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- [31] 李卫军 , 陈兵 , 王新锋 , 陈建民 , 王文兴 and 陈姝芮. Direct observations of organic aerosols in common wintertime hazes in North China: insights into .... Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 1258, 2017.
- [32] 王新锋 , 陈兵 , 王艳 , 陈建民 , 王文兴 and 李卫军. Composition and hygroscopicity of aerosol particles at Mt. Lu in South China: Implications for ac.... atmospheric environment, 2014.
- [33] 陈兵. Light absorption enhancement of black carbon from urban haze in Northern China winter. Environmental Pollution, 2016.
- [34] 陈兵. Sources of black carbon to the Himalayan–Tibetan Plateau glaciers. Nature Communcations, 2016.
- [35] 陈兵. Regional prediction of carbon isotopes in soil carbonates for Asian dust source tracer. atmospheric environment, 2016.
- [36] 陈兵. Radiative absorption enhancement from coatings on black carbon aerosols. Sci. Tot. Environ., 2016.
- [37] 陈兵. Size distribution and concentrations of heavy metals in atmospheric aerosols originating from in.... atmospheric environment, 2013.
- [38] 陈兵. Source Forensics of Black Carbon Aerosols from China. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013.
- [39] 陈兵. Modeling and evaluation of urban pollution events of atmospheric heavy metals from a large Cu-sme.... Sci. Tot. Environ., 2015.
- [40] 陈兵. Characteristics of 14C and 13C of carbonate aerosols in dust storm events in China. Atmos. Res., 164-165, 297, 2015.