Paper Publications
- [9] 刘志学. Cooperation in an uncertain environment: The impact of stakeholders' concerted action on collaborative innovation projects risk management. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 196, 2023.
- [10] 李盈. Exploring the Impact of Dynamic Capabilities on the Sustainable Delivery of International Engineering Projects: A Configurational Approach. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management , 2023.
- [11] 王磊. Improved Simulated Annealing Based Network Model for E-Recycling Reverse Logistics Decisions under Uncertainty. Mathematical Problems In Engineering, 2018.
- [12] 王磊. Delay-oriented risk network model for project risk response decisions. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 171, 2022.
- [13] 李盈. Effects of Digital Technology Adoption on Sustainability Performance in Construction Projects: The Mediating Role of Stakeholder Collaboration. JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING, 2022.
- [14] 王磊. Delay-oriented risk network model for project risk response decisions. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 171, 2022.
- [15] 许蕾. How to facilitate knowledge diffusion in collaborative innovation projects by adjusting network density and project roles. Scientometrics, 127, 1353, 2022.
- [16] 丁荣贵. Research on three-dimensional description and measurement of government investment project risk. 2010 International Conference on Advanced Mea, 2010.
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