Paper Publications
[21] 庞其天. A Convenient and Accurate Online Fault Diagnosis Method for Lithium-ion Battery Packs. 2022.
[22] 王楠. Core Temperature Estimation Method for Lithium-Ion Battery Based on Long Short-Term Memory Model .... IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS, 11, 201, 2023.
[23] 李祥杰. Fast dynamic response control for bidirectional single-stage isolated matrix converter. 69-74, 2020.
[24] 苏祺钧. Nonsingular Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control of LLC Resonant Converter for EV Charger. 7-12, 2020.
[25] 张晨. Command-filtered Backstepping Control for Single-phase NPC Rectifier. 215-220, 2020.
[26] 刘强. An Online SOH Estimation Method Based on the Fusion of Improved ICA and LSTM. 1163-1167, 2020.
[27] 李毅丰. Repetitive Control for Harmonic Compensation in Three-phase Isolated Matrix Rectifier. 2020-October, 1443-1448, 2020.
[28] 白浩. Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control of LLC Resonant Converters for EV Chargers. 993-998, 2020.
[29] 王同肖. Thermal behavior analysis of Pouch Lithium ion Battery using distributed electro-thermal model. 302-306, 2019.
[30] 王志祯. Simultaneous Switching Loss Reduction and Neutral-Point Voltage Balance Scheme for Single-Phase T.... IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 56, 6687-6700, 2020.
[31] 张瑛. A Novel Screening Approach Based on Neural Network for the Second Usage of Retired Lithiumion Bat.... 1193-1197, 2020.
[32] 姜昆. Simulation of thermal runaway prediction model for nickel-rich Lithium ion batteries. 1293-1297, 2020.
[33] 周忠凯. Online state of health estimation for seriesconnected LiFePO4 battery pack based on differential .... IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION, 1-1, 2023.
[34] 谷平维. 基于随机充电数据的锂离子电池容量在线估计. 基于铣削力精确建模的工件表面, 1-11, 2023.
[35] 张奇. Critical review and analysis of available capacity estimation of LiFePO? battery using Peukert's.... INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH, 46, 23808-23823, 2022.
[36] 张奇. Critical review and analysis of available capacity estimation of LiFePO battery using Peukert's l.... INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH, 2022.
[37] 周忠凯. Practical State of Health Estimation for LiFePO<sub>4</sub> Batteries Based on Gaussian Mixture R.... ieee , 70, 2576, 2023.
[38] Song, Jinqiu. A Novel Three-Phase Single-Stage Isolated AC-DC Converter with Symmetrical Structure for Battery .... 307-311, 2019.
[39] 丁文龙. Design of Three-phase PWM Converter in the Battery Pack Testing System Using Fractional-Order Con.... 2016.
[40] Liu, Jiajun. Neutral-Point Voltage Balance Control and Oscillation Suppression for VIENNA Rectifier. 1275-1279, 2017.