

蔡彬 教授、博士生导师,基金委流动项目主任

山东大学 化学与化工学院/深圳研究院


OrcID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3263-0395

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=M0JfNDYAAAAJ&hl=en

邮箱:bin.cai@sdu.edu.cn; bin.cai@email.sdu.edu.cn (硕博招生请发第二个邮箱)



1. 电化学传感界面的电荷转移和反应机制(柔性传感,电化学发光)

2. 原位电化学测量(电化学-质谱,光谱电化学)

3. 纳米晶气凝胶/MOFs等多孔材料



时晓玥 (affiliated),刘士奔 (postdoc, co-adviced),YOU?


高存源,王凌伟,张旭光,邹广超,李含章,张雨辰,李辉,米吉松,周霞 (visiting student, Ewha Womans University), YOU?




本科生:令乙淇 (B.Sc. 2021),李和峰 (B.Sc. 2023), 冯晓璐 (B.Sc. 2023), 高文静 (B.Sc. 2023), 李含章 (B.Sc. 2023), 王雨彤 (B.Sc. 2024), 胡钧艺 (B.Sc. 2024), 孙艺潇 (B.Sc. 2024)

研究生:孔祥宇 (M.Sc. 2024), 李娟 (M.Sc. 2024),闵凡红 (M.Sc. 2024),

博士后:时晓玥 (2021-2024,now: 山东大学),

2025年招收学硕 2 名、专硕 1 名、博士 


课题组诚聘具有电化学发光、光谱电化学、可穿戴传感背景的博士后,请email联系 Link



2024/03 - 至今          国家自然科学基金委化学部     化学测量学流动项目主任

2020/11 - 至今          山东大学化学与化工学院        教授,博士生导师

2019/08 - 2020/10    西北太平洋国家实验室           博士后 (Advisor: Drs. Chunlong Chen and Jim De Yoreo)

2017/11 - 2019/07    麻省理工学院                         博士后 (Advisor: Profs. ‪Yuriy Román-Leshkov and Yang Shao-Horn)

2014/08 - 2017/09    德累斯顿工业大学                  博士 (Summa cum laudeAdvisor: Prof. Alexander Eychmüller)

2011/08 - 2014/07    中科院长春应用化学研究所    硕士 (导师:牛利教授)

2007/09 - 2011/07    青岛大学化学与化工学院       本科 (导师:王宗花教授)


2021 第七届山东大学“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛产业命题赛道 金奖 (冯晓璐,高文静,李和峰;奖金5000元
2022 第十三届“挑战杯”中国银行山东大学大学生创业计划竞赛 优胜奖 (李和峰、冯晓璐,高文静等八名同学)
2022 山东大学第八届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛 优胜奖 (高文静,冯晓璐等六名同学)
2022 特长二等奖(创业实践类)(冯晓璐)

2024 第三届全国大学生电化学测量技术竞赛 二等奖(曹阳,王峥)

2024 山东大学2024年度优秀研究生(高存源)


2024 国家青年拔尖人才
2024 Donald R. Ulrich Award (Issued every 2 years by the International Sol-Gel Society) 首位华人获奖者
2024 ACS Materials Au Rising Star
2023 山东省自然科学优秀青年基金
2022 山东省泰山学者青年专家
2020 山东大学齐鲁青年学者(第一层次)

2018Dr.-Walter-Seipp-Prize (Best Dissertation of the year, 1 out of ›5,000)

2017Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad

2017“Summa cum laude” - PhD with honors, TU Dresden

2017Completion and Wrap-up Grant, TU Dresden

2016CGCA Lubrizol Young Researchers Award, Chinese-German Chemical Association

2014-2017ERC PhD fellowship & University Fellowship, ERC &TU Dresden

2014Outstanding Graduate Prize, Chinese Academy of Sciences 

2013National Scholarship for Graduate Students, Ministry of Education of China

2011CAS Research award for College Students

2008National Scholarship for Bachelor Students, Ministry of Education of China


* Denotes corresponding author(s). # Denotes co-first Authors.

36  Enriching Oxidation Sites-Based Facets in Lead Chromate to Boost Photoelectrochemical Sensing Response,

Shiben Liu, Jinhua Zhan,* and Bin Cai,*

Small 2025, in press

35  Spin effects in regulating the adsorption characteristics of metal ions,

Cunyuan Gao, Shiyu Zhen, Yutong Wang, Lingwei Wang, Yang Cao, Jinhua Zhan, Liang Zhang,* and Bin Cai,*

Chemical Science 2025, in press

34  Exploring the Diffusion of DNA Strands into Nanoporous Structure for Establishing a Universal Electrochemical Biosensor,

Conglin Zhao, Runlei Gao, Yinzheng Niu, Bin Cai,* and Ye Zhu,*

Chemical Science 2025, in press

33  Advanced Dual-Mode Microfluidic Sensing Platform Based on Amphiphilic Polymer-Capped Perovskite Nanozymes Induced Photoelectrochemical Signal Amplification and Fluorescence Emission,

Junqiang Fu, Dongquan Leng, Jingui Chen, Xiang Ren, Yamei Li, Tingting Wu,* Qin Wei,* and Bin Cai,*

Analytical Chemistry 2025, in press

32  Aggregation-Induced Electrochemiluminescence of Silica-Confined Tetraphenylethylene with Pd Nanocube-Loaded Co3O4 Nanosheets as a Coreaction Accelerator for Sensitive Bioanalysis,

Yu Du, Rui Feng, Tingting Wu, Hongying Jia*, Bin Cai,* Huangxian Ju, and Qin Wei*,

Analytical Chemistry 2025, in press

31  Spin Effects in Optimizing Electrochemical Applications,

Cunyuan Gao, and Bin Cai,*

ACS Materials Au 2025, in press (Invited)

30  Structural Regulation of Au-Pt Bimetallic Aerogels for Catalyzing the Glucose Cascade Reaction,

Cui Wang#, Lingwei Wang#, Varatharaja Nallathambi#, Yuanwu Liu, Johannes Kresse, René Hübner, Sven Reichenberger, Baptiste Gault, Jinhua Zhan, Alexander Eychmüller,* and Bin Cai,*

Advanced Materials 2024, DOI: 10.1002/adma.202405200

29  Directionally Exfoliated Ni/Co Hydroxide-Organic Framework Nanosheets for Enhanced Wearable Glucose Sensing,

Xiangyu Kong, Xiaoyue Shi, Fanhong Min, Zhenhuai Ma, Jinhua Zhan, and Bin Cai,*

Langmuir 2024, in press

28  Cu@MOF core-shell aerogel: High enzyme-like activity for ultratrace colorimetric detection of Hg2+ ions,

Juan Li, Xiaoyue Shi, Wenjing Gao, Youcong Li, Zhenhuai Ma, Shuai Yuan, Jinhua Zhan, and Bin Cai,*

Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 2024, 417, 136200

27  Boosting Photocatalytic CO2 Methanation through Interface Fusion over CdS Quantum Dot Aerogels,

Shishun Xu, Guocan Jiang,* Hangkai Zhang, Cunyuan Gao, Zhihao Chen, Zhihong Liu, Jin Wang, Jun Du, Bin Cai,* and Zhengquan Li*

Small 2024, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202400769

26  Spin effect to regulate the electronic structure of Ir-Fe aerogels for efficient acidic water oxidation,

Cunyuan Gao,# Juan Wang,# René Hübner, Jinhua Zhan, Mingwen Zhao, Yangyang Li,* and Bin Cai,*

Small 2024, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202400875

25  Orbital-morphology-based oxygen reduction in a correlated oxide,

Zhihua Zhang#, Yangyu Zhu#, Xiaoyue Shi#, Jian Zhang, Jian Liu, Yuanhua Sang, Zeyan Wang, Lei Zhang, Haohai Yu, Huaijin Zhang, Bin Cai,* Mingwen Zhao*, and Yangyang Li*,

Advanced Functional Materials 2024, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202316448

24  Complete Glucose Electrooxidation Enabled by Coordinatively Unsaturated Copper Sites in Metal-Organic Frameworks,

Xiaoyue Shi, Yiqi Ling, Youcong Li, Guanhua Li, Juan Li, Lingwei Wang, Fanhong Min, René Hübner, Shuai Yuan*, Jinhua Zhan, and Bin Cai,*

Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2024, e202316257.

-  Selected as VIP paper; highlighted by WileyChem, X-mol, etc.

23  Strain Effects in Ru-Au Bimetallic Aerogels Boost Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution,

Wei Wei, Fei Guo, Cui Wang, Lingwei Wang, Zhizhi Sheng, Xiaodong Wu, Bin Cai,* and Alexander Eychmüller*,

Small 2024, 2310603.

22  Recent advances in photoelectrochemical platforms based on porous materials for environmental pollutant detection,

Shiben Liu, Jinhua Zhan,* and Bin Cai*,

RSC Advances 2024, 14, 7940-7963. (Invited Review)

21  Interparticle Charge-Transport-Enhanced Electrochemiluminescence of Quantum-Dot Aerogels,

Xuwen Gao#, Guocan Jiang#, Cunyuan Gao, Anatol Prudnikau, René Hübner, Jinhua Zhan, Guizheng Zou*, Alexander Eychmüller*, and Bin Cai,*

Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2023, 62, e202214487.

-  Highlighted by WileyChem, X-mol, etc.

20  Optimizing the Pd Sites in Pure Metallic Aerogels for Efficient Electrocatalytic H2O2 Production,

Xin Zhang#, Cui Wang#, Kai Chen#, Adam H. Clark, René Hübner, Jinhua Zhan, Liang Zhang,* Alexander Eychmüller* and Bin Cai,*

Advanced Materials 2023, 35, 2211512.

19  Bimetallic Pt-Hg Aerogels for Electrocatalytic Upgrading of Ethanol to Acetate,

Xin Zhang, Tao Wang, Cui Wang, René Hübner, Alexander Eychmüller, Jinhua Zhan* and Bin Cai,*

Small 2023, 19, 202207557.

18  Rh Single-Atom Nanozymes for Efficient Ascorbic Acid Oxidation and Detection,

Xiaoyue Shi, Juan Li, Yu Xiong*, Ziyu Liu*, Jinhua Zhan, and Bin Cai,*

Nanoscale 2023,15, 6629.

17  Insights into the Biomimetic Synthesis of 2D ZnO Nanomaterials through Peptoid Engineering,

Wenchao Yang, Bin Cai,* Kacper J. Lachowski, Qiuxiang Yin, James J. De Yoreo, Lilo D. Pozzo, and Chun-Long Chen*,

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2023, 14, 97329739. (Cover article)

16  Tunable metal hydroxide–organic frameworks for catalysing oxygen evolution,

Shuai Yuan#, Jiayu Peng#, Bin Cai#, Zhehao Huang, Angel Garcia-Esparza, Dimosthenis Sokaras, Yirui Zhang, Livia Giordano, Karthik Akkiraju, Yunguang Zhu, René Hübner, Xiaodong Zou, Yuriy Román*, and Yang Shao-Horn*,

Nature Materials 2022, 21, 673–680.

-  Highlighted by MIT NEWS, SCITechDaily, Tech Explorist, Verve Times, etc.

15  Tuning Iron-Oxygen Covalency in Perovskite Oxides for Efficient Electrochemical Sensing,

Cunyuan Gao, Yiming Lu, Yutong Wang, Chao Wang, René Hübner, Yangyang Li, Jinhua Zhan, Mingwen Zhao, and Bin Cai,*

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2022, 126, 17618.

14  Hierarchical Nanomaterials Assembled from Peptoids and Other Sequence-Defined Synthetic Polymers,

Zhiliang Li#, Bin Cai#, Wenchao Yang#, and Chun-Long Chen*,

Chemical Reviews 2021, 121, 22, 14031. (Cover article)

13  Enhancing oxygen reduction electrocatalysis by tuning interfacial hydrogen bonds,

Tao Wang#, Yirui Zhang#, Botao Huang, Bin Cai, Reshma Rao, Livia Giordano, ShiGang Sun, and Yang Shao-Horn*,

Nature Catalysis 2021, 4, 753–762.

-  Highlighted by Nature Reviews Chemistry, MIT News, SciTechDaily.

12  Programming Amphiphilic Peptoid Oligomers for Hierarchical Assembly and Inorganic Crystallization,

Bin Cai, Zhiliang Li, and Chunlong Chen*,

Accounts of Chemical Research 2020, 54, 81. (Cover article)

11  Solid-state gelation for nanostructured perovskite oxide aerogels,

Bin Cai, Karthik Akkiraju, William P. Mounfield III, Zhenshu Wang, Xing Li, Botao Huang, Shuai Yuan, Dong Su, Yuriy Román-Leshkov* and Yang Shao-Horn,

Chemistry of Materials 2019, 31, 9422.

10  Promoting electrocatalysis upon Aerogels,

Bin Cai,* and Alexander Eychmüller*,

Advanced Materials 2019, 31, 1804881.

9  Core-shell Structuring of Pure Metallic Aerogels towards Highly Efficient Pt Utilization for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction,

Bin Cai, René Hübner, Kotaro Sasaki, Yuanzhe Zhang, Dong Su, Christoph Ziegler, Miomir B. Vukmirovic, Bernd Rellinghaus, Radoslav R. Adzic*, Alexander Eychmüller*,

Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2018, 57, 2963-2966.

-  Designated as “Hot Paper”; Highlighted at Journal of Electrochemistry 2018, 24, 197-198.

8  Emerging Hierarchical Aerogels: Self-assembly of Metal and Semiconductor Nanocrystals,

Bin Cai,* Vladimir Sayevich, Nikolai Gaponik, and Alexander Eychmüller*,

Advanced Materials 2018, 30, 1707518.

7  Multimetallic Hierarchical Aerogels: Shape-engineering of the Building Blocks for efficient electrocatalysis,

Bin Cai, Arezoo Dianat, René Hübner, Wei Liu, Dan Wen, Albrecht Benad, Luisa Sonntag, Thomas Gemming, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, and Alexander Eychmüller*,

Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1605254.

6  Nanostructuring noble metals as unsupported electrocatalysts for fuel cells,

Bin Cai#, Sebastian Henning#, Juan Herranz, Thomas J. Schmidt* and Alexander Eychmüller*,

Advanced Energy Materials 2017, 7, 1700548.

5  3D Assembly of All-Inorganic Colloidal Nanocrystals into Gels and Aerogels,

Vladimir Sayevich, Bin Cai, Albrecht Benad, Danny Haubold, Luisa Sonntag, Nikolai Gaponik, Vladimir Lesnyak*, and Alexander Eychmüller,

Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2016, 55, 6334-6338.

4  Function-led Design of Aerogels: Self-Assembly of Alloyed PdNi Hollow Nanospheres for Efficient Electrocatalysis,

Bin Cai, Dan Wen, Wei Liu, Anne-Kristin Herrmann, Albrecht Benad and Alexander Eychmüller*,

Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2015, 54, 13101-13105.

3  A distinctive red Ag/AgCl photocatalyst with efficient photocatalytic oxidative and reductive activity,

Bin Cai, Jing Wang, Shiyu Gan, Dongxue Han, Zhijian Wu, and Li Niu*,

Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2014, 2, 5280-5286.

2  Ternary Alloyed AgClxBr1-x Nanocrystals: Facile Modulation of Electronic Structure toward Advanced Photocatalytic Performance,

Bin Cai, Jing Wang, Dongxue Han, Shiyu Gan, Qixian Zhang, Zhijian Wu, and Li Niu*,

Nanoscale 2013, 5, 10989-10995.

1  Advanced Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalyst upon the Incorporation of Sulfonated Graphene,

Bin Cai, Xiangyu Lv, Shiyu Gan, Min Zhou, Weiguang Ma, Tongshun Wu, Fenghua Li, Dongxue Han*, Li Niu,

Nanoscale 2013, 5, 1910-1916.

Book Chapter

1     Interparticle Charge Transport Enhances Electrochemiluminescence of Quantum Dots,

Xuwen Gao, and Bin Cai*,

In: Krishnamoorthy, S., Iniewski, K. (eds) Advances in Fabrication and Investigation of Nanomaterials for Industrial Applications. Springer, Cham.



Youth Editorial Board:

  • Chemical Synthesis (2021-2023) link

  • Exploration (2021-2022)

  • Green Energy and Resources (2022-2024)

  • EcoEnergy (2023- )

Reviewer for Journals

  • Nature Nanotechnology, 

  • Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 

  • Advanced Materials, 

  • Chemical Society Reviews, 

  • ACS Nano, 

  • Advanced Functional Materials, 

  • Advanced Science, 

  • etc.

  • Technische Universität Dresden
  • 2019-07 — 2020-10
     Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 
  • 2017-11 — 2019-07
     Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

(1) Orbital-Morphology-Based Oxygen Reduction in a Correlated Oxide.Advanced Functional Materials.2024

(2) 李娟.Cu@MOF core-shell aerogel: High enzyme-like activity for ultratrace colorimetric detection of Hg2+ ions.SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL.2024,417

(3) Structural Regulation of Au-Pt Bimetallic Aerogels for Catalyzing the Glucose Cascade Reaction.Advanced Materials.2024 (2405200)

(4) 孔祥宇.Directionally Exfoliated Ni/Co Hydroxide-Organic Framework Nanosheets for Enhanced Wearable Glucose Sensing.Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids.2024 (30):15449

(5) Tunable metal hydroxide–organic frameworks for catalysing oxygen evolution.NATURE MATERIALS.2022,21 (6):673-680

(6) 高存源.Spin effect to regulate the electronic structure of Ir-Fe aerogels for efficient acidic water oxidation.Small .2024 (无)

(7) 时晓玥.Complete Glucose Electrooxidation Enabled by Coordinatively Unsaturated Copper Sites in Metal-Organic Frameworks.Angewandte Chemie International Edition.2023 (62)

(8) Wenchao Yang.Insights into the Biomimetic Synthesis of 2D ZnO Nanomaterials through Peptoid Engineering.Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.2023

(9) 孔令帅.A bioinspired iron-peroxy species of feroxyhyte for micropollutants oxidation with ultrahigh peroxymonosulfate utilization efficiency.Chemical Engineering Journal.2023 (480)

(10) 时晓玥.Rh single-atom nanozymes for efficient ascorbic acid oxidation and detection.NANOSCALE.2023,15 (14):6629

(11) 聂子轩.Bio-inspired interfacial micro-electric field of FeOCl nanosheets for rapid adsorption of perfluorocarboxylic acids (PFCAs).Separation and Purification Technology .2023 (327):124980

(12) 张鑫.Optimizing the Pd Sites in Pure Metallic Aerogels for Efficient Electrocatalytic H2O2 Production.ADVANCED MATERIALS .2023 ( 35)

(13) 张鑫.Bimetallic Pt-Hg Aerogels for Electrocatalytic Upgrading of Ethanol to Acetate.small.2023 ( 2023)

(14) 时晓玥.Rh single-atom nanozymes for efficient ascorbic acid oxidation and detection.Nanoscale.2023,15 (14):6629

(15) 蔡彬.Facile Synthesis of FeCoNiCuIr High Entropy Alloy Nanoparticles for Efficient Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysis.Catalysts.2022 (12)

(16) 蔡彬.Engineering of aerogel-based electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction.Electrochemical Science Advances.2021 (2)

(17) 蔡彬.Interparticle Charge-Transport-Enhanced Electrochemiluminescence of Quantum-Dot Aerogels.Angewandte Chemie International Edition.2022 (无)

(18) 蔡彬.Tuning Iron–Oxygen Covalency in Perovskite Oxides for Efficient Electrochemical Sensing.J. Phys. Chem. C.2022 (126)

(19) Shuai Yuan.Tunable Metal-Hydroxide-Organic Frameworks for Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution.NATURE MATERIALS.2021 (无)

(20) 李志良.Hierarchical Nanomaterials Assembled from Peptoids and Other Sequence-Defined Synthetic Polymers.Chemical Reviews.2021 (22)

(21) 蔡彬.Solid-State Gelation for Nanostructured Perovskite Oxide Aerogels.Chemistry of Materials.2019 (22)

(22) 蔡彬.Nanostructuring Noble Metals as Unsupported Electrocatalysts for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells.Advanced Energy Materials.2017 (23)

(23) 蔡彬.Promoting Electrocatalysis upon Aerogels.ADVANCED MATERIALS.2019 (31)

(24) 蔡彬.Core–Shell Structuring of Pure Metallic Aerogels towards Highly Efficient Platinum Utilization for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction.ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION.2018 (11)

(25) 蔡彬.Emerging Hierarchical Aerogels: Self-Assembly of Metal and Semiconductor Nanocrystals.ADVANCED MATERIALS.2018 (30)

(26) 蔡彬.Programming Amphiphilic Peptoid Oligomers for Hierarchical Assembly and Inorganic Crystallization.ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH.2020 (1)

(27) 蔡彬.Multimetallic Hierarchical Aerogels: Shape Engineering of the Building Blocks for Efficient Electrocatalysis.ADVANCED MATERIALS.2017 (29)

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