Hailong Wang Lab

    Hailong Wang Lab currently has 1 professor, 1 associate researcher, 3 postdoctoral fellows, 8 doctoral students, and 6 master's students. We are committed to the study of microbial gene editing and drug synthetic biology, including the development of microbial gene editing technology and its application in drug development research such as natural products biosynthesis, bacteriophage engineering, viral vector vaccines, and tumor targeted therapy. Prof. Wang has published 19 research papers as the first or corresponding author, mainly including Nature Protocols (2), Nuclear Acids Research (3), Trends in Biotechnology, Journal of Advanced Research, Microbial Cell Factories, Analytical Chemistry, ACS Synthetic Biology, etc. One European patent and 4 Chinese patents have been authorized. Prof. Wang has won the National Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Youth Scholars, the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province for Outstanding Young Scholars, the Taishan Scholars Young Expert of Shandong Province (Final achievements evaluation: excellent), the Shandong University Outstanding Young Scholars (the first level), and the Shandong University Qilu Young Scholars. He received the Youth Science and Technology Award of Shandong Province, the Second Prize of the Ministry of Education in Natural Science, the Top Ten Mentors of the Academy at Shandong University Qingdao Campus, and the Second Prize of theExcellent Guidance Teacherin University Student Biology Competition of Shandong Province.

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