
于小晶,助理研究员。主要研究方向为土壤污染控制与生态修复和新型肥料研制与应用。主持山东省自然科学基金、山东省农业重大技术协同推广计划等科研项目,课题骨干身份参与了“十三五”国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金面上项目等多项课题,于Chemical Engineering JournalJournal of Cleaner ProductionJournal of Integrative AgricultureScience of the Total Environment等期刊发表论文21篇,其中第一作者/通讯作者发表8篇(SCI收录5篇)。目前申请发明/实用新型专利14项(含国际PCT专利1项),已授权发明专利3项,授权实用新型专利5项,获软件著作权2项。获得省部级以上创新创业奖励10项,博士后期间以负责人身份获得山东省博士后创新组优胜奖1项。社会兼职方面,担Climate Smart Agriculture肥料与健康》期刊青年编委。

  • 2016-9 — 2022-6
  • 2012-9 — 2016-7
  • 2022-07 — 2024-08
  • 2024-1 — 至今
  • 2023-10 — 至今
    《Climate Smart Agriculture》期刊青年编委

(1) Xiaojing Yu, Xiao Sun, Jingjing Dong, Liang Wu, Wusong Guo, Yanfeng Wang, Xuju Jiang, Zhiguang Liu, Min Zhang.Instant catapult steam explosion pretreatment of wheat straw liquefied polyols to prolong the slow-release longevity of bio-based polyurethane-coated fertilizers.Chemical Engineering Journal.2022

(2) Xiaojing Yu, Xiaorou Wang, Mei Sun, He Liu, Dongmei Liu, Jiulan Dai.Cadmium immobilization in soil using phosphate modified biochar derived from wheat straw.Science of The Total Environment.2024

(3) Xiaojing Yu, Qi Chen, Wencong Shi, Zheng Gao, Xiao Sun, Jingjing Dong, Juan Li, Hengtao Wang, Jianguo Gao, Zhiguang Liu, Min Zhang.Interactions between phosphorus availability and microbes in a wheat-maize double cropping system: A reduced fertilization scheme.Journal of Integrative Agriculture.2022

(4) Liyong Bai, Suo Ding, Xiaoli Li, Chuanli Ning, He Liu, Mei Sun, Dongmei Liu, Ke Zhang, Shuangshuang Li, Xiaojing Yu*, Jiulan Dai*.Low-cadmium wheat cultivars limit the enrichment, transport and accumulation of cadmium,.Agronomy.2024

(5) Xiaojing Yu#, Xiaofei Tian#, Yanyan Lu, Zhiguang Liu, Yanle Guo, Jianqiu Chen, Chengliang Li, Min Zhang, Yongshan Wan.Combined effects of straw-derived biochar and bio-based polymer-coated urea on nitrogen use efficiency and cotton yield.Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability.2018

(6) Evaluation of cadmium phytoextraction potential of peanut and the rhizospheric properties of specific cultivars.Journal of Cleaner Production.2024

(7) Prediction of the cadmium content in grains of low-accumulating wheat cultivars and soil cadmium threshold for safe production.Journal of Cleaner Production.2023

(8) The controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer driving the symbiosis of microbial communities to improve wheat productivity and soil fertility.Field Crops Research.2022

(9) Application of Melatonin Enhanced Tolerance to High Temperature Stress in Cherry Radish (Raphanus sativus L. var. radculus pers).Journal of Plant Growth Regulation.2020

(10) 于小晶, 田晓飞, 张民, 李成亮, 孙玲丽, 刘之广, 陈剑秋.控释氮肥和控释钾肥对棉花产量、品质及土壤肥力的影响.农业资源与环境学报.2019

(11) 土壤和植物中微塑料研究现状分析及检测方法研究进展.地学前缘.2023

(12) 褪黑素壳聚糖微粒防止褪黑素降解并有效提高其抗旱功能.植物营养与肥料学报.2022

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