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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
- [81] 常军 , 丛振华 and 张秦端. Quartz tuning fork enhanced photothermal spectroscopy gas detection system with a novel QTF-self-difference technique. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2019.
- [82] 常军 , 丛振华 and 张秦端. Scanned-wavelength intra-cavity QEPAS sensor with injection seeding technique for C2H2 detection. Optics & Laser Technology, 2019.
- [83] 张行愚 , 张少军 , 丛振华 , 秦增光 , 刘兆军 and 陈晓寒. 大能量磷酸钛氧钾太赫兹参量源. 中国激光, 2019.
- [84] 刘兆军 , 赵智刚 , 张行愚 and 丛振华. 晶体光纤及晶体衍生光纤制备与应用综述. 《光学学报》, 48, 114800301, 2019.
- [85] 刘兆军 , 张行愚 , 陈晓寒 , 丛振华 and 焦月. Diode-Pumped Actively Q-Switched Nd:YVO4/RTP Intracavity Raman Laser at 1.49 mu m. Crystals, 9, 2019.
- [86] 刘兆军 , 张飒飒 , 张行愚 , 谭巍 , 丛振华 , 赵智刚 , 秦增光 , 陈晓寒 , 杨忠明 and 饶瀚. 4.4 W, Continuous-Wave, Narrow Linewidth Optical Parametric Oscillator at 3.77 μm. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 31, 1131, 2019.
- [87] 刘兆军 , 丛振华 and 张行愚. Single-Frequency BaWO4 Raman MOPA at 1178 nm with 100-ns Pulse Pump. Crystals, 9, 2019.
- [88] 刘兆军 , 张行愚 , 丛振华 and 赵智刚. 110 mW single-frequency Yb:YAG crystal-derived silica fiber laser at 1064 nm. Optics Letters, 44, 4307, 2019.
- [89] 门少杰 , 刘兆军 , 刘杨 , 丛振华 and 程文雍. Single frequency MOPA based on Nd: YAG single crystal fiber and rods. OPTICS LETTERS, 2016.
- [90] 门少杰 , 张行愚 , 刘兆军 , 丛振华 , 刘杨 , 夏金宝 , 张飒飒 , 程文雍 and 李永富. Single-frequency CaWO4 Raman amplifier at 1178??nm. OPTICS LETTERS, 2015.
- [91] 门少杰 , 刘兆军 , 丛振华 , 张飒飒 , 刘杨 and 张行愚. High-repetition-rate widely tunable LiF: F2- color center lasers. LASER PHYSICS, 2016.
- [92] 门少杰 , 刘兆军 , 丛振华 , 李永富 and 张行愚. Electro-optically Q-switched dual-wavelength Nd: YLF laser emitting at 1047 nm and 1053 nm. 光学, 2015.
- [93] 张行愚 , 刘兆军 , 丛振华 , 秦增光 and 谢永耀. All-fiber-integrated Yb:YAG-derived silica fiber laser generating 6 W output power. Optics Express, 27, 3791, 2019.
- [94] 张行愚 , 刘兆军 , 李平 , 李明 , 丛振华 , 秦增光 , 陈晓寒 and 胡琼宇. High-order harmonic mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser based on a SnSe2 saturable absorber. Optics and laser technology, 2019.
- [95] 张少军 , 张行愚 , 丛振华 , 秦增光 , 陈晓寒 , 刘兆军 , 李平 and 臧婕. The Investigation on the Beam Spatial Intensity Distributions in the Injection-Seeded Terahertz Parametric Generator. IEEE Photonics Journey, 11, 2019.
- [96] 常军 and 丛振华. Dual path lock-in system for elimination of residual amplitude modulation and snr enhancement in photoacoustic spectroscopy. Sensors, 2018.
- [97] 冯超 , 刘兆军 , 丛振华 , 赵显 , 方家熊 and 王青圃. Eye-Safe Picosecond Solid-State Nd:YAG Ceramic Laser at 1.44 mu m. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 24, 2018.
- [98] 常军 , 丛振华 and 张秦端. QEPAS Sensor for Simultaneous Measurements of H2O, CH4, and C2H2 Using Different QTFs. IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL, 10, 2018.
- [99] 刘兆军 , 丛振华 , 秦增光 , 张行愚 and 张怀金. A pulsed single-frequency Nd:GGG/BaWO4 Raman laser. Laser Physics Letters, 28, 2018.
- [100] 刘兆军 , 丛振华 , 黄庆捷 , 张飒飒 , 张行愚 , 冯超 , 王青圃 and 饶瀚. High power YAG/Nd:YAG/YAG ceramic planar waveguide laser. Laser Physics Letters, 14, 2017.