Paper Publications
- [141] cuixinzhuang and ZHANG Jiong. Laboratory simulation tests of effect of mechanical damage on moisture damage evolution in hot-mix asphalt pavement. International Journal of Pavement engineering, 16, 699, 2015.
- [142] cuixinzhuang , jinqing and guanyanhua. Large-scale test of sleeve valve pipe grouted overwet subgrades. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 18, 131, 2018.
- [143] lishucai , ZHANG Jiong and cuixinzhuang. Deterioration of soil-cement pile in a saltwater region and its influence on settlement of composite foundation. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2016.
- [144] cuixinzhuang. Improvement of Permeability Measurement Precision of Pervious Concrete. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2014.
- [145] cuixinzhuang. Experimental study of the effect of RCC specimen size and crack depth ratio on double-K fracture parameters. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2015.
- [146] cuixinzhuang. Dynamic responses and damage analyses of tunnel lining and errant large vehicle during collision. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2015.
- [147] cuixinzhuang. Numerical Simulation of Consolidation Settlement of Pervious Concrete Pile Composite Foundation under Road Embankment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS, 2016.
- [148] cuixinzhuang. Effects of embankment height and vehicle loads on traffic-load-induced cumulative settlement of soft clay subsoil. . Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2014.
- [149] cuixinzhuang. Laboratory simulation tests of effect of mechanical damage on moisture damage evolution in hot-mix asphalt pavement. International Journal of Pavement engineering, 2014.
- [150] cuixinzhuang. Deterioration of soil-cement pile in saltwater region and its influence on settlement of composite foundation. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2014.