
Gao Lab

Gut bacteria interactions


   Gut microbiota as the largest population in the human body, is considered as another organ of human beings, which is closely related to human health. Studies of the human microbiome have shown that the human gut flora encodes nearly 3 million genes, more than 100 times the number of genes encoded in the human genome. Functions of most  these genes remain unknown. In the post-microbiome era, conducting research on the functions of these genes and understanding the molecular mechanisms of interaction and communication among enterobacteria, enteropathogenic bacteria and hosts in the intestinal tract can help us better understand how intestinal microorganisms affecting human health. This will be one of the key issue and difficulty in the field of intestinal microbial research, and will also drive the rapid development of related industries.

   Microbial metabolites and their effector proteins, as efficient signal carriers, play an important role in these interactions. Studies of the metabolites that interact with human proteins and the effector proteins produced by the intestinal microbes will not only reveal the regulation between metabolites, effector proteins and microbes, and the specific mechanism of the human physiological function, but also has the potential to develop new drugs and drug targets, which has a vital significance in developing new treatments for human disease.

   Molecular mechanisms of how gut microbes perceive, communicate, collaborate and compete with each other and their hosts will be one of our main focuses.