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    With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
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    Doctoral Degree in Medicine
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  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates

         ,山东大学公共卫生学院教授,博士生导师, 齐鲁青年学者 ,山东大学“青年教学能手”。2013年博士毕业于华中科技大学公共卫生学院,专业为营养与食品卫生学。2013-2015年在山东大学生物统计系进行博士后研究,2016-2017年在美国杜兰大学流行病学系访学。研究方向包括营养流行病、儿童慢性病流行病学及营养干预的分子机制研究。近年来主持国家自然科学基金面上、青年等各类科研项目共计17项,以第1或通讯作者发表SCI论文30余篇,其中包括BMJ、Diabetes care、British journal of Sports Medicine、Hypertension、Pediatrics、JAMA Network Open等国际知名期刊。以第二完成人获山东省自然科学奖二等奖,山东省预防医学会科学技术奖一等奖,山东省医学科技奖二等奖各1项。获山东大学青年教师讲课比赛一等奖。目前担任中国营养学会营养流行病分会常务委员,山东省基层卫生协会儿童保健康复分会副主任委员,山东省营养学会运动营养分会副主任委员,《Frontiers in Public Health》客座主编,Lancet Child & Adolescent health、British journal of Sports Medicine等杂志审稿人。

Research direction

No contents


1. . Altered gut microbiome associated with metabolic-associated fatty liver disease in Chinese children .Clinical Nutrition.2024,43 (1):187-196

2. 羊柳. The association of dietary glutamine supplementation with the development of high salt-induced hypertension in rats .FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION.2022 (9)

3. 赵敏. Breastfeeding and Mortality Under 2 Years of Age in Sub-Saharan Africa .Pediatrics.2020,145 (5)

4. 杨丽丽. Consumption of Carbonated Soft Drinks Among Young Adolescents Aged 12 to 15 Years in 53 Low- and Middle-Income Countries .American Journal of Public Health.2017,107 (7):10

5. 赵敏. Light Cigarette Smoking Increases Risk of All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality: Findings from the NHIS Cohort Study .International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2020,17 (14):5122

6. 段瑶  and 赵敏. Association between short sleep duration and metabolic syndrome in Chinese children and adolescents .睡眠医学.2020,74 :343

7. 孙嘉鸿  and 赵敏. Sleep duration and cardiovascular risk factors in children and adolescents: A systematic review .SLEEP MEDICINE REVIEWS.2020,53

8. 孙嘉鸿. Weight change from childhood to adulthood and cardiovascular risk factors and outcomes in adulthood: A systematic review of the literature .OBESITY REVIEWS.2021

9. 赵敏. Static cut-points of hypertension and increased arterial stiffness in children and adolescents: The International Childhood Vascular Function Evaluation Consortium .JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION.2019,21 (9):1335

10. 赵敏. Metabolic syndrome, clustering of cardiovascular risk factors and high carotid intima media thickness in children and adolescents .Journal of Hypertension.2020,38 (4):618

11. 赵敏  and xibo. Recommended physical activity and all cause and cause specific mortality in US adults: prospective cohort study .BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL.2020,370 (8252):2031

12. 赵敏. Breastfeeding and Mortality Under 2 Years of Age in Sub-Saharan Africa .Pediatrics.2020,145 (5):20192209

13. 赵敏. Weight Status Change From Adolescence to Young Adulthood and the Risk of Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus .Hypertension.2020,76 (2):583

14. zhaomin  and Xi, Bo. Relationship of Alcohol Consumption to All-Cause, Cardiovascular, and Cancer-Related Mortality in US Adults .JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY.2017, 70 (8):913

15. xibo  and zhaomin. Alcohol use among young adolescents in low-income and middle-income countries: a population-based study .Lancet Child Adolesc Health.2018,2 (6):415

16. 赵敏. Metabolically Healthy Obesity and High Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Children and Adolescents: International Childhood Vascular Structure Evaluation Consortium .Diabetes Care.2019,42 (1):119

17. xibo , zhaomin  and Zhou, Donghao. Uncontrolled hypertension increases risk of all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality in US adults: the NHANES III Linked Mortality Study .Scientific Reports.2018,8

18. zhaomin. Beneficial associations of low and large doses of leisure time physical activity with all-cause, cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality: a national cohort study of 88,140 US adults .BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE.2019,53 (22):1405

19. 赵敏  and xibo. Performance of different adiposity measures for predicting cardiovascular risk in adolescents .scientific reports.2017, 7

20. zhaomin , xibo , 孙嘉鸿  and 赵敏. Polymorphisms of three genes(ACE,AGT,CYP11B2) in the renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system are not associated blood pressure salt sensitivity: a systematic meta-analysis. Blood Pressure .Blood Pressure.2016

21. zhaomin , guodongmei , chenliyong , linxinying  and zhanghuanhuan. 利用微型营养评价法和微型营养评价精法评价社区老年人的营养状况 .《山东大学学报》(医学版).2017,55 (11):65

22. zhaomin  and xuefuzhong. Health management in China .International Journal of Cardiology.2014

23. xibo , Zhang Tao  and zhaomin. Recent blood pressure trends in adolescents from China, Korea, Seychelles and the United States of America, 1997-2012 .J Hypertens.2016,34 (10):1948

24. xibo , liuyunxia  and zhaomin. Tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure in young adolescents aged 12-15 years: data from 68 low-income and middle-income countries .Lancet Glob Health.2016,4 (11):795

25. xibo  and zhaomin. Is BMI accurate to reflect true adiposity? .Int J Cardiol.2016,220 :883

26. xibo , zhaomin , Zhang Tao , jiacunxian , lijiajia  and cengtao. Trends in abdominal obesity among U.S. children and adolescents .Pediatrics.2014,134 (2):334

27. 赵敏. Polymorphisms of three genes(ACE,AGT,CYP11B2) in the renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system are not associated blood pressure salt sensitivity: a systematic meta-analysis. Blood Pressure .Blood Pressure.2015

28. zhaomin  and xuefuzhong. Health management in China .International Journal of Cardiology.2014

29. Zhang Tao , zhaomin  and xibo. Recent blood pressure trends in adolescents from China, Korea, Seychelles and the United States of America, 1997-2012 .J Hypertens.2016,34 (10):1948

30. liuyunxia , zhaomin  and xibo. Tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure in young adolescents aged 12-15 years: data from 68 low-income and middle-income countries .Lancet Glob Health.2016,4 (11):795

31. zhaomin  and xibo. Is BMI accurate to reflect true adiposity? .Int J Cardiol.2016,220 :883

32. xibo  and 赵敏. Performance of different adiposity measures for predicting cardiovascular risk in adolescents .scientific reports.2017,7

33. Zhang Tao , zhaomin  and xibo. Recent blood pressure trends in adolescents from China, Korea, Seychelles and the United States of America, 1997-2012 .J Hypertens.2016,34 (10):1948

34. liuyunxia , zhaomin  and xibo. Tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure in young adolescents aged 12-15 years: data from 68 low-income and middle-income countries .Lancet Glob Health.2016,4 (11):795

35. zhaomin  and xibo. Is BMI accurate to reflect true adiposity? .Int J Cardiol.2016,220 :883

36. zhaomin , Zhang Tao , jiacunxian , lijiajia , cengtao  and xibo. Trends in abdominal obesity among U.S. children and adolescents .Pediatrics.2014,134 (2):334

37. zhaomin , guodongmei , chenliyong , linxinying  and zhanghuanhuan. 利用微型营养评价法和微型营养评价精法评价社区老年人的营养状况 .《山东大学学报》(医学版).2017,55 (11):65

Research project

1. 酪蛋白睡眠调节作用及其最佳作用剂量的探究, 2024/11/15-2025/05/31

2. 大米肽和苹果酚对自发性高血压大鼠降压功效的机制研究, 2023/11/30-2024/12/31

3. 基于雌激素受体信号通路探讨PAEs暴露对儿童心血管重构的影响和机制研究, 2023/08/24-2027/12/31

4. 蛋白多酚复合物降糖降脂作用及其作用机制的研究, 2023/12/20-2025/05/31

5. 纽崔莱核桃肽高蛋白粉干预后人粪菌移植对ADHD大鼠行为学的改善作用及机制研究, 2023/12/20-2025/06/30

6. 关于大豆提取物Aglycin活性肽降糖作用的研发, 2022/11/16-2023/10/31

7. 特谷丝一餐/特谷丝富硒菌粉联合运动对成人高血压干预效果的RCT研究, 2023/05/23-2024/12/31

8. 苹果多酚和鹰嘴豆蛋白对高脂高果糖诱导的小鼠脂质代谢紊乱的改善效果及机制研究, 2022/10/24-2024/01/31

9. 关于大米肽和苹果酚有助于维持血压健康水平功能的研发, 2022/04/20-2023/12/31

10. 儿童青少年健康生活方式指标的数据整理及纵向随访

11. 儿童青少年健康生活方式指标的数据整理及纵向随访, 2019/03/25-2021/12/31

12. 儿童青少年健康生活方式指标的数据整理及纵向随访

13. 儿童青少年健康生活方式指标的数据整理及纵向随访, 2019/05/10

14. 基于靶器官损害结局构建心血管疾病儿童期预警指标体系, 2016/08/17-2020/12/31

15. 基于纵向随访队列的儿童非酒精性脂肪肝预测模型的构建和验证, 2018/08/16-2021/12/31

16. 盐敏感性高血压代谢组学标记物筛选、筛检模型构建及关键代谢物的功能学验证, 2014/12/01-2017/12/31

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