Paper Publications
[21] chenxuexiang and fanghui. 商末气候变化对于稻作农业的影响. 第四纪研究, 2019.
[22] chenxuexiang. Radiocarbon dating and stable carbon isotopic analyses of Neolithic and Bronze Age staple crops i.... GEOARCHAEOLOGY-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, 33, 307, 2018.
[23] chenxuexiang and luanfengshi. 山东济南长清月庄遗址植物遗存的初步分析. 《江汉考古》, 2013.
[24] jianghuaidong , duanxiulan , luanfengshi , wangqing , chenxuexiang , fanghui , langjianfeng and 宗云兵. Selection for Oil Content During Soybean Domestication Revealed by X-Ray Tomography of Ancient Be.... Scientific Reports, 7, 2017.
[25] yushiyong , chenxuexiang and GuiYun JIN. RATES OF ORGANIC CARBON BURIAL IN A FLOODPLAIN LAKE OF THE LOWER YELLOW RIVER AREA DURING THE LAT.... Radiocarbon, 56, 1129, 2014.
[26] chenxuexiang and fanghui. 炭化模拟实验在植物考古研究中的意义. 南方文物, 2015.
[27] chenxuexiang. Bronze Age wetland/scapes: Complex political formations in the humid subtropics of southwest Chin.... Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 2015.
[28] chenxuexiang and fanghui. 济南市大辛庄商代居址与墓葬. 《考古》, 0, 25, 2004.
[29] chenxuexiang. 山东日照两处新石器时代遗址浮选土样结果分析. 南方文物, 0, 92, 2007.
[30] chenxuexiang. 江西新干牛城2006~2008年度浮选植物遗存初步分析. 《江汉考古》, 2015.
[31] chenxuexiang and luanfengshi. People and plant interaction at the Houli Culture Yuezhuang site in Shandong Province, China. The Holocene, 2016.
[32] chenxuexiang. 食用蛙肉的历史. 《中国文物报》, 0, 2009.
[33] chenxuexiang , shibenheng and fanghui. 济南大辛庄遗址139号商代墓葬. 《考古》, 0, 3, 2010.
[34] chenxuexiang. 从济南大辛庄遗址浮选结果看商代农业经济. 《东方考古(第4集)》(科学出版社), 0, 43, 2008.
[35] chenxuexiang. 大麻的功过. 《百科知识》, 0, 24, 2006.
[36] chenxuexiang , shibenheng and fanghui. 济南大辛庄遗址139号商代墓葬. 《考古》, 2010.
[37] chenxuexiang and GuiYun JIN. New archaeomagnetic direction results from China and their constraints on palaeosecular variation.... Geophysical Journal International, 2016.
[38] chenxuexiang. 山东日照六甲庄遗址2007年度浮选植物遗存分析. 《考古》, 23, 2016.
[39] chenxuexiang. 中国青铜时代小麦种植规模的考古学观察. 《中国农史》, 2016.
[40] chenxuexiang. 多学科交叉研究古代植物遗存. 《中国农史》, 32, 133, 2013.