Paper Publications
- [81] cuixinzhuang , shangqingsen , yaozhanyong and jinqing. General solving method of energy dissipation rate of deforming region in upper-bound analysis for Coulomb material. Key Engineering Materials, 2006.
- [82] cuixinzhuang. Numerical Simulation of Consolidation Settlement of Pervious Concrete Pile Composite Foundation under Road Embankment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS, 2016.
- [83] cuixinzhuang and ZHANG Jiong. Experimental Study of the Effect of RCC Specimen Size and Crack Depth Ratio on Double-K Fracture Parameters. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 43, 336, 2015.
- [84] ZHANG Jiong , jinqing and cuixinzhuang. Experimental Study on Pore Clogging of a Porous Pavement under Surface Runoff. Design, Analysis, and Asphalt Material Characterization for Road and Airfield Pavements, ASCE, 138, 2014.
- [85] cuixinzhuang , lishucai and ZHANG Jiong. Deterioration of soil-cement pile in a saltwater region and its influence on settlement of composite foundation. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2016.
- [86] jinqing and cuixinzhuang. 刚性桩横向承载力的数值分析. 《岩土力学》, 2006.
- [87] cuixinzhuang and jinqing. 轮载作用下饱水沥青路面的动力响应. 《山东大学学报》, 2008.
- [88] jinqing and cuixinzhuang. Study on the key technology of hot regeneration of plant-mixed asphalt material. Advanced Materials research, 2014.
- [89] cuixinzhuang , shangqingsen and jinqing. Numerical simulation of dynamic pore pressure in asphalt pavement. Journal of southeast university, 2009.
- [90] cuixinzhuang and jinqing. Stability and Reinforcement of Guardrail Post in Central Separate Belt of Expressways Based on MCPT. Second International Symposium on Engineering Mechanics and its Applications, 2013.