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3. 赵金富. Modelling for prediction of time-varying heat partition coefficient at coated tool-chip interface in continuous turning and interrupted milling. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 147, 2019.
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5. 赵金富. Cutting temperature measurement using an improved two-color infrared thermometer in turning Inconel 718 with whisker-reinforced ceramic tools. Ceramics International, 44, 19002, 2018.
6. 赵金富. Effects of Thermo-physical properties of Ti0.41Al0.59N coating on transient and steady cutting temperature distributions in coated cemented carbide tools. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 96, 80, 2018.
7. 赵金富. PVD AlTiN coating effects on tool-chip heat partition coefficient and cutting temperature rise in orthogonal cutting Inconel 718. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 163, 2020.
8. 赵金富. Analytical prediction of transient and steady cutting temperature distributions in coated tools under time-varied heat sources. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology., 117, 1117, 2021.
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1. 一种弱刚性结构件加工变形校正及颤振抑制的工装及方法
2. 一种带有内冷射流结构的刀具
3. 一种自适应主动控制热传导切削刀片、刀具及制备方法
4. 基于荧光追踪样点的材料表层去除原位测量装置及方法
5. 一种NiTi合金表面切削工艺及粗糙度调节方法
6. 一种管道内移动支撑装置及管道清理设备
7. 一种NiTi合金表面切削工艺及粗糙度调节方法
8. 一种多孔NiTi/凝胶复合材料、功能合金及应用
1. 热解石墨材料熔覆增韧机制及密封环功能表面的跨尺度设计加工, 2022/09/07-2026/12/31
2. (包干项目)高质高效切削机理与工艺, 2022/03/30-2025/03/31
3. GFJG-KM20220017, 2022/01/01-2023/12/31