教师英文名称:Wang Rutao
教师拼音名称:Wang Rutao
学科:材料学. 材料物理与化学
主要从事电化学储能电极材料的结构设计、制备、性能及机理研究,系统研究微结构、表界面与电化学性能之间的有效构效关系,开发新型水系不对称电容器和有机锂离子电容器的核心技术,发展新一代全固态锂/钠离子电池以及多价态金属电池,致力于超级电容器和锂/钠离子电池性能衰减和失效分析和研究。迄今已发表SCI期刊论文近80余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者已在Advanced Materials、Materials Today、Advanced Energy Materials、Advanced Functional Materials、Nano Energy、Energy Storage Materials等国际高水平期刊发表论文30余篇。全部论文SCI被引4200次),单篇引用最高390次,4篇论文入选ESI-Highly Cited Paper(高被引论文),Hi-index为32,获得授权专利4项。获得甘肃省自然科学一等奖(排名第四,2020)、甘肃省高校科技进步一等奖(排名第五,2014)。2018年7月入选山东大学齐鲁青年学者。常年招聘博士后研究人员,每年可招收博士研究生1名,硕士研究生2-3名,欢迎大家踊跃报考!
Rutao Wang Professor
Contact Information
Address: Shandong University (Qian Fo Shan campus),
No. 17923, Jing Shi Road, Jinan, Shandong, P. R. China
Email: rtwang@sdu.edu.cn
2011.8-2014.12 Ph. D. in Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China (
Advisors: Prof. Xingbin Yan)
2008.9-2011.6 M. E. in Department of Materials Science and Technology, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou, China (Advisors: Prof. Long Kang and Prof. Lingbin Kong)
2004.9-2008.7 B. E. in Department of Materials Science and Technology, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, China
Professional Experience
Research Fellow (03/2015-02/2018): Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Advisors: Prof. Li Zhang)
Professor (2018.08-): School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shandong University
Qualifications and Research Area
Knowing the working principle of energy storage devices, such as supercapacitor, Li/Na-ion capacitor, Zn-battery, Li/Na-battery, Li-S battery and Li-O2 battery.
Designing and synthesis of carbon (porous carbon and graphene) and carbon related composites for supercapacitor and Li-ion battery application.
General knowledge related to the synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials and 2D materials, such as transition metal oxides/hydroxides, metal nitrides, metal sulfides, and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs).
Developing expertise in the measurement and design the supercapacitor and Li-ion battery in various electrolytes such as aqueous, organic/ionic electrolytes, and solid-state electrolytes.
General knowledge related to the synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials for application in hydrogen evolution reaction, oxygen evolution reaction, and oxygen reduction reaction.
Publications (Research ID: Q-8200-2016; ORCID: 0000-0001-5745-8758; h-index: 16)
Present in SDU
1. Chunyan Zhu, Weiqing Yu, Shuxian Zhang, Jianchao Chen, Qingyuan Liu, Qingyu Li, Shijie Wang*, Minghao Hua*, Xiaohang Lin*, Longwei Yin, Rutao Wang*, Hexaindium Heptasulfide/ Nitrogen and Sulfur Co-doped Carbon Hollow Microspindles with Ultrahigh-Rate Sodium Storage Through the Stable Conversion and Alloying Reactions, Advanced Materials, 2023, 35, 2211611. (https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202211611)
2. Jianchao Chen, Shulai Lei, Shuxian Zhang, Chunyan Zhu, Qingyuan Liu, Chengxiang Wang, Zhiwei Zhang, Shijie Wang*, Yuanchang Shi*, Longwei Yin, Rutao Wang*, Dilute aqueous hybrid electrolyte with regulated core-shell-solvation structure endows safe and low-cost potassium-ion energy storage devices, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 33, 202215027. (https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202215027)
3. Weiqin Yu, Chunyan Zhu, Rutao Wang*, Jianchao Chen, Qinyuan Liu, Shuxian Zhang, Shoubao Zhang*, Jinfeng Sun*, Longwei Yin*, Ordered macroporous MoS2-carbon composite with fast and robust sodium storage properties to solve the issue of kinetics mismatch of sodium-ion capacitors, Energy & Environmental Materials, 2023, 6(2), e12337. (https://doi.org/10.1002/eem2.12337)
4. Han Zhao, Fan Yang, Chongxing Li, Tong Li, Shuxian Zhang, Chengxiang Wang, Zhiwei Zhang,* Rutao Wang*, Progress and perspectives on two-dimensional silicon anodes for lithium-ion batteries, ChemPhysMater, 2023, 2, 1-19.
5. Tong Li, Xinli Huang, Shulai Lei, Jing Zhang*, Xin Li, Chengxiang Wang, Zhiwei Zhang, Shijie Wang*, Longwei Yin, Rutao Wang*, Two-dimensional nitrogen and phosphorus co-doped mesoporous carbon-graphene nanosheets anode for high-performance potassium-ion capacitor, Energy Materials, 2023, 3, 300018. doi: 10.20517/energymater.2022.93.
6. Qingyuan Liu, Jianchao Chen, Danni Du, Shuxian Zhang, Chunyan Zhu, Zhiwei Zhang, Chengxiang Wang*, Longwei Yin, and Rutao Wang*, Electrochemically prelithiated carbon anodes with regulated Na-ion intercalation behaviors for advanced sodium-ion energy storage devices, Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2023, 11, 17491 - 17502. DOI: 10.1039/D3TA01098H.
7. Bo Chen*, Rutao Wang*, Nana Wang,* Emerging Low-Dimensional Materials (Volume I), Crystals, 2023, 13(2), 166; https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst13020166.
8. Chongxing Li, RenboLiu, Shuxian Zhang Qingyu Li, Cong Wang, Zhiwei Zhang*, Chengxiang Wang, Longwei Yin, Rutao Wang*, Advanced all-solid-state lithium-selenium batteries enabled by selenium-nitrogen doped hierarchic meso-microporous carbon nanospheres composite cathode, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2023, 34(9), 108083, doi.org/10.1016/j.cclet.2022.108083.
9. Chaolin Mi, Yuying Qin, Xinli Huang, Yijie Luo, Zhiwei Zhang, Chengxiang Wang, Yuanchang Shi*, Longwei Yin, Rutao Wang*,Galvanic replacement synthesis of graphene coupled amorphous antimony nanoparticles for high-performance sodium-ion capacitor,Acta Phys. -Chem. Sin., 2023, Accept.
10. Yuying Qin, Han Zhao, Minghao Hua, Jing Gao, Junze Lu, Shuxian Zhang, Xiaohang Lin*, Jinfeng Sun*, Longwei Yin, Rutao Wang*, Pseudocapacitive lithium-rich disordered rock salt vanadium oxide with 3D lithium-ion transport pathways for high-performance lithium-ion capacitor, Journal of Power Sources, 2023, 588, 233722; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2023.233722.
11. 授权专利:王儒涛; 赵涵; 张树贤; 李崇兴; 李桐; 一种硅碳负极材料及其制备方法与在锂离子电池中的应用,中国,ZL202110895743.X.
12. 授权专利:王儒涛; 陈健超; 张志康; 朱春艳; 刘清媛; 一种水系钾离子电解液及其制备方法和应用,中国,ZL202210373635.0.
13. 授权专利:王儒涛; 朱春艳; 孔晓冰; 王悰; 杨帆; 一种钠离子电池用In6S7/C复合负极材料及其制备方法,中国,ZL 2022 1 0258043.4
14. 授权专利:王儒涛; 刘清媛;朱春艳; 陈健超;张树贤; 一种预锂化炭负极材料在钠离子电容器和钾离子电容器中的应用,中国,ZL 2022 1 0278652.6
1. Tong Li, Jianjun Zhang, Chongxing Li, Han Zhao, Jing Zhang*, Zhao Qian*, Longwei Yin, Rutao Wang*, Nitrogen and phosphorous co-doped hierarchical meso-microporous carbon nanospheres with extraordinary lithium storage for high-performance lithium-ion capacitors, Science China Materials, 2022, 65, 2363-2372.
2. Wei-Qing Yu, Chun-Yan Zhu, Ru-Tao Wang*, Jian-Chao Chen, Qing-Yuan Liu, Shu-Xian Zhang, Zhi-Jie Gao* , Cheng-Xiang Wang*, Zhi-Wei Zhang, Long-Wei Yin*, Advanced sodium-ion capacitor based on antimony-carbon composite anode, Rare Metals, 2022, 41(10):3360–3369.
3. Yuying Qin, Yuhao Xie, Han Zhao, Chunyan Zhu, Tong Li, Shuxian Zhang, Rutao Wang*, Yuanchang Shi*, Longwei Yin*, Scalable synthesis of macroscopic porous carbon sheet anode for potassium-ion capacitor, Chinese Chemcial Letters, 2022, 33, 1463-1467.
4. Chongxing Li, Shuxian Zhang, Han Zhao, Cong Wang, Tong Li, Zhiwei Zhang, Chengxiang Wang, Rutao Wang*, Longwei Yin*, Designing lithium argyrodite solid-state electrolytes for high-performance all-solid-state lithium batteries, Batteries & Supercaps, 2022, 5, e202100288.
5. Xiaobin Hui, Peng Zhang, Jiafeng Li, Danyang Zhao, Zhaoqiang Li,* Zhiwei Zhang, Chengxiang Wang, Rutao Wang,* and Longwei Yin* ,In Situ Integrating Highly Ionic Conductive LDH-Array@ PVA Gel Electrolyte and MXene/Zn Anode for Dendrite-Free High-Performance Flexible Zn–Air Batteries, Advanced Energy Materirals, 2022, 2201393
6. Shihua Dong*, Chenyong Li, Bing Jia, Haoran Xu, Shuyu Yao, Jian Tian, Xiao Lu, Rutao Wang*, Spaced-confined heterostructure engineering enables rapid ion transport in MoS2–Co9S8@C yolk-shell polyhedron for efficient lithium storage, Journal of Power Sources, 2022, 551, 232168
7. Chongxing Li, RenboLiu, Shuxian Zhang Qingyu Li, Cong Wang, Zhiwei Zhang*, Chengxiang Wang, Longwei Yin, Rutao Wang*, Advanced all-solid-state lithium-selenium batteries enabled by selenium-nitrogen doped hierarchic meso-microporous carbon nanospheres composite cathode, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2022, doi.org/10.1016/j.cclet.2022.108083.
8. 授权专利:王儒涛; 朱春艳; 秦玉莹; 李庆益; 黄欣莉; 一种钾离子电池用金属铟碳复合材料及其制备方法和应用,中国,ZL202210737183.X
9. 授权专利:王儒涛; 赵涵; 张树贤; 李崇兴; 李桐; 一种锂离子电容器及其制备方法, 中国,ZL202110794347.8.
1. Xianguang Miao, Peng Wang, Rui Sun, Jiafeng Li, Zhaoxiao Wang, Tao Zhang, Rutao Wang*(通讯作者), Zhaoqiang Li*, Yujun Bai, Ruihao, Longwei Yin*, Liquid Metal-Organic Frameworks In-Situ Derived Interlayer for High-Performance Solid-State Na-Metal Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials. 2021, 11, 2102396.
2. Li Tong, ZHAO Han, LI Chongxing, YU Weiqing, SHI Yuanchang*, WANG Rutao*(通讯作者). Recent progress and prospects in anode materials for potassium-ion capacitors. New Carbon Materials, 2021, 36, 253-277.
1. Mingjie Shao, Chongxin Li, Tong Li, Weiqin Yu, Jin Zhang*, Rutao Wang*(通讯作者), Longwei Yin*, Pushing the energy output and cycling lifespan of potassium-ion capacitor to high level through metal-organic framework derived porous carbon microsheets anode, Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 30, 2006561.
2. Y. Bian^, S. J. Wang^, D. D. Jin, R. T. Wang*(通讯作者), C. Chen*, L. Zhang*, A general anion exchange strategy to transform metal-organic framework embedded nanofibers into high-performance lithium-ion capacitors, Nano Energy, 2020, 75, 104935.
3. S. J. Wang, D. D. Jin, Y. Bian, R. T. Wang*(通讯作者), L. Zhang*, Electrostatically fabricated three-dimensional magnetite and MXene hierarchical architecture for advanced lithium-ion capacitors, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(8), pp. 9226–9235.
4. Xu Yu, Mingjie Shao, Xuemei Yang, Chongxing Li, Tong Li, Danyu Li, Rutao Wang*(通讯作者), Longwei Yin*, A high-performance potassium-ion capacitor based on a porous carbon cathode originated from the Aldol reaction product, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2020, 31, 2215-2218.
1. S. J. Wang, R. T. Wang*(通讯作者), Y. Bian, D. D. Jing, Y. B. Zhang, L. Zhang*, In-Situ Encapsulation of Pseudocapacitive Li2TiSiO5 Nanoparticles into Fibrous Carbon Framework for Ultrafast and Stable Lithium Storage, Nano Energy, 2019, 55, 173-181.
1. J. F. Sun, R. T. Wang* (Co-Corresponding Author), C. Z. Yuan*, MoS3 nanoparticles on reduced graphene oxide: For high-performance supercapacitor and batteries, Materials Today, 2018, 21, 193-194
2. R. T. Wang, S. Wang, D. Jin, Y. Zhang, X. Tao, L. Zhang*, Sodium Storage in Promising MoS2-Carbon Anode: Elucidating Structural and Interfacial Transition in Intercalation Process and Conversion Reactions, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 11165-11175.
3. R. T. Wang, S. Wang, Y. Zhang, D. Jin, X. Tao, L. Zhang*, Graphene Coupled Ti3C2 MXenes-Derived TiO2 Mesostructure: Promising Sodium-ion Capacitor Anode with Fast Ion Storage and Long-Term Cycling, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 1017-1027.
4. R. T. Wang, S. Wang, X. Peng, Y. Zhang, D. Jin, P. K. Chu, L. Zhang*, Elucidating the Intercalation Pseudocapacitance Mechanism of MoS2-Carbon Monolayer Interoverlapped Superstructure: Toward High-Performance Sodium-Ion-Based Hybrid Supercapacitor, ACS Applied materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 32745–32755
5. R. T. Wang, S. Wang, D. Jin, Y. Zhang, Y. Cai, J. Ma*, L. Zhang*, Engineering Layer Structure of MoS2-Graphene Composites with Robust and Fast Lithium Storage for High-Performance Li-ion Capacitors. Energy Storage Materials, 2017, 9, 195-205.
6. R. T. Wang, D. D. Jin, Y. Zhang, S. Wang, J. W. Lang, X. B. Yan*, L. Zhang*, Engineering the Metal Organic Framework Derived 3D Nanostructures for High Performance Hybrid Supercapacitor. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 292-302.
7. R. T. Wang, P. Liu, J. W. Lang, L. Zhang*, X. B. Yan*, Coupling effect between ultra-small Mn3O4 nanoparticles and porous carbon microrods for hybrid supercapacitors, Energy Storage Materials, 2017, 6, 53–60.
8. R. T. Wang, J. W. Lang, Y. H. Liu, Z. Y. Lin, X. B. Yan*, Ultra-small, size-controlled Ni(OH)2 nanoparticles: elucidating the relationship between the particle size and their electrochemical performance for advanced energy storage devices, NPG Asia Materials, 2015, 7, e183.
9. R. T. Wang, J. W. Lang, P. Zhang, Z. Y. Lin, X. B. Yan*, Fast and large lithium storage in 3D porous VN nanowires–graphene composite as a superior anode toward high-performance hybrid supercapacitors, Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25, 2270–2278.
10. R. T. Wang, X. B. Yan*, J. W. Lang, Z. M. Zheng, P. Zhang, A hybrid supercapacitor based on flower-like Co(OH)2 and urchin-like VN electrode materials. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2, 12724-12732
11. R. T. Wang, J. W. Lang, X. B. Yan*, Effect of surface area and heteroatom of porous carbon materials on electrochemical capacitance in aqueous and organic electrolytes. SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry, 2014, 57, 1570-1578.
12. R. T. Wang, X. B. Yan*, Superior asymmetric supercapacitor based on Ni-Co oxide nanosheets and carbon nanorods. Scientific Reports, 2014, 4: 3712.
13. R. T. Wang, P. Y. Wang, X. B. Yan*, J. W. Lang, C. Peng, Q. J. Xue. Promising porous carbon derived from celtuce leaves with outstanding supercapacitance and CO2 capture performance. ACS Applied materials & Interfaces, 2012, 4, 5800-5806.
14. R. T. Wang, L. B. Kong*, J. W. Lang, X. W. Wang, S. Q. Fan, Y. C. Luo, L. Kang, Mesoporous Co3O4 materials obtained from cobalt citrate-complex and their high capacitance behavior, Journal of Power Sources, 2012, 217, 358-363.
1. Fabrication of flexible ternary electrodes for supercapacitor and their equipment, L. Zhang, S. Lu, R.T. Wang, Y.B. Zhang, S. J. Wang, Application No.: 201710137159.1 (China).
2. A simple method for synthesizing the nickel hydroxide nanodots. Xingbin Yan, Rutao Wang, Junwei Lang, Yonghuan Liu. Application No.: 201410450822X (China)
3. A method for porous activation carbon with high surface area from celtuce leaves. Xingbin Yan, Rutao Wang, Junwei Lang, Qunji Xue. Application No.: 201310415899 (China)
4. A method for porous activation carbon with high surface area from potato. Xingbin Yan, Cao Peng, Rutao Wang, Junwei Lang, Qunji Xue. Application No.: 201310416168.6 (China)
Reference Works for Scientific Journals
Energy & Environmental Science, Advanced Energy Materials, Chemical Communications, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Nanoscale, Scientific Reports, RSC Advances, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces