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- [41] 谢永耀. Linearly polarized single-frequency fiber laser based on the Yb:YAG-crystal derived silica fiber. Applied Optics, 59, 9931, 2020.
- [42] 高悉宝. Stable 5-GHz fundamental repetition rate passively SESAM mode-locked Er-doped silica fiber lasers. Optics Express, 29, 9021, 2021.
- [43] 高贯光. Widely wavelength-tunable mode locked Er-doped fiber oscillator from 1532 nm to 1594 nm with high signal-to-noise ratio. Optics and Laser Technology, 135, 2021.
- [44] 刘兆军. A pulsed single-frequency Nd:GGG/BaWO4 Raman laser. LASER PHYSICS, 28, 2018.
- [45] 刘兆军. 晶体光纤及晶体衍生光纤制备与应用综述. 光子学报, 48, 2019.
- [46] 渠帅. Phase Sensitive Optical Time Domain Reflectometry Based on Compressive Sensing. Journal of lightwave technology, 37, 2019.
- [47] 刘兆军. 翠绿宝石固体激光器研究进展(特邀). 光子学报, 49, 2020.
- [48] 刘兆军. LD泵浦翠绿宝石晶体实现760nm、10.5W激光输出. 中国激光, 47, 2020.
- [49] 刘兆军. 百赫兹大能量KTiOAsO4双波长光参量振荡器. 中国激光, 48, 2021.
- [50] 刘兆军. 基于Yb∶YAG 晶体衍生光纤的976 nm 单频激光器. 中国激光, 48, 2021.
- [51] 刘兆军. 基于掺镱块材料的超短脉冲激光放大器综述. 《激光与光电子学进展》, 57, 2020.
- [52] 谢永耀. Preparation of Er:YAG Crystal-Derived All-Glass Silica Fibers For a 1550-nm Single-Frequency Laser. Journal of lightwave technology, 39, 4769, 2021.
- [53] 高悉宝. Single-Frequency kHz-Linewidth 1070 nm Laser Based on Yb:YAG Derived Silica Fiber. IEEE Photonic Technology Letter, 32, 895, 2020.
- [54] 刘杨. 72.3 W 1064 nm Nd:YAG Single Crystal Fiber Laser and Intracavity Double Frequency Generation. JOURNAL OF RUSSIAN LASER RESEARCH, 41, 191, 2020.
- [55] 刘杨. Single-Longitudinal-Mode Laser at 1123 nm Based on a Twisted-Mode Cavity. CRYSTALS, 11, 2021.
- [56] 高贯光. Widely wavelength-tunable mode locked Er-doped fiber oscillator from 1532 nm to 1594 nm with high signal-to-noise ratio. 光学和激光技术, 135, 2021.
- [57] 丛振华. 18 W single-frequency 1550 nm Er:Yb co-doped fiber amplifier cladding-pumping at 1018 nm. Optics Communications, 464, 2020.
- [58] 丛振华. An efficient frequency-doubled Nd:KLu(WO4)(2) laser at 535 nm. 光学, 77, 2016.
- [59] 张秦端. Long-path quartz tuning fork enhanced photothermal spectroscopy gas sensor using a high power Q-switched fiber laser. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 156, 2020.
- [60] 贾晨阳. Theoretical and experimental study on a large energy potassium titanyl phosphate terahertz parametric source. Optics and Laser Technology, 121, 2020.