Personal Information:
  • Name (Pinyin):
    Cui Lizhen
  • School/Department:
    School of Software
  • Administrative Position:
  • Business Address:
  • Gender:
  • Alma Mater:
    Shandong University
  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Prof. Cui is a full professor and doctoral supervisor of Shandong University. Being a visiting scholar of Georgia Institute of Technology and a visiting professor of Nanyang Technological University, he is appointed dean Undergraduate School of Shandong University, dean and deputy party secretary for School of Software, co-director of Joint SDU-NTU Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research(C-FAIR), director of the Research Center of Software and Data Engineering, Shandong University, as well as associate director of the National Engineering Laboratory for E-Commerce Transaction Technologies. Currently, he serves as the Member of CCF Council, the Member of Standing Committee of the CCF TCDB, the Member of Standing Committee of the CCF TCSC, the Member of Committee of the CCF TFBD, and the Member of Committee of the CCF TCCC. He is Secretary-General of the Association for Crowd Science and Engineering (ACE), a member of the National Advisory Committee on Software Engineering Professional Teaching Steering of MOE, and a member of the Committee on computing Professional Teaching Steering of Shangdong Provence.

Prof. Cui's research interests include Data Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics, trusted artificial intelligence. He has received nearly 20 research grants at national, provincial, and ministerial levels, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Key Research and Development Program, National Key Support Program, National Innovation Method Work Special Item, National Science and Technology Support Program Key Project, National Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China, the Science and Technology Innovation Major Project of Shandong Province, and the Major Basic Research of Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province. He has published more than 60 high-level academic papers in TKDETPAMITPDS, TSC, TCC, Chinese Journal of Computers, Scientific Data, AAAI, SIGIR, CIKM, BIBM, ICDCS, DASFAA, ICWS, ICSOC, AAMASMICCAI. Prof. Cui is awarded one Second Class Prize for Wu Wen-Jun AI Science& Technology Award and awarded several prizes for Scientific and Technology Progress (STP), including one Second Class Prize for STP of State Education Ministry of China, one First Class Prize, and two Second Class Prizes for STP of Shandong Province. He has received one First Class Prize for Ministry of Education Teaching Achievement Award, and one Second Class Prize for Teaching Achievement Award of Shandong Province. Besides, he is the recipient of the Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Award for the artificial intelligence top meeting AAAI2018. 

■ Course Teaching

Undergraduate course: Database System Principle, Introduction to Data Science

Postgraduate course: Data Science and Engineering, Responsible AI

■ Research Interest

Data Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics trusted artificial intelligence, etc.

■ Education Experience

2002-2005, School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University, Doctor degree

1999-2002, School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University, Master degree

1995-1999, School of Mathematics and System Science, Shandong University, Bachelor degree 

■ Work Experience

2005 – Present Shandong University


■ Scientific Research

[1]. 面向全人群全生命历程健康管理决策的多源异构时空大数据融合方法研究,国家自然科学基金-重大研究计划重点项目(91846205),2019.1-2022.12

[2]. 众智网络建模与互联,国家重点研发计划(2017YFB1400102),2018-2020

[3]. 科学大数据管理系统,国家重点研发计划(2016YFB1000600),2016.7-2019.6

[4]. 基于机器学习的智能创新方法关键技术研究与应用示范,国家科技部创新方法专项(2018IM020200),2018.10-2021.9

[5]. 面向大数据创新研发的支撑环境关键技术研究与应用示范,国家科技部创新方法专项(2015IM010200),2015-2017

[6]. 面向复杂大数据应用的数据动态协同分布与均衡控制关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金(61572295),2016-2019

[7]. 基于粒度计算的网络服务聚合与协同方法研究,国家自然科学基金(61003253),2011.1-2013.12

[8]. 大数据驱动的全流程智能医疗健康服务关键技术与平台,山东省重大科技创新工程项目(2018YFJH0506),2018.6-2020.12

[9]. 面向典型大数据应用的大图数据计算模型与方法,山东省自然科学基金重大基础研究项目(ZR2017ZB0420),2017-2019

[10]. 山东省消化道肿瘤精准筛查大数据平台研发建设与深度数据挖掘技术,山东省重点研发计划(2019JZZY011007-2),2019.1-2021.12 

■ Teaching Research

[1]. 教育部第二批新工科研究与实践项目“以高端复合型国际化人才培养为导向的特色化示范性软件学院建设探索与实践”。

[2]. 2018 年度山东省本科教改项目 “数据科学与大数据技术学科在新工科多方协同育人模式下的改革与实践”。

[3]. 2015年度山东省本科高校教学改革研究项目“软件工程专业实践能力培养与创新创业一体化平台建设”。

■ Publication

Journal Papers

[1]. Xiangwei ZhengXiaofeng LiuYuang ZhangLizhen CuiXiaomei Yu: A portable HCI system-oriented EEG feature extraction and channel selection for emotion recognition. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 36(1): 152-176 (2021)

[2]. Xiaojing Yin, Jiwei Huang, Wei He, Wei Guo, Han Yu, Lizhen Cui:Group task allocation approach for heterogeneous software crowdsourcing tasks. Peer Peer Netw. Appl. 14(3): 1736-1747 (2021)

[3]. Zhenchao Sun, Hongzhi Yin, Hongxu Chen, Tong Chen, Lizhen Cui, Fan Yang: Disease Prediction via Graph Neural Networks. IEEE J. Biomed. Health Informatics 25(3): 818-826 (2021)

[4]. Mingjiao Si, Lizhen Cui, Wei Guo, Qingzhong Li, Lei Liu, Xudong Lu, Xin Lu: A comparative analysis for spatio-temporal spreading patterns of emergency news[J]. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10(1).

[5]. Yankun Cao, Xiaoyan Xiao, Zhi Liu, Meijun Yang, Dianmin Sun, Wei Guo, Lizhen Cui, Pengfei Zhang: Detecting vulnerable plaque with vulnerability index based on convolutional neural networks. Comput. Medical Imaging Graph. 81: 101711 (2020)

[6]. Yiran ShenBowen DuWeitao XuChengwen LuoBo WeiLizhen CuiHongkai Wen: Securing Cyber-Physical Social Interactions on Wrist-Worn Devices. ACM Trans. Sens. Networks 16(2): 19:1-19:22 (2020)

[7]. Yingying Xu, Zhi LiuYujun LiHaixia HouYankun CaoYuefeng ZhaoWei GuoLizhen Cui: Feature data processing: Making medical data fit deep neural networks. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 109: 149-157 (2020)

[8]. Yuliang ShiMianxiong DongWenbin ZhangLei LiuYongqing ZhengLizhen CuiJunhua Zhang: AdaptScale: An adaptive data scaling controller for improving the multiple performance requirements in Clouds. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 105: 814-823 (2020)

[9]. Zhe YangKun MaXiaoli ZhangLizhen CuiBo Yang: RSCVC: Row-based semantic cache with incremental versioning consistency. Concurr.Comput.Pract. Exp.32.(17) (2020)

[10].  Yujun LiMeijun YangZhi LiuYuefeng ZhaoDongmei JiangLizhen CuiMingyu Wang.Detection and diagnosis of myocarditis in young patients using ECG analysis based on artificial neural networks. Computing 102(1): 1-18 (2020)

[11]. Yongqing Zheng, Han Yu,Lizhen Cui, Chunyan Miao, Cyri1 Leung, Yang Liu, Qiang Yang. Addressing the Challenges of Government Service Provision with AI. AI Magazine2020

[12]. Lei Liu, Song Xu, Lizhen Cui, Geyong Min, Haozhe Wang. Power Rationing for Tradeoff Between Energy Consumption and Profit in Mu1timedia Heterogeneous Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 37(7): 1642-1655 (2019)

[13]. Junhua Zhang, Dong Yuan, Lizhen Cui, Bingbing Zhoub. A high1y efficient a1gorithm towards optima1 data storage and regeneration cost in multip1e clouds. Future Generation Computer Systems 99: 459-472 (2019)

[14]. Lizhen Cui, Xiangzhen Xu, Shijun Liu, Hui Li, Zhiqi Liu. TPGraph: a hospital readmission prediction method based on temporal phenotype graphs. IJDMB 20(3): 247-266(2018)

[15]. 郭伟,张凯强,崔立真支持SaaS应用多维异构性能需求的云资源放置方法.计算机学报2018 41(6) : 1005-1017

[16]. Lizhen Cui, Lingxi Yue, Dong Wen & Lu Qin. K-Connected Cores Computation in Large Dual Networks. Data Science and Engineering 3(4): 293-306 (2018)

[17]. Rui Jia, Pengcheng Jiang, Lei Liu, Lizhen Cui, Yuliang Shi. Data Driven Congestion Trends Prediction of Urban Transportation. IEEE Internet of Things Journa1 5(2):581-591 (2018)

[18]. Lei Liu, Yongjian Ren, Lizhen Cui, Yu1iang Shi, Qingzhong Li. Performance measurement of data f1ow processing emp1oying software defined architecture. Future

Generation Comp. Syst. 82: 235-243 (2018)

[19]. Dong Yuan, Lizhen Cui, Wenhao Li, Xiao Liu, Yun Yang. An Algorithm for Finding the Minimum Cost of Storing and Regenerating Datasets in Mu1tiple Clouds. IEE Trans. Cloud Computing 6(2): 519-531 (2018)

[20]. Lizhen Cui, Junhua Zhang, Lingxi Yue, Yuliang Shi, Hui Li,Dong Yuan. A Genetic Algorithm Based Data Replica Placement Strategy for Scientific Applications in Clouds.IEEE Trans. Services Computing 11(4): 727-739 (2018)

[21]. Yu1iang Shi, Mianxiong Dong, Wenbin Zhang, Lei Liu, Yongqing Zheng, Lizhen Cui, Junhua Zhang. AdaptScale: An adaptive data scaling controller for improving the multiple performance requirements in Clouds. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2017

[22]. 崔立真,史玉良,刘磊,赵卓峰,毕艳冰.面向智能电网的电力大数据存储与分析应用.大数据(6): 42-54 (2017)

[23]. Han Yu, Zhiqi Shen, Chunyan Miao,Cyri1 Leung,Yiqiang Chen, Simon Fauve1, Jun Lin, Lizhen Cui, Zhengxiang Pan, Qiang Yang. A dataset of human decision-making in teamwork management. Scientific Data 4(160127): 1-12 (2017)

[24]. 何伟,崔立真,任国珍,李庆忠,李婷.移动计算环境下基于动态上下文的个性化Mashup服务推荐.中国科学:信息科学46(6): 677-697 (2016)

[25]. Dong Yuan, Yun Yang, Xiao Liu, Wenhao Li, Lizhen Cui, Meng Xu,Jinjun Chen. A Highly Practical Approach toward Achieving Minimum Data Sets Storage Cost in the Cloud. IEEE Trans. Para1le1 Distrib. Syst. 24(6): 1234-1244 (2013)

[26]. 郑湃,崔立真,王海洋,徐猛.云计算环境下面向数据密集型应用的数据布局策略与方法.计算机学报33(8): 1472-1480 (2010)

Conference Papers

[1]. Shipeng Wang, Daokun Zhang, Lizhen Cui, Xudong Lu, Lei Liu, Qingzhong Li: Personality Traits Prediction Based on Sparse Digital Footprints via Discriminative Matrix Factorization. DASFAA (2) 2021: 692-700

[2]. Meihao Hou, Fan Yang, Lizhen Cui, Wei Guo: Predicting Adverse Drug-Drug Interactions via Semi-supervised Variational Autoencoders. APWeb/WAIM (2) 2020: 132-140

[3]. Lizhen Cui, Jing Chen, Wei He, Hui Li, Wei Guo: A Pruned DOM-Based Iterative Strategy for Approximate Global Optimization in Crowdsourcing Microtasks. APWeb/WAIM (1) 2020: 779-793

[4]. Huiling Zhang, Jun Wang, Guoxian Yu, Lizhen Cui, Maozu Guo: Epistasis Detection using Heterogeneous Bio-molecular Network. BIBM 2020: 194-199

[5]. Qianwen Meng, Lizhen Cui, Guoxian Yu, Han Yu, Wei Guo, Hui Li: CLUE: Personalized Hospital Readmission Prediction Against Data Insufficiency under Imbalanced-Data Environment. BIBM 2020: 469-472

[6]. Zhiqi Liu, Lizhen Cui, Wei Guo, Wei He, Hui Li, Jun Gao: Predicting Hospital Readmission Using Graph Representation Learning Based on Patient and Disease Bipartite Graph. DASFAA (2) 2020: 385-397

[7]. Wei Ge, Wei Guo, Lizhen Cui, Hui Li, Lijin Liu: Detection of Wrong Disease Information Using Knowledge-Based Embedding and Attention. DASFAA (3) 2020: 459-473

[8]. Jingfeng Zhang, Xilie Xu, Bo Han, Gang Niu, Lizhen Cui, Masashi Sugiyama, Mohan S. Kankanhalli: Attacks Which Do Not Kill Training Make Adversarial Learning Stronger. ICML 2020: 11278-11287

[9]. Lizhen Cui, Jing Chen, Wei He, Wei Guo: Answer Aggregation for Crowdsourcing Microtasks using Approximate Global Optimal Searching. ICWS 2020: 45-49

[10]. Tong Zhang, Di Wang, Huanhuan Chen, Zhiwei Zeng, Wei Guo, Chunyan Miao, Lizhen Cui: BDANN: BERT-Based Domain Adaptation Neural Network for Multi-Modal Fake News Detection. IJCNN 2020: 1-8

[11]. Bomin Wang, Zhi Liu, Yujun Li, Xiaoyan Xiao, Ranran Zhang, Yankun Cao, Lizhen Cui, Pengfei Zhang: Unsupervised Graph Domain Adaptation for Neurodevelopmental Disorders Diagnosis. MICCAI (2) 2020: 496-505

[12]. Yongqing Zheng, Han Yu, Yuliang Shi, Kun Zhang, Shuai Zhen, Lizhen Cui, Cyril Leung, Chunyan Miao. PIDS: An Intelligent Electric Power Management Platform. AAAI 2020

[13]. Fuqiang Yu, Lizhen Cui, Hua Lu. A Category-Aware Deep Model for Successive POI Recommendation on Sparse Check-in Data. WWW 2020:1264-1274

[14]. Chang LiuHan YuYi DongZhiqi ShenYingxue YuIan DixonZhanning GaoPan WangPeiran RenXuansong XieLizhen CuiChunyan Miao: Generating Engaging Promotional Videos for E-commerce Platforms (Student Abstract). AAAI 2020: 13865-13866

[15]. Lei GuoHongzhi YinQinyong WangBin CuiZi HuangLizhen Cui: Group Recommendation with Latent Voting Mechanism. ICDE 2020: 121-132

[16]. Yinan ZhangYong LiuPeng HanChunyan MiaoLizhen CuiBaoli LiHaihong Tang: Learning Personalized Itemset Mapping for Cross-Domain Recommendation. IJCAI 2020: 2561-2567

[17]. Zhao Yong LimHan YuZhiqi ShenIan DixonZhanning GaoPan WangPeiran RenXuansong XieLizhen CuiChunyan Miao: An AI-empowered Visual Storyline Generator. IJCAI 2020: 5267-5269

[18]. Shijie ZhangHongzhi YinTong ChenQuoc Viet Nguyen HungZi HuangLizhen Cui: GCN-Based User Representation Learning for Unifying Robust Recommendation and Fraudster Detection. SIGIR 2020: 689-698

[19]. Qinyong Wang, Hongzhi Yin, Hao Wang,Quoc Viet Hung Nguyen, Zi Huang, Lizhen Cui. Enhancing Collaborative Fi1tering with Generative Augmentation. KDD 2019

[20]. Lei Liu, Song Xu, Jia Hu, Lizhen Cui, Geyong Min. Balancing of the quality-of- service, energy and revenue of base stations in wireless networks via tullock contests. IWQoS 2019: 26:1-26:8

[21]. Han YuZhiqi ShenLizhen CuiYongqing ZhengVictor R. Lesser. Ethically Aligned Multi-agent Coordination to Enhance Social Welfare. AAMAS 2019: 2300-2302

[22]. Ruican LiHui LiWei GuoLizhen Cui. Biclustering-sim: A Novel Method to Identify Abnormal Co-occurrence Medical Visit Behaviors. BIBM 2019: 1091-1095

[23]. Zeyuan CuiLi PanShijun LiuLizhen Cui.Infer Latent Privacy for Attribute Network in Knowledge Graph. BigData 2019: 2542-2551

[24]. Chang LiuYi DongHan YuZhiqi ShenZhanning GaoPan WangChanggong ZhangPeiran RenXuansong XieLizhen CuiChunyan Miao. Generating Persuasive Visual Storylines for Promotional Videos. CIKM 2019: 901-910

[25]. Yiming CaoLizhen CuiWei He.Value-Oriented Ranking of Online Reviews Based on Reviewer-Influenced Graph. DASFAA (3) 2019: 259-263

[26]. Songyuan LiJiwei HuangBo ChengLizhen CuiYuliang Shi.FASS: A Fairness-Aware Approach for Concurrent Service Selection with Constraints. ICWS 2019: 255-259

[27]. Song XuLei LiuLizhen CuiQingzhong LiZhongmin Yan.Promoting Higher Revenues for Both Crowdsourcer and Crowds in Crowdsourcing via Contest. ICWS 2019: 403-407

[28]. Qinyong WangHongzhi YinHao WangQuoc Viet Hung NguyenZi HuangLizhen Cui.Enhancing Collaborative Filtering with Generative Augmentation. KDD 2019: 548-556

[29]. Yun Jiang, Wei He, Lizhen Cui, Qian Yang. User Location Prediction in Mobile Crowdsourcing Services. ICSOC 2018: 515-523

[30]. Yinan Zhang, Lizhen Cui, Jiwei Huang, Chunyan Miao. CrowdMerge. Achieving Optimal Crowdsourcing Quality Management by Sequent Merger. ICCSE 2018: 25:1-25:8

[31]. Han Yu, Chunyan Miao, Yongqing Zheng, Lizhen Cui, Simon Fauvel and Cyril Leung. Ethically Aligned Opportunistic Scheduling for Productive Laziness. AAAI 2019

[32]. Yongqing Zheng, Han Yu, Lizhen Cui, Chunyan Miao, Cyril Leung, Qiang Yang.  SmartHS: An AI Platform for Improving Government Service Provision. AAAI 2018: 7704-7712

[33]. Renfeng Ma, Qi Zhang, Jiawen Wang, Lizhen Cui, Xuanjing Huang. Mention Recommendation for Multimodal Microblog with Cross-attention Memory Network. SIGIR 2018: 195-204

[34]. Han Yu, Chunyan Miao, Lizhen Cui, Yiqiang Chen, Simon Fauvel, Qiang Yang. Opportunistic Work-Rest Scheduling for Productive Aging. HCI (14) 2018: 413-428

[35]. Lingxi Yue, Dong Wen, Lizhen Cui, Lu Qin, Yongqing Zheng. K-Connected Cores Computation in Large Dual Networks. DASFAA (1) 2018: 169-186

[36]. Chang Liu, Yinan Zhang, Lei Liu, Lizhen Cui, Dong Yuan, Chunyan Miao. Crowd-enabled Pareto-Optimal Objects Finding Employing Multi-Pairwise-Comparison Questions. CIKM 2017: 287-295

[37]. Xiangzhen Xu, Lizhen Cui, Shijun Liu, Hui Li, Lei Liu, Yongqing Zheng. Predicting hospital readmission from longitudinal healthcare data using graph pattern mining based temporal phenotypes. BIBM 2017: 824-829

[38]. Xudong Zhao, Jiwei Huang, Lei Liu, Shijun Liu, Calton Pu, Lizhen Cui. Automated Performance Evaluation for Multi-tier Cloud Service Systems Subject to Mixed Workloads. ICDCS 201: 2630-2631

[39]. Xudong Zhao, Jiwei Huang, Lei Liu, Yuliang Shi, Shijun Liu, Calton Pu, Lizhen Cui. Real-Time Soft Resource Allocation in Multi-Tier Web Service Systems. ICWS 2017: 492-499

[40]. Yuliang Shi, Chenfei Sun, Qingzhong Li, Lizhen Cui, Han Yu, Chunyan Miao. A Fraud Resilient Medical Insurance Claim System. AAAI 2016: 4393-4394

[41]. Yuliang Shi, Jiwei Huang, Xudong Zhao, Lei Liu, Shijun Liu, Lizhen Cui. Integrating Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Measurement for Soft Resource Allocation in Multi-tier Web Systems. ICWS 2016: 522-529

[42]. Yuliang Shi, Yu Chen, Shibin Sun, Lei Liu, Lizhen Cui. A Data Services-Based Quality Analysis System for the Life Cycle of Tire Production. ICSOC 2016: 715-729

[43]. Chenfei Sun, Yuliang Shi, Qingzhong Li, Lizhen Cui, Han Yu, Chunyan Miao. A Hybrid Approach for Detecting Fraudulent Medical Insurance Claims: (Extended Abstract). AAMAS 2016: 1287-1288

■ Honors and Awards

[1]. 支持持续进化的云应用智能软件开发平台及环境, 2020中国电子学会科学技术奖三等奖

[2]. PIDS: An Intelligent Electric Power Management Platform(智能用电管理平台),AAAI2020创新应用奖

[3]. 多粒度健康风险评估与临床辅助诊断关键技术,2019年吴文俊人工智能科技进步奖二等奖

[4]. SmartHS: An AI Platform for Improving Government Service Provision, AAAI2018创新应用奖

[5]. 面向云应用的软件智能生产平台与环境,2019年山东省科技进步二等奖

[6]. 互联网+”智慧人社服务平台,2019年山东省科技进步二等奖

[7]. 电力需求侧管理智能主站系统,2012年高等学校科学研究优秀成果科技进步二等奖

[8]. 劳动力市场管理信息系统,2009年山东省科技进步一等奖

[9]. 基于OSGI体系结构的人力资源和社会保障一体化平台,2012年山东省科技进步二等奖

[10]. 支持多行业的职业资格服务及运营平台,2011年山东省科技进步二等奖

[11]. 跨区域跨校在线开放课程“1+M+N”协同教学模式创新与实践,2018年高等教育国家级教学成果奖一等奖

[12]. “全链条、协同化、网络化、立体化”的软件工程创新平台建设,2017年山东省教学成果奖二等奖

[13]. 山东省地方标准DB37/T 1387.2-2009《集成电路(IC)卡应用技术规范》,ICS 23.240.15 L64

[14]. 基于图模型的时序表征学习及其在医疗风险预测中的应用,2018年济南市科学技术一等奖

[15]. 中心城市社会保险信息管理系统,2010年济南市创新项目一等奖

[16]. “全链条、协同化、网络化、立体化”的软件工程创新平台建设,山东大学2018年教学成果奖一等奖

[17]. 基于智能辅助教学平台的信息管理与信息系统专业课程教学模式改革与实践,山东省教学成果奖一等奖

[18]. 基于MOOC/SPOC“1+M+N”模式的协同式教学改革创新及实践,山东省教学成果奖特等奖

[19]. 软件服务工程课程群建设,山东大学2017年教学成果奖二等奖 

■ Books and Patents


[1]. 《数据化企业致胜之道—数据驱动的创新》,刘士军,鹿旭东,崔立真编著,电子工业出版社,2017

[2]. 《营销数据科学》,崔立真,鹿旭东译,机械工业出版社, 2017

[3]. 《大数据驱动创新方法工作平台》,崔立真、鹿旭东、郭伟、刘士军,山东大学出版社,2017


[1]. 一种使用基于方面的情感分析方法的舆情监控方法和系统,202010108016.X

[2]. 一种基于知识图谱挖掘的个性化学习路径推荐方法及系统,202010096087.2

[3]. 基于多模态商品评论分析的商品推荐方法及系统,202010090379.5

[4]. 一种基于改进异构信息网络的患者相似度分析方法及系统,202010249872.7

[5]. 基于双聚类算法的异常医保数据检测系统及方法,202010368770.7

[6]. 一种基于深度学习的相似病历查找方法与系统,202010412253.5

[7]. 基于深度学习的消化内镜报告结构化方法与系统,202010413026.4

[8]. 一种基于多视图双聚类的就医欺诈行为检测方法及系统,202010579517.6

[9]. 一种微服务自动化部署管理系统及方法,202010613545.5

[10]. 一种自动生成代码的微服务管理系统及代码生成方法,202010610493.6

[11]. 一种基于医疗健康大数据的数据治理方法及系统,202011097864.1

[12]. 基于深度学习的医学图像报告自动生成方法及系统,202010940977.7

[13]. 一种基于深度学习的用户兴趣点推荐方法与系统,202011084795.0

[14]. 基于知识图谱的病人病历相似度评估方法及系统,202011131273.1

[15]. 基于图神经网络的终端运行状态预测方法及系统,202011095419.1

[16]. 基于博弈的软件定义网络控制器收益优化方法及系统 202011422011.0

[17]. 基于权重调整的疾病名称匹配方法及系统,202110240730.9

[18]. 一种基于知识图谱的电子病历问答方法及系统,202010047420.0

[19]. 一种基于药物组合进行诊断编码纠正的方法及系统,201911318805.X

[20]. 基于事务顺序分析的数据库事务并发重做方法和装置,201911274966.3

[21]. 基于行为特征分析的商品推荐方法、系统、设备及介质,201910677595.7

[22]. 一种数据库异常事件缺失数据填充方法及系统,201910620762.4

[23]. 一种基于网络行为的人格特质预测方法及系统,201910424244.5

[24]. 一种众智网络智能数体需求匹配策略优化方法及系统,201910424243.0

[25]. 一种基于众智网络的问答任务分配方法及系统,201910390185.4

[26]. 一种具有心智功能的智能健康分析方法及系统,201910424036.5

[27]. 基于交叉注意神经网络的再就医信息预测方法及系统,201910300329.2

[28]. 基于时间和成本自适应的在线社交网络数据存储方法及装置,201910199351.2

[29]. 一种支持不规则时间间隔的虚拟机工作负载预测方法,201811354400.7

[30].  基于循环神经网络模型RNN的疾病诊断预测系统,201811086200.8

[31]. 实现C2C通用移动众包的方法、通用移动众包服务器及系统,201811075623.X

[32]. 一种基于智能遗传算法的web服务协同调度方法,201811066866.7

[33]. 一种专利数据知识图谱的构建方法及装置,201811062085.0

[34]. 基于时序画像图的再住院预测方法和系统,201710647309.3

[35]. 一种创新创意的大数据处理方法、服务器及系统,201710543193.9

[36]. 一种文本信息的创新度评估方法,201710543194.3

[37]. 一种最优特征组合的再住院预测系统及方法,201710542771.7

[38]. 基于大数据的创新创意标签自动标注方法及系统,201710173029.3

[39]. 一种定制数据爬取工作流的方法及系统,201710176931.0

[40]. 一种创新方案匹配方法、装置、服务器及系统,201710173098.4

[41]. 基于PageRank算法的问题推荐方法及系统,201710173039.7

[42]. 一种基于知识网络的创意自动生成方法与终端,201710173037.8

[43]. 一种交通拥塞趋势预测方法及系统,201710173078.7

[44]. 基于排队论的连续交通节点拥塞程度预测模型、系统及方法,201710174112.2

[45]. 一种采用配置文件控制缓存实现移动互联网络服务访问的系统及方法,201710852188.6

[46]. 一种基于TrustZone技术实现移动互联网下移动终端安全存储的方法,201710848560.6

[47]. 一种云环境下分布式存储的访问控制方法,201710848558.9

[48]. 基于DockerWeb数据采集方法、Web服务器及Web数据采集系统,201610872814.3

[49]. 开发测试运维一体化系统、部署、全量以及增量更新方法,201610629477.5

[50]. 基于超轻量虚拟机的云计算动态资源调度系统及方法,201610334927.8

[51]. 基于服务关联索引图的QoS感知Top-k服务组合系统,201110396256.5

Research direction

No contents


1. 赵云峰. Personalized Federated Few-Shot Learning .IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS.2024,35 (2):2534

2. 张蕾. Estimating package arrival time via heterogeneous hypergraph neural network .Expert Systems with Applications.2024,238

3. 张建成. EAPR: explainable and augmented patient representation learning for disease prediction .Health Information Science and Systems,11 (1)

4. 朱方林. Medicine Package Recommendation via Dual-Level Interaction Aware Heterogeneous Graph . IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.2024,28 (4)

5. 张蕾. Package Arrival Time Prediction via Knowledge Distillation Graph Neural Network .ACM TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY FROM DATA.2024,18 (5)

6. 孙晓芳. Brain Functional Residual Temporal Convolution Network for Major Depressive Disorder Recognition .2023

7. 崔立真. Achieving Approximate Global Optimization of Truth Inference for Crowdsourcing Microtasks .Data Science and Engineering.2020,6 (3):294-309

8. 郑永清. Optimizing Smart Grid Operations from the Demand Side .AI MAGAZINE.2021,42 (2):28

9. 崔立真. A Pruned DOM-Based Iterative Strategy for Approximate Global Optimization in Crowdsourcing?Microtasks .2020,12317 LNCS :779-793

10. Yin, Xiaojing. Group task allocation approach for heterogeneous software crowdsourcing tasks .International Journal of Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications.2020

11. 曲静. Development of a novel machine learning-based approach for brain function assessment and integrated software solution .ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS.2024 (60)

12. 黄子蔚. A space-time non-stationary and consistent model for 6G multi-UAV cooperative channels .2023

13. 刘宪顺. Autonomous multi-agent reconnaissance in military environments: A distributed solution .2023

14. 王雨晨. ResDeepSurv: A Survival Model for Deep Neural Networks Based on Residual Blocks and Self-attention Mechanism .Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences.2024,12 (28)

15. . System Development and Evaluation of Human–Computer Interaction Approach for Assessing Functional Impairment for People with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Pilot Study .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION.2023 (-)

16. 袁媛. Distributed Learning for Large-scale Models at Edge with Privacy Protection .IEEE Transactions on Computers.2023 (0)

17. 陈颖洁. FusNet:A Deep Information Fusion Network for Medical Image Segmention .2023

18. 滕赛赛. MolFPG: Multi-level fingerprint-based Graph Transformer for accurate and robust drug toxicity prediction .Computers in Biology and Medicine.2023,164

19. Huang, Weiming. Learning urban region representations with POIs and hierarchical graph infomax .ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING.2023,196 :134-145

20. 魏乐义. Computational prediction and interpretation of cell-specific replication origin sites from multiple eukaryotes by exploiting stacking framework .Briefings in Bioinformatics.2021,22 (4)

21. 郁莹莹. iDNA-ABT: advanced deep learning model for detecting DNA methylation with adaptive features and transductive information maximization .Bioinformatics.2021,37 (24):4603

22. 张宇. Multi-View Graph Contrastive Learningfor Urban Region Representation .2023

23. 滕赛赛. MolFPG: Multi-level fingerprint-based Graph Transformer for accurate and robust drug toxicity prediction .Computers in Biology and Medicine.2023 (164)

24. 苏岳瀚. TBPCS: Trustworthy Cross Department BusinessProcess Collaboration Service Based on Blockchain .2023

25. 姜少伟. Modeling Long- and Short-term User Preferences via Self-Supervised Learning for Next POI Recommendation .ACM TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY FROM DATA.2023,17 (9)

26. 吴昊. StackTADB: a stacking-based ensemble learning model for predicting the boundaries of topologically associating domains (TADs) accurately in fruit flies .Briefings in Bioinformatics .2022 (elad023):1

27. 张锴. Sample and Feature Enhanced Few-Shot Knowledge Graph Completion .2023

28. 张艺馨. Enhancing Sequential Recommendation with Graph Contrastive Learning .2022

29. 吴昊. StackTADB: a stacking-based ensemble learning model for predicting the boundaries of topologically associating domains (TADs) accurately in fruit flies .Briefings in Bioinformatics .2022 (bbac023)

30. 张蕾. Delivery Time Prediction Using Large-Scale Graph Structure Learning Based on Quantile Regression .2023

31. 孟倩雯. MHCCL: Masked Hierarchical Cluster-wise Contrastive Learning for Multivariate Time Series .2023

32. 曹益铭. MMTN: Multi-modal Memory Transformer Network for Image-Report Consistent Medical Report Generation .2023

33. . Cross-Domain Disentangled Learning for E-Commerce Live Streaming Recommendation .2023

34. 丁桐. An Efficient Reinforcement Learning Game Framework for UAV-Enabled Wireless Sensor Network Data Collection .JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Journal.2022,37 (6)

35. 丁桐. IoV environment exploring coordination: A federated learning approach .Digital Communications and Networks.2022 (99)

36. 崔志红. Dynamic Recommendation Based on Graph Diffusion and Ebbinghaus Curv .IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL SOCIAL SYSTEMS.2023 (无)

37. 康祥平. Self-paced Annotations of Crowd Workers .Knowledge and Information Systems.2022,64 (00):3235

38. 赵云峰. Few-shot partial multi-label learning via prototype rectification .Knowledge and Information Systems.2023 (65):1851

39. 白露. A non-stationary multi-UAV cooperative channel model for 6G massive MIMO mmWave communications .IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications.2023 (12)

40. 苏聪. A review of causality-based fairness machine learning .Intelligence and Robotics.2022,2 (3):244

41. 王世鹏. Personality Traits Prediction Based on Sparse Digital Footprints via Discriminative Matrix Factorization .2021

42. 王世鹏. Personality Traits Prediction Based on Users’Digital Footprints in Social Networks via Attention RNN .2020

43. 吴昊. StackTADB: a stacking-based ensemble learning model for predicting the boundaries of topologically associating domains (TADs) accurately in fruit flies .Briefings in Bioinformatics .2022,23 (2)

44. 钟海婷. Combining User Inherent and Contextual Preferences for Online Recommendation in Location-based Services .2022

45. 李招明. Balancing Supply and Demand for Mobile Crowdsourcing Services .2022

46. 杨潇. Clinical Phenotyping Prediction via Auxiliary Task Selection and Adaptive Shared-Space Correction .2022

47. . Is it fair? Resource allocation for differentiated services on demands .2022

48. 刘宁. An Efficient Reinforcement Learning Game Framework for UAV-Enabled Wireless Sensor Network Data Collection .Journal of Computer Science and Technology.2022,6 (37):1356

49. 徐庸辉. KdINet: Knowledge-driven Interpretable Network for Medical Imaging Diagnosis .2022

50. 徐庸辉. Feature-Guided Logical Perception Network for Health Risk Prediction .2022

51. 徐庸辉. Temporal Hypergraph for Personalized Clinical Pathway Recommendation .2022

52. 徐庸辉. Efficient Asynchronous Multi-Participant Vertical Federated Learning .IEEE Transactions on Big Data.2022 (1)

53. 徐庸辉. HealthNet: A Health Progression Network via Heterogeneous Medical Information Fusion .IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS.2022 (1)

54. 何伟. Joint Attention Networks with Inherent and Contextual Preference?Awareness for Successive POI Recommendation .Springer Data Science and Engineering.2022,7 (4):370

55. 何伟. Achieving Approximate Global Optimization of Truth Inference for Crowdsourcing Microtasks .Data Science and Engineering.2021,Vol 6 (Issue 3):294

56. 王峻. 基于单细胞数据的癌症协同驱动模块识别方法 .中国科学-信息科学.2022 (00)

57. 宋啸林. A high-concurrency blockchain model for large-scale medical cohort data storage and sharing .2022

58. 赵云峰. Personalized Federated Few-Shot Learning .IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS.2022

59. 崔笑笑. TRSA-Net: Task Relation Spatial co-Attention for Joint Segmentation, Quantification and Uncertainty Estimation on Paired 2D Echocardiography . IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.2022

60. 崔笑笑. MCAL: An Anatomical Knowledge Learning Model for Myocardial Segmentation in 2-D Echocardiography .2022,69 (4):1277-1287

61. 白露. A mixed-bouncing based non-stationary model for 6G massive MIMO mmWave UAV channels .IEEE Transactions on Communications.2022 (10)

62. 郭禹兵. A Novel Multi-view Bi-clustering method for identifying abnormal Co-occurrence medical visit behaviors .METHODS.2022 (207):65

63. 郭伟. An Intelligent Genetic Scheme for Multi-Objective Collaboration Services Scheduling .Symmetry.2022 (14102037):1

64. 曲静. The Effects of a Virtual Reality Rehabilitation Task on Elderly Subjects: An Experimental Study Using Multimodal Data .IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering.2022 (30):1684

65. 徐庸辉. A Survey on Knowledge Enhanced EHR Data Mining .2021

66. 徐庸辉. Music Rhythm Matching Based on Dynamic Step Frequency .2021

67. 于富强. Similarity-Aware Collaborative Learning for Patient Outcome Prediction .2022

68. 崔志红. Reinforced KGs reasoning for explainable sequential recommendation .WORLD WIDE WEB-INTERNET AND WEB INFORMATION SYSTEMS.2021

69. 徐庸辉. Knowledge Distillation In Medical Data Mining: A Survey .2021

70. 徐庸辉. SAER: Sentiment-opinion Alignment Explainable Recommendation .2022

71. 徐庸辉. Personalized Clinical Pathway Recommendation via Attention Based Pre-training .2021

72. 徐庸辉. KdTNet: Medical Image Report Generation via Knowledge-Driven Transformer .2022

73. 徐庸辉. Credit Default Prediction via Explainable Ensemble Learning .2021

74. 徐庸辉. MVFLS: Multi-participant Vertical Federated Learning based on Secret Sharing .2022

75. 徐庸辉. Multi-modal information fusion-powered regional Covid-19 epidemic forecasting .2021

76. 徐庸辉. Similarity-Aware Collaborative Learning for Patient Outcome Prediction .2022

77. 卜令国. A design method for an intelligent manufacturing and service system for rehabilitation assistive devices and special groups .ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS.2021 (51)

78. 孙振超. Disease Prediction via Graph Neural Networks . IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.2021,25 (3):818

79. 杨帆. Signaling repurposable drug combinations against COVID-19 by developing the heterogeneous deep herb-graph method .Briefings in Bioinformatics.2022 (1)

80. 杨帆. Signaling Potential Therapeutic Herbal Medicine Prescription for Treating COVID-19 by Collaborative Filtering .FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY.2021 (12)

81. 吴昊. StackTADB: a stacking-based ensemble learning model for predicting the boundaries of topologically associating domains (TADs) accurately in fruit f lies .Briefings in Bioinformatics .2022 (bbac023)

82. 余国先. Lung Cancer Subtype Diagnosis by Fusing Image-genomics Data and Hybrid Deep Networks .IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.2021 (99)

83. 余国先. Crowdsourcing with Self-paced Workers .2021

84. 余国先. Few-Shot Partial Multi-Label Learning .2021

85. Xiaofang Sun. Major Depressive Disorder Recognition and Cognitive Analysis Based on Multi-layer Brain Functional Connectivity Networks .2021

86. 余国先. EpiHNet: Detecting epistasis by heterogeneous molecule network .METHODS.2021 (00)

87. 鹿旭东. ProAID: Path-based Reasoning for Self-Attentional Disease Prediction .KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS.2021 (63):3087

88. 鹿旭东. 大数据驱动的创新方法论与创新服务平台 .数据与计算发展前沿.2021 (5):141

89. 何伟. 移动情景和用户轨迹感知的众包服务推荐 .计算机科学与探索.2019,13 (9)

90. 赵广荣. LeaD: Learn to Decode Vibration-based Communication for Intelligent Internet of Things .ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SENSOR NETWORKS.2021,17 (3)

91. 王雁翔. Event-Stream Representation for Human Gaits Identification Using Deep Neural Networks .IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE.2021 (0)

92. 沈益冉. Securing Cyber-Physical Social Interactions on Wrist-Worn Devices .ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SENSOR NETWORKS.2020,16 (2):1

93. 程豪. PepFormer: End-to-End Transformer-Based Siamese Network to Predict and Enhance Peptide Detectability Based on Sequence Only .ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY.2021,93 (16):6481

94. 许迎迎. Feature data processing: Making medical data fit deep neural networks .FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING AND ESCIENCE.2020,109 :149

95. 李衍淼. Robust detection for network intrusion of industrial IoT based on multi-CNN fusion .Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation.2020,154

96. 刘治. Automatic diagnosis of fungal keratitis using data augmentation and image fusion with deep convolutional neural network .Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine.2020,187

97. Hou, Haixia. Hierarchical Long Short-Term Memory Network for Cyberattack Detection .IEEE Access .2020,8 :90907

98. 杨承磊. Optimization Strategies for Real-Time Rendering of Virtual Scenes on Heterogeneous Mobile Devices. .2019

99. 曹艳坤. Detecting vulnerable plaque with vulnerability index based on convolutional neural networks .2020,81

100. 史玉良. AdaptScale: An adaptive data scaling controller for improving the multiple performance requirements in Clouds .FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING AND ESCIENCE.2020,105 :814

101. 李玉军. Detection and diagnosis of myocarditis in young patients using ECG analysis based on artificial neural networks .Computing (Vienna/New York).2020,102 (1):1

102. 杨美君. Deep RetinaNet for Dynamic Left Ventricle Detection in Multiview Echocardiography Classification .Scientific Programming.2020,2020

103. 王峻. Epistasis Detection using Heterogeneous Bio-molecular Network .2020

104. 何伟. Multi-interest Aware Recommendation in Crowdintell Network .2020

105. 何伟. Task Assignment with Consensus Decision for Spatial Crowdsouring .2020

106. 葛伟. Detection of Wrong Disease Information using Knowledge-based Embedding and Attention .2020

107. 何伟. Answer Aggregation for Crowdsourcing Microtasks using Approximate Global Optimal Searching .2020

108. 杨哲. RSCVC: Row-based semantic cache with incremental versioning consistency .CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE.2020,32 (17)

109. YIRAN SHEN. Securing Cyber-Physical Social Interactions on Wrist-Worn Devices .ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SENSOR NETWORKS.2020,16 (2)

110. 于福强. A Category-Aware Deep Model for Successive POI Recommendation on Sparse Check-in Data .2020

111. hewei , lihui , guowei  and Cui Lizhen. A Pruned DOM-Based Iterative Strategy for Approximate Global Optimization in Crowdsourcing Microtasks .Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2020,volume 12317 (LNCS, volume 12317):779

112. 许迎迎. Feature data processing: Making medical data fit deep neural networks .FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING THEORY METHODS AND APPLICATIONS.2020 (109):149

113. Li Yibin , Cui Lizhen  and Lin, Jinjiao. Automatic Knowledge Discovery in Lecturing Videos via Deep Representation .IEEE Access .2019,7 :33957

114. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen  and 刘磊. Balancing of the quality-of-service, energy and revenue of base stations in wireless networks via tullock contests .2019

115. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen  and 刘磊. Power Rationing for Tradeoff Between Energy Consumption and Profit in Multimedia Heterogeneous Networks .IEEE journal on selected areas in communications.2019

116. guowei , Cui Lizhen , lihui , Kong Lanju  and 郭伟. An Interpretable Disease Onset Predictive Model Using Crossover Attention Mechanism From Electronic Health Records .IEEE Access 中科院SCI二区.2019,7 (1):134236

117. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen , Li Qingzhong , yanzhongmin  and 刘磊. Promoting Higher Revenues for Both Crowdsourcer and Crowds in Crowdsourcing via Contest .2019

118. Liu Shijun , Pan Li  and Cui Lizhen. Infer Latent Privacy for Attribute Network in Knowledge Graph .2019

119. zhengyongqing  and Cui Lizhen. Addressing the Challenges of Government Service Provision with AI .AI MAGAZINE.2019

120. liujing , Cui Lizhen , guowei , lihui , xuefuzhong  and 卞伟玮. 基于网络爬虫技术的健康医疗大数据采集整理系统 .《山东大学学报》(医学版).2017,55 (06):47

121. Ted Liu , Cui Lizhen Deep Learning Methods for Cardiovascular Image .Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Systems.2019 (1):96

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124. guowei , Cui Lizhen  and 郭伟. A Cloud Resources Placement Method Supporting SaaS Applications with Multi-Dimensional and Heterogeneous Requirements .Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers.2018,28 (6):1225

125. Shi Yuliang , Cui Lizhen  and lihui. A Genetic Algorithm Based Data Replica Placement Strategy for Scientific Applications in Clouds .IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SERVICES COMPUTING (CCF B类期刊).2015

126. Ted Liu , liyujun , Cui Lizhen Automatic diagnosis of fungal keratitis using data augmentation andimage fusion with deep convolutional neural network .Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine.2019 (187)

127. hewei  and Cui Lizhen. Task Assignments in Complex Collaborative Crowdsourcing .2018

128. hewei , Cui Lizhen  and Chris LIU. Spatial Crowdsourcing Task Assignment Based on the Qality of Workers .2018

129. lihui , Cui Lizhen , hongxiaoguang  and yanzhongmin. Predicting Clinical Visits Using RNNs and Demographic Information .2018

130. hewei  and Cui Lizhen. User Location Prediction in Mobile Crowdsourcing Services .Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2018,LNCS 11236 (C. Pahl et al. (Eds.): ICSOC 2018, LNCS 11236):515

131. Cui Lizhen  and zhengyongqing. SmartHS: An AI Platform for Improving Government Service Provision .2018

132. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen  and Li Qingzhong. Rim Chain: Bridge the Provision and Demand Among the Crowd .2018

133. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen , hewei  and lihui. Answer Aggregation of Crowdsourcing Employing an Improved EM-Based Approach .2018

134. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen , Shi Yuliang  and Li Qingzhong. Performance measurement of data flow processing employing software defined architecture .FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS.2018

135. guowei , Cui Lizhen  and 郭伟. 支持SaaS应用多维异构性能需求的云资源放置方法 .《计算机学报》.2018,41 (6):1225

136. Cui Lizhen , zhengyongqing  and 岳灵茜. K-Connected Cores Computation in Large Dual Networks .2018

137. Cui Lizhen , yanzhongmin , Li Qingzhong , zhengyongqing  and luxudong. Abnormal Group-Based Joint Medical Fraud Detection .IEEE Access .2019

138. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen  and lihui. Resource Scheduling for Energy-Efficient in Cloud-Computing Data Centers .2018

139. Shi Yuliang , Cui Lizhen  and 闵新平. Efficient Crowd-Powered Active Learning for Reliable Review Evaluation .PROCEEDINGS OF 2017 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CROWD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ICCSE 2017.2017 :136

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141. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen  and liuchang. Crowd-enabled Pareto-Optimal Objects Finding Employing Multi-Pairwise-Comparison Questions .CIKM'17: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 ACM CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT.2017 :287

142. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen , Shi Yuliang  and 任永健. QoS Evaluation of Prioritized Data Plane Service Employing Queueing Model .2017 IEEE/ACM 25TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON QUALITY OF SERVICE (IWQOS).2017

143. Li Qingzhong  and Cui Lizhen. 基于扩展图规划的Top-K服务组合方法研究 .电子学报.2012,40 (7):1404

144. hewei , wangxinjun , Cui Lizhen  and 王青. Quality-Assure and Budget-Aware Task Assignment for Spatial Crowdsourcing .COLLABORATE COMPUTING: NETWORKING, APPLICATIONS AND WORKSHARING, COLLABORATECOM 2016.2017,201 :60

145. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen , Li Qingzhong  and 曹益铭. Empirical Study on Assessment Algorithms with Confidence in Crowdsourcing .PROCEEDINGS OF 2017 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CROWD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ICCSE 2017.2017 :100

146. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen , Shi Yuliang  and Jia, Rui. Data Driven Congestion Trends Prediction of Urban Transportation .IEEE Internet Things J..2018,5 (2):581

147. Cui Lizhen , Shi Yuliang  and lihui. A Genetic Algorithm Based Data Replica Placement Strategy for Scientific Applications in Clouds .IEEE Transactions on Services Computing.2018,11 (4):727

148. Shi Yuliang  and Cui Lizhen. A Privacy Protection Evaluation Mechanism for Dynamic Data Based on Chunk-Confusion .JOURNAL OF SIGNAL PROCESSING SYSTEMS FOR SIGNAL IMAGE AND VIDEO TECHNOLOGY.2017, 89 (1):27

149. Pan Li , Liu Shijun , Shi Yuliang , Cui Lizhen  and 李秀林. Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing Centers Serving Parallelizable Rendering Jobs Using M/M/c/r Queuing Systems .2017 IEEE 37TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING SYSTEMS (ICDCS 2017).2017 :1378

150. Chris LIU , Shi Yuliang , Liu Shijun , Cui Lizhen  and 赵旭东. Real-Time Soft Resource Allocation in Multi-Tier Web Service Systems .2017 IEEE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEB SERVICES (ICWS 2017).2017 :492

151. Chris LIU , lihui , Cui Lizhen  and 张帅. Collaborative Prediction Model of Disease Risk by Mining Electronic Health Records .COLLABORATE COMPUTING: NETWORKING, APPLICATIONS AND WORKSHARING, COLLABORATECOM 2016.2017,201 :71

152. Li Qingzhong , Cui Lizhen , xiaozongshui , Kong Lanju  and 徐宇芹. E-commerce Blockchain Consensus Mechanism for Supporting High-Throughput and Real-Time Transaction .COLLABORATE COMPUTING: NETWORKING, APPLICATIONS AND WORKSHARING, COLLABORATECOM 2016.2017,201 :490

153. Pan Li , Shi Yuliang , Cui Lizhen , mengxiangxu  and Zhang, Shuo. Selling Reserved Instances through Pay-as-you-go Model in Cloud Computing .2017 IEEE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEB SERVICES (ICWS 2017).2017 :130

154. Pan Li , Liu Shijun  and Cui Lizhen. Nash Equilibrium and Decentralized Pricing for QoS Aware Service Composition in Cloud Computing Environments .2017 IEEE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEB SERVICES (ICWS 2017).2017 :154

155. hewei , wangxinjun  and Cui Lizhen. Quality-Assure and Budget-Aware Task Assignment for Spatial Crowdsourcing .12th EAI International Conference on Collaborative Computing (CollaborateCom 2016).2016

156. hewei , Li Qingzhong  and Cui Lizhen. A Context-based Autonomous Construction Approach for Procedural Mashups .2014 IEEE International Conference on Web Services(ICWS 2014).2014,1 (1):487

157. Liu Shijun , Cui Lizhen , wulei  and Pan Li. A Bayesian approach to performance modelling for multi-tenant applications using Gaussian models .Int. J. High Performance Computing and Networking.2016,9 (1/2):150

158. Li Qingzhong , zhengyongqing , Chris LIU  and Cui Lizhen. A Permissioned Blockchain Framework for Supporting Instant Transaction and Dynamic Block Size .TrustCom 2016.2016

159. Cui Lizhen , Shi Yuliang  and Liu Shijun. Real Time Prediction on Revisitation Behaviors of ShortTerm Type Commodities .WISE 2016.2016

160. Shi Yuliang , Cui Lizhen , Guo Shanqing  and Liu Shijun. SRConfig: An Empirical Method of Interdependent Soft Configurations for Improving Performance in n-Tier Application .IEEE SCC 2016(CCF C类会议).2016

161. chenzhiyong , Li Qingzhong  and Cui Lizhen. 基于流演算的Web服务自动组合方法 .《小型微型计算机系统》.2013,第34卷 (第1期):83

162. Cui Lizhen  and Li Qingzhong. Service Cooperation in PaaS Platform Based on Planning Method .(CSCWD2011)The 2011 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design.2011 :367

163. hewei  and Cui Lizhen. 基于节点性能感知的数据仓库并行处理方法 .(HPC 2012)全国高性能计算学术年会.2012

164. Cui Lizhen , sunming  and Shi Yuliang. Buliding Personal Process-Oriented Sercices in Pervasive Computing .2007 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications, ICPCA'07.2007 :237

165. hewei  and Cui Lizhen. An Adaptive Distribution Model for Multi-dimensional Data in Decentralized Environments .Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2011,6987 (1):175

166. hewei  and Cui Lizhen. A Parallel Approach for Real-Time OLAP Based on Node Performance Awareness .《Communications in Computer and Information Science》.2013,207 (1):75

167. hewei , Cui Lizhen  and zhengyongqing. 基于用户偏好的个性化流程自主构建方法 .《计算机集成制造系统》.2013,19 (8):1906

168. Liu Shijun , yangchenglei , Cui Lizhen , Pan Li  and wulei. A Self-Evolving Method of Data Model for Cloud-based Machine Data Ingestion .IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2016).2016

169. Cui Lizhen , hewei  and Li Qingzhong. A Context-based Autonomous Construction Approach for Procedural Mashups .IEEE ICWS 2014 (CCF B类会议).2014,1 (1):487

170. Cui Lizhen. 一种可伸缩的多租户数据自适应存储方法 .《计算机研究与发展》.2014,51 (9):2058

171. Cui Lizhen. MultiGranular: An effective Service Composition Infrastructure for Multi-tenant Service Composition .International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering(IJMUE).2014,9 (6):171

172. Liu Shijun , Cui Lizhen , Pan Li , wulei  and 魏艺. Big datasets for research: A survey on flagship conferences .IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress 2016).2016

173. Cui Lizhen  and zhengyongqing. A Dynamic Web Service Composition Method Based on Viterbi Algorithm .IEEE ICWS 2012 (CCF B类会议).2012,第1卷 (第1期):267

174. Shi Yuliang , Cui Lizhen  and Chris LIU. A Data Services-Based Quality Analysis System for the Life Cycle of Tire Production .ICSOC 2016(CCF B类会议).2016 :715

175. Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. A Service Provisioning Strategy Based on SPEA2 for SaaS Applications in Cloud .2nd International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing, CGC 2012.2012 :290

176. Cui Lizhen , Chris LIU  and lihui. Collaborative Prediction Model of Disease Risk by Mining Electronic Health Records .CollaborateCom 2016.2016

177. Xu Xinshun , Guo Shanqing , Cui Lizhen  and wangxiaolin. Linear Unsupervised Hashing for ANN Search in Euclidean Space .Neurocomputing.2016

178. Li Qingzhong , Cui Lizhen , yanzhongmin  and lihui. An Effective Hybrid Fraud Detection Method .KSEM 2015.2015,LNAI 9403

179. Shi Yuliang  and Cui Lizhen. Evaluation Mechanism of Privacy Protection on Dynamic Data Targeted at Data Partition .CSS2015(International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security).2015

180. Guo Shanqing , Xu Xinshun , Liu Shijun  and Cui Lizhen. SpatialGraphx: A Distributed Graph Computing Framework for Spatial and Temporal Data at Scale .40th IEEE Computer Society International Conference on Computers, Software & Applications(COMPSAC).2016

181. Cui Lizhen , Chris LIU , lihui  and xiaozongshui. MTPGraph: A Data-Driven Approach to Predict Medical Risk Based on Temporal Profile Graph .ISPA 2016.2016

182. Shi Yuliang  and Cui Lizhen. A Privacy Protection Evaluation Mechanism for Dynamic Data Based on Chunk-Confusion .Journal of Signal Processing Systems.2016

183. Shi Yuliang , lihui , Cui Lizhen , zhengyongqing  and Li Qingzhong. 基于动态供应链网络的协同行为模式挖掘方法 .《计算机集成制造系统》.2016,22 (2):324

184. Shi Yuliang , zhangshidong  and Cui Lizhen. 一种基于分块混淆的动态数据隐私保护机制 .《计算机研究与发展》.2016,53 (11):2454

185. hewei , zhengyongqing  and Cui Lizhen. An efficient service search strategy in decentralized e-business environments .Proceeding - 6th International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management.2010

186. Cui Lizhen. 面向多租户数据存储的分段多维性能模型 .Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology.2015

187. Li Qingzhong  and Cui Lizhen. A framework to support flexible application collaboration in cloud computing .Information and Computer Technologies.2014,18 (11):498

188. Cui Lizhen. Combining Fine-Grained Analysis and Scheduling to Smooth Response Time Fluctuations in Multi-tier Services .IEEE SCC 2015 (CCF C类会议).2015,1 (1):750

189. Shi Yuliang  and Cui Lizhen. 基于帕累托最优的隐私保护服务定价模型 .《计算机学报》.2015

190. Shi Yuliang , Cui Lizhen  and Liu Shijun. A Sub Chunk-Confusion Based Privacy Protection Mechanism for Association Rules in Cloud Services .International Journal on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering(CCF C类期刊).2016,26 (3)

191. Shi Yuliang  and Cui Lizhen. Model for Hiding Data Relationships Based on Chunk-Confusion in Cloud Computing .IEEE TrustCom-16(CCF C类会议).2016

192. Shi Yuliang , zhangshidong  and Cui Lizhen. A Privacy Protection Mechanism for NoSql Database Based on Data Chunks .IEEE TrustCom-16(CCF C类会议).2016

193. Shi Yuliang , Chris LIU , zhangshidong , zhengyongqing  and Cui Lizhen. CTP: a Scheduling Strategy to Smooth Response Time Fluctuations in .Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design (CCF C类期刊).2016

194. Shi Yuliang , Liu Shijun , Chris LIU  and Cui Lizhen. Integrating Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Measurement for Soft Resource Allocation in Multi-Tier Web Systems .IEEE ICWS 2016(CCF B类会议).2016

195. Shi Yuliang , Cui Lizhen , Chris LIU , zhengyongqing  and zhangshidong. MapReduce short jobs optimization based on resource reuse .Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design(CCF C类期刊).2016

196. Li Qingzhong  and Cui Lizhen. Performance and Cost Aware Application Placement in Cloud .(ICITMI 2014)2014 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Management Innovation.2014 :204

197. hewei , lihui  and Cui Lizhen. Maximizing the Availability of Process Services in Mobile Computing Environments .Proceedings - 2016 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2016.2016,1 (1):483

198. hewei , Cui Lizhen , renguozhen  and Li Qingzhong. 移动计算环境下基于动态上下文的个性化Mashup服务推荐 .中国科学F辑.2016,46 (6):1

199. Li Qingzhong , Cui Lizhen  and xiaozongshui. E-commerce Blockchain Consensus Mechanism for supporting High-throughput and Real-time Transaction .CollaborateCom2016.2016

200. Cui Lizhen , lihui  and Shi Yuliang. A Genetic Algorithm Based Data Replica Placement Strategy for Scientific Applications in Clouds .IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SERVICES COMPUTING (CCF B类期刊).2015

201. xiaozongshui , Li Qingzhong , Chris LIU  and Cui Lizhen. A Method of E-Commerce Trading Process Construction based on PaaS Platform .(ICEBE 2015)2015 IEEE 12th International Conference on e-Business Engineering.2015 :220

202. Guo Shanqing , Hu Chengyu  and Cui Lizhen. UI Ripping in Android: Reverse Engineering of Graphical User Interfaces .The 10th IEEE International Workshop on Trusted Collaboration (TrustCol 2015).2015

203. Li Qingzhong , zhangshidong , Kong Lanju , Chris LIU  and Cui Lizhen. Optimizing Replica Exchange Strategy for Load Balancing in Multitenant Databases .WAIM2016.2016

204. wangxinjun , Cui Lizhen  and 王新军. 面向服务的智能电网调度控制系统架构方案 .《电力系统自动化》.2015,39 (2):92

205. libaodong , lihui , Cui Lizhen  and Li Qingzhong. 基于离散人工免疫系统的服务选择 .《小型微型计算机系统》.2013,34 (1):58

206. Cui Lizhen. Cloud Service Composition Based on Multi-Granularity clustering .Journal of Algorithms&Computational Technology.2014,8 (2):143

207. Cui Lizhen. Cloud Service Composition Based on Clustering and User Experience .(AISS)Advances in information Sciences and Service Sciences.2013,Volume5 (Number10):88

208. Cui Lizhen. 基于pareto最优的Daas数据布局策略 .《计算机研究与发展》.2014,51 (6):1373

209. Cui Lizhen. 基于Web服务的智能流程构建方法 .《通信学报》.2009,30 (5):128

210. Cui Lizhen. 支持网络协同化服务产品设计与运营的分散化业务应用系统 .《计算机集成制造系统》.2010,16 (12):2728

211. Cui Lizhen. A LNS-based data placement strategy for data-intensive e-science applications .Int. J. of Grid and Utility Computing.2014,Vol.5 (No.4):249

212. wangxinjun , guowei , Cui Lizhen  and 王新军. The Design and Evaluation of a Strategy of Data Placement in Cloud Computing Platform .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON SMART SENSING AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS.2014

213. wangxinjun , Cui Lizhen  and 王新军. Mapping of IEC 61850 to Data Distribute Service for Digital Substation Communication .2013 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PES 2013.2013

214. wangxinjun , Cui Lizhen  and 王新军. 基于实时数据分发服务的智能变电站IEC61850的实现方法 .《中国电机工程学报》.2013,33 (7):149

215. Cui Lizhen. Multi-tenant Service Composition Based on Granularity Computing .IEEE SCC 2014(CCF C类会议).2014 :669

216. Cui Lizhen. 基于释放和重构的科学工作流数据布局策略 .《计算机研究与发展》.2012,50 (z2):71

217. Cui Lizhen. 云计算环境下面向数据密集型应用的数据布局策略与方法 .《计算机学报》.2010,33 (8):1472

218. Guo Shanqing , Xu Xinshun , wangxiaolin  and Cui Lizhen. Hashing Multi-Instance Data from Bag and Instance Level .APWeb 2015.2015

219. zhengyongqing  and Cui Lizhen. Business Process Oriented Platform-as-a-Service Framework for Process Instances Intensive Applications .2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPSW 2012.2012,1 (1):2314

220. renguozhen , Li Qingzhong , Shi Yuliang  and Cui Lizhen. A Confidentiality-Guarantee Mechanism for SaaS .(IWEI 2012)4th International IFIP Working Conference on Enterprise Interoperability.2012,第1卷 (第1期):71

221. Cui Lizhen. A Qos-Aware Hyper-Graph Based Method of Semantic Service Composition .4th International IFIP Working Conference on Enterprise Interoperability, IWEI 2012.2012,LNBIP 122 :81

222. Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. A transaction management model based on compensation planning graph for Web services composition .IEEE ICWS 2011(CCF B类会议).2011

223. wangxinjun , guowei , Cui Lizhen  and 王新军. A Community Cloud Platform Model Supporting Cross-Domain Business Collaboration .IJCCE(International Journal of Communication Engineering).2013,Vol.2 (No.1,2013):44

224. Cui Lizhen  and zhengyongqing. "A Workflow-Oriented Cloud Computing Framework and Programming Model for Data Intensive Application .(CSCWD2011)The 2011 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design.2011

225. Cui Lizhen. A Data-Intensive Workflow Scheduling Algorithm for Grid Computing .(ChinaGrid 2009)2009 Fourth ChinaGrid Annual Conference.2009

226. Cui Lizhen. A Scheduling Strategy for Multiple QoS Constrained Grid Workflows .(JCPC2009)The 2009 Joint Conferences on Pervasive Computing.2009

227. Cui Lizhen  and Liu Shijun. 云制造PaaS平台中协同过程构建与定制方法 .《计算机集成制造系统》.2012,第18卷 (第10期):2331

228. Cui Lizhen. 基于两阶段规划模型的跨域服务流程动态构造方法 .《小型微型计算机系统》.2011,第32卷 (第9期):1753

229. hewei , Cui Lizhen  and libaodong. 面向实时ROLAP应用的并行处理方法 .第29届中国数据库学术会议.2012,第49卷 (计算机研究与发展增刊Ⅰ(NDBC2012)第29届中国数据库学术会议论文集(B辑)):107

230. Cui Lizhen. Research on cooperative workflow management systems .COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN.2005

231. Cui Lizhen. Vector retrieval model for XML document based on dynamic partition of information units .ADVANCES IN WEB INTELLIGENCE, PROCEEDINGS.2005

232. Cui Lizhen , Liu Shijun , lihui , Chris LIU , zhengyongqing  and 徐祥朕. Predicting Hospital Readmission From Longitudinal Healthcare Data Using Graph Pattern Mining Based Temporal phenotypes .2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS AND BIOMEDICINE (BIBM).2017 :824

233. Chris LIU , Liu Shijun , Cui Lizhen  and 赵旭东. Automated Performance Evaluation for Multi-Tier Cloud Service Systems Subject to Mixed Workloads .2017 IEEE 37TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING SYSTEMS (ICDCS 2017).2017 :2630

234. Shi Yuliang  and Cui Lizhen. 面向隐私保护的数据块调整机制 .《计算机学报》.2017,40 (12):2719

235. Cui Lizhen  and Chris LIU. Learning Complex Crowdsourcing Task Allocation Strategies from Humans .PROCEEDINGS OF 2017 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CROWD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ICCSE 2017.2017 :33

236. Ted Liu , jiangwei , lijianwen , Cui Lizhen , 张冉冉 A New Motor Imagery EEG Classification Method FB-TRCSP plus RF Based on CSP and Random Forest .IEEE Access.2018,6 :44944

237. Ted Liu  and Cui Lizhen. A Benchmark Database and Baseline Evaluation for Fall Detection Based on Wearable Sensors for the Internet of Medical Things Platform .IEEE Access.2018,6 :51286

238. Li Qingzhong , Cui Lizhen , gongbin  and Gao, Yongchang. An Efficient Fraud Identification Method Combining Manifold Learning and Outliers Detection in Mobile Healthcare Services .IEEE Access.2018,6 :60059

239. Cui Lizhen  and 邵礼旭. A Pay as You Use Resource Security Provision Approach Based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph .INTELLIGENT DATA ENGINEERING AND AUTOMATED LEARNING - IDEAL 2017.2017,10585 :444

240. Cui Lizhen. 基于平台即服务模式的协同应用动态构建与执行方法 .《计算机集成制造系统》.2012,第18卷 (第8期):1667

241. Cui Lizhen. A Scheduling algorithm for Multi-Tenants Instance-Intensive Workflows .Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences.2013,7 (1):99

242. Cui Lizhen. A Multiple QoS Constrained Scheduling Strategy of Multiple Workflows for Cloud Computing .(ISPA2009)2009 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications.2009

243. Cui Lizhen  and hewei. Task Assignments in Complex Collaborative Crowdsourcing .2018

244. Cui Lizhen , Chris LIU  and hewei. Spatial Crowdsourcing Task Assignment Based on the Qality of Workers .2018

245. zhengyongqing  and Cui Lizhen. SmartHS: An AI Platform for Improving Government Service Provision .2018

246. Cui Lizhen , zhengyongqing  and 岳灵茜. K-Connected Cores Computation in Large Dual Networks .2018

247. Cui Lizhen  and Li Qingzhong. 基于扩展图规划的Top-K服务组合方法研究 .电子学报.2012,40 (7):1404

248. wangxinjun , Cui Lizhen  and hewei. Quality-Assure and Budget-Aware Task Assignment for Spatial Crowdsourcing .12th EAI International Conference on Collaborative Computing (CollaborateCom 2016).2016

249. Li Qingzhong , Cui Lizhen  and hewei. A Context-based Autonomous Construction Approach for Procedural Mashups .2014 IEEE International Conference on Web Services(ICWS 2014).2014,1 (1):487

250. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen , zhengyongqing  and Li Qingzhong. A Permissioned Blockchain Framework for Supporting Instant Transaction and Dynamic Block Size .TrustCom 2016.2016

251. Guo Shanqing , Liu Shijun , Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. SRConfig: An Empirical Method of Interdependent Soft Configurations for Improving Performance in n-Tier Application .IEEE SCC 2016(CCF C类会议).2016

252. Li Qingzhong , Cui Lizhen  and chenzhiyong. 基于流演算的Web服务自动组合方法 .《小型微型计算机系统》.2013,第34卷 (第1期):83

253. Cui Lizhen  and hewei. 基于节点性能感知的数据仓库并行处理方法 .(HPC 2012)全国高性能计算学术年会.2012

254. Cui Lizhen  and hewei. An Adaptive Distribution Model for Multi-dimensional Data in Decentralized Environments .Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2011,6987 (1):175

255. Cui Lizhen  and hewei. A Parallel Approach for Real-Time OLAP Based on Node Performance Awareness .《Communications in Computer and Information Science》.2013,207 (1):75

256. Cui Lizhen , zhengyongqing  and hewei. 基于用户偏好的个性化流程自主构建方法 .《计算机集成制造系统》.2013,19 (8):1906

257. yangchenglei , Cui Lizhen , Pan Li , wulei  and Liu Shijun. A Self-Evolving Method of Data Model for Cloud-based Machine Data Ingestion .IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2016).2016

258. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. A Data Services-Based Quality Analysis System for the Life Cycle of Tire Production .ICSOC 2016(CCF B类会议).2016 :715

259. Guo Shanqing , Cui Lizhen , wangxiaolin  and Xu Xinshun. Linear Unsupervised Hashing for ANN Search in Euclidean Space .Neurocomputing.2016

260. Cui Lizhen , yanzhongmin , lihui  and Li Qingzhong. An Effective Hybrid Fraud Detection Method .KSEM 2015.2015,LNAI 9403

261. Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. Evaluation Mechanism of Privacy Protection on Dynamic Data Targeted at Data Partition .CSS2015(International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security).2015

262. Xu Xinshun , Liu Shijun , Cui Lizhen  and Guo Shanqing. SpatialGraphx: A Distributed Graph Computing Framework for Spatial and Temporal Data at Scale .40th IEEE Computer Society International Conference on Computers, Software & Applications(COMPSAC).2016

263. Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. A Privacy Protection Evaluation Mechanism for Dynamic Data Based on Chunk-Confusion .Journal of Signal Processing Systems.2016

264. zhangshidong , Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. 一种基于分块混淆的动态数据隐私保护机制 .《计算机研究与发展》.2016,53 (11):2454

265. zhengyongqing , Cui Lizhen  and hewei. An efficient service search strategy in decentralized e-business environments .Proceeding - 6th International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management.2010

266. Cui Lizhen  and Li Qingzhong. A framework to support flexible application collaboration in cloud computing .Information and Computer Technologies.2014,18 (11):498

267. Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. 基于帕累托最优的隐私保护服务定价模型 .《计算机学报》.2015

268. Cui Lizhen , Liu Shijun  and Shi Yuliang. A Sub Chunk-Confusion Based Privacy Protection Mechanism for Association Rules in Cloud Services .International Journal on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering(CCF C类期刊).2016,26 (3)

269. Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. Model for Hiding Data Relationships Based on Chunk-Confusion in Cloud Computing .IEEE TrustCom-16(CCF C类会议).2016

270. zhangshidong , Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. A Privacy Protection Mechanism for NoSql Database Based on Data Chunks .IEEE TrustCom-16(CCF C类会议).2016

271. Chris LIU , zhangshidong , zhengyongqing , Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. CTP: a Scheduling Strategy to Smooth Response Time Fluctuations in .Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design (CCF C类期刊).2016

272. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen , Liu Shijun  and Shi Yuliang. Integrating Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Measurement for Soft Resource Allocation in Multi-Tier Web Systems .IEEE ICWS 2016(CCF B类会议).2016

273. Cui Lizhen  and Li Qingzhong. Performance and Cost Aware Application Placement in Cloud .(ICITMI 2014)2014 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Management Innovation.2014 :204

274. Cui Lizhen , lihui  and hewei. Maximizing the Availability of Process Services in Mobile Computing Environments .Proceedings - 2016 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2016.2016,1 (1):483

275. Cui Lizhen , xiaozongshui  and Li Qingzhong. E-commerce Blockchain Consensus Mechanism for supporting High-throughput and Real-time Transaction .CollaborateCom2016.2016

276. Li Qingzhong , Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen  and xiaozongshui. A Method of E-Commerce Trading Process Construction based on PaaS Platform .(ICEBE 2015)2015 IEEE 12th International Conference on e-Business Engineering.2015 :220

277. Hu Chengyu , Cui Lizhen  and Guo Shanqing. UI Ripping in Android: Reverse Engineering of Graphical User Interfaces .The 10th IEEE International Workshop on Trusted Collaboration (TrustCol 2015).2015

278. Kong Lanju , Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen , zhangshidong  and Li Qingzhong. Optimizing Replica Exchange Strategy for Load Balancing in Multitenant Databases .WAIM2016.2016

279. Cui Lizhen  and 王新军. 面向服务的智能电网调度控制系统架构方案 .《电力系统自动化》.2015,39 (2):92

280. lihui , Cui Lizhen , Li Qingzhong  and libaodong. 基于离散人工免疫系统的服务选择 .《小型微型计算机系统》.2013,34 (1):58

281. guowei , Cui Lizhen  and 王新军. The Design and Evaluation of a Strategy of Data Placement in Cloud Computing Platform .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON SMART SENSING AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS.2014

282. Cui Lizhen  and 王新军. Mapping of IEC 61850 to Data Distribute Service for Digital Substation Communication .2013 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PES 2013.2013

283. Cui Lizhen  and 王新军. 基于实时数据分发服务的智能变电站IEC61850的实现方法 .《中国电机工程学报》.2013,33 (7):149

284. Xu Xinshun , wangxiaolin , Cui Lizhen  and Guo Shanqing. Hashing Multi-Instance Data from Bag and Instance Level .APWeb 2015.2015

285. Cui Lizhen  and zhengyongqing. Business Process Oriented Platform-as-a-Service Framework for Process Instances Intensive Applications .2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPSW 2012.2012,1 (1):2314

286. Li Qingzhong , Shi Yuliang , Cui Lizhen  and renguozhen. A Confidentiality-Guarantee Mechanism for SaaS .(IWEI 2012)4th International IFIP Working Conference on Enterprise Interoperability.2012,第1卷 (第1期):71

287. guowei , Cui Lizhen  and 王新军. A Community Cloud Platform Model Supporting Cross-Domain Business Collaboration .IJCCE(International Journal of Communication Engineering).2013,Vol.2 (No.1,2013):44

288. Cui Lizhen , libaodong  and hewei. 面向实时ROLAP应用的并行处理方法 .第29届中国数据库学术会议.2012,第49卷 (计算机研究与发展增刊Ⅰ(NDBC2012)第29届中国数据库学术会议论文集(B辑)):107

289. Cui Lizhen  and Ted Liu. Automatic diagnosis of fungal keratitis using data augmentation andimage fusion with deep convolutional neural network .Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine.2019

290. Cui Lizhen , hongxiaoguang , yanzhongmin  and lihui. Predicting Clinical Visits Using RNNs and Demographic Information .2018

291. Cui Lizhen  and Zhang Ranran. A New Motor Imagery EEG Classification Method FB-TRCSP plus RF Based on CSP and Random Forest .IEEE Access.2018,6 :44944

292. Chris LIU , Shi Yuliang , Liu Shijun , Cui Lizhen  and 赵旭东. Real-Time Soft Resource Allocation in Multi-Tier Web Service Systems .2017 IEEE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEB SERVICES (ICWS 2017).2017 :492

293. Chris LIU , zhangshidong , zhengyongqing , Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. CTP: a Scheduling Strategy to Smooth Response Time Fluctuations in .Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design (CCF C类期刊).2016

294. Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. 基于帕累托最优的隐私保护服务定价模型 .《计算机学报》.2015

295. Chris LIU , Liu Shijun , Cui Lizhen  and 赵旭东. Automated Performance Evaluation for Multi-Tier Cloud Service Systems Subject to Mixed Workloads .2017 IEEE 37TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING SYSTEMS (ICDCS 2017).2017 :2630

296. Pan Li , Liu Shijun , Shi Yuliang , Cui Lizhen  and 李秀林. Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing Centers Serving Parallelizable Rendering Jobs Using M/M/c/r Queuing Systems .2017 IEEE 37TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING SYSTEMS (ICDCS 2017).2017 :1378

297. zhangshidong , Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. 一种基于分块混淆的动态数据隐私保护机制 .《计算机研究与发展》.2016,53 (11):2454

298. Kong Lanju , Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen , zhangshidong  and Li Qingzhong. Optimizing Replica Exchange Strategy for Load Balancing in Multitenant Databases .WAIM2016.2016

299. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen , Liu Shijun  and Shi Yuliang. Integrating Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Measurement for Soft Resource Allocation in Multi-Tier Web Systems .IEEE ICWS 2016(CCF B类会议).2016

300. Guo Shanqing , Liu Shijun , Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. SRConfig: An Empirical Method of Interdependent Soft Configurations for Improving Performance in n-Tier Application .IEEE SCC 2016(CCF C类会议).2016

301. Cui Lizhen  and 王新军. 基于实时数据分发服务的智能变电站IEC61850的实现方法 .《中国电机工程学报》.2013,33 (7):149

302. Li Qingzhong , Cui Lizhen , gongbin  and Gao, Yongchang. An Efficient Fraud Identification Method Combining Manifold Learning and Outliers Detection in Mobile Healthcare Services .IEEE Access.2018,6 :60059

303. Pan Li , Shi Yuliang , Cui Lizhen , mengxiangxu  and Zhang, Shuo. Selling Reserved Instances through Pay-as-you-go Model in Cloud Computing .2017 IEEE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEB SERVICES (ICWS 2017).2017 :130

304. wangxinjun , Cui Lizhen  and hewei. Quality-Assure and Budget-Aware Task Assignment for Spatial Crowdsourcing .12th EAI International Conference on Collaborative Computing (CollaborateCom 2016).2016

305. Cui Lizhen , xiaozongshui  and Li Qingzhong. E-commerce Blockchain Consensus Mechanism for supporting High-throughput and Real-time Transaction .CollaborateCom2016.2016

306. lihui , Cui Lizhen , zhengyongqing , Li Qingzhong  and Shi Yuliang. 基于动态供应链网络的协同行为模式挖掘方法 .《计算机集成制造系统》.2016,22 (2):324

307. Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. A Privacy Protection Evaluation Mechanism for Dynamic Data Based on Chunk-Confusion .Journal of Signal Processing Systems.2016

308. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen , zhengyongqing  and Li Qingzhong. A Permissioned Blockchain Framework for Supporting Instant Transaction and Dynamic Block Size .TrustCom 2016.2016

309. zhangshidong , Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. A Privacy Protection Mechanism for NoSql Database Based on Data Chunks .IEEE TrustCom-16(CCF C类会议).2016

310. Guo Shanqing , Cui Lizhen , wangxiaolin  and Xu Xinshun. Linear Unsupervised Hashing for ANN Search in Euclidean Space .Neurocomputing.2016

311. Xu Xinshun , Liu Shijun , Cui Lizhen  and Guo Shanqing. SpatialGraphx: A Distributed Graph Computing Framework for Spatial and Temporal Data at Scale .40th IEEE Computer Society International Conference on Computers, Software & Applications(COMPSAC).2016

312. Li Qingzhong , Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen  and xiaozongshui. A Method of E-Commerce Trading Process Construction based on PaaS Platform .(ICEBE 2015)2015 IEEE 12th International Conference on e-Business Engineering.2015 :220

313. Xu Xinshun , wangxiaolin , Cui Lizhen  and Guo Shanqing. Hashing Multi-Instance Data from Bag and Instance Level .APWeb 2015.2015

314. Cui Lizhen  and 王新军. Mapping of IEC 61850 to Data Distribute Service for Digital Substation Communication .2013 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PES 2013.2013

315. lihui , Cui Lizhen , Li Qingzhong  and libaodong. 基于离散人工免疫系统的服务选择 .《小型微型计算机系统》.2013,34 (1):58

316. Cui Lizhen  and zhengyongqing. Business Process Oriented Platform-as-a-Service Framework for Process Instances Intensive Applications .2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPSW 2012.2012,1 (1):2314

317. Li Qingzhong , Shi Yuliang , Cui Lizhen  and renguozhen. A Confidentiality-Guarantee Mechanism for SaaS .(IWEI 2012)4th International IFIP Working Conference on Enterprise Interoperability.2012,第1卷 (第1期):71

318. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen  and liuchang. Crowd-enabled Pareto-Optimal Objects Finding Employing Multi-Pairwise-Comparison Questions .CIKM'17: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 ACM CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT.2017 :287

319. Liu Shijun , Cui Lizhen  and Pan Li. Nash Equilibrium and Decentralized Pricing for QoS Aware Service Composition in Cloud Computing Environments .2017 IEEE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEB SERVICES (ICWS 2017).2017 :154

320. Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. 面向隐私保护的数据块调整机制 .《计算机学报》.2017,40 (12):2719

321. Li Qingzhong , Cui Lizhen , xiaozongshui , Kong Lanju  and 徐宇芹. E-commerce Blockchain Consensus Mechanism for Supporting High-Throughput and Real-Time Transaction .COLLABORATE COMPUTING: NETWORKING, APPLICATIONS AND WORKSHARING, COLLABORATECOM 2016.2017,201 :490

322. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen , Shi Yuliang  and Jia, Rui. Data Driven Congestion Trends Prediction of Urban Transportation .IEEE Internet Things J..2018,5 (2):581

323. Cui Lizhen , zhengyongqing  and 岳灵茜. K-Connected Cores Computation in Large Dual Networks .2018

324. Chris LIU , lihui , Cui Lizhen  and 张帅. Collaborative Prediction Model of Disease Risk by Mining Electronic Health Records .COLLABORATE COMPUTING: NETWORKING, APPLICATIONS AND WORKSHARING, COLLABORATECOM 2016.2017,201 :71

325. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. A Data Services-Based Quality Analysis System for the Life Cycle of Tire Production .ICSOC 2016(CCF B类会议).2016 :715

326. Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. Model for Hiding Data Relationships Based on Chunk-Confusion in Cloud Computing .IEEE TrustCom-16(CCF C类会议).2016

327. Liu Shijun , Cui Lizhen , Pan Li , wulei  and 魏艺. Big datasets for research: A survey on flagship conferences .IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress 2016).2016

328. yangchenglei , Cui Lizhen , Pan Li , wulei  and Liu Shijun. A Self-Evolving Method of Data Model for Cloud-based Machine Data Ingestion .IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2016).2016

329. Cui Lizhen , Liu Shijun  and Shi Yuliang. A Sub Chunk-Confusion Based Privacy Protection Mechanism for Association Rules in Cloud Services .International Journal on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering(CCF C类期刊).2016,26 (3)

330. Cui Lizhen , Chris LIU , zhengyongqing , zhangshidong  and Shi Yuliang. MapReduce short jobs optimization based on resource reuse .Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design(CCF C类期刊).2016

331. Cui Lizhen , wulei , Pan Li  and Liu Shijun. A Bayesian approach to performance modelling for multi-tenant applications using Gaussian models .Int. J. High Performance Computing and Networking.2016,9 (1/2):150

332. Hu Chengyu , Cui Lizhen  and Guo Shanqing. UI Ripping in Android: Reverse Engineering of Graphical User Interfaces .The 10th IEEE International Workshop on Trusted Collaboration (TrustCol 2015).2015

333. guowei , Cui Lizhen  and 王新军. The Design and Evaluation of a Strategy of Data Placement in Cloud Computing Platform .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON SMART SENSING AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS.2014

334. zhengyongqing , Cui Lizhen  and hewei. An efficient service search strategy in decentralized e-business environments .Proceeding - 6th International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management.2010

335. Li Qingzhong , Cui Lizhen  and hewei. A Context-based Autonomous Construction Approach for Procedural Mashups .2014 IEEE International Conference on Web Services(ICWS 2014).2014,1 (1):487

336. Cui Lizhen , zhengyongqing  and hewei. 基于用户偏好的个性化流程自主构建方法 .《计算机集成制造系统》.2013,19 (8):1906

337. Li Qingzhong , Cui Lizhen  and chenzhiyong. 基于流演算的Web服务自动组合方法 .《小型微型计算机系统》.2013,第34卷 (第1期):83

338. Cui Lizhen  and Li Qingzhong. 基于扩展图规划的Top-K服务组合方法研究 .电子学报.2012,40 (7):1404

339. guowei , Cui Lizhen  and 王新军. A Community Cloud Platform Model Supporting Cross-Domain Business Collaboration .IJCCE(International Journal of Communication Engineering).2013,Vol.2 (No.1,2013):44

340. Cui Lizhen  and Ted Liu. A Benchmark Database and Baseline Evaluation for Fall Detection Based on Wearable Sensors for the Internet of Medical Things Platform .IEEE Access.2018,6 :51286

341. Shi Yuliang , Cui Lizhen  and 闵新平. Efficient Crowd-Powered Active Learning for Reliable Review Evaluation .PROCEEDINGS OF 2017 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CROWD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ICCSE 2017.2017 :136

342. Cui Lizhen  and 郭伟. 支持SaaS应用多维异构性能需求的云资源放置方法 .《计算机学报》.2018,41 (6):1225

343. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen , Shi Yuliang  and 任永健. QoS Evaluation of Prioritized Data Plane Service Employing Queueing Model .2017 IEEE/ACM 25TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON QUALITY OF SERVICE (IWQOS).2017

344. Cui Lizhen  and hewei. User Location Prediction in Mobile Crowdsourcing Services .2018

345. Cui Lizhen  and 邵礼旭. A Pay as You Use Resource Security Provision Approach Based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph .INTELLIGENT DATA ENGINEERING AND AUTOMATED LEARNING - IDEAL 2017.2017,10585 :444

346. Cui Lizhen  and hewei. Task Assignments in Complex Collaborative Crowdsourcing .2018

347. Cui Lizhen , Chris LIU  and hewei. Spatial Crowdsourcing Task Assignment Based on the Qality of Workers .2018

348. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen , zhengyongqing  and 徐松. Optimal Crowds Contest Model for Crowdsourcing .PROCEEDINGS OF 2017 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CROWD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ICCSE 2017.2017 :72

349. Chris LIU , Cui Lizhen , Li Qingzhong  and 曹益铭. Empirical Study on Assessment Algorithms with Confidence in Crowdsourcing .PROCEEDINGS OF 2017 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CROWD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ICCSE 2017.2017 :100

350. Cui Lizhen , lihui  and 刘磊. Resource Scheduling for Energy-Efficient in Cloud-Computing Data Centers .2018

351. Cui Lizhen , Li Qingzhong  and 刘磊. Rim Chain: Bridge the Provision and Demand Among the Crowd .2018

352. Cui Lizhen , hewei , lihui  and 刘磊. Answer Aggregation of Crowdsourcing Employing an Improved EM-Based Approach .2018

353. Cui Lizhen , Shi Yuliang , Li Qingzhong  and 刘磊. Performance measurement of data flow processing employing software defined architecture .future generation compter systems.2018

354. Cui Lizhen , lihui  and hewei. Maximizing the Availability of Process Services in Mobile Computing Environments .Proceedings - 2016 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2016.2016,1 (1):483

355. Cui Lizhen , renguozhen , Li Qingzhong  and hewei. 移动计算环境下基于动态上下文的个性化Mashup服务推荐 .中国科学F辑.2016,46 (6):1

356. Cui Lizhen  and 王新军. 面向服务的智能电网调度控制系统架构方案 .《电力系统自动化》.2015,39 (2):92

357. Cui Lizhen , yanzhongmin , lihui  and Li Qingzhong. An Effective Hybrid Fraud Detection Method .KSEM 2015.2015,LNAI 9403

358. Cui Lizhen  and Shi Yuliang. Evaluation Mechanism of Privacy Protection on Dynamic Data Targeted at Data Partition .CSS2015(International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security).2015

359. Cui Lizhen , lihui  and Shi Yuliang. A Genetic Algorithm Based Data Replica Placement Strategy for Scientific Applications in Clouds .IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SERVICES COMPUTING (CCF B类期刊).2015

360. Cui Lizhen  and Li Qingzhong. A framework to support flexible application collaboration in cloud computing .Information and Computer Technologies.2014,18 (11):498

361. Cui Lizhen  and Li Qingzhong. Performance and Cost Aware Application Placement in Cloud .(ICITMI 2014)2014 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Management Innovation.2014 :204

362. Cui Lizhen  and hewei. A Parallel Approach for Real-Time OLAP Based on Node Performance Awareness .《Communications in Computer and Information Science》.2013,207 (1):75

363. Cui Lizhen  and hewei. 基于节点性能感知的数据仓库并行处理方法 .(HPC 2012)全国高性能计算学术年会.2012

364. Cui Lizhen  and hewei. An Adaptive Distribution Model for Multi-dimensional Data in Decentralized Environments .Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2011,6987 (1):175

365. Cui Lizhen , libaodong  and hewei. 面向实时ROLAP应用的并行处理方法 .第29届中国数据库学术会议.2012,第49卷 (计算机研究与发展增刊Ⅰ(NDBC2012)第29届中国数据库学术会议论文集(B辑)):107

366. Cui Lizhen , Liu Shijun , lihui , Chris LIU , zhengyongqing  and 徐祥朕. Predicting Hospital Readmission From Longitudinal Healthcare Data Using Graph Pattern Mining Based Temporal phenotypes .2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS AND BIOMEDICINE (BIBM).2017 :824

367. Cui Lizhen. Research on cooperative workflow management systems .COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN.2005

368. Cui Lizhen. Vector retrieval model for XML document based on dynamic partition of information units .ADVANCES IN WEB INTELLIGENCE, PROCEEDINGS.2005

369. Shi Yuliang , Liu Shijun  and Cui Lizhen. Real Time Prediction on Revisitation Behaviors of ShortTerm Type Commodities .WISE 2016.2016

370. Chris LIU , lihui , xiaozongshui  and Cui Lizhen. MTPGraph: A Data-Driven Approach to Predict Medical Risk Based on Temporal Profile Graph .ISPA 2016.2016

371. Cui Lizhen. Combining Fine-Grained Analysis and Scheduling to Smooth Response Time Fluctuations in Multi-tier Services .IEEE SCC 2015 (CCF C类会议).2015,1 (1):750

372. hewei , Li Qingzhong  and Cui Lizhen. A Context-based Autonomous Construction Approach for Procedural Mashups .IEEE ICWS 2014 (CCF B类会议).2014,1 (1):487

373. Cui Lizhen. 面向多租户数据存储的分段多维性能模型 .Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology.2015

374. Cui Lizhen. A LNS-based data placement strategy for data-intensive e-science applications .Int. J. of Grid and Utility Computing.2014,Vol.5 (No.4):249

375. Cui Lizhen. Multi-tenant Service Composition Based on Granularity Computing .IEEE SCC 2014(CCF C类会议).2014 :669

376. Cui Lizhen. 基于释放和重构的科学工作流数据布局策略 .《计算机研究与发展》.2012,50 (z2):71

377. Cui Lizhen. 基于Web服务的智能流程构建方法 .《通信学报》.2009,30 (5):128

378. Cui Lizhen. 支持网络协同化服务产品设计与运营的分散化业务应用系统 .《计算机集成制造系统》.2010,16 (12):2728

379. Cui Lizhen. 云计算环境下面向数据密集型应用的数据布局策略与方法 .《计算机学报》.2010,33 (8):1472

380. Cui Lizhen. 一种可伸缩的多租户数据自适应存储方法 .《计算机研究与发展》.2014,51 (9):2058

381. Cui Lizhen. Cloud Service Composition Based on Multi-Granularity clustering .Journal of Algorithms&Computational Technology.2014,8 (2):143

382. Cui Lizhen. MultiGranular: An effective Service Composition Infrastructure for Multi-tenant Service Composition .International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering(IJMUE).2014,9 (6):171

383. Cui Lizhen. 基于pareto最优的Daas数据布局策略 .《计算机研究与发展》.2014,51 (6):1373

384. Shi Yuliang  and Cui Lizhen. A Service Provisioning Strategy Based on SPEA2 for SaaS Applications in Cloud .2nd International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing, CGC 2012.2012 :290

385. Cui Lizhen. A Scheduling algorithm for Multi-Tenants Instance-Intensive Workflows .Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences.2013,7 (1):99

386. Cui Lizhen. Cloud Service Composition Based on Clustering and User Experience .(AISS)Advances in information Sciences and Service Sciences.2013,Volume5 (Number10):88

387. sunming , Shi Yuliang  and Cui Lizhen. Buliding Personal Process-Oriented Sercices in Pervasive Computing .2007 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications, ICPCA'07.2007 :237

388. zhengyongqing  and Cui Lizhen. A Dynamic Web Service Composition Method Based on Viterbi Algorithm .IEEE ICWS 2012 (CCF B类会议).2012,第1卷 (第1期):267

389. Cui Lizhen. A Qos-Aware Hyper-Graph Based Method of Semantic Service Composition .4th International IFIP Working Conference on Enterprise Interoperability, IWEI 2012.2012,LNBIP 122 :81

390. Shi Yuliang  and Cui Lizhen. A transaction management model based on compensation planning graph for Web services composition .IEEE ICWS 2011(CCF B类会议).2011

391. Li Qingzhong  and Cui Lizhen. Service Cooperation in PaaS Platform Based on Planning Method .(CSCWD2011)The 2011 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design.2011 :367

392. Liu Shijun  and Cui Lizhen. 云制造PaaS平台中协同过程构建与定制方法 .《计算机集成制造系统》.2012,第18卷 (第10期):2331

393. Cui Lizhen. 基于平台即服务模式的协同应用动态构建与执行方法 .《计算机集成制造系统》.2012,第18卷 (第8期):1667

394. Cui Lizhen. 基于两阶段规划模型的跨域服务流程动态构造方法 .《小型微型计算机系统》.2011,第32卷 (第9期):1753

395. zhengyongqing  and Cui Lizhen. "A Workflow-Oriented Cloud Computing Framework and Programming Model for Data Intensive Application .(CSCWD2011)The 2011 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design.2011

396. Cui Lizhen. A Scheduling Strategy for Multiple QoS Constrained Grid Workflows .(JCPC2009)The 2009 Joint Conferences on Pervasive Computing.2009

397. Cui Lizhen. A Multiple QoS Constrained Scheduling Strategy of Multiple Workflows for Cloud Computing .(ISPA2009)2009 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications.2009

398. Cui Lizhen. A Data-Intensive Workflow Scheduling Algorithm for Grid Computing .(ChinaGrid 2009)2009 Fourth ChinaGrid Annual Conference.2009

399. Shi Yuliang , lihui  and Cui Lizhen. A Genetic Algorithm Based Data Replica Placement Strategy for Scientific Applications in Clouds .IEEE Transactions on Services Computing.2018,11 (4):727

400. zhengyongqing  and Cui Lizhen. SmartHS: An AI Platform for Improving Government Service Provision .2018

401. Li Qingzhong , zhengyongqing , luxudong , yanzhongmin  and Cui Lizhen. Abnormal Group-Based Joint Medical Fraud Detection .IEEE Access .2019

402. Chris LIU  and Cui Lizhen. Learning Complex Crowdsourcing Task Allocation Strategies from Humans .PROCEEDINGS OF 2017 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CROWD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ICCSE 2017.2017 :33


1. 基于表征学习的个性化联邦少样本学习系统及方法

2. 一种区块链交易排序方法、存储介质及设备

3. 基于网络嵌入的isoform功能预测系统

4. 一种分布式双向预言机和区块链系统

5. 基于参与者联盟链激励的数据共享方法及系统

6. 一种药品数据多方匹配方法、装置和存储介质

7. 一种面向链下存储的可并行信誉共识方法

8. 一种联盟链海量事务并发执行方法、装置及存储介质

9. 区块链数字资产批量共享与验证方法、装置及存储介质

10. 基于组织特异性的玉米可变剪接异构体功能预测系统

11. 基于不完整多组学数据的癌症诊断系统、设备及介质

12. 基于数据融合的玉米可变剪接异构体功能预测系统

13. 基于同态加密和空间优化的隐私数据处理方法及系统

14. 基于同态加密的隐私保护大数据主成分分析方法及系统

15. 一种老年照护数据知识图谱的构建方法及系统

16. 一种半异步联邦学习方法及系统

17. 一种多肽抗癌功能识别方法、系统、介质及设备

18. 一种基于知识图谱挖掘的个性化学习路径推荐方法及系统

19. 基于图神经网络的终端运行状态预测方法及系统

20. 一种连续POI推荐方法及系统

21. 一种预测蛋白质-多肽结合位点的方法及系统

22. 账户活跃度感知的区块链世界状态动态构建方法及系统

23. 一种移动服务用户轨迹预测方法及系统

24. 基于孪生神经网络的用药方案推荐系统及方法

25. 基于博弈的软件定义网络控制器收益优化方法及系统

26. 一种容器跨主机在线迁移方法、存储介质及终端设备

27. 一种基于医疗健康大数据的数据治理方法及系统

28. 一种基于深度学习的用户兴趣点推荐方法与系统

29. 基于深度学习的医学图像报告自动生成方法及系统

30. 一种使用基于方面的情感分析方法的舆情监控方法和系统

31. 一种基于深度学习的相似病历查找方法与系统

32. 基于双聚类算法的异常医保数据检测系统及方法

33. 一种基于改进异构信息网络的患者相似度分析方法及系统

34. 基于行为特征分析的商品推荐方法、系统、设备及介质

35. 一种基于交叉注意神经网络的再就医信息预测方法、系统与装置

36. 一种支持不规则时间间隔的虚拟机工作负载预测方法

37. 一种专利数据知识图谱的构建方法及装置

38. 基于PageRank算法的问题推荐方法及系统

39. 基于Docker的Web数据采集方法、Web服务器及Web数据采集系统

40. 实现C2C通用移动众包的方法、通用移动众包服务器及系统

41. 基于循环神经网络模型RNN的疾病诊断预测系统

42. 基于时序画像图的再住院预测方法和系统

43. 一种文本信息的创新度评估方法

44. 一种最优特征组合的再住院预测系统及方法

45. 基于排队论的连续交通节点拥塞程度预测模型、系统及方法

46. 一种交通拥塞趋势预测方法及系统

47. 一种创新方案匹配方法、装置、服务器及系统

48. 一种采用配置文件控制缓存来实现网络服务访问的方法

49. 一种采用TrustZone技术实现移动互联网下的移动终端安全存储的方法

50. 一种采用TrustZone技术的安全移动支付方法

51. 一种基于云环境下实现的分布式存储访问控制方法

52. 基于服务关联索引图的QoS感知Top-k服务组合系统

53. 一种创新创意的大数据处理方法、服务器及系统

54. 开发测试运维一体化系统

55. 一种基于超轻量虚拟机的云计算资源调度系统

56. 一种专利数据知识图谱的构建方法及装置

57. 一种基于智能遗传算法的web服务协同调度方法及系统

58. 一种定制数据爬取工作流的方法及系统

59. 一种基于知识网络的创意自动生成方法与终端

60. 基于Docker的Web数据采集方法、Web服务器及Web数据采集系统

61. 一种基于众智众创社区的创新协同设计与评价系统

62. 一种基于spark平台的内存迭代的重叠社区并行发现方法

Research project

1. 工业互联网云-边-端轻量化智能软件体系构建与优化研究, 2023/12/28-2026/12/31

2. 手机相册中的神经辐射场应用, 2023/08/28-2026/07/26

3. 分布式多方安全可信数据库技术与实现, 2022/09/01-2023/08/31

4. 服务效能理论与技术研究及应用, 2021/12/20-2024/11/30

5. 面向定制化场景的服务效能优化平台与应用验证, 2021/12/20-2024/11/30

6. 基于区块链的数据安全流转技术研究与应用, 2021/10/29-2024/06/30

7. 山东省信息技术领域科技发展战略研究, 2021/09/01-2022/08/31

8. 众智网络建模与互联(补助), 2020/12/11-2021/05/31

9. 众智网络建模与互联(奖励), 2020/12/11-2022/12/11

10. 面向全人群全生命历程健康管理决策的多源异构时空大数据融合方法研究, 2018/12/07-2022/12/31

11. 众智网络建模与互联, 2017/12/01-2020/11/30

12. 科学大数据管理系统-2019/06/01

13. 基于机器学习的智能创新方法关键技术研究与应用示范-2021/09/01

14. 面向大数据创新研发的支撑环境关键技术研究与应用示范, 2015/10/01-2017/10/31

15. 面向复杂大数据应用的数据动态协同分布与均衡控制关键技术研究, 2015/08/17-2019/12/31

16. 基于粒度计算的网络服务聚合与协同方法研究, 2011/01/01-2013/12/31

17. 大数据驱动的全流程智能医疗健康服务关键技术与平台研发, 2018/07/01-2020/12/31

18. 面向典型大数据应用的大图数据计算模型与方法, 2017/08/01-2019/07/31

19. 山东省消化道肿瘤精准筛查大数据平台研发建设与深度数据挖掘技术, 2019/11/21-2021/12/31

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