Paper Publications
- [41] zhudaming , jianghaitao , guogui , Feng Haodi and 张舒. Can a permutation be sorted by best short swaps?. 2018.
- [42] zhudaming , jianghaitao , Feng Haodi , guogui and 张舒. The longest common exemplar subsequence problem. 2018.
- [43] Feng Haodi and jianghaitao. An 5/4-Approximation Algorithm for Sorting Permutations by Short Block Moves. International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2014), 2014.
- [44] Feng Haodi , zhudaming and 赵瑾. IsoTree: De Novo Transcriptome Assembly from RNA-Seq Reads. BIOINFORMATICS RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS (ISBRA 2017), 10330, 71, 2017.
- [45] jianghaitao and Feng Haodi. A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Finding a Spanning Tree with Maximum Number of Internal Vertices on Interval Graphs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9711, 92, 2016.
- [46] Feng Haodi. Estimating Isoform Abundance by Particle Swarm Optimization. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 161, 2016.
- [47] Feng Haodi. A Simplified Enumeration Scheme for Mini. 《Journal of Computational Information Systems》, 11, 7653, 2015.
- [48] Feng Haodi. Microblog Recommendation Based on User Interaction. Proceedings of ICCSNT2012, 2107, 2013.
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