Ding Wenyuan
Name (Simplified Chinese):Ding Wenyuan
Name (English):Ding Wenyuan
Name (Pinyin):dingwenyuan
Date of Birth:1988-07-23
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Medicine
Alma Mater:山东大学
Whether on the job:1
Academic Honor:
Honors and Titles:
-Ding Wen Yuan,
-China,Born in 1988, Cardiovascular Dpartment of Internal Medicine, M.D.-Department Ⅱ of Cardiology, Shandong Provincial Qianfoshan Hospital
-Add: 19th floor, Multi-functional Building of Medicine, NO.16766 of Jinan by the 10 Run Road, Jinan, Shandong Province,China
2009.9 -- 2014.6
Shandong University  Internal Medicine  Postgraduate (Doctoral)  Doctoral Degree in Medicine  Cardiovascular Dpartment of Internal Medicine, M.D