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Short and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in serum from residents aged from 50 to 84 in Jinan, China: Occurrence, composition and association with hematologic parameters


Affiliation of Author(s):环境研究院

Journal:Science of the total Environment

First Author:丁磊

Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research

Document Code:074423B3131546E3949B53D648F447B4


Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2020-08-01

Pre One:Short and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in serum from residents aged from 50 to 84 in Jinan, China_ Occurrence, composition and association with hematologic parameters

Next One:Short and medium -chain chlorinated paraffins in serum from residents aged from 50 to 84 in Jinan, China: Occurrence, composition and associ- ation with hematologic parameters