

  2019.02 -至今 山东大学,化学与化工学院,助理研究员,硕士生导师


2019.04 -2023.04 山东大学,化学与化工学院,工作站联合培养博士后(在职)。

 在郝京诚教授(长江学者特聘教授、国家杰出青年基金获得者)指导下,从事功 能水凝胶的构筑与应用研究。

2016.10 - 2018.12 加拿大University of Alberta,博士后。

Hongbo Zeng教授(加拿大皇家科学院院士、加拿大工程院院士,表面与分子间作用力讲席教授)指导下,从事新能源体系中石油沥青质在油//固界面的性能研究,高效防污防垢石油运输管道的开发和应用。

2014.08 - 2015.10 加拿大University of Alberta,国家公派博士研究生项目。

Zhenghe Xu教授 (中国工程院外籍院士、加拿大皇家科学院院士、加拿大工程院院士)指导下,从事荧光纳米复合材料、Janus纳米材料方面的研究。

2010.09 - 2015.12 山东大学,理学博士。



2024年 山东大学青年教学能手

2024年 山东大学青年教师讲课比赛二等奖

2023年 山东大学青年未来学者

2022年 山东化学化工学会科学技术奖特等奖

2022年 山东大学化学与化工学院青年教师讲课比赛一等奖

2014年 国家留学基金委联合培养博士研究生

2013年 博士研究生国家奖学金

2013年 博士研究生学术新人奖

  • 2014-8 — 2015-10
    University of Alberta
  • 2010-9 — 2015-12
  • 2019-02 — 至今
     化学与化工学院  山东大学 
  • 2014-08 — 2015-10
     Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering  University of Alberta 
  • 2016-10 — 2018-12
     Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering  University of Alberta 

(1) 张笑来.Probing the adsorption and interaction mechanisms of green bio-lubricants on model surfaces: Using okra mucilage on mica as a model system.Applied Surface Science.2024 (686)

(2) Investigation of the time-dependent friction behavior of polyacrylamide hydrogels.Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects.2022 (659)

(3) Wei, Luxing.An underwater stable and durable gelatin composite hydrogel coating for biomedical applications.Journal of Materials Chemistry B.2023,11 (47)

(4) 赵一铭.Manufacturing and post-engineering strategies of hydrogel actuators and sensors: From materials to interfaces.Advances in Colloid and Interface Science.2022 (208)

(5) 赵一铭.Starfish-Inspired Cut-Resistant Hydrogel with Self-Growing Armor: Where Softness Meets Toughness.Advanced functional materials.2023 (2334439)

(6) 闫勇敢.An ultra-stretchable glycerol-ionic hybrid hydrogel with reversible gelid adhesion.胶体与界面.2021,582 :187

(7) 闫勇敢.A strong underwater adhesive that totally cured in water.Chemical Engineering Journal.2022,431

(8) 邱晓勇.Facile Synthesis of Water-Soluble Rhodamine-Based Polymeric Chemosensors via Schiff Base Reaction for Fe3+ Detection and Living Cell Imaging.FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY.2022 (10)

(9) 黄俊.A Strong Underwater Adhesive that Totally Cured in Water.Chemical Engineering Journal.2021 (2021):133460

(10) 黄俊.A Substrate-Independent Isocyanate-Modified Polydimethylsiloxane Coating Harvesting Mechanical Durability, Self-Healing Ability and Low Surface Energy with Anti-Corrosion/Biofouling Potential.Applied Surface Science.2021 (579):152186

(11) 闫勇敢.Towards Large-Scale Fabrication of Self-Healable Functional Hydrogel Coatings for Anti-Fog/Frost Surfaces and Flexible Sensors.Advanced Materials Technologies.2021

(12) 闫勇敢.A Dual-Responsive, Freezing-Tolerant Hydrogel Sensor and Related Thermal- and Strain-Sensitive Mechanisms.ACS Applied Polymer Materials.2021,3 (3):1479

(13) 邱晓勇.Multi-functional rhodamine-based chitosan hydrogels as colorimetric Hg2+ adsorbents and pH-triggered biosensors.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science .2021 (604)

(14) 许树磊.Spinnable adhesive functional-hydrogel fibers for sensing and perception applications.Journal of Materials Chemistry C.2021

(15) 黄俊.A Conductive, Self-Healing Hybrid Hydrogel with Excellent Water-Retention and Thermal Stability by Introducing Ethylene Glycol as a Crystallization Inhibitor.COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS Journal.2020 (607)

(16) 黄俊.An ultra-stretchable glycerol-ionic hybrid hydrogel with reversible gelid adhesion.J COLLOID INTERF SCI.2020 (582)

(17) 黄俊.Towards large-scale fabrication of self-healable functional hydrogel coatings for anti-fog/frost surfaces and flexible sensors.Advanced Materials Technologies.2021 (2001267):1

(18) 黄俊.Spinnable adhesive functional-hydrogel fibers for sensing and perception applications.Journal of Materials Chemistry C.2021 (16)

(19) 黄俊.A Dual-Responsive, Freezing-Tolerant Hydrogel Sensor and Related Thermal- and Strain-Sensitive Mechanisms.ACS Applied Polymer Materials.2021 (3):1479

(20) 赵一铭.A Conductive, Self-Healing Hybrid Hydrogel with Excellent Water-Retention and Thermal Stability by Introducing Ethylene Glycol as a Crystallization Inhibitor.Colloids and Surfaces A.2020,607

(21) 黄俊.A Multi-Functional Reversible Hydrogel Adhesive.COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS Journal.2020

(22) 丁凤.Antifouling and pH-Responsive Poly(Carboxybetaine)-Based Nanoparticles for Tumor Cell Targeting.FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY.2019,7

(23) 黄俊.Probing the Self-Assembly and Nonlinear Friction Behavior of Confined Gold Nano-Particles.LANGMUIR.2019

(24) 黄俊.Probing the Molecular Interactions and Lubrication Mechanisms of Purified Full-length Recombinant Human Proteoglycan 4 (rhPRG4) and Hyaluronic Acid (HA) on Mica Surfaces.Biomacromolecules.2019

(25) Xiaoyong Qiu,Jun Huang.J. Huang,# X. Qiu,# B. Yan, L. Xie, J. Yang, H. Xu, Y. Deng, L. Chen, X. Wang, H. Zeng,* Robust polymer nanofilms with bioengineering and environmental applications via facile and highly efficient covalent layer-by-layer assembly.J. Mater. Chem. B.2018,6 (22):3742-3750

(26) Xiaoyong Qiu,Jun Huang.Probing the Molecular Interactions and Lubrication Mechanisms of Purified Full-Length Recombinant Human Proteoglycan 4 (rhPRG4) and Hyaluronic Acid (HA).Biomacromolecules.2019,20 (2):1056-1067

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