
齐鲁青年学者,教授,博士生导师。本人长期从事人工智能大健康、多模态数据融合、脑机智能等方面的研究。山东省高等学校青年创新团队(团队名称:人因工程数据挖掘及脑机智能研究团队)负责人。现已发表SCI/CCF论文40余篇。在研究中融合用户智能和产品智能的数据,提出基于脑功能数据的分析方法,进行智能产品服务设计和用户体验评估,为产品人机工程量化评估和数据驱动的产品设计提供一种切实可行的方法。使用近红外脑功能成像等技术,通过实验法评估特殊群体的脑功能网络连接特性,为医养健康系统设计提供量化评估方法。面向人民生命健康,基于上述研究的创新理论和设计方法,课题组设计研发的智能康复产品在山东大学齐鲁医院、伟众康复中心等机构开展临床验证。与山东大学齐鲁医院、国家康复辅具研究中心联合申报的课题获得中国康复医学会科学技术奖二等奖。申请和授权专利10余项。本人长期担任Advanced Engineering Informatics、American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation、CSCW、CHI等期刊和会议的审稿人。本人现为中国计算机学会人机交互专委会执委、中国计算机学会虚拟现实与可视化技术专委会执委、中国康复医学会脑机接口与康复专业委员会委员、中国人类功效学学会管理功效学专业委员会委员。此外,本人主持国家自然科学基金项目、国防科技基础加强计划项目(课题负责人)、国家重点研发计划子课题、中国残联残疾人辅助器具专项课题、山东省自然科学基金项目及企业委托项目10余项。


  • 2005/09/01-2009/06/30
    University graduated
  • 2009/09/01-2012/06/30
    Postgraduate (Master's Degree)
  • 2014/09/01-2018/06/30
    Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Professional Experience
  • 设计与人因实验室新加坡南洋理工大学
Research direction

(1)顾小松. Effect of Virtual Reality Upper Limb Rehabilitation Training on Older Adults .JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR .2024 (1)

(2)曲静. A training and assessment system for human-computer interaction combining fNIRS and eye-tracking data .ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS .2024 (62)

(3)曲静. Development of a novel machine learning-based approach for brain function assessment and integrated software solution .ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS .2024 (60)

(4)曲静. The Effects of a Virtual Reality Rehabilitation Task on Elderly Subjects: An Experimental Study Using Multimodal Data .IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering .2022 (30)

(5)曲静. The Effects of a Virtual Reality Rehabilitation Task on Elderly Subjects: An Experimental Study Using Multimodal Data .IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering .2022 (30):1684

(6)曲静. A training and assessment system for human-computer interaction combining fNIRS and eye-tracking data .ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS .2024 (62)

(7)曲静. Development of a novel machine learning-based approach for brain function assessment and integrated software solution .ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS .2024 (60)

(8)曲静. Understanding the impact of longitudinal vr training on users with mild cognitive impairment using fNIRS and behavioral data .2024

(9)李泽强. A novel transformer-enhanced and acoustic-based approach for wind turbine blade fault detection with integrated system implementation .JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DESIGN .2024 (2332122)

(10)顾小松. Effect of Virtual Reality Upper Limb Rehabilitation Training on Older Adults .JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR .2024 (1)

(11) Developing a virtual reality healthcare product based on data-driven concepts: A case study .ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS .2023 (57)

(12) System Development and Evaluation of Human–Computer Interaction Approach for Assessing Functional Impairment for People with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Pilot Study .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION .2023 (-)

(13) Longitudinal assessment of the effects of passive training on stroke rehabilitation using fNIRS technology .International Journal of Human - Computer Studies .2024 (-)

(14)曲静. Functional near-infrared spectroscopy in the assessment of rehabilitation efficacy of virtual reality products for people with cognitive disorders .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ERGONOMICS .2023 (97)

(15)赵阳. AI-enabled and multimodal data driven smart health monitoring of wind power systems: A case study .ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS .2023 (56)

(16)卜元媛. Differences in Muscle Activity and Mouse Behavior Data of Graphic Design Workers in Moving and Dragging Tasks with Different Targets .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION .2023

(17)卜令国. A neuroergonomic approach to assessing motor performance in stroke patients using fNIRS and behavioral data .APPLIED ERGONOMICS .2023 (109)

(18) Functional near-infrared spectroscopy in the assessment of rehabilitation efficacy of virtual reality products for people with cognitive disorders .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ERGONOMICS .2023

(19) Developing a virtual reality healthcare product based on data-driven concepts: A case study .ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS .2023

(20) System Development and Evaluation of Human-Computer Interaction Approach for Assessing Functional Impairment for People with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Pilot Study .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION .2023

(21) AI-enabled and multimodal data driven smart health monitoring of wind power systems: A case study .Journal information ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS .2023

(22)卜令国. A neuroergonomic approach to assessing motor performance in stroke patients using fNIRS and behavioral data .APPLIED ERGONOMICS .2023 (109)

(23) The Effects of a Virtual Reality Rehabilitation Task on Elderly Subjects: An Experimental Study Using Multimodal Data .IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering .2022 (30):1684

(24) Age-related changes in brain functional networks under multisensory-guided hand movements assessed by the functional near –Infrared spectroscopy .Neuroscience Letters .2022 (781(2022)136679)

(25)卜令国. A design method for an intelligent manufacturing and service system for rehabilitation assistive devices and special groups .ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS .2021 (51)

(26)卜令国. An IIoT-driven and AI-enabled framework for smart manufacturing system based on three-terminal collaborative platform .ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS .2021 (50)

(27) An IIoT-driven and AI-enabled framework for smart manufacturing system based on three-terminal collaborative platform .Advanced Engineering Informatics .2021

(28) A human-centred approach based on functional near-infrared spectroscopy for adaptive decision-making in the air traffic control environment: A case study .ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS .2021 ,49

(29)李钦彪. A human-centred approach based on functional near-infrared spectroscopy for adaptive decision-making in the air traffic control environment: A case study .ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS .2021 ,49

(30)Qi, Liping. Acute VR competitive cycling exercise enhanced cortical activations and brain functional network efficiency in MA-dependent individuals .Neuroscience Letters .2021 ,757

(31) Effects of physical training on brain functional connectivity of methamphetamine dependencies as assessed using functional near-infrared spectroscopy .Neuroscience Letters

(32) Effects of poor sleep quality on brain functional connectivity revealed by wavelet-based coherence analysis using NIRS methods in elderly subjects .Neuroscience Letters

(33) Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Phase Synchronization as Assessed by Wavelet Phase Coherence Analysis of Prefrontal Tissue Oxyhemoglobin Signals .PLOS One

(34) Effective Connectivity in Subjects With Mild Cognitive Impairment as Assessed Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy .American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation

(35) A human-centred approach based on functional near-infrared spectroscopy for adaptive decision-making in the air traffic control environment: A case study .Advanced Engineering Informatics .2021

(36) A synthetical development approach for rehabilitation assistive smart product–service systems: A case study .Advanced Engineering Informatics .2021

(37)Zhao, Lei. Driver behavior detection via adaptive spatial attention mechanism .ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS .2021 ,48

(38)郭佳. A synthetical development approach for rehabilitation assistive smart product-service systems: A case study .ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS .2021 ,48

(39) A synthetical development approach for rehabilitation assistive smart product-service systems: A case study .ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS .2021 ,48

(40) Driver behavior detection via adaptive spatial attention mechanism .Advanced Engineering Informatics .2021

(41) A user-centric design approach for smart product-service systems using virtual reality: A case study .Journal of Cleaner Production .2021

(42) Effects of three different rehabilitation games' interaction on brain activation using functional near-infrared spectroscopy .Physiological Measurement .2020

(43) A hybrid intelligence approach for sustainable service innovation of smart and connected product: A case study .Advanced Engineering Informatics .2020

(44) Decreased low-frequency brain effective connectivity in seafarers during voyages: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study .Physiological Measurement .2020

(45) Acute kick-boxing exercise alters effective connectivity in the brain of females with methamphetamine dependencies .Neuroscience Letters .2020

(46) Alteration in Brain Functional and Effective Connectivity in Subjects With Hypertension .Frontiers in physiology .2018

(47) Wavelet coherence analysis of cerebral oxygenation signals measured by near-infrared spectroscopy in sailors: an exploratory, experimental study .BMJ Open .2016

Research Projects

1. 商用车抬头显示系统性研究, 2024/07/15-2025/09/30

2. 多感觉通道刺激及环境因素对人体运动和认知行为的影响, 2023/12/01-2026/11/30

3. 多源数据驱动的自闭症儿童康复功效 量化评估与VR 康复系统研发, 2023/12/15-2025/06/14

4. 警觉性提升神经反馈系统开发, 2023/09/25-2024/09/24

5. (包干项目)康复功效导向的VR产品设计方法研究, 2022/11/01-2025/12/30

6. 基于BIM数据挖掘的数据可视化 关键技术研究咨询, 2023/06/06-2023/07/31

7. GFJG-KM20230005, 2023/01/01-2025/10/31

8. 山西艾特科创风电有限责任公司风机叶片健康管理平台研发服务项目, 2022/06/30-2024/08/31

9. VR手功能康复设备人机交互系统设计研发, 2022/06/08-2023/06/30

10. (包干项目)多源数据驱动的VR康复训练产品评估与创新设计方法研究, 2022/09/07-2025/12/31

11. 多源数据驱动的VR康复训练产品评估与创新设计方法研究/国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目

12. 风机叶片健康管理平台研发/横向科研项目

13. 康复功效导向的VR产品设计方法研究/山东省自然科学基金青年基金项目

14. VR上肢康复训练产品设计研发/横向科研项目

15. 近红外脑功能数据分析/横向科研项目

16. ****优化研究/山东大学军民融合交叉学科项目

17. Modelling Anthropometric Data of Asian Human Ears/新加坡南洋理工大学合作项目

18. 老龄用户需求驱动的智慧健康养老产品适老化设计研究/教育部人文社会科学研究项目

19. 山东大学齐鲁青年学者项目

Student Information
  • 楚曼  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 李鑫鑫  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 曲静  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 庄伟红  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 王昕炜  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 邓伟  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 邹探  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 李泽强  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
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