Dachuan Xu. 

Approximation and hardness results for the Max k-Uncut problem. 

Theoretical Computer Science, 749:47-58, 2018.

[WXZZ18] Chenchen Wu, Dachuan Xu, Dongmei Zhang, Peng Zhang. 

Approximation algorithms for the robust/soft-capacitated 2-level facility location problems. 

Journal of Global Optimization, 70:207-222, 2018.

[ZXW+18] Dongmei Zhang, Dachuan Xu, Yishui Wang, Peng Zhang, Zhenning Zhang. 

A local search approximation algorithm for a squared metric k-facility location problem. 

Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 35(4):1168-1184, 2018.

[GMZZ18] Cunjing Ge, Feifei Ma, Peng Zhang, Jian Zhang. 

Computing and estimating the volume of the solution space of SMT(LA) constraints. 

Theoretical Computer Science, 743:110-129, 2018.


[XCL+17] Yao Xu, Yong Chen, Guohui Lin, Tian Liu, Taibo Luo, Peng Zhang. 

A (1.4 + epsilon)-approximation algorithm for the 2-Max-Duo problem. 

ISAAC 2017:66:1-66:12.

[ZXW+17] Dongmei Zhang, Dachuan Xu, Yishui Wang, Peng Zhang, Zhenning Zhang. 

A local search approximation algorithm for a squared metric k-facility location problem. 

COCOA 2017:119-124.


[ZF16] Peng Zhang, Bin Fu. 

The label cut problem with respect to path length and label frequency. 

Theoretical Computer Science, 648:72-83, 2016.

[Z16] Peng Zhang. 

A new approximation algorithm for the unbalanced min s-t cut problem. 

Theoretical Computer Science, 609:658-665, 2016.

[ZWXZ16] Peng Zhang, Chenchen Wu, Dachuan Xu, Xinghe Zhang. 

Approximation and hardness results for the max k-uncut problem. 

COCOA 2016:49-61.


[ZJL15] Peng Zhang, Tao Jiang, Angsheng Li. 

Improved approximation algorithms for the maximum happy vertices and edges problems. 

COCOON 2015:159-170.

[ZL15] Peng Zhang, Angsheng Li. 

Algorithmic aspects of homophyly of networks. 

Theoretical Computer Science, 593:117-131, 2015.

[KLL+15] Iyad Kanj, Guohui Lin, Tian Liu, Weitian Tong, Ge Xia, Jinhui Xu, Boting Yang, Fenghui Zhang, Peng Zhang, Binhai Zhu. 

Improved parameterized and exact algorithms for cut problems on trees. 

Theoretical Computer Science, 607:455-470, 2015.

(alphabet order)


[Z14c] Peng Zhang. 

Unbalanced graph cuts with minimum capacity. 

Frontiers of Computer Science, 8(4):676-683, 2014.

[Z14d] Peng Zhang. 

A new approximation algorithm for the Selective Single-Sink Buy-at-bulk problem in network design. 

Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 27(4):663-678, 2014.

[LZ14] Hong Liu, Peng Zhang (*). 

On the generalized multiway cut in trees problem. 

Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 27:65-77, 2014.

(alphabet order)

[KLL+14] Iyad Kanj, Guohui Lin, Tian Liu, Weitian Tong, Ge Xia, Jinhui Xu, Boting Yang, Fenghui Zhang, Peng Zhang, Binhai Zhu. 

Algorithms for cut problems on trees. 

COCOA 2014:283-298.

(alphabet order)

[Z14a] Peng Zhang. 

A new approximation algorithm for the unbalanced min s-t cut problem. 

COCOON 2014:346-356.

[Z14b] Peng Zhang. 

Efficient algorithms for the label cut problems. 

TAMC 2014:259-270.


[LZ13] Angsheng Li, Peng Zhang (*). 

Unbalanced graph partitioning. 

Theory of Computing System, 53(3):454-466, 2013.

(alphabet order)

[ZZZ13] Peng Zhang, Wenbo Zhao, Daming Zhu. 

Complexity and approximation results forthe min-sum and min-max disjoint paths problems. 

Computing and Informatics, 32(1):23-45, 2013.


[ZZL12] Peng Zhang, Daming Zhu, Junfeng Luan. 

An approximation algorithm for the generalized k-multicut problem. 

Discrete Applied Mathematics, 160(7-8):1240-1247, 2012.

[SCG+12] Yuqing Sun, Dickson K.W. Chiu, Bin Gong, Xiangxu Meng, Peng Zhang. 

Scheduling mobile collaborating workforce for multiple urgent events. 

Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 35(1):156-163, 2012.

[LZ12] Hong Liu, Peng Zhang(*). 

On the generalized multiway cut in trees problem. 

COCOA 2012:151-162.

(alphabet order)

[LZZ12] Hong Liu, Peng Zhang, Daming Zhu. 

On editing graphs into 2-club clusters. 

FAW-AAIM 2012:235-246.

[TZ12] Linqing Tang, Peng Zhang. 

Approximating minimum label s-t cut via linear programming. 

LATIN 2012:655-666.

(alphabet order)


[Z11a] Peng Zhang. 

Rent-or-buy network design problem and the sample-augment algorithm: a survey. 

International Journal of Software and Informatics, 5(4):607-636, 2011.

[ZCTZ11] Peng Zhang, Jin-Yi Cai, Linqing Tang, Wenbo Zhao. 

Approximation and hardness results for Label Cut and related problems. 

Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 21(2):192-208, 2011.

[CLL+11] Sze-Hang Chan, Tak-Wah Lam, Lap-Kei Lee, Hing-Fung Ting, Peng Zhang. 

Non-clairvoyant scheduling for weighted flow time and energy on speed bounded processors. 

Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science, Article 1, 1-14, 2011.

(alphabet order)

[Z11b] Peng Zhang. 

A new approximation algorithm for theselective single-sink buy-at-ulk problem in network design. 

COCOA 2011:525-536.


[LJZ10] Xin Li, Zhiping Jia, Peng Zhang. 

Feedback Control Real-time Scheduling over Data Streams. 

Journal of Computational Information Systems, 6(4):1051-1059, 2010.

[LJZ+10] Xin Li, Zhiping Jia, Peng Zhang, Ruihua Zhang, Haiyang Wang. 

Trust-based on-demand multipath routing in mobile ad hoc networks. 

IET Information Security, 4(4):212-232, 2010.

[LZ10] Angsheng Li, Peng Zhang(*). 

Unbalanced graph partitioning. 

ISAAC 2010:218-229. 

(alphabet order)

[CLL+10] Sze-Hang Chan, Tak-Wah Lam, Lap-Kei Lee, Hing-Fung Ting, Peng Zhang. 

Non-clairvoyant scheduling for weighted flow time and energy on speed bounded processors. 

CATS 2010:3-10.

(alphabet order)


[ZX09] Peng Zhang, Mingji Xia. 

An approximation algorithm to the k-Steiner Forest problem. 

Theoretical Computer Science, 410(11):1093-1098, 2009.

[ZCTZ09] Peng Zhang, Jin-Yi Cai, Linqing Tang, Wenbo Zhao. 

Approximation and hardness results for Label Cut and related problems. 

TAMC 2009:460-469.


[LZZ08] Weilin Li, Peng Zhang(*), Daming Zhu. 

On constrained facility location problems. 

Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 23(5):740-748, 2008.

(alphabet order)


[Z07a] Peng Zhang. 

A new approximation algorithm for the k-facility location problem. 

Theoretical Computer Science, 384(1):126-135, 2007.

[XZZ07] Mingji Xia, Peng Zhang, Wenbo Zhao. 

Computational complexity of counting problems on 3-regular planar graphs. 

Theoretical Computer Science, 384:111-125, 2007.

[Z07b] Peng Zhang. 

An approximation algorithm to the k-Steiner Forest problem. 

TAMC 2007:728-737.

[Z07c] Peng Zhang. 

Approximating generalized Multicut on trees. 

CiE 2007:799-808.

[ZZ07a] Wenbo Zhao, Peng Zhang. 

Approximation to the minimum rooted star cover problem. 

TAMC 2007:670-679.

[ZZ07b] Peng Zhang, Wenbo Zhao. 

On the complexity and approximation of the min-sum and min-max disjoint paths problems. 

ESCAPE 2007:70-81.


[ZZJ06] Wenbo Zhao, Peng Zhang, Tao Jiang. 

A network flow approach to the Minimum Common Integer Partition Problem. 

Theoretical Computer Science, 369(1-3):456-462, 2006.

[Z06] Peng Zhang. 

A new approximation algorithm for the k-facility location problem. 

TAMC 2006:217-230. 

*** 早期职业生涯 ***


*** 名人名言 ***



(1)赵雪旸. New algorithms for a simple measure of network partitioning .Theoretical Computer Science .2023 ,957

(2)李江坤. New approximation algorithms for the rooted Budgeted Cycle Cover problem .Theoretical Computer Science .2023 ,940 :283

(3)张鹏. The label cut problem with respect to path length and label frequency .Theoretical Computer Science .2016 ,648 :72-83

(4)张鹏. Algorithmic aspects of homophyly of networks .Theoretical Computer Science .2015 ,593 :117-131

(5)郝凡昌. 通过交互式移位-插入-删除进行基因组排序的较快算法 .《计算机研究与发展》 .2010 ,47 (11):2011-2023

(6)张鹏. Unbalanced graph cuts with minimum capacity .Frontiers of Computer Science .2014 ,8 (4):676-683

(7) A (1.4+epsilon)-approximation algorithm for the 2-MAX-DUO problem .JournalofCombinatorialOptimization .2020 ,40 (3):806

(8)李江坤. New approximation algorithms for the rooted Budgeted Cycle Cover problem .Theoretical Computer Science .2023 (940)

(9)赵雪旸. New algorithms for a simple measure of network partitioning .Theoretical Computer Science .2023 (957)

(10)张鹏. An approximation algorithm for the Generalized k-Multicut problem .Discrete Applied Mathematics .2012 ,160 (7-8):1240-1247

(11)张鹏. The LP-rounding plus greed approach for partial optimization revisited .Frontiers of Computer Science .2022 ,16 (1)

(12)栾峻峰. 通过交互式移位,插入,删除进行基因组排序的较快算法 .《计算机研究与发展》 .2010 ,47 (11):2011

(13)张鹏. The LP-rounding plus greed approach for partial optimization revisited .Frontiers of Computer Science .2022 ,16 (1)

(14)Li, Min. The seeding algorithm for k-means problem with penalties .JournalofCombinatorialOptimization .2020 ,39 (1):15

(15)张鹏. Minimum Label s-t Cut has large integrality gaps(CCF-A) .INFORMATION AND COMPUTATION .2020 ,275 (275)

(16)张鹏. Approximating max k-uncut via LP-rounding plus greed, with applications to densest k-subgraph .2020

(17)张鹏. Unbalanced Graph Partitioning .Theory of Computing Systems .2013 ,53 (3):454

(18)Chen, Yong. A (1.4+epsilon)-approximation algorithm for the 2-MAX-DUO problem .JournalofCombinatorialOptimization .2020 ,40 (3):806

(19)张鹏. Approximating Max k-Uncut via LP-rounding plus greed, with applications to Densest k-Subgraph(CCF-B) .Theoretical Computer Science .2021 ,849 (1):173

(20)张鹏. Minimum label s-t cut has large integrality gaps .INFORMATION AND COMPUTATION .2020 (1)

(21)翟姗姗. An approximation algorithm for genome sorting by reversals to recover all adjacencies .JournalofCombinatorialOptimization .2019 ,37 (4):1170

(22)张鹏. On the generalized multiway cut in trees problem .Journal of Combinatorial Optimization .2014 ,27 :65

(23)Sun Yuqing. Scheduling Mobile Collaborating Workforce for Multiple Urgent Events .Journal of Network and Computer Applications .2012 ,35 (1):156

(24)张鹏. Improved Approximation Algorithms for the Maximum Happy Vertices and Edges Problems(CCF-B) .Algorithmica .2018 ,80 (5):1412

(25)张鹏. Approximation and hardness results for the max k-uncut problem(CCF-B) .Theoretical Computer Science .2018 ,749 (1):47

(26)张鹏. Simpler and better approximation algorithms for the unweighted label s-t cut problem(CCF-B) .Algorithmica .2018 ,80 (1):398

(27)张鹏. Complexity and approximation results for the min-sum and min-max disjoint paths problems .Computing and Informatics .2013 ,32 (1):23

(28)张鹏. Approximating minimum label s-t cut via linear programming .Lecture Notes in Computer Science / LATIN 2012 .2012

(29)Sun Yuqing. Scheduling Mobile Collaborating Workforce for Multiple Urgent Events .Journal of Network and Computer Applications .2012 ,35 (1):156

(30)李新. Feedback Control Real-time Scheduling over Data Streams .《Journal of Computational Information Systems》 .2010 ,6 (4):1051

(31)张鹏. Approximation and hardness results for the max k-uncut problem .Lecture notes in computer science / COCOA 2016 .2016

(32)张鹏. The label cut problem with respect to path length and label frequency(CCF-B) .Theoretical Computer Science .2016 ,648 (1):72

(33)张鹏. Improved approximation algorithms for the maximum happy vertices and edges problems .Lecture Notes in Computer Science .2015 ,9198 :159

(34)张鹏. Algorithmic aspects of homophyly of networks(CCF-B) .Theoretical Computer Science .2015 ,593 (1):117

(35)张鹏. A new approximation algorithm for the selective single-sink buy-at-bulk problem in network design .Journal of Combinatorial Optimization .2014 ,27 (4):663

(36)张鹏. Unbalanced graph cuts with minimum capacity(CCF-C) .Fronties of Computer Science .2014 ,8 (3):676

(37)张鹏. A bicriteria approximation algorithm for generalized k-multicut in trees .IEEE CSO 2009 .2009 :699

(38)张鹏. Unbalanced graph partitioning .Lecture Notes in Computer Science / ISAAC 2010 .2010

(39)张鹏. A new approximation algorithm for the selective single-sink buy-at-bulk problem in network design .Lecture Notes in Computer Science / COCOA 2011 .2011

(40)张鹏. An approximation algorithm to the k-Steiner Forest problem .Theoretical Computer Science .2009 ,410 (11):1093

(41)张鹏. Approximation and hardness results for Label Cut and related problems .Journal of Combinatorial Optimization .2011 ,21 (2):192

(42)张鹏. On the generalized multiway cut in trees problem .Journal of Combinatorial Optimization .2014 ,27 :65

(43)张鹏. An approximation algorithm for the generalized k-multicut problem(CCF-C) .Discrete Applied Mathematics .2012 ,160 (7-8):1240

(44)张鹏. Efficient algorithms for the label cut problem .lecture notes in computer science / TAMC 2014 .2014

(45)张鹏. On the generalized multiway cut in trees problem .Lecture Notes in Computer Science / COCOA 2012 .2012 ,1 (1):151

(46)李新. A Trust-based Multipath Routing Framework for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks .2010 7th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery,FSKD 2010 .2010 ,1 (1):773

(47)李新. Trust-based On-demand Multipath Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks .IET Information Security .2010 ,4 (4):212

(48)张鹏. Unbalanced Graph Partitioning(CCF-C) .Theory of Computing Systems .2013 ,53 (3):454

(49)张鹏. A new approximation algorithm for the unbalanced min s-t cut problem(CCF-B) .Theoretical Computer Science .2016 ,609 (1):658

(50)Sun Yuqing. Scheduling Mobile Collaborating Workforce for Multiple Urgent Events .Journal of Network and Computer Applications .2012 ,35 (1):156

(51)李新. Feedback Control Real-time Scheduling over Data Streams .《Journal of Computational Information Systems》 .2010 ,6 (4):1051

(52)李新. A Trust-based Multipath Routing Framework for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks .2010 7th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery,FSKD 2010 .2010 ,1 (1):773

(53)李新. Trust-based On-demand Multipath Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks .IET Information Security .2010 ,4 (4):212

(54)Sun Yuqing. Scheduling Mobile Collaborating Workforce for Multiple Urgent Events .Journal of Network and Computer Applications .2012 ,35 (1):156

(55)李新. A Trust-based Multipath Routing Framework for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks .2010 7th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery,FSKD 2010 .2010 ,1 (1):773

(56)李新. Feedback Control Real-time Scheduling over Data Streams .《Journal of Computational Information Systems》 .2010 ,6 (4):1051

(57)李新. Trust-based On-demand Multipath Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks .IET Information Security .2010 ,4 (4):212

(58)张鹏. Approximation and hardness results for the max k-uncut problem .Lecture notes in computer science / COCOA 2016 .2016

(59)张鹏. The label cut problem with respect to path length and label frequency .Theoretical Computer Science .2016 ,648 :72

(60)张鹏. A new approximation algorithm for the unbalanced min s-t cut problem .Theoretical Computer Science .2016

(61)张鹏. Improved approximation algorithms for the maximum happy vertices and edges problems .Lecture Notes in Computer Science .2015 ,9198 :159

(62)张鹏. Algorithmic aspects of homophyly of networks .Theoretical Computer Science .2015 ,593 :117

(63)张鹏. Efficient algorithms for the label cut problem .lecture notes in computer science / TAMC 2014 .2014

(64)张鹏. On the generalized multiway cut in trees problem .Journal of Combinatorial Optimization .2014 ,27 :65

(65)张鹏. A new approximation algorithm for the selective single-sink buy-at-bulk problem in network design .Journal of Combinatorial Optimization .2014 ,27 (4):663

(66)张鹏. Unbalanced graph cuts with minimum capacity .Fronties of Computer Science .2014 ,8 (3):676

(67)张鹏. Complexity and approximation results for the min-sum and min-max disjoint paths problems .Computing and Informatics .2013 ,32 (1):23

(68)张鹏. Unbalanced Graph Partitioning .Theory of Computing Systems .2013 ,53 (3):454

(69)张鹏. A bicriteria approximation algorithm for generalized k-multicut in trees .IEEE CSO 2009 .2009 :699

(70)张鹏. Unbalanced graph partitioning .Lecture Notes in Computer Science / ISAAC 2010 .2010

(71)张鹏. An approximation algorithm to the k-Steiner Forest problem .Theoretical Computer Science .2009 ,410 (11):1093

(72)张鹏. Approximation and hardness results for Label Cut and related problems .Journal of Combinatorial Optimization .2011 ,21 (2):192

(73)张鹏. Approximating minimum label s-t cut via linear programming .Lecture Notes in Computer Science / LATIN 2012 .2012

(74)张鹏. An approximation algorithm for the generalized k-multicut problem .Discrete Applied Mathematics .2012 ,160 (7-8):1240

(75)张鹏. Improved Approximation Algorithms for the Maximum Happy Vertices and Edges Problems .Algorithmica .2018

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